featureNode = $featureNode; $this->scenarioNode = $scenarioNode; $this->steps = $steps; $this->setMetadata(new Metadata()); $this->scenario = new Scenario($this); $this->getMetadata()->setName($scenarioNode->getTitle()); $this->getMetadata()->setFeature($featureNode->getTitle()); $this->getMetadata()->setFilename($featureNode->getFile()); } public function preload() { $this->getMetadata()->setGroups($this->featureNode->getTags()); $this->getMetadata()->setGroups($this->scenarioNode->getTags()); $this->scenario->setMetaStep(null); if ($background = $this->featureNode->getBackground()) { foreach ($background->getSteps() as $step) { $this->validateStep($step); } } foreach ($this->scenarioNode->getSteps() as $step) { $this->validateStep($step); } if ($this->getMetadata()->getIncomplete()) { $this->getMetadata()->setIncomplete($this->getMetadata()->getIncomplete() . "\nRun gherkin:snippets to define missing steps"); } } public function getSignature() { return basename($this->getFileName(), '.feature') . ':' . $this->getScenarioTitle(); } public function test() { $this->makeContexts(); $description = explode("\n", $this->featureNode->getDescription()); foreach ($description as $line) { $this->getScenario()->runStep(new Comment($line)); } if ($background = $this->featureNode->getBackground()) { foreach ($background->getSteps() as $step) { $this->runStep($step); } } foreach ($this->scenarioNode->getSteps() as $step) { $this->runStep($step); } } protected function validateStep(StepNode $stepNode) { $stepText = $stepNode->getText(); if (GherkinSnippets::stepHasPyStringArgument($stepNode)) { $stepText .= ' ""'; } $matches = []; foreach ($this->steps as $pattern => $context) { $res = preg_match($pattern, $stepText); if (!$res) { continue; } $matches[$pattern] = $context; } if (count($matches) === 0) { // There were no matches, meaning that the user should first add a step definition for this step $incomplete = $this->getMetadata()->getIncomplete(); $this->getMetadata()->setIncomplete("$incomplete\nStep definition for `$stepText` not found in contexts"); } if (count($matches) > 1) { // There were more than one match, meaning that we don't know which step definition to execute for this step $incomplete = $this->getMetadata()->getIncomplete(); $matchingDefinitions = []; foreach ($matches as $pattern => $context) { $matchingDefinitions[] = '- ' . $pattern . ' (' . self::contextAsString($context) . ')'; } $this->getMetadata()->setIncomplete( "$incomplete\nAmbiguous step: `$stepText` matches multiple definitions:\n" . implode("\n", $matchingDefinitions) ); } } private function contextAsString($context) { if (is_array($context) && count($context) === 2) { list($class, $method) = $context; if (is_string($class) && is_string($method)) { return $class . ':' . $method; } } return var_export($context, true); } protected function runStep(StepNode $stepNode) { $params = []; if ($stepNode->hasArguments()) { $args = $stepNode->getArguments(); $table = $args[0]; if ($table instanceof TableNode) { $params = [$table->getTableAsString()]; } } $meta = new Meta($stepNode->getText(), $params); $meta->setPrefix($stepNode->getKeyword()); $this->scenario->setMetaStep($meta); // enable metastep $stepText = $stepNode->getText(); $hasPyStringArg = GherkinSnippets::stepHasPyStringArgument($stepNode); if ($hasPyStringArg) { // pretend it is inline argument $stepText .= ' ""'; } $this->getScenario()->comment(null); // make metastep to be printed even if no steps in it foreach ($this->steps as $pattern => $context) { $matches = []; if (!preg_match($pattern, $stepText, $matches)) { continue; } array_shift($matches); if ($hasPyStringArg) { // get rid off last fake argument array_pop($matches); } if ($stepNode->hasArguments()) { $matches = array_merge($matches, $stepNode->getArguments()); } call_user_func_array($context, $matches); // execute the step break; } $this->scenario->setMetaStep(null); // disable metastep } protected function makeContexts() { /** @var $di Di **/ $di = $this->getMetadata()->getService('di'); $di->set($this->getScenario()); $actorClass = $this->getMetadata()->getCurrent('actor'); if ($actorClass) { $di->set(new $actorClass($this->getScenario())); } foreach ($this->steps as $pattern => $step) { $di->instantiate($step[0]); $this->steps[$pattern][0] = $di->get($step[0]); } } public function toString() { return $this->getFeature() . ': ' . $this->getScenarioTitle(); } public function getFeature() { return $this->getMetadata()->getFeature(); } public function getScenarioTitle() { return $this->getMetadata()->getName(); } /** * @return \Codeception\Scenario */ public function getScenario() { return $this->scenario; } public function getScenarioText($format = 'text') { return file_get_contents($this->getFileName()); } public function getSourceCode() { } /** * @return ScenarioNode */ public function getScenarioNode() { return $this->scenarioNode; } /** * @return FeatureNode */ public function getFeatureNode() { return $this->featureNode; } /** * Field values for XML/JSON/TAP reports * * @return array */ public function getReportFields() { return [ 'file' => $this->getFileName(), 'name' => $this->toString(), 'feature' => $this->getFeature() ]; } }