* @since 2.0 */ class QueryBuilder extends \yii\db\QueryBuilder { /** * @var array mapping from abstract column types (keys) to physical column types (values). */ public $typeMap = [ Schema::TYPE_PK => 'NUMBER(10) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY', Schema::TYPE_UPK => 'NUMBER(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY', Schema::TYPE_BIGPK => 'NUMBER(20) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY', Schema::TYPE_UBIGPK => 'NUMBER(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY', Schema::TYPE_CHAR => 'CHAR(1)', Schema::TYPE_STRING => 'VARCHAR2(255)', Schema::TYPE_TEXT => 'CLOB', Schema::TYPE_TINYINT => 'NUMBER(3)', Schema::TYPE_SMALLINT => 'NUMBER(5)', Schema::TYPE_INTEGER => 'NUMBER(10)', Schema::TYPE_BIGINT => 'NUMBER(20)', Schema::TYPE_FLOAT => 'NUMBER', Schema::TYPE_DOUBLE => 'NUMBER', Schema::TYPE_DECIMAL => 'NUMBER', Schema::TYPE_DATETIME => 'TIMESTAMP', Schema::TYPE_TIMESTAMP => 'TIMESTAMP', Schema::TYPE_TIME => 'TIMESTAMP', Schema::TYPE_DATE => 'DATE', Schema::TYPE_BINARY => 'BLOB', Schema::TYPE_BOOLEAN => 'NUMBER(1)', Schema::TYPE_MONEY => 'NUMBER(19,4)', ]; /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function defaultExpressionBuilders() { return array_merge(parent::defaultExpressionBuilders(), [ 'yii\db\conditions\InCondition' => 'yii\db\oci\conditions\InConditionBuilder', 'yii\db\conditions\LikeCondition' => 'yii\db\oci\conditions\LikeConditionBuilder', ]); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function buildOrderByAndLimit($sql, $orderBy, $limit, $offset) { $orderBy = $this->buildOrderBy($orderBy); if ($orderBy !== '') { $sql .= $this->separator . $orderBy; } $filters = []; if ($this->hasOffset($offset)) { $filters[] = 'rowNumId > ' . $offset; } if ($this->hasLimit($limit)) { $filters[] = 'rownum <= ' . $limit; } if (empty($filters)) { return $sql; } $filter = implode(' AND ', $filters); return <<
db->quoteTableName($table) . ' RENAME TO ' . $this->db->quoteTableName($newName); } /** * Builds a SQL statement for changing the definition of a column. * * @param string $table the table whose column is to be changed. The table name will be properly quoted by the method. * @param string $column the name of the column to be changed. The name will be properly quoted by the method. * @param string $type the new column type. The [[getColumnType]] method will be invoked to convert abstract column type (if any) * into the physical one. Anything that is not recognized as abstract type will be kept in the generated SQL. * For example, 'string' will be turned into 'varchar(255)', while 'string not null' will become 'varchar(255) not null'. * @return string the SQL statement for changing the definition of a column. */ public function alterColumn($table, $column, $type) { $type = $this->getColumnType($type); return 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this->db->quoteTableName($table) . ' MODIFY ' . $this->db->quoteColumnName($column) . ' ' . $this->getColumnType($type); } /** * Builds a SQL statement for dropping an index. * * @param string $name the name of the index to be dropped. The name will be properly quoted by the method. * @param string $table the table whose index is to be dropped. The name will be properly quoted by the method. * @return string the SQL statement for dropping an index. */ public function dropIndex($name, $table) { return 'DROP INDEX ' . $this->db->quoteTableName($name); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function executeResetSequence($table, $value = null) { $tableSchema = $this->db->getTableSchema($table); if ($tableSchema === null) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("Unknown table: $table"); } if ($tableSchema->sequenceName === null) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("There is no sequence associated with table: $table"); } if ($value !== null) { $value = (int) $value; } else { if (count($tableSchema->primaryKey)>1) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("Can't reset sequence for composite primary key in table: $table"); } // use master connection to get the biggest PK value $value = $this->db->useMaster(function (Connection $db) use ($tableSchema) { return $db->createCommand( 'SELECT MAX("' . $tableSchema->primaryKey[0] . '") FROM "'. $tableSchema->name . '"' )->queryScalar(); }) + 1; } //Oracle needs at least two queries to reset sequence (see adding transactions and/or use alter method to avoid grants' issue?) $this->db->createCommand('DROP SEQUENCE "' . $tableSchema->sequenceName . '"')->execute(); $this->db->createCommand('CREATE SEQUENCE "' . $tableSchema->sequenceName . '" START WITH ' . $value . ' INCREMENT BY 1 NOMAXVALUE NOCACHE')->execute(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function addForeignKey($name, $table, $columns, $refTable, $refColumns, $delete = null, $update = null) { $sql = 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this->db->quoteTableName($table) . ' ADD CONSTRAINT ' . $this->db->quoteColumnName($name) . ' FOREIGN KEY (' . $this->buildColumns($columns) . ')' . ' REFERENCES ' . $this->db->quoteTableName($refTable) . ' (' . $this->buildColumns($refColumns) . ')'; if ($delete !== null) { $sql .= ' ON DELETE ' . $delete; } if ($update !== null) { throw new Exception('Oracle does not support ON UPDATE clause.'); } return $sql; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function prepareInsertValues($table, $columns, $params = []) { list($names, $placeholders, $values, $params) = parent::prepareInsertValues($table, $columns, $params); if (!