* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject; use function sprintf; use function strtolower; use Exception; use PHPUnit\Framework\ExpectationFailedException; use PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\Builder\InvocationMocker; use PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\Rule\InvocationOrder; use Throwable; /** * @internal This class is not covered by the backward compatibility promise for PHPUnit */ final class InvocationHandler { /** * @var Matcher[] */ private $matchers = []; /** * @var Matcher[] */ private $matcherMap = []; /** * @var ConfigurableMethod[] */ private $configurableMethods; /** * @var bool */ private $returnValueGeneration; /** * @var Throwable */ private $deferredError; public function __construct(array $configurableMethods, bool $returnValueGeneration) { $this->configurableMethods = $configurableMethods; $this->returnValueGeneration = $returnValueGeneration; } public function hasMatchers(): bool { foreach ($this->matchers as $matcher) { if ($matcher->hasMatchers()) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Looks up the match builder with identification $id and returns it. * * @param string $id The identification of the match builder */ public function lookupMatcher(string $id): ?Matcher { if (isset($this->matcherMap[$id])) { return $this->matcherMap[$id]; } return null; } /** * Registers a matcher with the identification $id. The matcher can later be * looked up using lookupMatcher() to figure out if it has been invoked. * * @param string $id The identification of the matcher * @param Matcher $matcher The builder which is being registered * * @throws RuntimeException */ public function registerMatcher(string $id, Matcher $matcher): void { if (isset($this->matcherMap[$id])) { throw new RuntimeException( 'Matcher with id <' . $id . '> is already registered.' ); } $this->matcherMap[$id] = $matcher; } public function expects(InvocationOrder $rule): InvocationMocker { $matcher = new Matcher($rule); $this->addMatcher($matcher); return new InvocationMocker( $this, $matcher, ...$this->configurableMethods ); } /** * @throws Exception * * @return mixed|void */ public function invoke(Invocation $invocation) { $exception = null; $hasReturnValue = false; $returnValue = null; foreach ($this->matchers as $match) { try { if ($match->matches($invocation)) { $value = $match->invoked($invocation); if (!$hasReturnValue) { $returnValue = $value; $hasReturnValue = true; } } } catch (Exception $e) { $exception = $e; } } if ($exception !== null) { throw $exception; } if ($hasReturnValue) { return $returnValue; } if (!$this->returnValueGeneration) { $exception = new ExpectationFailedException( sprintf( 'Return value inference disabled and no expectation set up for %s::%s()', $invocation->getClassName(), $invocation->getMethodName() ) ); if (strtolower($invocation->getMethodName()) === '__tostring') { $this->deferredError = $exception; return ''; } throw $exception; } return $invocation->generateReturnValue(); } public function matches(Invocation $invocation): bool { foreach ($this->matchers as $matcher) { if (!$matcher->matches($invocation)) { return false; } } return true; } /** * @throws ExpectationFailedException */ public function verify(): void { foreach ($this->matchers as $matcher) { $matcher->verify(); } if ($this->deferredError) { throw $this->deferredError; } } private function addMatcher(Matcher $matcher): void { $this->matchers[] = $matcher; } }