'', 'actor' => '', 'gherkin' => [ 'contexts' => [ 'default' => [], 'tag' => [], 'role' => [] ] ] ]; protected $tests = []; /** * @var GherkinParser */ protected $parser; protected $settings = []; protected $steps = []; public function __construct($settings = []) { $this->settings = Configuration::mergeConfigs(self::$defaultSettings, $settings); if (!class_exists('Behat\Gherkin\Keywords\ArrayKeywords')) { throw new TestParseException('Feature file can only be parsed with Behat\Gherkin library. Please install `behat/gherkin` with Composer'); } $gherkin = new \ReflectionClass('Behat\Gherkin\Gherkin'); $gherkinClassPath = dirname($gherkin->getFileName()); $i18n = require $gherkinClassPath . '/../../../i18n.php'; $keywords = new GherkinKeywords($i18n); $lexer = new GherkinLexer($keywords); $this->parser = new GherkinParser($lexer); $this->fetchGherkinSteps(); } protected function fetchGherkinSteps() { $contexts = $this->settings['gherkin']['contexts']; foreach ($contexts['tag'] as $tag => $tagContexts) { $this->addSteps($tagContexts, "tag:$tag"); } foreach ($contexts['role'] as $role => $roleContexts) { $this->addSteps($roleContexts, "role:$role"); } if (empty($this->steps) && empty($contexts['default']) && $this->settings['actor']) { // if no context is set, actor to be a context $actorContext = $this->settings['namespace'] ? rtrim($this->settings['namespace'], '\\') . '\\' . rtrim($this->settings['actor'], '\\') : $this->settings['actor']; if ($actorContext) { $contexts['default'][] = $actorContext; } } if (isset($this->settings['gherkin']['contexts']['path']) && isset($this->settings['gherkin']['contexts']['namespace_prefix'])) { $files = glob($this->settings['gherkin']['contexts']['path'] . '/*/*.php'); // Strip off include path $files = str_replace([$this->settings['gherkin']['contexts']['path'], '.php', '/'], ['', '', '\\'], $files); // Add namespace prefix $namespace = $this->settings['gherkin']['contexts']['namespace_prefix']; $dynamicContexts = array_map(function ($path) use ($namespace) { return $namespace . $path; }, $files); $this->addSteps($dynamicContexts, 'default'); } $this->addSteps($contexts['default']); } protected function addSteps(array $contexts, $group = 'default') { if (!isset($this->steps[$group])) { $this->steps[$group] = []; } foreach ($contexts as $context) { $methods = get_class_methods($context); if (!$methods) { continue; } foreach ($methods as $method) { $annotation = Annotation::forMethod($context, $method); foreach (['Given', 'When', 'Then'] as $type) { $patterns = $annotation->fetchAll($type); foreach ($patterns as $pattern) { if (!$pattern) { continue; } $this->validatePattern($pattern); $pattern = $this->makePlaceholderPattern($pattern); $this->steps[$group][$pattern] = [$context, $method]; } } } } } public function makePlaceholderPattern($pattern) { if (isset($this->settings['describe_steps'])) { return $pattern; } if (strpos($pattern, '/') !== 0) { $pattern = preg_quote($pattern); $pattern = preg_replace('~(\w+)\/(\w+)~', '(?:$1|$2)', $pattern); // or $pattern = preg_replace('~\\\\\((\w)\\\\\)~', '$1?', $pattern); // (s) $replacePattern = sprintf( '(?|\"%s\"|%s)', "((?|[^\"\\\\\\]|\\\\\\.)*?)", // matching escaped string in "" '[\D]{0,1}([\d\,\.]+)[\D]{0,1}' ); // or matching numbers with optional $ or € chars // params converting from :param to match 11 and "aaa" and "aaa\"aaa" $pattern = preg_replace('~"?\\\:(\w+)"?~', $replacePattern, $pattern); $pattern = "/^$pattern$/u"; // validating this pattern is slow, so we skip it now } return $pattern; } private function validatePattern($pattern) { if (strpos($pattern, '/') !== 0) { return; // not a user-regex but a string with placeholder } if (@preg_match($pattern, ' ') === false) { throw new ParseException("Loading Gherkin step with regex\n \n$pattern\n \nfailed. This regular expression is invalid."); } } public function loadTests($filename) { $featureNode = $this->parser->parse(file_get_contents($filename), $filename); if (!$featureNode) { return; } foreach ($featureNode->getScenarios() as $scenarioNode) { /** @var $scenarioNode ScenarioInterface * */ $steps = $this->steps['default']; // load default context foreach (array_merge($scenarioNode->getTags(), $featureNode->getTags()) as $tag) { // load tag contexts if (isset($this->steps["tag:$tag"])) { $steps = array_merge($steps, $this->steps["tag:$tag"]); } } $roles = $this->settings['gherkin']['contexts']['role']; // load role contexts foreach ($roles as $role => $context) { $filter = new RoleFilter($role); if ($filter->isFeatureMatch($featureNode)) { $steps = array_merge($steps, $this->steps["role:$role"]); break; } } if ($scenarioNode instanceof OutlineNode) { foreach ($scenarioNode->getExamples() as $example) { /** @var $example ExampleNode **/ $params = implode(', ', $example->getTokens()); $exampleNode = new ScenarioNode($scenarioNode->getTitle() . " | $params", $scenarioNode->getTags(), $example->getSteps(), $example->getKeyword(), $example->getLine()); $this->tests[] = new GherkinFormat($featureNode, $exampleNode, $steps); } continue; } $this->tests[] = new GherkinFormat($featureNode, $scenarioNode, $steps); } } public function getTests() { return $this->tests; } public function getPattern() { return '~\.feature$~'; } /** * @return array */ public function getSteps() { return $this->steps; } }