# Contributing For running the tests, you will need: * Ruby 1.9.3+ with Bundler * PhantomJS (for headless testing) First run bootstrap to ensure necessary dependencies: ``` $ script/bootstrap ``` Then run headless tests in the console: ``` $ script/test [<test-file>] ``` To run tests in other browsers, start a server: ``` $ script/server # now open http://localhost:4567/ ``` ## Test structure There are 3 main test modules: * `test/unit/fn_pjax.js` - Primarily tests the `$.fn.pjax` method and its options * `test/unit/pjax.js` - Main comprehensive pjax functionality tests * `test/unit/pjax_fallback.js` - Tests that verify same result after navigation even if pjax is disabled (like for browsers that don't support pushState). Each test drives a hidden test page in an `<iframe>`. See other tests to see how they trigger pjax by using the `frame` reference and remember to do so as well.