@tool @tool_httpsreplace Feature: View the httpsreplace report In order to switch to https As an admin I need to be able to automatically replace http links Background: Create some http links Given I am on site homepage And the following "courses" exist: | fullname | shortname | category | summary | | Course 1 | C1 | 0 |
| And I log in as "admin" @javascript Scenario: Go to the HTTPS replace report screen. Make sure broken domains are reported. When I navigate to "Security > HTTP security" in site administration And I follow "HTTPS conversion tool" And I press "Continue" Then I should see "intentionally.unavailable" @javascript Scenario: Use the find and replace tool. When I navigate to "Security > HTTP security" in site administration And I follow "HTTPS conversion tool" And I press "Continue" And I set the field "I understand the risks of this operation" to "1" And I press "Perform conversion" Then I should see "intentionally.unavailable" And I should see "download.moodle.org"