if ($.support.pjax) { module("$.pjax", { setup: function() { var self = this stop() window.iframeLoad = function(frame) { self.frame = frame window.iframeLoad = $.noop start() } $("#qunit-fixture").append("
") this.iframe = $("iframe")[0] }, teardown: function() { delete window.iframeLoad } }) asyncTest("pushes new url", 2, function() { navigate(this.frame) .pjax({ url: "hello.html", container: "#main", cache: false }, function(frame) { equal(frame.location.pathname, "/hello.html") equal(frame.location.search, "") }) }) asyncTest("replaces container html from response data", 2, function() { navigate(this.frame) .pjax({ url: "hello.html", container: "#main" }, function(frame) { equal(frame.$("#main > p").html().trim(), "Hello!") equal(frame.$("#main").contents().eq(1).text().trim(), "How's it going?") }) }) asyncTest("sets title to response title tag", 2, function() { navigate(this.frame) .pjax({ url: "hello.html", container: "#main" }, function(frame) { equal(frame.document.title, "Hello") equal(frame.$("#main title").length, 0) }) }) asyncTest("sets title to response nested title tag", 2, function() { navigate(this.frame) .pjax({ url: "nested_title.html", container: "#main" }, function(frame) { equal(frame.document.title, "Hello") equal(frame.$("#main title").length, 0) }) }) asyncTest("sets title to response last title tag", 2, function() { navigate(this.frame) .pjax({ url: "double_title.html", container: "#main" }, function(frame) { equal(frame.document.title, "World!") equal(frame.$("#main title").length, 0) }) }) asyncTest("scrolls to top of page", 2, function() { this.frame.scrollTo(0, 100) equal(this.frame.pageYOffset, 100) navigate(this.frame) .pjax({ url: "long.html", container: "#main" }, function(frame) { equal(frame.pageYOffset, 0) }) }) asyncTest("scrollTo: false avoids changing current scroll position", 2, function() { this.frame.scrollTo(0, 100) equal(this.frame.pageYOffset, 100) navigate(this.frame) .pjax({ url: "long.html", scrollTo: false, container: "#main" }, function(frame) { equal(frame.window.pageYOffset, 100) }) }) asyncTest("evals scripts", 7, function() { var externalLoadedCount = 0 this.frame.externalScriptLoaded = function() { externalLoadedCount++ } navigate(this.frame) .pjax({ url: "scripts.html?name=one", container: "#main" }, function(frame) { deepEqual(frame.evaledInlineLog, ["one"]) equal(externalLoadedCount, 0) return new PoorMansPromise(function(resolve) { setTimeout(resolve, 100) }).then(function() { equal(externalLoadedCount, 2, "expected scripts to have loaded") }) }) .pjax({ url: "scripts.html?name=two", container: "#main" }, function(frame) { deepEqual(frame.evaledInlineLog, ["one", "two"]) }) .back(-1, function(frame) { deepEqual(frame.evaledInlineLog, ["one", "two", "one"]) }) .back(+1, function(frame) { deepEqual(frame.evaledInlineLog, ["one", "two", "one", "two"]) return new PoorMansPromise(function(resolve) { setTimeout(resolve, 100) }).then(function() { equal(externalLoadedCount, 2, "expected no extra scripts to load") }) }) }) asyncTest("url option accepts function", 2, function() { var numCalls = 0 var url = function() { numCalls++ return "hello.html" } navigate(this.frame) .pjax({ url: url, container: "#main" }, function(frame) { equal(frame.$("#main > p").html().trim(), "Hello!") equal(numCalls, 1) }) }) asyncTest("sets X-PJAX header on XHR request", 1, function() { navigate(this.frame) .pjax({ url: "env.html", container: "#main" }, function(frame) { var env = JSON.parse(frame.$("#env").text()) equal(env["HTTP_X_PJAX"], "true") }) }) asyncTest("sets X-PJAX-Container header to container on XHR request", 1, function() { navigate(this.frame) .pjax({ url: "env.html", container: "#main" }, function(frame) { var env = JSON.parse(frame.$("#env").text()) equal(env["HTTP_X_PJAX_CONTAINER"], "#main") }) }) asyncTest("sets hidden _pjax param on XHR GET request", 1, function() { navigate(this.frame) .pjax({ data: undefined, url: "env.html", container: "#main" }, function(frame) { var env = JSON.parse(frame.