// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/ // // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Moodle. If not, see
. /** * Handle selection changes and actions on the competency tree. * * @module tool_lp/competencyactions * @package tool_lp * @copyright 2015 Damyon Wiese
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ define(['jquery', 'core/url', 'core/templates', 'core/notification', 'core/str', 'core/ajax', 'tool_lp/dragdrop-reorder', 'tool_lp/tree', 'tool_lp/dialogue', 'tool_lp/menubar', 'tool_lp/competencypicker', 'tool_lp/competency_outcomes', 'tool_lp/competencyruleconfig', 'core/pending', ], function( $, url, templates, notification, str, ajax, dragdrop, Ariatree, Dialogue, menubar, Picker, Outcomes, RuleConfig, Pending ) { // Private variables and functions. /** @var {Object} treeModel - This is an object representing the nodes in the tree. */ var treeModel = null; /** @var {Node} moveSource - The start of a drag operation */ var moveSource = null; /** @var {Node} moveTarget - The end of a drag operation */ var moveTarget = null; /** @var {Number} pageContextId The page context ID. */ var pageContextId; /** @type {Object} Picker instance. */ var pickerInstance; /** @type {Object} Rule config instance. */ var ruleConfigInstance; /** @type {Object} The competency we're picking a relation to. */ var relatedTarget; /** @type {Object} Taxonomy constants indexed per level. */ var taxonomiesConstants; /** @type {Array} The rules modules. Values are object containing type, namd and amd. */ var rulesModules; /** @type {Number} the selected competency ID. */ var selectedCompetencyId = null; /** * Respond to choosing the "Add" menu item for the selected node in the tree. * @method addHandler */ var addHandler = function() { var parent = $('[data-region="competencyactions"]').data('competency'); var params = { competencyframeworkid: treeModel.getCompetencyFrameworkId(), pagecontextid: pageContextId }; if (parent !== null) { // We are adding at a sub node. params.parentid = parent.id; } var relocate = function() { var queryparams = $.param(params); window.location = url.relativeUrl('/admin/tool/lp/editcompetency.php?' + queryparams); }; if (parent !== null && treeModel.hasRule(parent.id)) { str.get_strings([ {key: 'confirm', component: 'moodle'}, {key: 'addingcompetencywillresetparentrule', component: 'tool_lp', param: parent.shortname}, {key: 'yes', component: 'core'}, {key: 'no', component: 'core'} ]).done(function(strings) { notification.confirm( strings[0], strings[1], strings[2], strings[3], relocate ); }).fail(notification.exception); } else { relocate(); } }; /** * A source and destination has been chosen - so time to complete a move. * @method doMove */ var doMove = function() { var frameworkid = $('[data-region="filtercompetencies"]').data('frameworkid'); var requests = ajax.call([{ methodname: 'core_competency_set_parent_competency', args: {competencyid: moveSource, parentid: moveTarget} }, { methodname: 'tool_lp_data_for_competencies_manage_page', args: {competencyframeworkid: frameworkid, search: $('[data-region="filtercompetencies"] input').val()} }]); requests[1].done(reloadPage).fail(notification.exception); }; /** * Confirms a competency move. * * @method confirmMove */ var confirmMove = function() { moveTarget = typeof moveTarget === "undefined" ? 0 : moveTarget; if (moveTarget == moveSource) { // No move to do. return; } var targetComp = treeModel.getCompetency(moveTarget) || {}, sourceComp = treeModel.getCompetency(moveSource) || {}, confirmMessage = 'movecompetencywillresetrules', showConfirm = false; // We shouldn't be moving the competency to the same parent. if (sourceComp.parentid == moveTarget) { return; } // If we are moving to a child of self. if (targetComp.path && targetComp.path.indexOf('/' + sourceComp.id + '/') >= 0) { confirmMessage = 'movecompetencytochildofselfwillresetrules'; // Show a confirmation if self has rules, as they'll disappear. showConfirm = showConfirm || treeModel.hasRule(sourceComp.id); } // Show a confirmation if the current parent, or the destination have rules. showConfirm = showConfirm || (treeModel.hasRule(targetComp.id) || treeModel.hasRule(sourceComp.parentid)); // Show confirm, and/or do the things. if (showConfirm) { str.get_strings([ {key: 'confirm', component: 'moodle'}, {key: confirmMessage, component: 'tool_lp'}, {key: 'yes', component: 'moodle'}, {key: 'no', component: 'moodle'} ]).done(function(strings) { notification.confirm( strings[0], // Confirm. strings[1], // Delete competency X? strings[2], // Delete. strings[3], // Cancel. doMove ); }).fail(notification.exception); } else { doMove(); } }; /** * A move competency popup was opened - initialise the aria tree in it. * @method initMovePopup * @param {dialogue} popup The tool_lp/dialogue that was created. */ var initMovePopup = function(popup) { var body = $(popup.getContent()); var treeRoot = body.find('[data-enhance=movetree]'); var tree = new Ariatree(treeRoot, false); tree.on('selectionchanged', function(evt, params) { var target = params.selected; moveTarget = $(target).data('id'); }); treeRoot.show(); body.on('click', '[data-action="move"]', function() { popup.close(); confirmMove(); }); body.on('click', '[data-action="cancel"]', function() { popup.close(); }); }; /** * Turn a flat list of competencies into a tree structure (recursive). * @method addCompetencyChildren * @param {Object} parent The current parent node in the tree * @param {Object[]} competencies The flat list of competencies */ var addCompetencyChildren = function(parent, competencies) { var i; for (i = 0; i < competencies.length; i++) { if (competencies[i].parentid == parent.id) { parent.haschildren = true; competencies[i].children = []; competencies[i].haschildren = false; parent.children[parent.children.length] = competencies[i]; addCompetencyChildren(competencies[i], competencies); } } }; /** * A node was chosen and "Move" was selected from the menu. Open a popup to select the target. * @param {Event} e * @method moveHandler */ var moveHandler = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var competency = $('[data-region="competencyactions"]').data('competency'); // Remember what we are moving. moveSource = competency.id; // Load data for the template. var requests = ajax.call([ { methodname: 'core_competency_search_competencies', args: { competencyframeworkid: competency.competencyframeworkid, searchtext: '' } }, { methodname: 'core_competency_read_competency_framework', args: { id: competency.competencyframeworkid } } ]); // When all data has arrived, continue. $.when.apply(null, requests).done(function(competencies, framework) { // Expand the list of competencies into a tree. var i; var competenciestree = []; for (i = 0; i < competencies.length; i++) { var onecompetency = competencies[i]; if (onecompetency.parentid == "0") { onecompetency.children = []; onecompetency.haschildren = 0; competenciestree[competenciestree.length] = onecompetency; addCompetencyChildren(onecompetency, competencies); } } str.get_strings([ {key: 'movecompetency', component: 'tool_lp', param: competency.shortname}, {key: 'move', component: 'tool_lp'}, {key: 'cancel', component: 'moodle'} ]).done(function(strings) { var context = { framework: framework, competencies: competenciestree }; templates.render('tool_lp/competencies_move_tree', context) .done(function(tree) { new Dialogue( strings[0], // Move competency x. tree, // The move tree. initMovePopup ); }).fail(notification.exception); }).fail(notification.exception); }).fail(notification.exception); }; /** * Edit the selected competency. * @method editHandler */ var editHandler = function() { var competency = $('[data-region="competencyactions"]').data('competency'); var params = { competencyframeworkid: treeModel.getCompetencyFrameworkId(), id: competency.id, parentid: competency.parentid, pagecontextid: pageContextId }; var queryparams = $.param(params); window.location = url.relativeUrl('/admin/tool/lp/editcompetency.php?' + queryparams); }; /** * Re-render