setDefinition([ new InputArgument('suite', InputArgument::OPTIONAL, 'suite to be tested'), new InputArgument('test', InputArgument::OPTIONAL, 'test to be run'), new InputOption('override', 'o', InputOption::VALUE_IS_ARRAY | InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Override config values'), new InputOption('ext', 'e', InputOption::VALUE_IS_ARRAY | InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Run with extension enabled'), new InputOption('report', '', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Show output in compact style'), new InputOption('html', '', InputOption::VALUE_OPTIONAL, 'Generate html with results', 'report.html'), new InputOption('xml', '', InputOption::VALUE_OPTIONAL, 'Generate JUnit XML Log', 'report.xml'), new InputOption('phpunit-xml', '', InputOption::VALUE_OPTIONAL, 'Generate PhpUnit XML Log', 'phpunit-report.xml'), new InputOption('tap', '', InputOption::VALUE_OPTIONAL, 'Generate Tap Log', 'report.tap.log'), new InputOption('json', '', InputOption::VALUE_OPTIONAL, 'Generate Json Log', 'report.json'), new InputOption('colors', '', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Use colors in output'), new InputOption( 'no-colors', '', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Force no colors in output (useful to override config file)' ), new InputOption('silent', '', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Only outputs suite names and final results'), new InputOption('steps', '', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Show steps in output'), new InputOption('debug', 'd', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Show debug and scenario output'), new InputOption('bootstrap', '', InputOption::VALUE_OPTIONAL, 'Execute custom PHP script before running tests. Path can be absolute or relative to current working directory', false), new InputOption('no-redirect', '', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Do not redirect to Composer-installed version in vendor/codeception'), new InputOption( 'coverage', '', InputOption::VALUE_OPTIONAL, 'Run with code coverage' ), new InputOption( 'coverage-html', '', InputOption::VALUE_OPTIONAL, 'Generate CodeCoverage HTML report in path' ), new InputOption( 'coverage-xml', '', InputOption::VALUE_OPTIONAL, 'Generate CodeCoverage XML report in file' ), new InputOption( 'coverage-text', '', InputOption::VALUE_OPTIONAL, 'Generate CodeCoverage text report in file' ), new InputOption( 'coverage-crap4j', '', InputOption::VALUE_OPTIONAL, 'Generate CodeCoverage report in Crap4J XML format' ), new InputOption( 'coverage-cobertura', '', InputOption::VALUE_OPTIONAL, 'Generate CodeCoverage report in Cobertura XML format' ), new InputOption( 'coverage-phpunit', '', InputOption::VALUE_OPTIONAL, 'Generate CodeCoverage PHPUnit report in path' ), new InputOption('no-exit', '', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Don\'t finish with exit code'), new InputOption( 'group', 'g', InputOption::VALUE_IS_ARRAY | InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Groups of tests to be executed' ), new InputOption( 'skip', 's', InputOption::VALUE_IS_ARRAY | InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Skip selected suites' ), new InputOption( 'skip-group', 'x', InputOption::VALUE_IS_ARRAY | InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Skip selected groups' ), new InputOption( 'env', '', InputOption::VALUE_IS_ARRAY | InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Run tests in selected environments.' ), new InputOption('fail-fast', 'f', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Stop after first failure'), new InputOption('no-rebuild', '', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Do not rebuild actor classes on start'), new InputOption( 'seed', '', InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Define random seed for shuffle setting' ), new InputOption('no-artifacts', '', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Don\'t report about artifacts'), ]); parent::configure(); } public function getDescription() { return 'Runs the test suites'; } /** * Executes Run * * @param \Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface $input * @param \Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface $output * @return int|null|void * @throws \RuntimeException */ public function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $this->ensurePhpExtIsAvailable('CURL'); $this->ensurePhpExtIsAvailable('mbstring'); $this->options = $input->getOptions(); $this->output = $output; if ($this->options['bootstrap']) { Configuration::loadBootstrap($this->options['bootstrap'], getcwd()); } $config = $this->getGlobalConfig(); $config = $this->addRuntimeOptionsToCurrentConfig($config); if (!$this->options['colors']) { $this->options['colors'] = $config['settings']['colors']; } if (!$this->options['silent']) { $this->output->writeln( Codecept::versionString() . " https://helpukrainewin.org\nPowered by " . \PHPUnit\Runner\Version::getVersionString() ); if ($this->options['seed']) { $this->output->writeln( "Running with seed:
" . $this->options['seed'] . "
\n" ); } } if ($this->options['debug']) { $this->output->setVerbosity(OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_VERY_VERBOSE); } $userOptions = array_intersect_key($this->options, array_flip($this->passedOptionKeys($input))); $userOptions = array_merge( $userOptions, $this->booleanOptions($input, [ 'xml' => 'report.xml', 'phpunit-xml' => 'phpunit-report.xml', 'html' => 'report.html', 'json' => 'report.json', 'tap' => 'report.tap.log', 'coverage' => 'coverage.serialized', 'coverage-xml' => 'coverage.xml', 'coverage-html' => 'coverage', 'coverage-text' => 'coverage.txt', 'coverage-crap4j' => 'crap4j.xml', 'coverage-cobertura' => 'cobertura.xml', 'coverage-phpunit' => 'coverage-phpunit']) ); $userOptions['verbosity'] = $this->output->getVerbosity(); $userOptions['interactive'] = !$input->hasParameterOption(['--no-interaction', '-n']); $userOptions['ansi'] = (!$input->hasParameterOption('--no-ansi') xor $input->hasParameterOption('ansi')); if (!$this->options['seed']) { $userOptions['seed'] = rand(); } else { $userOptions['seed'] = intval($this->options['seed']); } if ($this->options['no-colors'] || !$userOptions['ansi']) { $userOptions['colors'] = false; } if ($this->options['group']) { $userOptions['groups'] = $this->options['group']; } if ($this->options['skip-group']) { $userOptions['excludeGroups'] = $this->options['skip-group']; } if ($this->options['report']) { $userOptions['silent'] = true; } if ($this->options['coverage-xml'] or $this->options['coverage-html'] or $this->options['coverage-text'] or $this->options['coverage-crap4j'] or $this->options['coverage-phpunit']) { $this->options['coverage'] = true; } if (!$userOptions['ansi'] && $input->getOption('colors')) { $userOptions['colors'] = true; // turn on colors even in non-ansi mode if strictly passed } $suite = $input->getArgument('suite'); $test = $input->getArgument('test'); if ($this->options['group']) { $this->output->writeln(sprintf("[Groups]
", implode(', ', $this->options['group']))); } if ($input->getArgument('test')) { $this->options['steps'] = true; } if (!$test) { // Check if suite is given and is in an included path if (!empty($suite) && !empty($config['include'])) { $isIncludeTest = false; // Remember original projectDir $projectDir = Configuration::projectDir(); foreach ($config['include'] as $include) { // Find if the suite begins with an include path if (strpos($suite, $include) === 0) { // Use include config $config = Configuration::config($projectDir.$include); $config = $this->addRuntimeOptionsToCurrentConfig($config); if (!isset($config['paths']['tests'])) { throw new \RuntimeException( sprintf("Included '%s' has no tests path configured", $include) ); } $testsPath = $include . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR. $config['paths']['tests']; try { list(, $suite, $test) = $this->matchTestFromFilename($suite, $testsPath); $isIncludeTest = true; } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) { // Incorrect include match, continue trying to find one continue; } } else { $result = $this->matchSingleTest($suite, $config); if ($result) { list(, $suite, $test) = $result; } } } // Restore main config if (!$isIncludeTest) { $config = $this->addRuntimeOptionsToCurrentConfig( Configuration::config($projectDir) ); } } elseif (!empty($suite)) { $result = $this->matchSingleTest($suite, $config); if ($result) { list(, $suite, $test) = $result; } } } if ($test) { $userOptions['filter'] = $this->matchFilteredTestName($test); } elseif ( $suite && ! $this->isWildcardSuiteName($suite) && ! $this->isSuiteInMultiApplication($suite) ) { $userOptions['filter'] = $this->matchFilteredTestName($suite); } if (!$this->options['silent'] && $config['settings']['shuffle']) { $this->output->writeln( "[Seed]
" . $userOptions['seed'] . "
" ); } $this->codecept = new Codecept($userOptions); if ($suite and $test) { $this->codecept->run($suite, $test, $config); } // Run all tests of given suite or all suites if (!$test) { $didPassCliSuite = !empty($suite); $rawSuites = $didPassCliSuite ? explode(',', $suite) : Configuration::suites(); /** @var string[] $mainAppSuites */ $mainAppSuites = []; /** @var array
$appSpecificSuites */ $appSpecificSuites = []; /** @var string[] $wildcardSuites */ $wildcardSuites = []; foreach ($rawSuites as $rawSuite) { if($this->isWildcardSuiteName($rawSuite)){ $wildcardSuites[] = explode('*::', $rawSuite)[1]; continue; } if($this->isSuiteInMultiApplication($rawSuite)){ $appAndSuite = explode('::', $rawSuite); $appSpecificSuites[$appAndSuite[0]][] = $appAndSuite[1]; continue; } $mainAppSuites[] = $rawSuite; } if([] !== $mainAppSuites) { $this->executed = $this->runSuites($mainAppSuites, $this->options['skip']); } if(!empty($wildcardSuites) && ! empty($appSpecificSuites)) { $this->output->writeLn('
Wildcard options can not be combined with specific suites of included apps.