$("#env").text()) equal(env["rack.request.query_hash"]["_pjax"], "#main") }) }) asyncTest("sets hidden _pjax param if array data is supplied", 1, function() { var data = [{ name: "foo", value: "bar" }] navigate(this.frame) .pjax({ data: data, url: "env.html", container: "#main" }, function(frame) { var env = JSON.parse(frame.$("#env").text()) deepEqual(env["rack.request.query_hash"], { "_pjax": "#main" , "foo": "bar" }) }) }) asyncTest("sets hidden _pjax param if object data is supplied", 1, function() { var data = { foo: "bar" } navigate(this.frame) .pjax({ data: data, url: "env.html", container: "#main" }, function(frame) { var env = JSON.parse(frame.$("#env").text()) deepEqual(env["rack.request.query_hash"], { "_pjax": "#main" , "foo": "bar" }) }) }) asyncTest("preserves query string on GET request", 3, function() { navigate(this.frame) .pjax({ url: "env.html?foo=1&bar=2", container: "#main" }, function(frame) { equal(frame.location.pathname, "/env.html") equal(frame.location.search, "?foo=1&bar=2") var env = JSON.parse(frame.$("#env").text()) deepEqual(env["rack.request.query_hash"], { "_pjax": "#main" , "foo": "1" , "bar": "2" }) }) }) asyncTest("GET data is appended to query string", 6, function() { var data = { foo: 1, bar: 2 } navigate(this.frame) .pjax({ data: data, url: "env.html", container: "#main" }, function(frame) { equal(frame.location.pathname, "/env.html") equal(frame.location.search, "?foo=1&bar=2") var env = JSON.parse(frame.$("#env").text()) deepEqual(env["rack.request.query_hash"], { "_pjax": "#main" , "foo": "1" , "bar": "2" }) }) var frame = this.frame setTimeout(function() { // URL is set immediately equal(frame.location.pathname, "/env.html") equal(frame.location.search, "?foo=1&bar=2") equal(frame.location.href.indexOf("#"), -1) }, 0) }) asyncTest("GET data is merged into query string", 6, function() { var data = { bar: 2 } navigate(this.frame) .pjax({ data: data, url: "env.html?foo=1", container: "#main" }, function(frame) { equal(frame.location.pathname, "/env.html") equal(frame.location.search, "?foo=1&bar=2") var env = JSON.parse(frame.$("#env").text()) deepEqual(env["rack.request.query_hash"], { "_pjax": "#main" , "foo": "1" , "bar": "2" }) }) var frame = this.frame setTimeout(function() { // URL is set immediately equal(frame.location.pathname, "/env.html") equal(frame.location.search, "?foo=1&bar=2") equal(frame.location.href.indexOf("#"), -1) }, 0) }) asyncTest("mixed containers", 6, function() { navigate(this.frame) .pjax({ url: "fragment.html", container: "#main" }) .pjax({ url: "aliens.html", container: "#foo" }, function(frame) { equal(frame.$("#main > #foo > ul > li").last().text(), "aliens") }) .back(-1, function(frame) { equal(frame.$("#main > #foo").text().trim(), "Foo") }) .pjax({ url: "env.html", replace: true, fragment: "#env", container: "#bar" }, function(frame) { // This replaceState shouldn't affect restoring other popstates equal(frame.$("#main > #foo").text().trim(), "Foo") ok(JSON.parse(frame.$("#bar").text())) }) .back(-1, function(frame) { equal(frame.$("#main > ul > li").first().text(), "home") }) .back(+1) .back(+1, function(frame) { equal(frame.$("#main > #foo > ul > li").last().text(), "aliens") }) }) asyncTest("only fragment is inserted", 2, function() { navigate(this.frame) .pjax({ url: "hello.html?layout=true", fragment: "#main", container: "#main" }, function(frame) { equal(frame.$("#main > p").html().trim(), "Hello!") equal(frame.document.title, "Hello") }) }) asyncTest("use body as fragment", 2, function() { navigate(this.frame) .pjax({ url: "hello.html?layout=true", fragment: "body", container: "body" }, function(frame) { equal(frame.$("body > #main > p").html().trim(), "Hello!") equal(frame.document.title, "Hello") }) }) asyncTest("fragment sets title to response title attr", 2, function() { navigate(this.frame) .pjax({ url: "fragment.html", fragment: "#foo", container: "#main" }, function(frame) { equal(frame.