the page with the latest data. * @param {Object} context * @method reloadPage */ var reloadPage = function(context) { templates.render('tool_lp/manage_competencies_page', context) .done(function(newhtml, newjs) { $('[data-region="managecompetencies"]').replaceWith(newhtml); templates.runTemplateJS(newjs); }) .fail(notification.exception); }; /** * Perform a search and render the page with the new search results. * @param {Event} e * @method updateSearchHandler */ var updateSearchHandler = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var frameworkid = $('[data-region="filtercompetencies"]').data('frameworkid'); var requests = ajax.call([{ methodname: 'tool_lp_data_for_competencies_manage_page', args: {competencyframeworkid: frameworkid, search: $('[data-region="filtercompetencies"] input').val()} }]); requests[0].done(reloadPage).fail(notification.exception); }; /** * Move a competency "up". This only affects the sort order within the same branch of the tree. * @method moveUpHandler */ var moveUpHandler = function() { // We are chaining ajax requests here. var competency = $('[data-region="competencyactions"]').data('competency'); var requests = ajax.call([{ methodname: 'core_competency_move_up_competency', args: {id: competency.id} }, { methodname: 'tool_lp_data_for_competencies_manage_page', args: {competencyframeworkid: competency.competencyframeworkid, search: $('[data-region="filtercompetencies"] input').val()} }]); requests[1].done(reloadPage).fail(notification.exception); }; /** * Move a competency "down". This only affects the sort order within the same branch of the tree. * @method moveDownHandler */ var moveDownHandler = function() { // We are chaining ajax requests here. var competency = $('[data-region="competencyactions"]').data('competency'); var requests = ajax.call([{ methodname: 'core_competency_move_down_competency', args: {id: competency.id} }, { methodname: 'tool_lp_data_for_competencies_manage_page', args: {competencyframeworkid: competency.competencyframeworkid, search: $('[data-region="filtercompetencies"] input').val()} }]); requests[1].done(reloadPage).fail(notification.exception); }; /** * Open a dialogue to show all the courses using the selected competency. * @method seeCoursesHandler */ var seeCoursesHandler = function() { var competency = $('[data-region="competencyactions"]').data('competency'); var requests = ajax.call([{ methodname: 'tool_lp_list_courses_using_competency', args: {id: competency.id} }]); requests[0].done(function(courses) { var context = { courses: courses }; templates.render('tool_lp/linked_courses_summary', context).done(function(html) { str.get_string('linkedcourses', 'tool_lp').done(function(linkedcourses) { new Dialogue( linkedcourses, // Title. html, // The linked courses. initMovePopup ); }).fail(notification.exception); }).fail(notification.exception); }).fail(notification.exception); }; /** * Open a competencies popup to relate competencies. * * @method relateCompetenciesHandler */ var relateCompetenciesHandler = function() { relatedTarget = $('[data-region="competencyactions"]').data('competency'); if (!pickerInstance) { pickerInstance = new Picker(pageContextId, relatedTarget.competencyframeworkid); pickerInstance.on('save', function(e, data) { var pendingPromise = new Pending(); var compIds = data.competencyIds; var calls = []; $.each(compIds, function(index, value) { calls.push({ methodname: 'core_competency_add_related_competency', args: {competencyid: value, relatedcompetencyid: relatedTarget.id} }); }); calls.push({ methodname: 'tool_lp_data_for_related_competencies_section', args: {competencyid: relatedTarget.id} }); var promises = ajax.call(calls); promises[calls.length - 1].then(function(context) { return templates.render('tool_lp/related_competencies', context); }).then(function(html, js) { $('[data-region="relatedcompetencies"]').replaceWith(html); templates.runTemplateJS(js); updatedRelatedCompetencies(); return; }) .then(pendingPromise.resolve) .catch(notification.exception); }); } pickerInstance.setDisallowedCompetencyIDs([relatedTarget.id]); pickerInstance.display(); }; var