'Argovia'], ['AI' => 'Appenzello Interno'], ['AR' => 'Appenzello Esterno'], ['BE' => 'Berna'], ['BL' => 'Basilea Campagna'], ['BS' => 'Basilea Città'], ['FR' => 'Friburgo'], ['GE' => 'Ginevra'], ['GL' => 'Glarona'], ['GR' => 'Grigioni'], ['JU' => 'Giura'], ['LU' => 'Lucerna'], ['NE' => 'Neuchâtel'], ['NW' => 'Nidvaldo'], ['OW' => 'Obvaldo'], ['SG' => 'San Gallo'], ['SH' => 'Sciaffusa'], ['SO' => 'Soletta'], ['SZ' => 'Svitto'], ['TG' => 'Turgovia'], ['TI' => 'Ticino'], ['UR' => 'Uri'], ['VD' => 'Vaud'], ['VS' => 'Vallese'], ['ZG' => 'Zugo'], ['ZH' => 'Zurigo'], ]; protected static $cityFormats = [ '{{cityName}}', ]; protected static $streetNameFormats = [ '{{streetSuffix}} {{firstName}}', '{{streetSuffix}} {{lastName}}', ]; protected static $streetAddressFormats = [ '{{streetName}} {{buildingNumber}}', ]; protected static $addressFormats = [ "{{streetAddress}}\n{{postcode}} {{city}}", ]; /** * Returns a random street prefix * * @example Via * * @return string */ public static function streetPrefix() { return static::randomElement(static::$streetPrefix); } /** * Returns a random city name. * * @example Luzern * * @return string */ public function cityName() { return static::randomElement(static::$cityNames); } /** * Returns a canton * * @example array('BE' => 'Bern') * * @return array */ public static function canton() { return static::randomElement(static::$canton); } /** * Returns the abbreviation of a canton. * * @return string */ public static function cantonShort() { $canton = static::canton(); return key($canton); } /** * Returns the name of canton. * * @return string */ public static function cantonName() { $canton = static::canton(); return current($canton); } }