$("#main > p").html(), "Foo") equal(frame.document.title, "Foo") }) }) asyncTest("fragment sets title to response data-title attr", 2, function() { navigate(this.frame) .pjax({ url: "fragment.html", fragment: "#bar", container: "#main" }, function(frame) { equal(frame.$("#main > p").html(), "Bar") equal(frame.document.title, "Bar") }) }) asyncTest("missing fragment falls back to full load", 2, function() { var iframe = this.iframe navigate(this.frame) .pjax({ url: "hello.html?layout=true", fragment: "#missing", container: "#main" }, function() { return new PoorMansPromise(function(resolve) { iframe.onload = function() { resolve(this.contentWindow) } }).then(function(frame) { equal(frame.$("#main p").html(), "Hello!") equal(frame.location.pathname, "/hello.html") }) }) }) asyncTest("missing data falls back to full load", 2, function() { var iframe = this.iframe navigate(this.frame) .pjax({ url: "empty.html", container: "#main" }, function() { return new PoorMansPromise(function(resolve) { iframe.onload = function() { resolve(this.contentWindow) } }).then(function(frame) { equal(frame.$("#main").html().trim(), "") equal(frame.location.pathname, "/empty.html") }) }) }) asyncTest("full html page falls back to full load", 2, function() { var iframe = this.iframe navigate(this.frame) .pjax({ url: "hello.html?layout=true", container: "#main" }, function() { return new PoorMansPromise(function(resolve) { iframe.onload = function() { resolve(this.contentWindow) } }).then(function(frame) { equal(frame.$("#main p").html(), "Hello!") equal(frame.location.pathname, "/hello.html") }) }) }) asyncTest("header version mismatch does a full load", 2, function() { var iframe = this.iframe this.frame.$.pjax.defaults.version = "v2" navigate(this.frame) .pjax({ url: "hello.html", container: "#main" }, function() { return new PoorMansPromise(function(resolve) { iframe.onload = function() { resolve(this.contentWindow) } }).then(function(frame) { equal(frame.$("#main p").html(), "Hello!") equal(frame.location.pathname, "/hello.html") }) }) }) asyncTest("triggers pjax:start/end events from container", 12, function() { var eventLog = [] var container = this.frame.document.getElementById("main") ok(container) this.frame.$(container).on("pjax:start pjax:end", function(event, xhr, options) { eventLog.push(arguments) }) navigate(this.frame) .pjax({ url: "hello.html", container: "#main" }, function(frame) { equal(eventLog.length, 2) $.each(["pjax:start", "pjax:end"], function(i, expectedType) { (function(event, xhr, options){ equal(event.type, expectedType) equal(event.target, container) equal(event.relatedTarget, null) equal(typeof xhr.abort, "function") equal(options.url, "hello.html") }).apply(this, eventLog[i]) }) }) }) asyncTest("events preserve explicit target as relatedTarget", 7, function() { var eventLog = [] var container = this.frame.document.getElementById("main") ok(container) this.frame.$(container).on("pjax:start pjax:end", function(event, xhr, options) { eventLog.push(event) }) navigate(this.frame) .pjax({ url: "hello.html", target: container, container: "#main" }, function(frame) { $.each(["pjax:start", "pjax:end"], function(i, expectedType) { var event = eventLog[i] equal(event.type, expectedType) equal(event.target, container) equal(event.relatedTarget, container) }) }) }) asyncTest("stopping pjax:beforeSend prevents the request", 6, function() { var eventLog = [] var container = this.frame.document.getElementById("main") ok(container) this.frame.$(container).on("pjax:beforeSend", function(event, xhr, settings) { eventLog.push(arguments) return false }) navigate(this.frame) .pjax({ url: "hello.html", container: "#main" }, function(frame) { ok(false) }) setTimeout(function() { equal(eventLog.length, 1) ;(function(event, xhr, settings){ equal(event.type, "pjax:beforeSend") equal(event.target, container) equal(typeof xhr.abort, "function") equal(settings.dataType, "html") }).apply(this, eventLog[0]) start() }, 100) }) asyncTest("triggers pjax:beforeReplace event from container", 9, function() { var eventLog = [] var container = this.frame.document.getElementById("main") ok(container) this.frame.