ruleConfigHandler = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); relatedTarget = $('[data-region="competencyactions"]').data('competency'); ruleConfigInstance.setTargetCompetencyId(relatedTarget.id); ruleConfigInstance.display(); }; var ruleConfigSaveHandler = function(e, config) { var update = { id: relatedTarget.id, shortname: relatedTarget.shortname, idnumber: relatedTarget.idnumber, description: relatedTarget.description, descriptionformat: relatedTarget.descriptionformat, ruletype: config.ruletype, ruleoutcome: config.ruleoutcome, ruleconfig: config.ruleconfig }; var promise = ajax.call([{ methodname: 'core_competency_update_competency', args: {competency: update} }]); promise[0].then(function(result) { if (result) { relatedTarget.ruletype = config.ruletype; relatedTarget.ruleoutcome = config.ruleoutcome; relatedTarget.ruleconfig = config.ruleconfig; renderCompetencySummary(relatedTarget); } return; }).catch(notification.exception); }; /** * Delete a competency. * @method doDelete */ var doDelete = function() { // We are chaining ajax requests here. var competency = $('[data-region="competencyactions"]').data('competency'); var requests = ajax.call([{ methodname: 'core_competency_delete_competency', args: {id: competency.id} }, { methodname: 'tool_lp_data_for_competencies_manage_page', args: {competencyframeworkid: competency.competencyframeworkid, search: $('[data-region="filtercompetencies"] input').val()} }]); requests[0].done(function(success) { if (success === false) { str.get_strings([ {key: 'competencycannotbedeleted', component: 'tool_lp', param: competency.shortname}, {key: 'cancel', component: 'moodle'} ]).done(function(strings) { notification.alert( null, strings[0] ); }).fail(notification.exception); } }).fail(notification.exception); requests[1].done(reloadPage).fail(notification.exception); }; /** * Show a confirm dialogue before deleting a competency. * @method deleteCompetencyHandler */ var deleteCompetencyHandler = function() { var competency = $('[data-region="competencyactions"]').data('competency'), confirmMessage = 'deletecompetency'; if (treeModel.hasRule(competency.parentid)) { confirmMessage = 'deletecompetencyparenthasrule'; } str.get_strings([ {key: 'confirm', component: 'moodle'}, {key: confirmMessage, component: 'tool_lp', param: competency.shortname}, {key: 'delete', component: 'moodle'}, {key: 'cancel', component: 'moodle'} ]).done(function(strings) { notification.confirm( strings[0], // Confirm. strings[1], // Delete competency X? strings[2], // Delete. strings[3], // Cancel. doDelete ); }).fail(notification.exception); }; /** * HTML5 implementation of drag/drop (there is an accesible alternative in the menus). * @method dragStart * @param {Event} e */ var dragStart = function(e) { e.originalEvent.dataTransfer.setData('text', $(e.target).parent().data('id')); }; /** * HTML5 implementation of drag/drop (there is an accesible alternative in the menus). * @method allowDrop * @param {Event} e */ var allowDrop = function(e) { e.originalEvent.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'move'; e.preventDefault(); }; /** * HTML5 implementation of drag/drop (there is an accesible alternative in the menus). * @method dragEnter * @param {Event} e */ var dragEnter = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $(this).addClass('currentdragtarget'); }; /** * HTML5 implementation of drag/drop (there is an accesible alternative in the menus). * @method dragLeave * @param {Event} e */ var dragLeave = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $(this).removeClass('currentdragtarget'); }; /** * HTML5 implementation of drag/drop (there is an accesible alternative in the menus). * @method dropOver * @param {Event} e */ var dropOver = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); moveSource = e.originalEvent.dataTransfer.getData('text'); moveTarget = $(e.target).parent().data('id'); $(this).removeClass('currentdragtarget'); confirmMove(); }; /** * Deletes a related competency without confirmation. * * @param {Event} e The event that triggered the action. * @method deleteRelatedHandler */ var deleteRelatedHandler = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var relatedid = this.id.substr(11); var competency = $('[data-region="competencyactions"]').data('competency'); var removeRelated = ajax.call([ {methodname: 'core_competency_remove_related_competency', args: {relatedcompetencyid: relatedid, competencyid: competency.id}}, {methodname: 'tool_lp_data_for_related_competencies_section', args: {competencyid: competency.id}} ]); removeRelated[1].done(function(context) { templates.render('tool_lp/related_competencies', context).done(function(html) { $('[data-region="relatedcompetencies"]').replaceWith(html); updatedRelatedCompetencies(); }).fail(notification.exception); }).fail(notification.exception); }; /** * Updates the competencies list (with relations) and add listeners. * * @method updatedRelatedCompetencies */ var updatedRelatedCompetencies = function() { // Listeners to newly loaded related competencies. $('[data-action="deleterelation"]').on('click', deleteRelatedHandler); }; /** * Log the competency viewed event. * * @param {Object} competency The competency. * @method triggerCompetencyViewedEvent */ var triggerCompetencyViewedEvent = function(competency) { if (competency.id !== selectedCompetencyId) { // Set the selected competency id. selectedCompetencyId = competency.id; ajax.call([{ methodname: 'core_competency_competency_viewed', args: {id: competency.id} }]); } }; /** * Return the taxonomy constant for a level. * * @param {Number} level The level. * @return {String} * @function getTaxonomyAtLevel */ var getTaxonomyAtLevel = function(level) { var constant = taxonomiesConstants[level]; if (!constant) { constant = 'competency'; } return constant; }; /** * Render the competency summary. * * @param {Object} competency The competency. */ var renderCompetencySummary = function(competency) { var promise = $.Deferred().resolve().promise(), context = {}; context.competency = competency; context.showdeleterelatedaction = true; context.showrelatedcompetencies = true; context.showrule = false; context.pluginbaseurl = url.relativeUrl('/admin/tool/lp'); if (competency.ruleoutcome != Outcomes.NONE) { // Get the outcome and rule name. promise = Outcomes.getString(competency.ruleoutcome).then(function(str) { var name; $.each(rulesModules, function(index, modInfo) { if (modInfo.type == competency.ruletype) { name = modInfo.name; } }); return [str, name]; }); } promise.then(function(strs) { if (typeof strs !== 'undefined') { context.showrule = true; context.rule = { outcome: strs[0], type: strs[1] }; } return context; }).then(function(context) { return templates.render('tool_lp/competency_summary', context); }).then(function(html) { $('[data-region="competencyinfo"]').html(html); $('[data-action="deleterelation"]').on('click', deleteRelatedHandler); return templates.render('tool_lp/loading', {}); }).then(function(html, js) { templates.replaceNodeContents('[data-region="relatedcompetencies"]', html, js); return ajax.call([{ methodname: 'tool_lp_data_for_related_competencies_section', args: {competencyid: competency.id} }])[0]; }).then(function(context) { return templates.render('tool_lp/related_competencies', context); }).then(function(html, js) { $('[data-region="relatedcompetencies"]').replaceWith(html); templates.runTemplateJS(js); updatedRelatedCompetencies(); return; }).catch(notification.exception); }; /** * Return the string "Add
". * * @param {Number} level The level. * @return {String} * @function strAddTaxonomy */ var strAddTaxonomy = function(level) { return str.get_string('taxonomy_add_' + getTaxonomyAtLevel(level), 'tool_lp'); }; /** * Return the string "Selected
