<?php /** * Part of the Joomla Framework Crypt Package * * @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2021 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved. * @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE */ namespace Joomla\Crypt\Cipher; use Joomla\Crypt\CipherInterface; use Joomla\Crypt\Exception\DecryptionException; use Joomla\Crypt\Exception\EncryptionException; use Joomla\Crypt\Exception\InvalidKeyException; use Joomla\Crypt\Exception\InvalidKeyTypeException; use Joomla\Crypt\Exception\UnsupportedCipherException; use Joomla\Crypt\Key; use ParagonIE\Sodium\Compat; /** * Cipher for sodium algorithm encryption, decryption and key generation. * * @since 1.4.0 */ class Sodium implements CipherInterface { /** * The message nonce to be used with encryption/decryption * * @var string * @since 1.4.0 */ private $nonce; /** * Method to decrypt a data string. * * @param string $data The encrypted string to decrypt. * @param Key $key The key object to use for decryption. * * @return string The decrypted data string. * * @since 1.4.0 * @throws DecryptionException if the data cannot be decrypted * @throws InvalidKeyTypeException if the key is not valid for the cipher */ public function decrypt($data, Key $key) { // Validate key. if ($key->getType() !== 'sodium') { throw new InvalidKeyTypeException('sodium', $key->getType()); } if (!$this->nonce) { throw new DecryptionException('Missing nonce to decrypt data'); } // Use the sodium extension (PHP 7.2 native, PECL 2.x, or paragonie/sodium_compat) if able if (\function_exists('sodium_crypto_box_open')) { try { $decrypted = sodium_crypto_box_open( $data, $this->nonce, sodium_crypto_box_keypair_from_secretkey_and_publickey($key->getPrivate(), $key->getPublic()) ); if ($decrypted === false) { throw new DecryptionException('Malformed message or invalid MAC'); } } catch (\SodiumException $exception) { throw new DecryptionException('Malformed message or invalid MAC', $exception->getCode(), $exception); } return $decrypted; } // Use the libsodium extension (PECL 1.x) if able; purposefully skipping sodium_compat fallback here as that will match the above check if (\extension_loaded('libsodium')) { $decrypted = \Sodium\crypto_box_open( $data, $this->nonce, \Sodium\crypto_box_keypair_from_secretkey_and_publickey($key->getPrivate(), $key->getPublic()) ); if ($decrypted === false) { throw new DecryptionException('Malformed message or invalid MAC'); } return $decrypted; } // Well this is awkward throw new UnsupportedCipherException(static::class); } /** * Method to encrypt a data string. * * @param string $data The data string to encrypt. * @param Key $key The key object to use for encryption. * * @return string The encrypted data string. * * @since 1.4.0 * @throws EncryptionException if the data cannot be encrypted * @throws InvalidKeyTypeException if the key is not valid for the cipher */ public function encrypt($data, Key $key) { // Validate key. if ($key->getType() !== 'sodium') { throw new InvalidKeyTypeException('sodium', $key->getType()); } if (!$this->nonce) { throw new EncryptionException('Missing nonce to decrypt data'); } // Use the sodium extension (PHP 7.2 native, PECL 2.x, or paragonie/sodium_compat) if able if (\function_exists('sodium_crypto_box')) { try { return sodium_crypto_box( $data, $this->nonce, sodium_crypto_box_keypair_from_secretkey_and_publickey($key->getPrivate(), $key->getPublic()) ); } catch (\SodiumException $exception) { throw new EncryptionException('Could not encrypt file.', $exception->getCode(), $exception); } } // Use the libsodium extension (PECL 1.x) if able; purposefully skipping sodium_compat fallback here as that will match the above check if (\extension_loaded('libsodium')) { return \Sodium\crypto_box( $data, $this->nonce, \Sodium\crypto_box_keypair_from_secretkey_and_publickey($key->getPrivate(), $key->getPublic()) ); } // Well this is awkward throw new UnsupportedCipherException(static::class); } /** * Method to generate a new encryption key object. * * @param array $options Key generation options. * * @return Key * * @since 1.4.0 * @throws InvalidKeyException if the key cannot be generated * @throws UnsupportedCipherException if the cipher is not supported on the current environment */ public function generateKey(array $options = []) { // Use the sodium extension (PHP 7.2 native, PECL 2.x, or paragonie/sodium_compat) if able if (\function_exists('sodium_crypto_box_keypair')) { try { // Generate the encryption key. $pair = sodium_crypto_box_keypair(); return new Key('sodium', sodium_crypto_box_secretkey($pair), sodium_crypto_box_publickey($pair)); } catch (\SodiumException $exception) { throw new InvalidKeyException('Could not generate encryption key.', $exception->getCode(), $exception); } } // Use the libsodium extension (PECL 1.x) if able; purposefully skipping sodium_compat fallback here as that will match the above check if (\extension_loaded('libsodium')) { // Generate the encryption key. $pair = \Sodium\crypto_box_keypair(); return new Key('sodium', \Sodium\crypto_box_secretkey($pair), \Sodium\crypto_box_publickey($pair)); } // Well this is awkward throw new UnsupportedCipherException(static::class); } /** * Check if the cipher is supported in this environment. * * @return boolean * * @since 2.0.0 */ public static function isSupported(): bool { // Prefer ext/sodium, then ext/libsodium, then presence of paragonie/sodium_compat return \function_exists('sodium_crypto_box') || \extension_loaded('libsodium') || class_exists(Compat::class); } /** * Set the nonce to use for encrypting/decrypting messages * * @param string $nonce The message nonce * * @return void * * @since 1.4.0 */ public function setNonce($nonce) { $this->nonce = $nonce; } }