$(container).on("pjax:beforeReplace", function(event, contents, options) { eventLog.push(arguments) equal(container.textContent.indexOf("Hello!"), -1) }) var urlPrefix = location.protocol + "//" + location.host navigate(this.frame) .pjax({ url: "hello.html", container: "#main" }, function(frame) { equal(eventLog.length, 1) ;(function(event, contents, options){ equal(event.target, container) equal(event.state.url, urlPrefix + "/hello.html") equal(event.previousState.url, urlPrefix + "/home.html") equal(contents[0].nodeName, "P") // FIXME: Should this be absolute URL? equal(options.url, "hello.html") }).apply(this, eventLog[0]) ok(container.textContent.indexOf("Hello!") >= 0) }) }) asyncTest("triggers pjax:success/complete events from container", function() { var eventLog = [] var container = this.frame.document.getElementById("main") ok(container) this.frame.$(container).on("pjax:success pjax:complete", function(event) { eventLog.push(arguments) }) navigate(this.frame) .pjax({ url: "hello.html", container: "#main" }, function(frame) { equal(eventLog.length, 2) ;(function(event, data, status, xhr, options){ equal(event.type, "pjax:success") equal(event.target, container) ok(data.indexOf("
") >= 0) equal(status, "success") equal(typeof xhr.abort, "function") equal(options.url, "hello.html") }).apply(this, eventLog[0]) ;(function(event, xhr, status, options){ equal(event.type, "pjax:complete") equal(event.target, container) equal(typeof xhr.abort, "function") equal(status, "success") equal(options.url, "hello.html") }).apply(this, eventLog[1]) }) }) asyncTest("triggers pjax:error event from container", function() { var frame = this.frame frame.$("#main").on("pjax:error", function(event, xhr, status, error, options) { ok(event) equal(xhr.status, 500) equal(status, 'error') equal(error.trim(), 'Internal Server Error') equal(options.url, "boom.html") start() }) frame.$.pjax({ url: "boom.html", container: "#main" }) }) asyncTest("stopping pjax:error disables default behavior", function() { var frame = this.frame frame.$("#main").on("pjax:error", function(event, xhr) { ok(true) setTimeout(function() { xhr.abort() start() }, 0) return false }) this.iframe.onload = function() { ok(false) } frame.$.pjax({ url: "boom.html", container: "#main" }) }) asyncTest("loads fallback if timeout event isn't handled", function() { var frame = this.frame frame.$.pjax({ url: "timeout.html#hello", container: "#main" }) equal(frame.location.pathname, "/timeout.html") equal(frame.location.hash, "#hello") this.iframe.onload = function() { equal(frame.$("#main p").html(), "SLOW DOWN!") equal(frame.location.pathname, "/timeout.html") equal(frame.location.hash, "#hello") start() } }) asyncTest("stopping pjax:timeout disables default behavior", function() { var frame = this.frame frame.$("#main").on("pjax:timeout", function(event, xhr) { ok(true) setTimeout(function() { xhr.abort() start() }, 0) return false }) this.iframe.onload = function() { ok(false) } frame.$.pjax({ url: "timeout.html", container: "#main" }) }) asyncTest("POST never times out", function() { var frame = this.frame frame.$("#main").on("pjax:complete", function() { equal(frame.$("#main p").html(), "SLOW DOWN!") equal(frame.location.pathname, "/timeout.html") start() }) frame.$("#main").on("pjax:timeout", function(event, xhr) { ok(false) }) this.iframe.onload = function() { ok(false) } frame.$.pjax({ type: 'POST', url: "timeout.html", container: "#main" }) }) asyncTest("500 loads fallback", function() { var frame = this.frame frame.$.pjax({ url: "boom.html", container: "#main" }) this.iframe.onload = function() { equal(frame.$("#main p").html(), "500") equal(frame.location.pathname, "/boom.html") start() } }) asyncTest("POST 500 never loads fallback", function() { var frame = this.frame frame.