* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject; use const DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; use function implode; use function is_string; use function method_exists; use function preg_match; use function preg_replace; use function sprintf; use function str_replace; use function substr_count; use function trim; use function var_export; use ReflectionException; use ReflectionMethod; use ReflectionNamedType; use ReflectionType; use SebastianBergmann\Type\ObjectType; use SebastianBergmann\Type\Type; use SebastianBergmann\Type\UnknownType; use SebastianBergmann\Type\VoidType; use Text_Template; /** * @internal This class is not covered by the backward compatibility promise for PHPUnit */ final class MockMethod { /** * @var Text_Template[] */ private static $templates = []; /** * @var string */ private $className; /** * @var string */ private $methodName; /** * @var bool */ private $cloneArguments; /** * @var string */ private $modifier; /** * @var string */ private $argumentsForDeclaration; /** * @var string */ private $argumentsForCall; /** * @var Type */ private $returnType; /** * @var string */ private $reference; /** * @var bool */ private $callOriginalMethod; /** * @var bool */ private $static; /** * @var ?string */ private $deprecation; /** * @throws RuntimeException */ public static function fromReflection(ReflectionMethod $method, bool $callOriginalMethod, bool $cloneArguments): self { if ($method->isPrivate()) { $modifier = 'private'; } elseif ($method->isProtected()) { $modifier = 'protected'; } else { $modifier = 'public'; } if ($method->isStatic()) { $modifier .= ' static'; } if ($method->returnsReference()) { $reference = '&'; } else { $reference = ''; } $docComment = $method->getDocComment(); if (is_string($docComment) && preg_match('#\*[ \t]*+@deprecated[ \t]*+(.*?)\r?+\n[ \t]*+\*(?:[ \t]*+@|/$)#s', $docComment, $deprecation)) { $deprecation = trim(preg_replace('#[ \t]*\r?\n[ \t]*+\*[ \t]*+#', ' ', $deprecation[1])); } else { $deprecation = null; } return new self( $method->getDeclaringClass()->getName(), $method->getName(), $cloneArguments, $modifier, self::getMethodParametersForDeclaration($method), self::getMethodParametersForCall($method), self::deriveReturnType($method), $reference, $callOriginalMethod, $method->isStatic(), $deprecation ); } public static function fromName(string $fullClassName, string $methodName, bool $cloneArguments): self { return new self( $fullClassName, $methodName, $cloneArguments, 'public', '', '', new UnknownType, '', false, false, null ); } public function __construct(string $className, string $methodName, bool $cloneArguments, string $modifier, string $argumentsForDeclaration, string $argumentsForCall, Type $returnType, string $reference, bool $callOriginalMethod, bool $static, ?string $deprecation) { $this->className = $className; $this->methodName = $methodName; $this->cloneArguments = $cloneArguments; $this->modifier = $modifier; $this->argumentsForDeclaration = $argumentsForDeclaration; $this->argumentsForCall = $argumentsForCall; $this->returnType = $returnType; $this->reference = $reference; $this->callOriginalMethod = $callOriginalMethod; $this->static = $static; $this->deprecation = $deprecation; } public function getName(): string { return $this->methodName; } /** * @throws RuntimeException */ public function generateCode(): string { if ($this->static) { $templateFile = 'mocked_static_method.tpl'; } elseif ($this->returnType instanceof VoidType) { $templateFile = sprintf( '%s_method_void.tpl', $this->callOriginalMethod ? 'proxied' : 'mocked' ); } else { $templateFile = sprintf( '%s_method.tpl', $this->callOriginalMethod ? 'proxied' : 'mocked' ); } $deprecation = $this->deprecation; if (null !== $this->deprecation) { $deprecation = "The {$this->className}::{$this->methodName} method is deprecated ({$this->deprecation})."; $deprecationTemplate = $this->getTemplate('deprecation.tpl'); $deprecationTemplate->setVar([ 'deprecation' => var_export($deprecation, true), ]); $deprecation = $deprecationTemplate->render(); } /** * This is required as the version of sebastian/type used * by PHPUnit 8.5 does now know about the mixed type. */ $returnTypeDeclaration = str_replace( '?mixed', 'mixed', $this->returnType->getReturnTypeDeclaration() ); $template = $this->getTemplate($templateFile); $template->setVar( [ 'arguments_decl' => $this->argumentsForDeclaration, 'arguments_call' => $this->argumentsForCall, 'return_declaration' => $returnTypeDeclaration, 'arguments_count' => !empty($this->argumentsForCall) ? substr_count($this->argumentsForCall, ',') + 1 : 0, 'class_name' => $this->className, 'method_name' => $this->methodName, 'modifier' => $this->modifier, 'reference' => $this->reference, 'clone_arguments' => $this->cloneArguments ? 