'); return 2; } if( !empty($config['include']) && (!$didPassCliSuite || !empty($wildcardSuites) || !empty($appSpecificSuites)) ) { $currentDir = Configuration::projectDir(); $includedApps = $config['include']; if(!empty($appSpecificSuites)){ $includedApps = array_intersect($includedApps, array_keys($appSpecificSuites)); } $this->runIncludedSuites( $includedApps, $currentDir, $appSpecificSuites, $wildcardSuites ); } if ($this->executed === 0) { throw new \RuntimeException( sprintf("Suite '%s' could not be found", implode(', ', $rawSuites)) ); } } $this->codecept->printResult(); if (!$input->getOption('no-exit')) { if (!$this->codecept->getResult()->wasSuccessful()) { exit(1); } } return 0; } protected function matchSingleTest($suite, $config) { // Workaround when codeception.yml is inside tests directory and tests path is set to "." // @see https://github.com/Codeception/Codeception/issues/4432 if (isset($config['paths']['tests']) && $config['paths']['tests'] === '.' && !preg_match('~^\.[/\\\]~', $suite)) { $suite = './' . $suite; } // running a single test when suite has a configured path if (isset($config['suites'])) { foreach ($config['suites'] as $s => $suiteConfig) { if (!isset($suiteConfig['path'])) { continue; } $testsPath = $config['paths']['tests'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $suiteConfig['path']; if ($suiteConfig['path'] === '.') { $testsPath = $config['paths']['tests']; } if (preg_match("~^$testsPath/(.*?)$~", $suite, $matches)) { $matches[2] = $matches[1]; $matches[1] = $s; return $matches; } } } if (! Configuration::isEmpty()) { // Run single test without included tests if (strpos($suite, $config['paths']['tests']) === 0) { return $this->matchTestFromFilename($suite, $config['paths']['tests']); } // Run single test from working directory $realTestDir = realpath(Configuration::testsDir()); $cwd = getcwd(); if (strpos($realTestDir, $cwd) === 0) { $file = $suite; if (strpos($file, ':') !== false) { list($file) = explode(':', $suite, -1); } $realPath = $cwd . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file; if (file_exists($realPath) && strpos($realPath, $realTestDir) === 0) { //only match test if file is in tests directory return $this->matchTestFromFilename( $cwd . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $suite, $realTestDir ); } } } } /** * Runs included suites recursively * * @param array $suites * @param string $parent_dir * @param array
$filterAppSuites An array keyed by included app name where values are suite names to run. * @param string[] $filterSuitesByWildcard A list of suite names (applies to all included apps) */ protected function runIncludedSuites($suites, $parent_dir, $filterAppSuites = [], $filterSuitesByWildcard = []) { $defaultConfig = Configuration::config(); $absolutePath = \Codeception\Configuration::projectDir(); foreach ($suites as $relativePath) { $current_dir = rtrim($parent_dir, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $relativePath; $config = Configuration::config($current_dir); if ( !empty($defaultConfig['groups'])) { $groups = array_map(function($g) use ($absolutePath) { return $absolutePath . $g; }, $defaultConfig['groups']); Configuration::append(['groups' => $groups]); } $suites = Configuration::suites(); if( !empty($filterSuitesByWildcard)){ $suites = array_intersect($suites, $filterSuitesByWildcard); } if( isset($filterAppSuites[$relativePath])) { $suites = array_intersect($suites, $filterAppSuites[$relativePath]); } $namespace = $this->currentNamespace(); $this->output->writeln( "\n
\n[$namespace]: tests from $current_dir\n
