<?php /* * This file is part of the PHPASN1 library. * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace FG\Utility; /** * Class BigIntegerGmp * Integer representation of big numbers using the GMP extension to perform operations. * @package FG\Utility * @internal */ class BigIntegerGmp extends BigInteger { /** * Resource handle. * @var \GMP */ protected $_rh; public function __clone() { $this->_rh = gmp_add($this->_rh, 0); } protected function _fromString($str) { $this->_rh = gmp_init($str, 10); } protected function _fromInteger($integer) { $this->_rh = gmp_init($integer, 10); } public function __toString() { return gmp_strval($this->_rh, 10); } public function toInteger() { if ($this->compare(PHP_INT_MAX) > 0 || $this->compare(PHP_INT_MIN) < 0) { throw new \OverflowException(sprintf('Can not represent %s as integer.', $this)); } return gmp_intval($this->_rh); } public function isNegative() { return gmp_sign($this->_rh) === -1; } protected function _unwrap($number) { if ($number instanceof self) { return $number->_rh; } return $number; } public function compare($number) { return gmp_cmp($this->_rh, $this->_unwrap($number)); } public function add($b) { $ret = new self(); $ret->_rh = gmp_add($this->_rh, $this->_unwrap($b)); return $ret; } public function subtract($b) { $ret = new self(); $ret->_rh = gmp_sub($this->_rh, $this->_unwrap($b)); return $ret; } public function multiply($b) { $ret = new self(); $ret->_rh = gmp_mul($this->_rh, $this->_unwrap($b)); return $ret; } public function modulus($b) { $ret = new self(); $ret->_rh = gmp_mod($this->_rh, $this->_unwrap($b)); return $ret; } public function toPower($b) { if ($b instanceof self) { // gmp_pow accepts just an integer if ($b->compare(PHP_INT_MAX) > 0) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Unable to raise to power greater than PHP_INT_MAX.'); } $b = gmp_intval($b->_rh); } $ret = new self(); $ret->_rh = gmp_pow($this->_rh, $b); return $ret; } public function shiftRight($bits=8) { $ret = new self(); $ret->_rh = gmp_div($this->_rh, gmp_pow(2, $bits)); return $ret; } public function shiftLeft($bits=8) { $ret = new self(); $ret->_rh = gmp_mul($this->_rh, gmp_pow(2, $bits)); return $ret; } public function absoluteValue() { $ret = new self(); $ret->_rh = gmp_abs($this->_rh); return $ret; } }