false, 'debug' => false, 'steps' => false, 'html' => false, 'xml' => false, 'phpunit-xml' => false, 'no-redirect' => true, 'json' => false, 'tap' => false, 'report' => false, 'colors' => false, 'coverage' => false, 'coverage-xml' => false, 'coverage-html' => false, 'coverage-text' => false, 'coverage-crap4j' => false, 'coverage-cobertura' => false, 'coverage-phpunit'=> false, 'groups' => null, 'excludeGroups' => null, 'filter' => null, 'env' => null, 'fail-fast' => false, 'ansi' => true, 'verbosity' => 1, 'interactive' => true, 'no-rebuild' => false, 'quiet' => false, ]; protected $config = []; /** * @var array */ protected $extensions = []; public function __construct($options = []) { $this->result = new \PHPUnit\Framework\TestResult; $this->dispatcher = new EventDispatcher(); $this->extensionLoader = new ExtensionLoader($this->dispatcher); $baseOptions = $this->mergeOptions($options); $this->extensionLoader->bootGlobalExtensions($baseOptions); // extensions may override config $this->config = Configuration::config(); $this->options = $this->mergeOptions($options); // options updated from config $this->registerSubscribers(); $this->registerPHPUnitListeners(); $this->registerPrinter(); } /** * Merges given options with default values and current configuration * * @param array $options options * @return array * @throws ConfigurationException */ protected function mergeOptions($options) { $config = Configuration::config(); $baseOptions = array_merge($this->options, $config['settings']); return array_merge($baseOptions, $options); } protected function registerPHPUnitListeners() { $listener = new PHPUnit\Listener($this->dispatcher); $this->result->addListener($listener); } public function registerSubscribers() { // required $this->dispatcher->addSubscriber(new Subscriber\GracefulTermination()); $this->dispatcher->addSubscriber(new Subscriber\ErrorHandler()); $this->dispatcher->addSubscriber(new Subscriber\Dependencies()); $this->dispatcher->addSubscriber(new Subscriber\Bootstrap()); $this->dispatcher->addSubscriber(new Subscriber\PrepareTest()); $this->dispatcher->addSubscriber(new Subscriber\Module()); $this->dispatcher->addSubscriber(new Subscriber\BeforeAfterTest()); // optional if (!$this->options['no-rebuild']) { $this->dispatcher->addSubscriber(new Subscriber\AutoRebuild()); } if (!$this->options['silent']) { $this->dispatcher->addSubscriber(new Subscriber\Console($this->options)); } if ($this->options['fail-fast']) { $this->dispatcher->addSubscriber(new Subscriber\FailFast()); } if ($this->options['coverage']) { $this->dispatcher->addSubscriber(new Coverage\Subscriber\Local($this->options)); $this->dispatcher->addSubscriber(new Coverage\Subscriber\LocalServer($this->options)); $this->dispatcher->addSubscriber(new Coverage\Subscriber\RemoteServer($this->options)); $this->dispatcher->addSubscriber(new Coverage\Subscriber\Printer($this->options)); } $this->dispatcher->addSubscriber($this->extensionLoader); $this->extensionLoader->registerGlobalExtensions(); } public function run($suite, $test = null, array $config = null) { ini_set( 'memory_limit', isset($this->config['settings']['memory_limit']) ? $this->config['settings']['memory_limit'] : '1024M' ); $config = $config ?: Configuration::config(); $config = Configuration::suiteSettings($suite, $config); $selectedEnvironments = $this->options['env']; if (!$selectedEnvironments || empty($config['env'])) { $this->runSuite($config, $suite, $test); return; } // Iterate over all unique environment sets and runs the given suite with each of the merged configurations. foreach (array_unique($selectedEnvironments) as $envList) { $envSet = explode(',', $envList); $suiteEnvConfig = $config; // contains a list of the environments used in this suite configuration env set. $envConfigs = []; foreach ($envSet as $currentEnv) { if (isset($config['env'])) { // The $settings['env'] actually contains all parsed configuration files as a // filename => filecontents key-value array. If there is no configuration file for the // $currentEnv the merge will be skipped. if (!array_key_exists($currentEnv, $config['env'])) { return; } // Merge configuration consecutively with already build configuration $suiteEnvConfig = Configuration::mergeConfigs($suiteEnvConfig, $config['env'][$currentEnv]); $envConfigs[] = $currentEnv; } } $suiteEnvConfig['current_environment'] = implode(',', $envConfigs); if (empty($suiteEnvConfig)) { continue; } $suiteToRun = $suite; if (!empty($envList)) { $suiteToRun .= ' (' . implode(', ', $envSet) . ')'; } $this->runSuite($suiteEnvConfig, $suiteToRun, $test); } } public function runSuite($settings, $suite, $test = null) { $suiteManager = new SuiteManager($this->dispatcher, $suite, $settings); $suiteManager->initialize(); srand($this->options['seed']); $suiteManager->loadTests($test); srand(); $suiteManager->run($this->runner, $this->result, $this->options); return $this->result; } public static function versionString() { return 'Codeception PHP Testing Framework v' . self::VERSION; } public function printResult() { $result = $this->getResult(); $result->flushListeners(); $printer = $this->runner->getPrinter(); $printer->printResult($result); $this->dispatch($this->dispatcher, Events::RESULT_PRINT_AFTER, new Event\PrintResultEvent($result, $printer)); } /** * @return \PHPUnit\Framework\TestResult */ public function getResult() { return $this->result; } public function getOptions() { return $this->options; } /** * @return EventDispatcher */ public function getDispatcher() { return $this->dispatcher; } protected function registerPrinter() { $printer = new PHPUnit\ResultPrinter\UI($this->dispatcher, $this->options); $this->runner = new PHPUnit\Runner(); $this->runner->setPrinter($printer); } }