// CodeMirror, copyright (c) by Marijn Haverbeke and others // Distributed under an MIT license: https://codemirror.net/LICENSE (function (mod) { if (typeof exports == "object" && typeof module == "object") // CommonJS mod(require("../../lib/codemirror"), require("../yaml/yaml")) else if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd) // AMD define(["../../lib/codemirror", "../yaml/yaml"], mod) else // Plain browser env mod(CodeMirror) })(function (CodeMirror) { var START = 0, FRONTMATTER = 1, BODY = 2 // a mixed mode for Markdown text with an optional YAML front matter CodeMirror.defineMode("yaml-frontmatter", function (config, parserConfig) { var yamlMode = CodeMirror.getMode(config, "yaml") var innerMode = CodeMirror.getMode(config, parserConfig && parserConfig.base || "gfm") function localMode(state) { return state.state == FRONTMATTER ? {mode: yamlMode, state: state.yaml} : {mode: innerMode, state: state.inner} } return { startState: function () { return { state: START, yaml: null, inner: CodeMirror.startState(innerMode) } }, copyState: function (state) { return { state: state.state, yaml: state.yaml && CodeMirror.copyState(yamlMode, state.yaml), inner: CodeMirror.copyState(innerMode, state.inner) } }, token: function (stream, state) { if (state.state == START) { if (stream.match('---', false)) { state.state = FRONTMATTER state.yaml = CodeMirror.startState(yamlMode) return yamlMode.token(stream, state.yaml) } else { state.state = BODY return innerMode.token(stream, state.inner) } } else if (state.state == FRONTMATTER) { var end = stream.sol() && stream.match(/(---|\.\.\.)/, false) var style = yamlMode.token(stream, state.yaml) if (end) { state.state = BODY state.yaml = null } return style } else { return innerMode.token(stream, state.inner) } }, innerMode: localMode, indent: function(state, a, b) { var m = localMode(state) return m.mode.indent ? m.mode.indent(m.state, a, b) : CodeMirror.Pass }, blankLine: function (state) { var m = localMode(state) if (m.mode.blankLine) return m.mode.blankLine(m.state) } } }) });