$("#main").on("pjax:complete", function() { equal(frame.location.pathname, "/boom.html") start() }) frame.$("#main").on("pjax:error", function(event, xhr) { ok(true) }) frame.$("#main").on("pjax:timeout", function(event, xhr) { ok(false) }) this.iframe.onload = function() { ok(false) } frame.$.pjax({ type: 'POST', url: "boom.html", container: "#main" }) }) function goBack(frame, callback) { setTimeout(function() { frame.$("#main").one("pjax:end", callback) frame.history.back() }, 0) } asyncTest("clicking back while loading cancels XHR", function() { var frame = this.frame frame.$('#main').on('pjax:timeout', function(event) { event.preventDefault() }) frame.$("#main").one('pjax:send', function() { // Check that our request is aborted (need to check // how robust this is across browsers) frame.$("#main").one('pjax:complete', function(e, xhr, textStatus) { equal(xhr.status, 0) equal(textStatus, 'abort') }) setTimeout(function() { frame.history.back() }, 250) // Make sure the URL and content remain the same after the // XHR would have arrived (delay on timeout.html is 1s) setTimeout(function() { var afterBackLocation = frame.location.pathname var afterBackTitle = frame.document.title setTimeout(function() { equal(frame.location.pathname, afterBackLocation) equal(frame.document.title, afterBackTitle) start() }, 1000) }, 500) }) frame.$.pjax({ url: "timeout.html", container: "#main" }) }) asyncTest("popstate going back/forward in history", 14, function() { var eventLog = [] var container = this.frame.document.getElementById("main") ok(container) this.frame.$(container).on("pjax:popstate", function(event) { eventLog.push(event) }) navigate(this.frame) .pjax({ url: "hello.html", container: "#main" }, function(frame) { equal(frame.location.pathname, "/hello.html") equal(frame.document.title, "Hello") equal(eventLog.length, 0) }) .back(-1, function(frame) { equal(frame.location.pathname, "/home.html") equal(frame.document.title, "Home") equal(eventLog.length, 1) equal(eventLog[0].direction, "back") equal(eventLog[0].state.container, "#main") }) .back(+1, function(frame) { equal(frame.location.pathname, "/hello.html") equal(frame.document.title, "Hello") equal(eventLog.length, 2) equal(eventLog[1].direction, "forward") equal(eventLog[1].state.container, "#main") }) }) asyncTest("popstate restores original scroll position", 2, function() { this.frame.scrollTo(0, 100) equal(this.frame.pageYOffset, 100) navigate(this.frame) .pjax({ url: "long.html", container: "#main" }, function(frame) { equal(frame.pageYOffset, 0) }) .back(-1, function(frame) { // FIXME: Seems like this functionality is natively broken in PhantomJS and Safari // equal(frame.pageYOffset, 100) }) }) asyncTest("popstate triggers pjax:beforeReplace event", 10, function() { var eventLog = [] var container = this.frame.document.getElementById("main") ok(container) this.frame.$(container).on("pjax:beforeReplace", function(event, contents, options) { eventLog.push(arguments) if (eventLog.length == 2) { equal(container.textContent.indexOf("home"), -1) } }) var urlPrefix = location.protocol + "//" + location.host navigate(this.frame) .pjax({ url: "hello.html", container: "#main" }) .back(-1, function(frame) { equal(eventLog.length, 2) // FIXME: First "pjax:beforeReplace" event has relative URL, // while the 2nd (triggered by popstate) has absolute URL. equal(eventLog[0][2].url, "hello.html") ;(function(event, contents, options){ equal(event.target, container) equal(event.previousState.url, urlPrefix + "/hello.html") equal(event.state.url, urlPrefix + "/home.html") equal(contents[1].nodeName, "UL") equal(options.url, urlPrefix + "/home.html") }).apply(this, eventLog[1]) ok(container.textContent.indexOf("home") >= 0) }) }) asyncTest("no initial pjax:popstate event", function() { var frame = this.frame var count = 0 window.iframeLoad = function() { count++ if (count == 1) { equal(frame.location.pathname, "/home.html") frame.location.pathname = "/hello.html" } else if (count == 2) { equal(frame.location.pathname, "/hello.html") frame.