<?php /** * @package Joomla.Site * @subpackage com_content * * @copyright (C) 2006 Open Source Matters, Inc. <https://www.joomla.org> * @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt */ namespace Joomla\Component\Content\Site\Model; \defined('_JEXEC') or die; use Joomla\CMS\Factory; use Joomla\Component\Content\Administrator\Extension\ContentComponent; use Joomla\Component\Content\Site\Helper\QueryHelper; use Joomla\Database\ParameterType; /** * Content Component Archive Model * * @since 1.5 */ class ArchiveModel extends ArticlesModel { /** * Model context string. * * @var string */ public $_context = 'com_content.archive'; /** * Method to auto-populate the model state. * * Note. Calling getState in this method will result in recursion. * * @param string $ordering The field to order on. * @param string $direction The direction to order on. * * @return void * * @since 1.6 */ protected function populateState($ordering = null, $direction = null) { parent::populateState(); $app = Factory::getApplication(); // Add archive properties $params = $this->state->get('params'); // Filter on archived articles $this->setState('filter.published', ContentComponent::CONDITION_ARCHIVED); // Filter on month, year $this->setState('filter.month', $app->input->getInt('month')); $this->setState('filter.year', $app->input->getInt('year')); // Optional filter text $this->setState('list.filter', $app->input->getString('filter-search')); // Get list limit $itemid = $app->input->get('Itemid', 0, 'int'); $limit = $app->getUserStateFromRequest('com_content.archive.list' . $itemid . '.limit', 'limit', $params->get('display_num', 20), 'uint'); $this->setState('list.limit', $limit); // Set the archive ordering $articleOrderby = $params->get('orderby_sec', 'rdate'); $articleOrderDate = $params->get('order_date'); // No category ordering $secondary = QueryHelper::orderbySecondary($articleOrderby, $articleOrderDate, $this->getDbo()); $this->setState('list.ordering', $secondary . ', a.created DESC'); $this->setState('list.direction', ''); } /** * Get the master query for retrieving a list of articles subject to the model state. * * @return \JDatabaseQuery * * @since 1.6 */ protected function getListQuery() { $params = $this->state->params; $app = Factory::getApplication(); $catids = $app->input->get('catid', array(), 'array'); $catids = array_values(array_diff($catids, array(''))); $articleOrderDate = $params->get('order_date'); // Create a new query object. $db = $this->getDbo(); $query = parent::getListQuery(); // Add routing for archive $query->select( [ $this->getSlugColumn($query, 'a.id', 'a.alias') . ' AS ' . $db->quoteName('slug'), $this->getSlugColumn($query, 'c.id', 'c.alias') . ' AS ' . $db->quoteName('catslug'), ] ); // Filter on month, year // First, get the date field $queryDate = QueryHelper::getQueryDate($articleOrderDate, $this->getDbo()); if ($month = (int) $this->getState('filter.month')) { $query->where($query->month($queryDate) . ' = :month') ->bind(':month', $month, ParameterType::INTEGER); } if ($year = (int) $this->getState('filter.year')) { $query->where($query->year($queryDate) . ' = :year') ->bind(':year', $year, ParameterType::INTEGER); } if (count($catids) > 0) { $query->whereIn($db->quoteName('c.id'), $catids); } return $query; } /** * Method to get the archived article list * * @access public * @return array */ public function getData() { $app = Factory::getApplication(); // Lets load the content if it doesn't already exist if (empty($this->_data)) { // Get the page/component configuration $params = $app->getParams(); // Get the pagination request variables $limit = $app->input->get('limit', $params->get('display_num', 20), 'uint'); $limitstart = $app->input->get('limitstart', 0, 'uint'); $query = $this->_buildQuery(); $this->_data = $this->_getList($query, $limitstart, $limit); } return $this->_data; } /** * Gets the archived articles years * * @return array * * @since 3.6.0 */ public function getYears() { $db = $this->getDbo(); $nowDate = Factory::getDate()->toSql(); $query = $db->getQuery(true); $years = $query->year($db->quoteName('c.created')); $query->select('DISTINCT ' . $years) ->from($db->quoteName('#__content', 'c')) ->where($db->quoteName('c.state') . ' = ' . ContentComponent::CONDITION_ARCHIVED) ->extendWhere( 'AND', [ $db->quoteName('c.publish_up') . ' IS NULL', $db->quoteName('c.publish_up') . ' <= :publishUp', ], 'OR' ) ->extendWhere( 'AND', [ $db->quoteName('c.publish_down') . ' IS NULL', $db->quoteName('c.publish_down') . ' >= :publishDown', ], 'OR' ) ->bind(':publishUp', $nowDate) ->bind(':publishDown', $nowDate) ->order('1 ASC'); $db->setQuery($query); return $db->loadColumn(); } /** * Generate column expression for slug or catslug. * * @param \JDatabaseQuery $query Current query instance. * @param string $id Column id name. * @param string $alias Column alias name. * * @return string * * @since 4.0.0 */ private function getSlugColumn($query, $id, $alias) { $db = $this->getDbo(); return 'CASE WHEN ' . $query->charLength($db->quoteName($alias), '!=', '0') . ' THEN ' . $query->concatenate([$query->castAsChar($db->quoteName($id)), $db->quoteName($alias)], ':') . ' ELSE ' . $query->castAsChar($id) . ' END'; } }