$columns instanceof Query && empty($names)) { $tableSchema = $this->db->getSchema()->getTableSchema($table); if ($tableSchema !== null) { $columns = !empty($tableSchema->primaryKey) ? $tableSchema->primaryKey : [reset($tableSchema->columns)->name]; foreach ($columns as $name) { $names[] = $this->db->quoteColumnName($name); $placeholders[] = 'DEFAULT'; } } } return [$names, $placeholders, $values, $params]; } /** * {@inheritdoc} * @see https://docs.oracle.com/cd/B28359_01/server.111/b28286/statements_9016.htm#SQLRF01606 */ public function upsert($table, $insertColumns, $updateColumns, &$params) { /** @var Constraint[] $constraints */ list($uniqueNames, $insertNames, $updateNames) = $this->prepareUpsertColumns($table, $insertColumns, $updateColumns, $constraints); if (empty($uniqueNames)) { return $this->insert($table, $insertColumns, $params); } if ($updateNames === []) { // there are no columns to update $updateColumns = false; } $onCondition = ['or']; $quotedTableName = $this->db->quoteTableName($table); foreach ($constraints as $constraint) { $constraintCondition = ['and']; foreach ($constraint->columnNames as $name) { $quotedName = $this->db->quoteColumnName($name); $constraintCondition[] = "$quotedTableName.$quotedName=\"EXCLUDED\".$quotedName"; } $onCondition[] = $constraintCondition; } $on = $this->buildCondition($onCondition, $params); list(, $placeholders, $values, $params) = $this->prepareInsertValues($table, $insertColumns, $params); if (!empty($placeholders)) { $usingSelectValues = []; foreach ($insertNames as $index => $name) { $usingSelectValues[$name] = new Expression($placeholders[$index]); } $usingSubQuery = (new Query()) ->select($usingSelectValues) ->from('DUAL'); list($usingValues, $params) = $this->build($usingSubQuery, $params); } $mergeSql = 'MERGE INTO ' . $this->db->quoteTableName($table) . ' ' . 'USING (' . (isset($usingValues) ? $usingValues : ltrim($values, ' ')) . ') "EXCLUDED" ' . "ON ($on)"; $insertValues = []; foreach ($insertNames as $name) { $quotedName = $this->db->quoteColumnName($name); if (strrpos($quotedName, '.') === false) { $quotedName = '"EXCLUDED".' . $quotedName; } $insertValues[] = $quotedName; } $insertSql = 'INSERT (' . implode(', ', $insertNames) . ')' . ' VALUES (' . implode(', ', $insertValues) . ')'; if ($updateColumns === false) { return "$mergeSql WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN $insertSql"; } if ($updateColumns === true) { $updateColumns = []; foreach ($updateNames as $name) { $quotedName = $this->db->quoteColumnName($name); if (strrpos($quotedName, '.') === false) { $quotedName = '"EXCLUDED".' . $quotedName; } $updateColumns[$name] = new Expression($quotedName); } } list($updates, $params) = $this->prepareUpdateSets($table, $updateColumns, $params); $updateSql = 'UPDATE SET ' . implode(', ', $updates); return "$mergeSql WHEN MATCHED THEN $updateSql WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN $insertSql"; } /** * Generates a batch INSERT SQL statement. * * For example, * * ```php * $sql = $queryBuilder->batchInsert('user', ['name', 'age'], [ * ['Tom', 30], * ['Jane', 20], * ['Linda', 25], * ]); * ``` * * Note that the values in each row must match the corresponding column names. * * @param string $table the table that new rows will be inserted into. * @param array $columns the column names * @param array|\Generator $rows the rows to be batch inserted into the table * @return string the batch INSERT SQL statement */ public function batchInsert($table, $columns, $rows, &$params = []) { if (empty($rows)) { return ''; } $schema = $this->db->getSchema(); if (($tableSchema = $schema->getTableSchema($table)) !== null) { $columnSchemas = $tableSchema->columns; } else { $columnSchemas = []; } $values = []; foreach ($rows as $row) { $vs = []; foreach ($row as $i => $value) { if (isset($columns[$i], $columnSchemas[$columns[$i]])) { $value = $columnSchemas[$columns[$i]]->dbTypecast($value); } if (is_string($value)) { $value = $schema->quoteValue($value); } elseif (is_float($value)) { // ensure type cast always has . as decimal separator in all locales $value = StringHelper::floatToString($value); } elseif ($value === false) { $value = 0; } elseif ($value === null) { $value = 'NULL'; } elseif ($value instanceof ExpressionInterface) { $value = $this->buildExpression($value, $params); } $vs[] = $value; } $values[] = '(' . implode(', ', $vs) . ')'; } if (empty($values)) { return ''; } foreach ($columns as $i => $name) { $columns[$i] = $schema->quoteColumnName($name); } $tableAndColumns = ' INTO ' . $schema->quoteTableName($table) . ' (' . implode(', ', $columns) . ') VALUES '; return 'INSERT ALL ' . $tableAndColumns . implode($tableAndColumns, $values) . ' SELECT 1 FROM SYS.DUAL'; } /** * {@inheritdoc} * @since 2.0.8 */ public function selectExists($rawSql) { return 'SELECT CASE WHEN EXISTS(' . $rawSql . ') THEN 1 ELSE 0 END FROM DUAL'; } /** * {@inheritdoc} * @since 2.0.8 */ public function dropCommentFromColumn($table, $column) { return 'COMMENT ON COLUMN ' . $this->db->quoteTableName($table) . '.' . $this->db->quoteColumnName($column) . " IS ''"; } /** * {@inheritdoc} * @since 2.0.8 */ public function dropCommentFromTable($table) { return 'COMMENT ON TABLE ' . $this->db->quoteTableName($table) . " IS ''"; } }