$.pjax({url: "env.html", container: "#main"}) } else if (count == 3) { equal(frame.location.pathname, "/env.html") frame.history.back() } else if (count == 4) { equal(frame.location.pathname, "/hello.html") frame.history.back() } else if (count == 5) { equal(frame.location.pathname, "/home.html") frame.history.forward() } else if (count == 6) { frame.$('#main').on('pjax:popstate', function(event) { if (count == 6) { // Should skip pjax:popstate since there's no initial pjax.state ok(event.state.url.match("/hello.html"), event.state.url) ok(false) } else if (count == 7) { ok(event.state.url.match("/env.html"), event.state.url) ok(true) } }) frame.$(frame.window).on('popstate', function() { if (count == 6) { count++ frame.history.forward() } }) // Browsers that don't fire initial "popstate" should just resume setTimeout(function() { start() }, 100) } } window.iframeLoad() }) asyncTest("hitting the back button obeys maxCacheLength", function() { var frame = this.frame var count = 0 var didHitServer // Reduce the maxCacheLength for this spec to make it easier to test. frame.$.pjax.defaults.maxCacheLength = 1 // This event will fire only when we request a page from the server, so we // can use it to detect a cache miss. frame.$("#main").on("pjax:beforeSend", function() { didHitServer = true }) frame.$("#main").on("pjax:end", function() { count++ // First, navigate twice. if (count == 1) { frame.$.pjax({url: "env.html", container: "#main"}) } else if (count == 2) { frame.$.pjax({url: "hello.html", container: "#main"}) } else if (count == 3) { // There should now be one item in the back cache. didHitServer = false frame.history.back() } else if (count == 4) { equal(frame.location.pathname, "/env.html", "Went backward") equal(didHitServer, false, "Hit cache") frame.history.back() } else if (count == 5) { equal(frame.location.pathname, "/hello.html", "Went backward") equal(didHitServer, true, "Hit server") start() } }) frame.$.pjax({url: "hello.html", container: "#main"}) }) asyncTest("hitting the forward button obeys maxCacheLength", function() { var frame = this.frame var count = 0 var didHitServer // Reduce the maxCacheLength for this spec to make it easier to test. frame.$.pjax.defaults.maxCacheLength = 1 // This event will fire only when we request a page from the server, so we // can use it to detect a cache miss. frame.$("#main").on("pjax:beforeSend", function() { didHitServer = true }) frame.$("#main").on("pjax:end", function() { count++ if (count == 1) { frame.$.pjax({url: "env.html", container: "#main"}) } else if (count == 2) { frame.$.pjax({url: "hello.html", container: "#main"}) } else if (count == 3) { frame.history.back() } else if (count == 4) { frame.history.back() } else if (count == 5) { // There should now be one item in the forward cache. didHitServer = false frame.history.forward() } else if (count == 6) { equal(frame.location.pathname, "/env.html", "Went forward") equal(didHitServer, false, "Hit cache") frame.history.forward() } else if (count == 7) { equal(frame.location.pathname, "/hello.html", "Went forward") equal(didHitServer, true, "Hit server") start() } }) frame.$.pjax({url: "hello.html", container: "#main"}) }) asyncTest("setting maxCacheLength to 0 disables caching", function() { var frame = this.frame var count = 0 var didHitServer // Set maxCacheLength to 0 to disable caching completely. frame.$.pjax.defaults.maxCacheLength = 0 // This event will fire only when we request a page from the server, so we // can use it to detect a cache miss. frame.$("#main").on("pjax:beforeSend", function() { didHitServer = true }) frame.$("#main").on("pjax:end", function() { count++ if (count == 1) { didHitServer = false frame.