* @link http://www.yiiframework.com/ * @copyright 2008-2013 Yii Software LLC * @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/ */ /** * This is an extension of default PDO class for MSSQL SQLSRV driver only. * It provides workaround of the improperly implemented functionalities of PDO SQLSRV driver. * * @author Timur Ruziev
* @package system.db.schema.mssql * @since 1.1.13 */ class CMssqlSqlsrvPdoAdapter extends PDO { /** * Returns last inserted ID value. * Before version 5.0, the SQLSRV driver supports PDO::lastInsertId() with one peculiarity: when $sequence's * value is null or empty string it returns empty string. But when parameter is not specified at all it's working as * expected and returns actual last inserted ID (like other PDO drivers). * Version 5.0 of the Microsoft PHP Drivers for SQL Server changes the behaviour of PDO::lastInsertID to be * consistent with the behaviour outlined in the PDO documentation. It returns the ID of the * last inserted sequence or row. * * @param string|null $sequence the sequence/table name. Defaults to null. * @return integer last inserted ID value. */ public function lastInsertId($sequence=null) { $parts = explode('.', phpversion('pdo_sqlsrv')); $sqlsrvVer = phpversion('pdo_sqlsrv') ? intval(array_shift($parts)) : 0; if(!$sequence || $sqlsrvVer >= 5) return parent::lastInsertId(); return parent::lastInsertId($sequence); } }