* ``` */ class Config { protected static $ignoredClasses = [ 'Codeception\Actor', 'Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher', 'Codeception\Scenario', 'Codeception\Lib\Parser' ]; protected static $ignoredProperties = [ // PHPUnit 'backupGlobals', 'backupGlobalsBlacklist', 'backupStaticAttributes', 'backupStaticAttributesBlacklist', 'runTestInSeparateProcess', 'preserveGlobalState', // Codeception 'dependencies', 'dependencyInput', 'tester', 'guy', 'name' ]; protected static $deepClone = true; public $is_deep = true; public $ignore = array(); public $ignore_classes = array(); public $shallow = array(); public $deep = array(); public $only = null; public function propertyIgnored($property) { if ($this->only) { return !in_array($property, $this->only); } return in_array($property, $this->ignore); } public function classIgnored($value) { if (!is_object($value)) return false; return in_array(get_class($value), $this->ignore_classes); } public function propertyIsShallowCloned($property) { if ($this->only and !$this->is_deep) { return in_array($property, $this->only); } if (!$this->is_deep and !in_array($property, $this->deep)) { return true; } return in_array($property, $this->shallow); } public function propertyIsDeeplyCloned($property) { if ($this->only and $this->is_deep) { return in_array($property, $this->only); } if ($this->is_deep and !in_array($property, $this->shallow)) { return true; } return in_array($property, $this->deep); } /** * Enable or disable using of deep cloning for objects by default. * Deep cloning is the default. * * @param boolean $deepClone */ public static function setDeepClone($deepClone) { self::$deepClone = $deepClone; } /*** * Set classes which are going to be ignored for cloning in specify blocks. * * @param array $ignoredClasses */ public static function setIgnoredClasses($ignoredClasses) { self::$ignoredClasses = $ignoredClasses; } /** * Globally set class properties are going to be ignored for cloning in specify blocks. * * ```php * * ``` * * @param $ignoredClasses */ public static function addIgnoredClasses($ignoredClasses) { self::$ignoredClasses = array_merge(self::$ignoredClasses, $ignoredClasses); } private function __construct() { } /** * @return Config */ static function create() { $config = new Config(); $config->is_deep = self::$deepClone; $config->ignore = self::$ignoredProperties; $config->ignore_classes = self::$ignoredClasses; $config->shallow = array(); $config->deep = array(); $config->only = null; return $config; } }