$.pjax({url: "env.html", container: "#main"}) } else if (count == 2) { equal(frame.location.pathname, "/env.html", "Navigated to a new page") equal(didHitServer, true, "Hit server") didHitServer = false frame.history.back() } else if (count == 3) { equal(frame.location.pathname, "/hello.html", "Went backward") equal(didHitServer, true, "Hit server") didHitServer = false frame.history.forward() } else if (count == 4) { equal(frame.location.pathname, "/env.html", "Went forward") equal(didHitServer, true, "Hit server") start() } }) frame.$.pjax({url: "hello.html", container: "#main"}) }) asyncTest("lazily sets initial $.pjax.state", function() { var frame = this.frame equal(frame.$.pjax.state, null) frame.$('#main').on("pjax:success", function() { start() }) frame.$.pjax({ url: "hello.html", container: "#main" }) var initialState = frame.$.pjax.state ok(initialState.id) equal(initialState.url, "http://" + frame.location.host + "/home.html") equal(initialState.container, "#main") }) asyncTest("updates $.pjax.state to new page", function() { var frame = this.frame frame.$('#main').on("pjax:success", function() { var state = frame.$.pjax.state ok(state.id) equal(state.url, "http://" + frame.location.host + "/hello.html#new") equal(state.container, "#main") start() }) frame.$.pjax({ url: "hello.html#new", container: "#main" }) var initialState = frame.$.pjax.state }) asyncTest("new id is generated for new pages", function() { var frame = this.frame var oldId frame.$('#main').on("pjax:success", function() { ok(frame.$.pjax.state.id) notEqual(oldId, frame.$.pjax.state.id) start() }) frame.$.pjax({ url: "hello.html", container: "#main" }) ok(frame.$.pjax.state.id) oldId = frame.$.pjax.state.id }) asyncTest("id is the same going back", function() { var frame = this.frame var oldId equal(frame.location.pathname, "/home.html") frame.$('#main').on("pjax:complete", function() { ok(frame.$.pjax.state.id) notEqual(oldId, frame.$.pjax.state.id) ok(frame.history.length > 1) goBack(frame, function() { ok(frame.$.pjax.state.id) equal(oldId, frame.$.pjax.state.id) start() }) }) frame.$.pjax({ url: "hello.html", container: "#main" }) ok(frame.$.pjax.state.id) oldId = frame.$.pjax.state.id }) asyncTest("handles going back to pjaxed state after reloading a fragment navigation", function() { var iframe = this.iframe var frame = this.frame var supportsHistoryState = 'state' in window.history // Get some pjax state in the history. frame.$.pjax({ url: "hello.html", container: "#main", }) frame.$("#main").on("pjax:complete", function() { var state = frame.history.state ok(frame.$.pjax.state) if (supportsHistoryState) ok(frame.history.state) // Navigate to a fragment, which will result in a new history entry with // no state object. $.pjax.state remains unchanged however. iframe.src = frame.location.href + '#foo' ok(frame.$.pjax.state) if (supportsHistoryState) ok(!frame.history.state) // Reload the frame. This will clear out $.pjax.state. frame.location.reload() $(iframe).one("load", function() { ok(!frame.$.pjax.state) if (supportsHistoryState) ok(!frame.history.state) // Go back to #main. We'll get a popstate event with a pjax state // object attached from the initial pjax navigation, even though // $.pjax.state is null. window.iframeLoad = function() { ok(frame.$.pjax.state) if (supportsHistoryState) { ok(frame.history.state) equal(frame.$.pjax.state.id, state.id) } start() } frame.history.back() }) }) }) asyncTest("handles going back to page after loading an error page", function() { var frame = this.frame var iframe = this.iframe equal(frame.location.pathname, "/home.html") equal(frame.document.title, "Home") $(iframe).one("load", function() { window.iframeLoad = function() { equal(frame.location.pathname, "/home.html") equal(frame.document.title, "Home") start() } frame.history.back() }) frame.$.pjax({ url: "boom_sans_pjax.html", container: "#main" }) }) asyncTest("copes with ampersands when pushing urls", 2, function() { navigate(this.frame) .pjax({ url: "/some-&-path/hello.html", container: "#main" }, function(frame) { equal(frame.location.pathname, "/some-&-path/hello.html") equal(frame.location.search, "") }) }) }