// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/ // // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Moodle. If not, see
. /** * Controls all of the behaviour and interaction with a tool type card. These are * listed on the LTI tool type management page. * * See template: mod_lti/tool_proxy_card * * @module mod_lti/tool_proxy_card_controller * @class tool_card_controller * @package mod_lti * @copyright 2016 John Okely
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later * @since 3.1 */ define(['jquery', 'core/ajax', 'core/notification', 'core/templates', 'mod_lti/tool_proxy', 'mod_lti/events', 'mod_lti/keys', 'core/str'], function($, ajax, notification, templates, toolProxy, ltiEvents, KEYS, str) { var SELECTORS = { DELETE_BUTTON: '.delete', CAPABILITIES_CONTAINER: '.capabilities-container', ACTIVATE_BUTTON: '.tool-card-footer a.activate', }; // Timeout in seconds. var ANNOUNCEMENT_TIMEOUT = 2000; /** * Return the delete button element. * * @method getDeleteButton * @private * @param {JQuery} element jQuery object representing the tool card. * @return {JQuery} jQuery object */ var getDeleteButton = function(element) { return element.find(SELECTORS.DELETE_BUTTON); }; /** * Return the activate button for the type. * * @method getActivateButton * @private * @param {JQuery} element jQuery object representing the tool card. * @return {JQuery} jQuery object */ var getActivateButton = function(element) { return element.find(SELECTORS.ACTIVATE_BUTTON); }; /** * Get the type id. * * @method getTypeId * @private * @param {JQuery} element jQuery object representing the tool card. * @return {String} Type ID */ var getTypeId = function(element) { return element.attr('data-proxy-id'); }; /** * Stop any announcement currently visible on the card. * * @method clearAllAnnouncements * @private * @param {JQuery} element jQuery object representing the tool card. */ var clearAllAnnouncements = function(element) { element.removeClass('announcement loading success fail capabilities'); }; /** * Show the loading announcement. * * @method startLoading * @private * @param {JQuery} element jQuery object representing the tool card. */ var startLoading = function(element) { clearAllAnnouncements(element); element.addClass('announcement loading'); }; /** * Hide the loading announcement. * * @method stopLoading * @private * @param {JQuery} element jQuery object representing the tool card. */ var stopLoading = function(element) { element.removeClass('announcement loading'); }; /** * Show the success announcement. The announcement is only * visible for 2 seconds. * * @method announceSuccess * @private * @param {JQuery} element jQuery object representing the tool card. * @return {Promise} jQuery Deferred object */ var announceSuccess = function(element) { var promise = $.Deferred(); clearAllAnnouncements(element); element.addClass('announcement success'); setTimeout(function() { element.removeClass('announcement success'); promise.resolve(); }, ANNOUNCEMENT_TIMEOUT); return promise; }; /** * Show the failure announcement. The announcement is only * visible for 2 seconds. * * @method announceFailure * @private * @param {JQuery} element jQuery object representing the tool card. * @return {Promise} jQuery Deferred object */ var announceFailure = function(element) { var promise = $.Deferred(); clearAllAnnouncements(element); element.addClass('announcement fail'); setTimeout(function() { element.removeClass('announcement fail'); promise.resolve(); }, ANNOUNCEMENT_TIMEOUT); return promise; }; /** * Delete the tool type from the Moodle server. Triggers a success * or failure announcement depending on the result. * * @method deleteType * @private * @param {JQuery} element jQuery object representing the tool card. * @return {Promise} jQuery Deferred object */ var deleteType = function(element) { var promise = $.Deferred(); var typeId = getTypeId(element); startLoading(element); if (typeId === "") { return $.Deferred().resolve(); } str.get_strings([ { key: 'delete', component: 'mod_lti' }, { key: 'delete_confirmation', component: 'mod_lti' }, { key: 'delete', component: 'mod_lti' }, { key: 'cancel', component: 'core' }, ]) .done(function(strs) { notification.confirm(strs[0], strs[1], strs[2], strs[3], function() { toolProxy.delete(typeId) .done(function() { stopLoading(element); announceSuccess(element) .done(function() { element.remove(); promise.resolve(); }) .fail(notification.exception); }) .fail(function(error) { announceFailure(element); promise.reject(error); }); }, function() { stopLoading(element); promise.resolve(); }); }) .fail(function(error) { stopLoading(element); notification.exception(error); promise.reject(error); }); return promise; }; /** * The user wishes to activate this tool so show them the capabilities that * they need to agree to or if there are none then set the tool type's state * to active. * * @method activateToolType * @private * @param {JQuery} element jQuery object representing the tool card. */ var activateToolType = function(element) { var data = {proxyid: getTypeId(element)}; $(document).trigger(ltiEvents.START_EXTERNAL_REGISTRATION, data); }; /** * Sets up the listeners for user interaction on this tool type card. * * @method registerEventListeners * @private * @param {JQuery} element jQuery object representing the tool card. */ var registerEventListeners = function(element) { var deleteButton = getDeleteButton(element); deleteButton.click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); deleteType(element); }); deleteButton.keypress(function(e) { if (!e.metaKey && !e.shiftKey && !e.altKey && !e.ctrlKey) { if (e.keyCode == KEYS.ENTER || e.keyCode == KEYS.SPACE) { e.preventDefault(); deleteButton.click(); } } }); var activateButton = getActivateButton(element); activateButton.click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); activateToolType(element); }); activateButton.keypress(function(e) { if (!e.metaKey && !e.shiftKey && !e.altKey && !e.ctrlKey) { if (e.keyCode == KEYS.ENTER || e.keyCode == KEYS.SPACE) { e.preventDefault(); activateButton.click(); } } }); }; return /** @alias module:mod_lti/tool_card_controller */ { /** * Initialise this module. * * @param {JQuery} element jQuery object representing the tool card. */ init: function(element) { registerEventListeners(element); } }; });