* @since 2.0 */ class DbPanel extends Panel { /** * @var int|null the threshold for determining whether the request has involved * critical number of DB queries. If the number of queries exceeds this number, * the execution is considered taking critical number of DB queries. * If it is `null`, this feature is disabled. */ public $criticalQueryThreshold; /** * @var int|null the number of DB calls the same backtrace can make before considered an "Excessive Caller". * If it is `null`, this feature is disabled. * Note: Changes will only be reflected in new requests. * @since 2.1.23 */ public $excessiveCallerThreshold = null; /** * @var string[] the files and/or paths defined here will be ignored in the determination of DB "Callers". * The "Caller" is the backtrace lines that aren't included in the `$ignoredPathsInBacktrace`, * Yii files are ignored by default. * Hint: You can use path aliases here. * @since 2.1.23 */ public $ignoredPathsInBacktrace = []; /** * @var string the name of the database component to use for executing (explain) queries */ public $db = 'db'; /** * @var array the default ordering of the database queries. In the format of * [ property => sort direction ], for example: [ 'duration' => SORT_DESC ] * @since 2.0.7 */ public $defaultOrder = [ 'seq' => SORT_ASC ]; /** * @var array the default filter to apply to the database queries. In the format * of [ property => value ], for example: [ 'type' => 'SELECT' ] * @since 2.0.7 */ public $defaultFilter = []; /** * @var array db queries info extracted to array as models, to use with data provider. */ private $_models; /** * @var array current database request timings */ private $_timings; /** * @var array current database profile logs */ private $_profileLogs; /** * @var array of event names used to get profile logs. * @since 2.1.17 */ public $dbEventNames = ['yii\db\Command::query', 'yii\db\Command::execute']; /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function init() { $this->actions['db-explain'] = [ 'class' => 'yii\\debug\\actions\\db\\ExplainAction', 'panel' => $this, ]; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getName() { return 'Database'; } /** * @return string short name of the panel, which will be use in summary. */ public function getSummaryName() { return 'DB'; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getSummary() { $timings = $this->calculateTimings(); $queryCount = count($timings); $queryTime = number_format($this->getTotalQueryTime($timings) * 1000) . ' ms'; $excessiveCallerCount = $this->getExcessiveCallersCount(); return Yii::$app->view->render('panels/db/summary', [ 'timings' => $this->calculateTimings(), 'panel' => $this, 'queryCount' => $queryCount, 'queryTime' => $queryTime, 'excessiveCallerCount' => $excessiveCallerCount, ]); } /** * {@inheritdoc} * @throws InvalidConfigException */ public function getDetail() { $searchModel = new Db(); if (!$searchModel->load(Yii::$app->request->getQueryParams())) { $searchModel->load($this->defaultFilter, ''); } $models = $this->getModels(); $queryDataProvider = $searchModel->search($models); $queryDataProvider->getSort()->defaultOrder = $this->defaultOrder; $sumDuplicates = $this->sumDuplicateQueries($models); $callerDataProvider = $this->generateQueryCallersDataProvider($models); return Yii::$app->view->render('panels/db/detail', [ 'panel' => $this, 'queryDataProvider' => $queryDataProvider, 'callerDataProvider' => $callerDataProvider, 'searchModel' => $searchModel, 'hasExplain' => $this->hasExplain(), 'sumDuplicates' => $sumDuplicates, ]); } /** * Calculates given request profile timings. * * @return array timings [token, category, timestamp, traces, nesting level, elapsed time] */ public function calculateTimings() { if ($this->_timings === null) { $this->_timings = Yii::getLogger()->calculateTimings(isset($this->data['messages']) ? $this->data['messages'] : $this->getProfileLogs()); // Parse aliases $ignoredPathsInBacktrace = array_map( function($path) { return Yii::getAlias($path); }, $this->ignoredPathsInBacktrace ); // Generate hash for caller $hashAlgo = in_array('xxh3', hash_algos()) ? 'xxh3' : 'crc32'; foreach ($this->_timings as &$timing) { if ($ignoredPathsInBacktrace) { foreach ($timing['trace'] as $index => $trace) { foreach ($ignoredPathsInBacktrace as $ignoredPathInBacktrace) { if (isset($trace['file']) && strpos($trace['file'], $ignoredPathInBacktrace) === 0) { unset($timing['trace'][$index]); } } } } $timing['traceHash'] = hash($hashAlgo, json_encode($timing['trace'])); } } return $this->_timings; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function save() { return ['messages' => $this->getProfileLogs()]; } /** * Returns all profile logs of the current request for this panel. It includes categories specified in $this->dbEventNames property. * @return array */ public function getProfileLogs() { if ($this->_profileLogs === null) { $this->_profileLogs = $this->getLogMessages(Logger::LEVEL_PROFILE, $this->dbEventNames); } return $this->_profileLogs; } /** * Returns total query time. * * @param array $timings * @return int total time */ protected function getTotalQueryTime($timings) { $queryTime = 0; foreach ($timings as $timing) { $queryTime += $timing['duration']; } return $queryTime; } /** * Returns an array