input = $input; $this->addStyles($output); $this->output = $output; } /** * Change the directory where Codeception should be installed. */ public function initDir($workDir) { $this->checkInstalled($workDir); $this->sayInfo("Initializing Codeception in $workDir"); $this->createDirectoryFor($workDir); chdir($workDir); $this->workDir = $workDir; } /** * Override this class to create customized setup. * @return mixed */ abstract public function setup(); /** * ```php * ask('select the browser of your choice', 'firefox'); * * // propose firefox or chrome possible options * $this->ask('select the browser of your choice', ['firefox', 'chrome']); * * // ask true/false question * $this->ask('do you want to proceed (y/n)', true); * ``` * * @param string $question * @param mixed $answer * @return mixed|string */ protected function ask($question, $answer = null) { $question = "? $question"; $dialog = new QuestionHelper(); if (is_array($answer)) { $question .= "
(" . $answer[0] . ")
"; return $dialog->ask($this->input, $this->output, new ChoiceQuestion($question, $answer, 0)); } if (is_bool($answer)) { $question .= " (y/n) "; return $dialog->ask($this->input, $this->output, new ConfirmationQuestion($question, $answer)); } if ($answer) { $question .= "
"; } return $dialog->ask($this->input, $this->output, new Question("$question ", $answer)); } /** * Print a message to console. * * ```php * say('Welcome to Setup'); * ``` * * * @param string $message */ protected function say($message = '') { $this->output->writeln($message); } /** * Print a successful message * @param string $message */ protected function saySuccess($message) { $this->say("
"); } /** * Print error message * @param string $message */ protected function sayError($message) { $this->say("
"); } /** * Print warning message * @param $message */ protected function sayWarning($message) { $this->say("
"); } /** * Print info message * @param string $message */ protected function sayInfo($message) { $this->say("
"); } /** * Create a helper class inside a directory * * @param $name * @param $directory */ protected function createHelper($name, $directory) { $file = $this->createDirectoryFor( $dir = $directory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "Helper", "$name.php" ) . "$name.php"; $gen = new Lib\Generator\Helper($name, $this->namespace); // generate helper $this->createFile( $file, $gen->produce() ); require_once $file; $this->sayInfo("$name helper has been created in $dir"); } /** * Create an empty directory and add a placeholder file into it * @param $dir */ protected function createEmptyDirectory($dir) { $this->createDirectoryFor($dir); $this->createFile($dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.gitkeep', ''); } protected function gitIgnore($path) { if (file_exists(self::GIT_IGNORE)) { file_put_contents($path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . self::GIT_IGNORE, "*\n!" . self::GIT_IGNORE); } } protected function checkInstalled($dir = '.') { if (file_exists($dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'codeception.yml') || file_exists($dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'codeception.dist.yml')) { throw new \Exception("Codeception is already installed in this directory"); } } /** * Create an Actor class and generate actions for it. * Requires a suite config as array in 3rd parameter. * * @param $name * @param $directory * @param $suiteConfig */ protected function createActor($name, $directory, $suiteConfig) { $file = $this->createDirectoryFor( $directory, $name ) . $this->getShortClassName($name); $file .= '.php'; $suiteConfig['namespace'] = $this->namespace; $config = Configuration::mergeConfigs(Configuration::$defaultSuiteSettings, $suiteConfig); $actorGenerator = new Lib\Generator\Actor($config); $content = $actorGenerator->produce(); $this->createFile($file, $content); $this->sayInfo("$name actor has been created in $directory"); $actionsGenerator = new Lib\Generator\Actions($config); $content = $actionsGenerator->produce(); $generatedDir = $directory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '_generated'; $this->createDirectoryFor($generatedDir, 'Actions.php'); $this->createFile($generatedDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $actorGenerator->getActorName() . 'Actions.php', $content); $this->sayInfo("Actions have been loaded"); } protected function addModulesToComposer($modules) { $packages = ModuleContainer::$packages; $section = null; if (!file_exists('composer.json')) { $this->say(''); $this->sayWarning('Can\'t locate composer.json, please add following packages into "require-dev" section of composer.json:'); $this->say(''); foreach (array_unique($modules) as $module) { if (!isset($packages[$module])) { continue; } $package = $packages[$module]; $this->say(sprintf('"%s": "%s"', $package, "^1.0.0")); $composer[$section][$package] = "^1.0.0"; } $this->say(''); return; } $composer = json_decode(file_get_contents('composer.json'), true); if ($composer === null) { throw new \Exception("Invalid composer.json file. JSON can't be decoded"); } $section = null; if (isset($composer['require'])) { if (isset($composer['require']['codeception/codeception'])) { $section = 'require'; } } if (isset($composer['require-dev'])) { if (isset($composer['require-dev']['codeception/codeception'])) { $section = 'require-dev'; } } if (!$section) { $section = 'require'; } $packageCounter = 0; foreach (array_unique($modules) as $module) { if (!isset($packages[$module])) { continue; } $package = $packages[$module]; if (isset($composer[$section][$package])) { continue; } $this->sayInfo("Adding $package for $module to composer.json"); $composer[$section][$package] = "^1.0.0"; $packageCounter++; } file_put_contents('composer.json', json_encode($composer, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT | JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES)); if ($packageCounter) { $this->say("$packageCounter new packages added to $section"); } if ($packageCounter && $this->ask('composer.json updated. Do you want to run "composer update"?', true)) { $this->sayInfo('Running composer update'); exec('composer update', $output, $status); if ($status !== 0) { $this->sayInfo('Composer installation failed. Please check composer.json and try to run "composer update" manually'); return; } if (!empty($composer['config']['vendor_dir'])) { $this->updateComposerClassMap($composer['config']['vendor_dir']); } else { $this->updateComposerClassMap(); } } return $packageCounter; } private function updateComposerClassMap($vendorDir = 'vendor') { $loader = require $vendorDir . '/autoload.php'; $classMap = require $vendorDir . '/composer/autoload_classmap.php'; $loader->addClassMap($classMap); $map = require $vendorDir . '/composer/autoload_psr4.php'; foreach ($map as $namespace => $path) { $loader->setPsr4($namespace, $path); } } }