'true' : 'false', 'deprecation' => $deprecation, ] ); return $template->render(); } public function getReturnType(): Type { return $this->returnType; } private function getTemplate(string $template): Text_Template { $filename = __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Generator' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $template; if (!isset(self::$templates[$filename])) { self::$templates[$filename] = new Text_Template($filename); } return self::$templates[$filename]; } /** * Returns the parameters of a function or method. * * @throws RuntimeException */ private static function getMethodParametersForDeclaration(ReflectionMethod $method): string { $parameters = []; foreach ($method->getParameters() as $i => $parameter) { $name = '$' . $parameter->getName(); /* Note: PHP extensions may use empty names for reference arguments * or "..." for methods taking a variable number of arguments. */ if ($name === '$' || $name === '$...') { $name = '$arg' . $i; } $nullable = ''; $default = ''; $reference = ''; $typeDeclaration = ''; $type = null; $typeName = null; if ($parameter->hasType()) { $type = $parameter->getType(); if ($type instanceof ReflectionNamedType) { $typeName = $type->getName(); } } if ($parameter->isVariadic()) { $name = '...' . $name; } elseif ($parameter->isDefaultValueAvailable()) { $default = ' = ' . var_export($parameter->getDefaultValue(), true); } elseif ($parameter->isOptional()) { $default = ' = null'; } if ($type !== null) { if ($typeName !== 'mixed' && $parameter->allowsNull()) { $nullable = '?'; } if ($typeName === 'self') { $typeDeclaration = $method->getDeclaringClass()->getName() . ' '; } elseif ($typeName !== null) { $typeDeclaration = $typeName . ' '; } } if ($parameter->isPassedByReference()) { $reference = '&'; } $parameters[] = $nullable . $typeDeclaration . $reference . $name . $default; } return implode(', ', $parameters); } /** * Returns the parameters of a function or method. * * @throws ReflectionException */ private static function getMethodParametersForCall(ReflectionMethod $method): string { $parameters = []; foreach ($method->getParameters() as $i => $parameter) { $name = '$' . $parameter->getName(); /* Note: PHP extensions may use empty names for reference arguments * or "..." for methods taking a variable number of arguments. */ if ($name === '$' || $name === '$...') { $name = '$arg' . $i; } if ($parameter->isVariadic()) { continue; } if ($parameter->isPassedByReference()) { $parameters[] = '&' . $name; } else { $parameters[] = $name; } } return implode(', ', $parameters); } private static function deriveReturnType(ReflectionMethod $method): Type { $returnType = self::reflectionMethodGetReturnType($method); if ($returnType === null) { return new UnknownType; } // @see https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=70722 if ($returnType instanceof ReflectionNamedType && $returnType->getName() === 'self') { return ObjectType::fromName($method->getDeclaringClass()->getName(), $returnType->allowsNull()); } // @see https://github.com/sebastianbergmann/phpunit-mock-objects/issues/406 if ($returnType instanceof ReflectionNamedType && $returnType->getName() === 'parent') { $parentClass = $method->getDeclaringClass()->getParentClass(); if ($parentClass === false) { throw new RuntimeException( sprintf( 'Cannot mock %s::%s because "parent" return type declaration is used but %s does not have a parent class', $method->getDeclaringClass()->getName(), $method->getName(), $method->getDeclaringClass()->getName() ) ); } return ObjectType::fromName($parentClass->getName(), $returnType->allowsNull()); } return Type::fromName($returnType->getName(), $returnType->allowsNull()); } private static function reflectionMethodGetReturnType(ReflectionMethod $method): ?ReflectionType { if ($method->hasReturnType()) { return $method->getReturnType(); } if (!method_exists($method, 'getTentativeReturnType')) { return null; } return $method->getTentativeReturnType(); } }