scenario = $scenario; $this->metadata = $metadata; } public function prepareToRun($code) { $this->parseFeature($code); $this->parseScenarioOptions($code); } public function parseFeature($code) { $matches = []; $code = $this->stripComments($code); $res = preg_match("~\\\$I->wantTo\\(\s*?['\"](.*?)['\"]\s*?\\);~", $code, $matches); if ($res) { $this->scenario->setFeature($matches[1]); return; } $res = preg_match("~\\\$I->wantToTest\\(['\"](.*?)['\"]\\);~", $code, $matches); if ($res) { $this->scenario->setFeature("test " . $matches[1]); return; } } public function parseScenarioOptions($code) { $this->metadata->setParamsFromAnnotations($this->matchComments($code)); } public function parseSteps($code) { // parse per line $friends = []; $lines = explode("\n", $code); $isFriend = false; foreach ($lines as $line) { // friends if (preg_match("~\\\$I->haveFriend\((.*?)\);~", $line, $matches)) { $friends[] = trim($matches[1], '\'"'); } // friend's section start if (preg_match("~\\\$(.*?)->does\(~", $line, $matches)) { $friend = $matches[1]; if (!in_array($friend, $friends)) { continue; } $isFriend = true; $this->addCommentStep("\n----- $friend does -----"); continue; } // actions if (preg_match("~\\\$I->(.*)\((.*?)\);~", $line, $matches)) { $this->addStep($matches); } // friend's section ends if ($isFriend && strpos($line, '}') !== false) { $this->addCommentStep("-------- back to me\n"); $isFriend = false; } } } protected function addStep($matches) { list($m, $action, $params) = $matches; if (in_array($action, ['wantTo', 'wantToTest'])) { return; } $this->scenario->addStep(new Step\Action($action, explode(',', $params))); } protected function addCommentStep($comment) { $this->scenario->addStep(new \Codeception\Step\Comment($comment, [])); } public static function validate($file) { $config = Configuration::config(); if (empty($config['settings']['lint'])) { // lint disabled in config return; } if (!function_exists('exec')) { //exec function is disabled #3324 return; } exec("php -l " . escapeshellarg($file) . " 2>&1", $output, $code); if ($code !== 0) { throw new TestParseException($file, implode("\n", $output)); } } public static function load($file) { if (PHP_MAJOR_VERSION < 7) { self::validate($file); } try { self::includeFile($file); } catch (\ParseError $e) { throw new TestParseException($file, $e->getMessage(), $e->getLine()); } catch (\Exception $e) { // file is valid otherwise } } public static function getClassesFromFile($file) { $sourceCode = file_get_contents($file); $classes = []; if (PHP_MAJOR_VERSION > 5) { $tokens = token_get_all($sourceCode, TOKEN_PARSE); } else { $tokens = token_get_all($sourceCode); } $tokenCount = count($tokens); $namespace = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $tokenCount; $i++) { if ($tokens[$i][0] === T_NAMESPACE) { $namespace = ''; for ($j = $i + 1; $j < $tokenCount; $j++) { if ($tokens[$j] === '{' || $tokens[$j] === ';') { break; } if ($tokens[$j][0] === T_STRING || (PHP_MAJOR_VERSION >= 8 && $tokens[$j][0] === T_NAME_QUALIFIED)) { $namespace .= $tokens[$j][1] . '\\'; } } } if ($tokens[$i][0] === T_CLASS) { if (!isset($tokens[$i - 2])) { $classes[] = $namespace . $tokens[$i + 2][1]; continue; } if ($tokens[$i - 2][0] === T_NEW) { continue; } if ($tokens[$i - 1][0] === T_WHITESPACE and $tokens[$i - 2][0] === T_DOUBLE_COLON) { continue; } if ($tokens[$i - 1][0] === T_DOUBLE_COLON) { continue; } $classes[] = $namespace . $tokens[$i + 2][1]; } } if (PHP_MAJOR_VERSION > 5) { $tokens = null; gc_mem_caches(); } return $classes; } /* * Include in different scope to prevent included file from affecting $file variable */ private static function includeFile($file) { include_once $file; } /** * @param $code * @return mixed */ protected function stripComments($code) { $code = preg_replace('~\/\/.*?$~m', '', $code); // remove inline comments $code = preg_replace('~\/*\*.*?\*\/~ms', '', $code); return $code; // remove block comment } protected function matchComments($code) { $matches = []; $comments = ''; $hasLineComment = preg_match_all('~\/\/(.*?)$~m', $code, $matches); if ($hasLineComment) { foreach ($matches[1] as $line) { $comments .= $line."\n"; } } $hasBlockComment = preg_match('~\/*\*(.*?)\*\/~ms', $code, $matches); if ($hasBlockComment) { $comments .= $matches[1]."\n"; } return $comments; } }