; Joomla! Project ; (C) 2005 Open Source Matters, Inc. <https://www.joomla.org> ; License GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt ; Note : All ini files need to be saved as UTF-8 MOD_LOGIN="Login" MOD_LOGIN_FIELD_GREETING_LABEL="Greeting" MOD_LOGIN_FIELD_LOGIN_REDIRECTURL_DESC="If no menu item is selected, users will stay on the same page after login." MOD_LOGIN_FIELD_LOGIN_REDIRECTURL_LABEL="Login Redirection Page" MOD_LOGIN_FIELD_LOGOUT_REDIRECTURL_DESC="If no menu item is selected, users will stay on the same page after logout." MOD_LOGIN_FIELD_LOGOUT_REDIRECTURL_LABEL="Logout Redirection Page" MOD_LOGIN_FIELD_NAME_LABEL="Name/Username" MOD_LOGIN_FIELD_POST_TEXT_LABEL="Post-text" MOD_LOGIN_FIELD_PRE_TEXT_LABEL="Pre-text" MOD_LOGIN_FIELD_PROFILE_LABEL="Profile Link" MOD_LOGIN_FIELD_REGISTRATION_MENU_LABEL="Registration Page" MOD_LOGIN_FIELD_USETEXT_LABEL="Display Labels" MOD_LOGIN_FORGOT_YOUR_PASSWORD="Forgot your password?" MOD_LOGIN_FORGOT_YOUR_USERNAME="Forgot your username?" MOD_LOGIN_HINAME="Hi %s," MOD_LOGIN_PROFILE="View Profile" MOD_LOGIN_REGISTER="Create an account" MOD_LOGIN_REMEMBER_ME="Remember Me" MOD_LOGIN_VALUE_ICONS="Icons" MOD_LOGIN_VALUE_NAME="Name" MOD_LOGIN_VALUE_TEXT="Text" MOD_LOGIN_VALUE_USERNAME="Username" MOD_LOGIN_XML_DESCRIPTION="This module displays a username and password login form. It also displays a link to retrieve a forgotten password. If user registration is enabled (in Users → Manage → Options), another link will be shown to enable self-registration for users."