## Codeception\Stub #### *public static* make($class, $params = null, $testCase = null) Instantiates a class without executing a constructor. Properties and methods can be set as a second parameter. Even protected and private properties can be set. ``` php 'davert']); ?> ``` Accepts either name of class or object of that class ``` php 'davert']); ?> ``` To replace method provide it's name as a key in second parameter and it's return value or callback function as parameter ``` php function () { return true; }]); Stub::make('User', ['save' => true]); ?> ``` **To create a mock, pass current testcase name as last argument:** ```php \Codeception\Stub\Expected::once() ], $this); ``` * `param mixed` $class - A class to be mocked * `param array` $params - properties and methods to set * `param bool|\PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase` $testCase * return object - mock * throws \RuntimeException when class does not exist * throws \Exception #### *public static* factory($class, $num = null, $params = null) Creates $num instances of class through `Stub::make`. * `param mixed` $class * `param int` $num * `param array` $params * return array * throws \Exception #### *public static* makeEmptyExcept($class, $method, $params = null, $testCase = null) Instantiates class having all methods replaced with dummies except one. Constructor is not triggered. Properties and methods can be replaced. Even protected and private properties can be set. ``` php 'davert']); ?> ``` Accepts either name of class or object of that class ``` php ``` To replace method provide it's name as a key in second parameter and it's return value or callback function as parameter ``` php function () { return true; }]); Stub::makeEmptyExcept('User', 'save', ['isValid' => true]); ?> ``` **To create a mock, pass current testcase name as last argument:** ```php \Codeception\Stub\Expected::once() ], $this); ``` * `param mixed` $class * `param string` $method * `param array` $params * `param bool|\PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase` $testCase * return object * throws \Exception #### *public static* makeEmpty($class, $params = null, $testCase = null) Instantiates class having all methods replaced with dummies. Constructor is not triggered. Properties and methods can be set as a second parameter. Even protected and private properties can be set. ``` php 'davert']); ``` Accepts either name of class or object of that class ``` php 'davert']); ``` To replace method provide it's name as a key in second parameter and it's return value or callback function as parameter ``` php function () { return true; }]); Stub::makeEmpty('User', ['save' => true)); ``` **To create a mock, pass current testcase name as last argument:** ```php \Codeception\Stub\Expected::once() ], $this); ``` * `param mixed` $class * `param array` $params * `param bool|\PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase` $testCase * return object * throws \Exception #### *public static* copy($obj, $params = null) Clones an object and redefines it's properties (even protected and private) * `param` $obj * `param array` $params * return mixed * throws \Exception #### *public static* construct($class, $constructorParams = null, $params = null, $testCase = null) Instantiates a class instance by running constructor. Parameters for constructor passed as second argument Properties and methods can be set in third argument. Even protected and private properties can be set. ``` php false]); Stub::construct('User', ['autosave' => false], ['name' => 'davert']); ?> ``` Accepts either name of class or object of that class ``` php false), ['name' => 'davert']); ?> ``` To replace method provide it's name as a key in third parameter and it's return value or callback function as parameter ``` php function () { return true; }]); Stub::construct('User', [], ['save' => true]); ?> ``` **To create a mock, pass current testcase name as last argument:** ```php \Codeception\Stub\Expected::once() ], $this); ``` * `param mixed` $class * `param array` $constructorParams * `param array` $params * `param bool|\PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase` $testCase * return object * throws \Exception #### *public static* constructEmpty($class, $constructorParams = null, $params = null, $testCase = null) Instantiates a class instance by running constructor with all methods replaced with dummies. Parameters for constructor passed as second argument Properties and methods can be set in third argument. Even protected and private properties can be set. ``` php false]); Stub::constructEmpty('User', ['autosave' => false), ['name' => 'davert']); ``` Accepts either name of class or object of that class ``` php false], ['name' => 'davert']); ``` To replace method provide it's name as a key in third parameter and it's return value or callback function as parameter ``` php function () { return true; }]); Stub::constructEmpty('User', [], ['save' => true]); ``` **To create a mock, pass current testcase name as last argument:** ```php \Codeception\Stub\Expected::once() ], $this); ``` * `param mixed` $class * `param array` $constructorParams * `param array` $params * `param bool|\PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase` $testCase * return object #### *public static* constructEmptyExcept($class, $method, $constructorParams = null, $params = null, $testCase = null) Instantiates a class instance by running constructor with all methods replaced with dummies, except one. Parameters for constructor passed as second argument Properties and methods can be set in third argument. Even protected and private properties can be set. ``` php false], ['name' => 'davert']); ?> ``` Accepts either name of class or object of that class ``` php false], ['name' => 'davert']); ?> ``` To replace method provide it's name as a key in third parameter and it's return value or callback function as parameter ``` php function () { return true; }]); Stub::constructEmptyExcept('User', 'save', [], ['save' => true]); ?> ``` **To create a mock, pass current testcase name as last argument:** ```php \Codeception\Stub\Expected::once() ], $this); ``` * `param mixed` $class * `param string` $method * `param array` $constructorParams * `param array` $params * `param bool|\PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase` $testCase * return object #### *public static* update($mock, array $params) Replaces properties of current stub * `param \PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockObject` $mock * `param array` $params * return mixed * throws \LogicException #### *public static* consecutive() Stubbing a method call to return a list of values in the specified order. ``` php Stub::consecutive('david', 'emma', 'sam', 'amy'))); $user->getName(); //david $user->getName(); //emma $user->getName(); //sam $user->getName(); //amy ?> ``` * return ConsecutiveMap