tokenize(); * $sqlTokens = $root->getChildren(); * ``` * * Tokens are instances of [[SqlToken]]. * * @author Sergey Makinen
* @since 2.0.13 */ abstract class SqlTokenizer extends Component { /** * @var string SQL code. */ public $sql; /** * @var int SQL code string length. */ protected $length; /** * @var int SQL code string current offset. */ protected $offset; /** * @var \SplStack stack of active tokens. */ private $_tokenStack; /** * @var SqlToken active token. It's usually a top of the token stack. */ private $_currentToken; /** * @var string[] cached substrings. */ private $_substrings; /** * @var string current buffer value. */ private $_buffer = ''; /** * @var SqlToken resulting token of a last [[tokenize()]] call. */ private $_token; /** * Constructor. * @param string $sql SQL code to be tokenized. * @param array $config name-value pairs that will be used to initialize the object properties */ public function __construct($sql, $config = []) { $this->sql = $sql; parent::__construct($config); } /** * Tokenizes and returns a code type token. * @return SqlToken code type token. */ public function tokenize() { $this->length = mb_strlen($this->sql, 'UTF-8'); $this->offset = 0; $this->_substrings = []; $this->_buffer = ''; $this->_token = new SqlToken([ 'type' => SqlToken::TYPE_CODE, 'content' => $this->sql, ]); $this->_tokenStack = new \SplStack(); $this->_tokenStack->push($this->_token); $this->_token[] = new SqlToken(['type' => SqlToken::TYPE_STATEMENT]); $this->_tokenStack->push($this->_token[0]); $this->_currentToken = $this->_tokenStack->top(); while (!$this->isEof()) { if ($this->isWhitespace($length) || $this->isComment($length)) { $this->addTokenFromBuffer(); $this->advance($length); continue; } if ($this->tokenizeOperator($length) || $this->tokenizeDelimitedString($length)) { $this->advance($length); continue; } $this->_buffer .= $this->substring(1); $this->advance(1); } $this->addTokenFromBuffer(); if ($this->_token->getHasChildren() && !$this->_token[-1]->getHasChildren()) { unset($this->_token[-1]); } return $this->_token; } /** * Returns whether there's a whitespace at the current offset. * If this methos returns `true`, it has to set the `$length` parameter to the length of the matched string. * @param int $length length of the matched string. * @return bool whether there's a whitespace at the current offset. */ abstract protected function isWhitespace(&$length); /** * Returns whether there's a commentary at the current offset. * If this methos returns `true`, it has to set the `$length` parameter to the length of the matched string. * @param int $length length of the matched string. * @return bool whether there's a commentary at the current offset. */ abstract protected function isComment(&$length); /** * Returns whether there's an operator at the current offset. * If this methos returns `true`, it has to set the `$length` parameter to the length of the matched string. * It may also set `$content` to a string that will be used as a token content. * @param int $length length of the matched string. * @param string $content optional content instead of the matched string. * @return bool whether there's an operator at the current offset. */ abstract protected function isOperator(&$length, &$content); /** * Returns whether there's an identifier at the current offset. * If this methos returns `true`, it has to set the `$length` parameter to the length of the matched string. * It may also set `$content` to a string that will be used as a token content. * @param int $length length of the matched string. * @param string $content optional content instead of the matched string. * @return bool whether there's an identifier at the current offset. */ abstract protected function isIdentifier(&$length, &$content); /** * Returns whether there's a string literal at the current offset. * If this methos returns `true`, it has to set the `$length` parameter to the length of the matched string. * It may also set `$content` to a string that will be used as a token content. * @param int $length length of the matched string. * @param string $content optional content instead of the matched string. * @return bool whether there's a string literal at the current offset. */ abstract protected function isStringLiteral(&$length, &$content); /** * Returns whether the given string is a keyword. * The method may set `$content` to a string that will be used as a token content. * @param string $string string to be matched. * @param string $content optional content instead of the matched string. * @return bool whether the given string is a keyword. */ abstract protected function isKeyword($string, &$content); /** * Returns whether the longest common prefix equals to the SQL code of the same length at the current offset. * @param string[] $with strings to be tested. * The method **will** modify this parameter to speed up lookups. * @param bool $caseSensitive whether to perform a case sensitive comparison. * @param int|null $length length of the matched string. * @param string|null $content matched string. * @return bool whether a match is found. */ protected function startsWithAnyLongest(array &$with, $caseSensitive, &$length = null, &$content = null) { if (empty($with)) { return false; } if (!is_array(reset($with))) { usort($with, function ($string1, $string2) { return mb_strlen($string2, 'UTF-8') - mb_strlen($string1, 'UTF-8'); }); $map = []; foreach ($with as $string) { $map[mb_strlen($string, 