" ); $this->executed += $this->runSuites($suites, $this->options['skip']); if (!empty($config['include'])) { $this->runIncludedSuites($config['include'], $current_dir); } } } protected function currentNamespace() { $config = Configuration::config(); if (!$config['namespace']) { throw new \RuntimeException( "Can't include into runner suite without a namespace;\n" . "Please add `namespace` section into included codeception.yml file" ); } return $config['namespace']; } protected function runSuites($suites, $skippedSuites = []) { $executed = 0; foreach ($suites as $suite) { if (in_array($suite, $skippedSuites)) { continue; } if (!in_array($suite, Configuration::suites())) { continue; } $this->codecept->run($suite); $executed++; } return $executed; } protected function matchTestFromFilename($filename, $testsPath) { $filter = ''; if (strpos($filename, ':') !== false) { if ((PHP_OS === 'Windows' || PHP_OS === 'WINNT') && $filename[1] === ':') { // match C:\... list($drive, $path, $filter) = explode(':', $filename, 3); $filename = $drive . ':' . $path; } else { list($filename, $filter) = explode(':', $filename, 2); } if ($filter) { $filter = ':' . $filter; } } $testsPath = str_replace(['//', '\/', '\\'], '/', $testsPath); $filename = str_replace(['//', '\/', '\\'], '/', $filename); if (rtrim($filename, '/') === $testsPath) { //codecept run tests return ['', '', $filter]; } $res = preg_match("~^$testsPath/(.*?)(?>/(.*))?$~", $filename, $matches); if (!$res) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Test file can't be matched"); } if (!isset($matches[2])) { $matches[2] = ''; } if ($filter) { $matches[2] .= $filter; } return $matches; } private function matchFilteredTestName(&$path) { $test_parts = explode(':', $path, 2); if (count($test_parts) > 1) { list($path, $filter) = $test_parts; // use carat to signify start of string like in normal regex // phpunit --filter matches against the fully qualified method name, so tests actually begin with : $carat_pos = strpos($filter, '^'); if ($carat_pos !== false) { $filter = substr_replace($filter, ':', $carat_pos, 1); } return $filter; } return null; } protected function passedOptionKeys(InputInterface $input) { $options = []; $request = (string)$input; $tokens = explode(' ', $request); foreach ($tokens as $token) { $token = preg_replace('~=.*~', '', $token); // strip = from options if (empty($token)) { continue; } if ($token == '--') { break; // there should be no options after ' -- ', only arguments } if (substr($token, 0, 2) === '--') { $options[] = substr($token, 2); } elseif ($token[0] === '-') { $shortOption = substr($token, 1); $options[] = $this->getDefinition()->getOptionForShortcut($shortOption)->getName(); } } return $options; } protected function booleanOptions(InputInterface $input, $options = []) { $values = []; $request = (string)$input; foreach ($options as $option => $defaultValue) { if (strpos($request, "--$option")) { $values[$option] = $input->getOption($option) ? $input->getOption($option) : $defaultValue; } else { $values[$option] = false; } } return $values; } /** * @param string $ext * @throws \Exception */ private function ensurePhpExtIsAvailable($ext) { if (!extension_loaded(strtolower($ext))) { throw new \Exception( "Codeception requires \"{$ext}\" extension installed to make tests run\n" . "If you are not sure, how to install \"{$ext}\", please refer to StackOverflow\n\n" . "Notice: PHP for Apache/Nginx and CLI can have different php.ini files.\n" . "Please make sure that your PHP you run from console has \"{$ext}\" enabled." ); } } /** * @param string $suite_name * * @return bool */ private function isWildcardSuiteName($suite_name) { return '*::' === substr($suite_name, 0, 3); } /** * @param string $suite_name * * @return bool */ private function isSuiteInMultiApplication($suite_name) { return false !== strpos($suite_name, '::'); } /** * @return array */ private function addRuntimeOptionsToCurrentConfig(array $config) { // update config from options if (count($this->options['override'])) { $config = $this->overrideConfig($this->options['override']); } // enable extensions if ($this->options['ext']) { $config = $this->enableExtensions($this->options['ext']); } return $config; } }