# Architecture The general pattern of usage is to instantiate the `ReCaptcha` class with your secret key, specify any additional validation rules, and then call `verify()` with the reCAPTCHA response and user's IP address. For example: ```php <?php $recaptcha = new \ReCaptcha\ReCaptcha($secret); $resp = $recaptcha->setExpectedHostname('recaptcha-demo.appspot.com') ->verify($gRecaptchaResponse, $remoteIp); if ($resp->isSuccess()) { // Verified! } else { $errors = $resp->getErrorCodes(); } ``` By default, this will use the [`stream_context_create()`](https://secure.php.net/stream_context_create) and [`file_get_contents()`](https://secure.php.net/file_get_contents) to make a POST request to the reCAPTCHA service. This is handled by the [`RequestMethod\Post`](./src/ReCaptcha/RequestMethod/Post.php) class. ## Alternate request methods You may need to use other methods for making requests in your environment. The [`ReCaptcha`](./src/ReCaptcha/ReCaptcha.php) class allows an optional [`RequestMethod`](./src/ReCaptcha/RequestMethod.php) instance to configure this. For example, if you want to use [cURL](https://secure.php.net/curl) instead you can do this: ```php <?php $recaptcha = new \ReCaptcha\ReCaptcha($secret, new \ReCaptcha\RequestMethod\CurlPost()); ``` Alternatively, you can also use a [socket](https://secure.php.net/fsockopen): ```php <?php $recaptcha = new \ReCaptcha\ReCaptcha($secret, new \ReCaptcha\RequestMethod\SocketPost()); ``` ## Adding new request methods Create a class that implements the [`RequestMethod`](./src/ReCaptcha/RequestMethod.php) interface. The convention is to name this class `RequestMethod\`_MethodType_`Post` and create a separate `RequestMethod\`_MethodType_ class that wraps just the calls to the network calls themselves. This means that the `RequestMethod\`_MethodType_`Post` can be unit tested by passing in a mock. Take a look at [`RequestMethod\CurlPost`](./src/ReCaptcha/RequestMethod/CurlPost.php) and [`RequestMethod\Curl`](./src/ReCaptcha/RequestMethod/Curl.php) with the matching [`RequestMethod/CurlPostTest`](./tests/ReCaptcha/RequestMethod/CurlPostTest.php) to see this pattern in action. ### Error conventions The client returns the response as provided by the reCAPTCHA services augmented with additional error codes based on the client's checks. When adding a new [`RequestMethod`](./src/ReCaptcha/RequestMethod.php) ensure that it returns the `ReCaptcha::E_CONNECTION_FAILED` and `ReCaptcha::E_BAD_RESPONSE` where appropriate.