'UTF-8')][$caseSensitive ? $string : mb_strtoupper($string, 'UTF-8')] = true; } $with = $map; } foreach ($with as $testLength => $testValues) { $content = $this->substring($testLength, $caseSensitive); if (isset($testValues[$content])) { $length = $testLength; return true; } } return false; } /** * Returns a string of the given length starting with the specified offset. * @param int $length string length to be returned. * @param bool $caseSensitive if it's `false`, the string will be uppercased. * @param int|null $offset SQL code offset, defaults to current if `null` is passed. * @return string result string, it may be empty if there's nothing to return. */ protected function substring($length, $caseSensitive = true, $offset = null) { if ($offset === null) { $offset = $this->offset; } if ($offset + $length > $this->length) { return ''; } $cacheKey = $offset . ',' . $length; if (!isset($this->_substrings[$cacheKey . ',1'])) { $this->_substrings[$cacheKey . ',1'] = mb_substr($this->sql, $offset, $length, 'UTF-8'); } if (!$caseSensitive && !isset($this->_substrings[$cacheKey . ',0'])) { $this->_substrings[$cacheKey . ',0'] = mb_strtoupper($this->_substrings[$cacheKey . ',1'], 'UTF-8'); } return $this->_substrings[$cacheKey . ',' . (int) $caseSensitive]; } /** * Returns an index after the given string in the SQL code starting with the specified offset. * @param string $string string to be found. * @param int|null $offset SQL code offset, defaults to current if `null` is passed. * @return int index after the given string or end of string index. */ protected function indexAfter($string, $offset = null) { if ($offset === null) { $offset = $this->offset; } if ($offset + mb_strlen($string, 'UTF-8') > $this->length) { return $this->length; } $afterIndexOf = mb_strpos($this->sql, $string, $offset, 'UTF-8'); if ($afterIndexOf === false) { $afterIndexOf = $this->length; } else { $afterIndexOf += mb_strlen($string, 'UTF-8'); } return $afterIndexOf; } /** * Determines whether there is a delimited string at the current offset and adds it to the token children. * @param int $length * @return bool */ private function tokenizeDelimitedString(&$length) { $isIdentifier = $this->isIdentifier($length, $content); $isStringLiteral = !$isIdentifier && $this->isStringLiteral($length, $content); if (!$isIdentifier && !$isStringLiteral) { return false; } $this->addTokenFromBuffer(); $this->_currentToken[] = new SqlToken([ 'type' => $isIdentifier ? SqlToken::TYPE_IDENTIFIER : SqlToken::TYPE_STRING_LITERAL, 'content' => is_string($content) ? $content : $this->substring($length), 'startOffset' => $this->offset, 'endOffset' => $this->offset + $length, ]); return true; } /** * Determines whether there is an operator at the current offset and adds it to the token children. * @param int $length * @return bool */ private function tokenizeOperator(&$length) { if (!$this->isOperator($length, $content)) { return false; } $this->addTokenFromBuffer(); switch ($this->substring($length)) { case '(': $this->_currentToken[] = new SqlToken([ 'type' => SqlToken::TYPE_OPERATOR, 'content' => is_string($content) ? $content : $this->substring($length), 'startOffset' => $this->offset, 'endOffset' => $this->offset + $length, ]); $this->_currentToken[] = new SqlToken(['type' => SqlToken::TYPE_PARENTHESIS]); $this->_tokenStack->push($this->_currentToken[-1]); $this->_currentToken = $this->_tokenStack->top(); break; case ')': $this->_tokenStack->pop(); $this->_currentToken = $this->_tokenStack->top(); $this->_currentToken[] = new SqlToken([ 'type' => SqlToken::TYPE_OPERATOR, 'content' => ')', 'startOffset' => $this->offset, 'endOffset' => $this->offset + $length, ]); break; case ';': if (!$this->_currentToken->getHasChildren()) { break; } $this->_currentToken[] = new SqlToken([ 'type' => SqlToken::TYPE_OPERATOR, 'content' => is_string($content) ? $content : $this->substring($length), 'startOffset' => $this->offset, 'endOffset' => $this->offset + $length, ]); $this->_tokenStack->pop(); $this->_currentToken = $this->_tokenStack->top(); $this->_currentToken[] = new SqlToken(['type' => SqlToken::TYPE_STATEMENT]); $this->_tokenStack->push($this->_currentToken[-1]); $this->_currentToken = $this->_tokenStack->top(); break; default: $this->_currentToken[] = new SqlToken([ 'type' => SqlToken::TYPE_OPERATOR, 'content' => is_string($content) ? $content : $this->substring($length), 'startOffset' => $this->offset, 'endOffset' => $this->offset + $length, ]); break; } return true; } /** * Determines a type of text in the buffer, tokenizes it and adds it to the token children. */ private function addTokenFromBuffer() { if ($this->_buffer === '') { return; } $isKeyword = $this->isKeyword($this->_buffer, $content); $this->_currentToken[] = new SqlToken([ 'type' => $isKeyword ? SqlToken::TYPE_KEYWORD : SqlToken::TYPE_TOKEN, 'content' => is_string($content) ? $content : $this->_buffer, 'startOffset' => $this->offset - mb_strlen($this->_buffer, 'UTF-8'), 'endOffset' => $this->offset, ]); $this->_buffer = ''; } /** * Adds the specified length to the current offset. * @param int $length * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ private function advance($length) { if ($length <= 0) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Length must be greater than 0.'); } $this->offset += $length; $this->_substrings = []; } /** * Returns whether the SQL code is completely traversed. * @return bool */ private function isEof() { return $this->offset >= $this->length; } }