". * * @param {Number} level The level. * @return {String} * @function strSelectedTaxonomy */ var strSelectedTaxonomy = function(level) { return str.get_string('taxonomy_selected_' + getTaxonomyAtLevel(level), 'tool_lp'); }; /** * Handler when a node in the aria tree is selected. * @method selectionChanged * @param {Event} evt The event that triggered the selection change. * @param {Object} params The parameters for the event. Contains a list of selected nodes. * @return {Boolean} */ var selectionChanged = function(evt, params) { var node = params.selected, id = $(node).data('id'), btn = $('[data-region="competencyactions"] [data-action="add"]'), actionMenu = $('[data-region="competencyactionsmenu"]'), selectedTitle = $('[data-region="selected-competency"]'), level = 0, sublevel = 1; menubar.closeAll(); if (typeof id === "undefined") { // Assume this is the root of the tree. // Here we are only getting the text from the top of the tree, to do it we clone the tree, // remove all children and then call text on the result. $('[data-region="competencyinfo"]').html(node.clone().children().remove().end().text()); $('[data-region="competencyactions"]').data('competency', null); actionMenu.hide(); } else { var competency = treeModel.getCompetency(id); level = treeModel.getCompetencyLevel(id); sublevel = level + 1; actionMenu.show(); $('[data-region="competencyactions"]').data('competency', competency); renderCompetencySummary(competency); // Log Competency viewed event. triggerCompetencyViewedEvent(competency); } strSelectedTaxonomy(level).then(function(str) { selectedTitle.text(str); return; }).catch(notification.exception); strAddTaxonomy(sublevel).then(function(str) { btn.show() .find('[data-region="term"]') .text(str); return; }).catch(notification.exception); // We handled this event so consume it. evt.preventDefault(); return false; }; /** * Return the string "Selected
". * * @function parseTaxonomies * @param {String} taxonomiesstr Comma separated list of taxonomies. * @return {Array} of level => taxonomystr */ var parseTaxonomies = function(taxonomiesstr) { var all = taxonomiesstr.split(','); all.unshift(""); delete all[0]; // Note we don't need to fill holes, because other functions check for empty anyway. return all; }; return { /** * Initialise this page (attach event handlers etc). * * @method init * @param {Object} model The tree model provides some useful functions for loading and searching competencies. * @param {Number} pagectxid The page context ID. * @param {Object} taxonomies Constants indexed by level. * @param {Object} rulesMods The modules of the rules. */ init: function(model, pagectxid, taxonomies, rulesMods) { treeModel = model; pageContextId = pagectxid; taxonomiesConstants = parseTaxonomies(taxonomies); rulesModules = rulesMods; $('[data-region="competencyactions"] [data-action="add"]').on('click', addHandler); menubar.enhance('.competencyactionsmenu', { '[data-action="edit"]': editHandler, '[data-action="delete"]': deleteCompetencyHandler, '[data-action="move"]': moveHandler, '[data-action="moveup"]': moveUpHandler, '[data-action="movedown"]': moveDownHandler, '[data-action="linkedcourses"]': seeCoursesHandler, '[data-action="relatedcompetencies"]': relateCompetenciesHandler.bind(this), '[data-action="competencyrules"]': ruleConfigHandler.bind(this) }); $('[data-region="competencyactionsmenu"]').hide(); $('[data-region="competencyactions"] [data-action="add"]').hide(); $('[data-region="filtercompetencies"]').on('submit', updateSearchHandler); // Simple html5 drag drop because we already added an accessible alternative. var top = $('[data-region="managecompetencies"] [data-enhance="tree"]'); top.on('dragstart', 'li>span', dragStart) .on('dragover', 'li>span', allowDrop) .on('dragenter', 'li>span', dragEnter) .on('dragleave', 'li>span', dragLeave) .on('drop', 'li>span', dropOver); model.on('selectionchanged', selectionChanged); // Prepare the configuration tool. ruleConfigInstance = new RuleConfig(treeModel, rulesModules); ruleConfigInstance.on('save', ruleConfigSaveHandler.bind(this)); } }; });