* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt */ namespace Joomla\CMS\Installation\Model; \defined('_JEXEC') or die; use Joomla\CMS\Factory; use Joomla\CMS\Form\Form; use Joomla\CMS\Language\Text; use Joomla\Database\DatabaseDriver; /** * Checks model for the Joomla Core Installer. * * @since 4.0.0 */ class ChecksModel extends BaseInstallationModel { /** * Checks the availability of the parse_ini_file and parse_ini_string functions. * * @return boolean True if the method exists. * * @since 3.1 */ public function getIniParserAvailability() { $disabled_functions = ini_get('disable_functions'); if (!empty($disabled_functions)) { // Attempt to detect them in the PHP INI disable_functions variable. $disabled_functions = explode(',', trim($disabled_functions)); $number_of_disabled_functions = count($disabled_functions); for ($i = 0, $l = $number_of_disabled_functions; $i < $l; $i++) { $disabled_functions[$i] = trim($disabled_functions[$i]); } $result = !in_array('parse_ini_string', $disabled_functions); } else { // Attempt to detect their existence; even pure PHP implementation of them will trigger a positive response, though. $result = function_exists('parse_ini_string'); } return $result; } /** * Gets PHP options. * * @return array Array of PHP config options * * @since 3.1 */ public function getPhpOptions() { $options = []; // Check for zlib support. $option = new \stdClass; $option->label = Text::_('INSTL_ZLIB_COMPRESSION_SUPPORT'); $option->state = extension_loaded('zlib'); $option->notice = $option->state ? null : Text::_('INSTL_NOTICE_ZLIB_COMPRESSION_SUPPORT'); $options[] = $option; // Check for XML support. $option = new \stdClass; $option->label = Text::_('INSTL_XML_SUPPORT'); $option->state = extension_loaded('xml'); $option->notice = $option->state ? null : Text::_('INSTL_NOTICE_XML_SUPPORT'); $options[] = $option; // Check for database support. // We are satisfied if there is at least one database driver available. $available = DatabaseDriver::getConnectors(); $option = new \stdClass; $option->label = Text::_('INSTL_DATABASE_SUPPORT'); $option->label .= '
(' . implode(', ', $available) . ')'; $option->state = count($available); $option->notice = $option->state ? null : Text::_('INSTL_NOTICE_DATABASE_SUPPORT'); $options[] = $option; // Check for mbstring options. if (extension_loaded('mbstring')) { // Check for default MB language. $option = new \stdClass; $option->label = Text::_('INSTL_MB_LANGUAGE_IS_DEFAULT'); $option->state = (strtolower(ini_get('mbstring.language')) == 'neutral'); $option->notice = $option->state ? null : Text::_('INSTL_NOTICE_MBLANG_NOTDEFAULT'); $options[] = $option; // Check for MB function overload. $option = new \stdClass; $option->label = Text::_('INSTL_MB_STRING_OVERLOAD_OFF'); $option->state = (ini_get('mbstring.func_overload') == 0); $option->notice = $option->state ? null : Text::_('INSTL_NOTICE_MBSTRING_OVERLOAD_OFF'); $options[] = $option; } // Check for a missing native parse_ini_file implementation. $option = new \stdClass; $option->label = Text::_('INSTL_PARSE_INI_FILE_AVAILABLE'); $option->state = $this->getIniParserAvailability(); $option->notice = $option->state ? null : Text::_('INSTL_NOTICE_PARSE_INI_FILE_AVAILABLE'); $options[] = $option; // Check for missing native json_encode / json_decode support. $option = new \stdClass; $option->label = Text::_('INSTL_JSON_SUPPORT_AVAILABLE'); $option->state = function_exists('json_encode') && function_exists('json_decode'); $option->notice = $option->state ? null : Text::_('INSTL_NOTICE_JSON_SUPPORT_AVAILABLE'); $options[] = $option; // Check for configuration file writable. $writable = (is_writable(JPATH_CONFIGURATION . '/configuration.php') || (!file_exists(JPATH_CONFIGURATION . '/configuration.php') && is_writable(JPATH_ROOT))); $option = new \stdClass; $option->label = Text::sprintf('INSTL_WRITABLE', 'configuration.php'); $option->state = $writable; $option->notice = $option->state ? null : Text::_('INSTL_NOTICE_NEEDSTOBEWRITABLE'); $options[] = $option; return $options; } /** * Checks if all of the mandatory PHP options are met. * * @return boolean True on success. * * @since 3.1 */ public function getPhpOptionsSufficient() { $options = $this->getPhpOptions(); foreach ($options as $option) { if ($option->state === false) { $result = $option->state; } } return isset($result) ? false : true; } /** * Gets PHP Settings. * * @return array * * @since 3.1 */ public function getPhpSettings() { $settings = array(); // Check for display errors. $setting = new \stdClass; $setting->label = Text::_('INSTL_DISPLAY_ERRORS'); $setting->state = (bool) ini_get('display_errors'); $setting->recommended = false; $settings[] = $setting; // Check for file uploads. $setting = new \stdClass; $setting->label = Text::_('INSTL_FILE_UPLOADS'); $setting->state = (bool) ini_get('file_uploads'); $setting->recommended = true; $settings[] = $setting; // Check for output buffering. $setting = new \stdClass; $setting->label = Text::_('INSTL_OUTPUT_BUFFERING'); $setting->state = (int) ini_get('output_buffering') !== 0; $setting->recommended = false; $settings[] = $setting; // Check for session auto-start. $setting = new \stdClass; $setting->label = Text::_('INSTL_SESSION_AUTO_START'); $setting->state = (bool) ini_get('session.auto_start'); $setting->recommended = false; $settings[] = $setting; // Check for native ZIP support. $setting = new \stdClass; $setting->label = Text::_('INSTL_ZIP_SUPPORT_AVAILABLE'); $setting->state = function_exists('zip_open') && function_exists('zip_read'); $setting->recommended = true; $settings[] = $setting; // Check for GD support $setting = new \stdClass; $setting->label = Text::sprintf('INSTL_EXTENSION_AVAILABLE', 'GD'); $setting->state = extension_loaded('gd'); $setting->recommended = true; $settings[] = $setting; // Check for iconv support $setting = new \stdClass; $setting->label = Text::sprintf('INSTL_EXTENSION_AVAILABLE', 'iconv'); $setting->state = function_exists('iconv'); $setting->recommended = true; $settings[] = $setting; // Check for intl support $setting = new \stdClass; $setting->label = Text::sprintf('INSTL_EXTENSION_AVAILABLE', 'intl'); $setting->state = function_exists('transliterator_transliterate'); $setting->recommended = true; $settings[] = $setting; return $settings; } /** * Get the current setup options from the session. * * @return array An array of options from the session. * * @since 3.1 */ public function getOptions() { if (!empty(Factory::getSession()->get('setup.options', array()))) { return Factory::getSession()->get('setup.options', array()); } } /** * Method to get the form. * * @param string|null $view The view being processed. * * @return Form|boolean Form object on success, false on failure. * * @since 3.1 */ public function getForm($view = null) { if (!$view) { $view = Factory::getApplication()->input->getWord('view', 'setup'); } // Get the form. Form::addFormPath(JPATH_COMPONENT . '/forms'); try { $form = Form::getInstance('jform', $view, array('control' => 'jform')); } catch (\Exception $e) { Factory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage($e->getMessage(), 'error'); return false; } // Check the session for previously entered form data. $data = (array) $this->getOptions(); // Bind the form data if present. if (!empty($data)) { $form->bind($data); } return $form; } }