of models that represents logs of the current request. * Can be used with data providers such as \yii\data\ArrayDataProvider. * @return array models */ protected function getModels() { if ($this->_models === null) { $this->_models = []; $timings = $this->calculateTimings(); $duplicates = $this->countDuplicateQuery($timings); foreach ($timings as $seq => $dbTiming) { $this->_models[] = [ 'type' => $this->getQueryType($dbTiming['info']), 'query' => $dbTiming['info'], 'duration' => ($dbTiming['duration'] * 1000), // in milliseconds 'trace' => $dbTiming['trace'], 'traceHash' => $dbTiming['traceHash'], 'timestamp' => ($dbTiming['timestamp'] * 1000), // in milliseconds 'seq' => $seq, 'duplicate' => $duplicates[$dbTiming['info']], ]; } } return $this->_models; } /** * Return associative array, where key is query string * and value is number of occurrences the same query in array. * * @param $timings * @return array * @since 2.0.13 */ public function countDuplicateQuery($timings) { $query = ArrayHelper::getColumn($timings, 'info'); return array_count_values($query); } /** * Returns sum of all duplicated queries * * @param $modelData * @return int * @since 2.0.13 */ public function sumDuplicateQueries($modelData) { $numDuplicates = 0; foreach ($modelData as $data) { if ($data['duplicate'] > 1) { $numDuplicates++; } } return $numDuplicates; } /** * Counts the number of times the same backtrace makes a DB query. * * @return array the number of DB calls indexed by the backtrace hash of the caller. * @since 2.1.23 */ public function countCallerCals() { $query = ArrayHelper::getColumn($this->calculateTimings(), 'traceHash'); return array_count_values($query); } /** * Get the backtrace hashes that make excessive DB cals. * * @return array the number of DB calls indexed by the backtrace hash of excessive caller(s). * @since 2.1.23 */ public function getExcessiveCallers() { if ($this->excessiveCallerThreshold === null) { return []; } return array_filter( $this->countCallerCals(), function ($count) { return $count >= $this->excessiveCallerThreshold; } ); } /** * Get the number of excessive caller(s). * * @return int * @since 2.1.23 */ public function getExcessiveCallersCount() { return count($this->getExcessiveCallers()); } /** * Creates an ArrayDataProvider for the DB query callers. * * @param array $modelData * @return ArrayDataProvider * @since 2.1.23 */ public function generateQueryCallersDataProvider($modelData) { $callers = []; foreach ($modelData as $data) { if (!array_key_exists($data['traceHash'], $callers)) { $callers[$data['traceHash']] = [ 'trace' => $data['trace'], 'numCalls' => 0, 'totalDuration' => 0, 'queries' => [] ]; } $callers[$data['traceHash']]['numCalls'] += 1; $callers[$data['traceHash']]['totalDuration'] += $data['duration']; $callers[$data['traceHash']]['queries'][] = [ 'timestamp' => $data['timestamp'], 'duration' => $data['duration'], 'query' => $data['query'], 'type' => $data['type'], 'seq' => $data['seq'], ]; } return new ArrayDataProvider([ 'allModels' => $callers, 'pagination' => false, 'sort' => [ 'attributes' => ['numCalls', 'totalDuration'], 'defaultOrder' => ['numCalls' => SORT_DESC], ], ]); } /** * Returns database query type. * * @param string $timing timing procedure string * @return string query type such as select, insert, delete, etc. */ protected function getQueryType($timing) { $timing = ltrim($timing); preg_match('/^([a-zA-z]*)/', $timing, $matches); return count($matches) ? mb_strtoupper($matches[0], 'utf8') : ''; } /** * Check if given queries count is critical according to the settings. * * @param int $count queries count * @return bool */ public function isQueryCountCritical($count) { return (($this->criticalQueryThreshold !== null) && ($count > $this->criticalQueryThreshold)); } /** * Check if the number of calls by "Caller" is excessive according to the settings. * * @param int $numCalls queries count * @return bool */ public function isNumberOfCallsExcessive($numCalls) { return (($this->excessiveCallerThreshold !== null) && ($numCalls > $this->excessiveCallerThreshold)); } /** * Returns array query types * * @return array * @since 2.0.3 */ public function getTypes() { return array_reduce( $this->_models, function ($result, $item) { $result[$item['type']] = $item['type']; return $result; }, [] ); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function isEnabled() { try { $this->getDb(); } catch (InvalidConfigException $exception) { return false; } return parent::isEnabled(); } /** * @return bool Whether the DB component has support for EXPLAIN queries * @since 2.0.5 * @throws InvalidConfigException */ protected function hasExplain() { $db = $this->getDb(); if (!($db instanceof \yii\db\Connection)) { return false; } switch ($db->getDriverName()) { case 'mysql': case 'sqlite': case 'pgsql': case 'cubrid': return true; default: return false; } } /** * Check if given query type can be explained. * * @param string $type query type * @return bool * * @since 2.0.5 */ public static function canBeExplained($type) { return $type !== 'SHOW'; } /** * Returns a reference to the DB component associated with the panel * * @return \yii\db\Connection * @since 2.0.5 * @throws InvalidConfigException */ public function getDb() { return Yii::$app->get($this->db); } }