// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/ // // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Moodle. If not, see
. /** * Competency rule config. * * @package tool_lp * @copyright 2015 Frédéric Massart - FMCorz.net * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ define(['jquery', 'core/notification', 'core/templates', 'tool_lp/dialogue', 'tool_lp/competency_outcomes', 'core/str'], function($, Notification, Templates, Dialogue, Outcomes, Str) { /** * Competency rule class. * * When implementing this you should attach a listener to the event 'save' * on the instance. E.g. * * var config = new RuleConfig(tree, modules); * config.on('save', function(e, config) { ... }); * * @param {competencytree} tree The competency tree. * @param {Array} rulesModules The modules containing the rules: [{ typeName: { amd: amdModule, name: ruleName }}]. */ var RuleConfig = function(tree, rulesModules) { this._eventNode = $('
'); this._tree = tree; this._rulesModules = rulesModules; this._setUp(); }; /** @type {Object} The current competency. */ RuleConfig.prototype._competency = null; /** @type {Node} The node we attach the events to. */ RuleConfig.prototype._eventNode = null; /** @type {Array} Outcomes options. */ RuleConfig.prototype._outcomesOption = null; /** @type {Dialogue} The dialogue. */ RuleConfig.prototype._popup = null; /** @type {Promise} Resolved when the module is ready. */ RuleConfig.prototype._ready = null; /** @type {Array} The rules. */ RuleConfig.prototype._rules = null; /** @type {Array} The rules modules. */ RuleConfig.prototype._rulesModules = null; /** @type {competencytree} The competency tree. */ RuleConfig.prototype._tree = null; /** * After change. * * Triggered when a change occured. * * @method _afterChange * @protected */ RuleConfig.prototype._afterChange = function() { if (!this._isValid()) { this._find('[data-action="save"]').prop('disabled', true); } else { this._find('[data-action="save"]').prop('disabled', false); } }; /** * After change in rule's config. * * Triggered when a change occured in a specific rule config. * * @method _afterRuleConfigChange * @protected * @param {Event} e * @param {Rule} rule */ RuleConfig.prototype._afterRuleConfigChange = function(e, rule) { if (rule != this._getRule()) { // This rule is not the current one any more, we can ignore. return; } this._afterChange(); }; /** * After render hook. * * @method _afterRender * @protected */ RuleConfig.prototype._afterRender = function() { var self = this; self._find('[name="outcome"]').on('change', function() { self._switchedOutcome(); }).trigger('change'); self._find('[name="rule"]').on('change', function() { self._switchedRule(); }).trigger('change'); self._find('[data-action="save"]').on('click', function() { self._trigger('save', self._getConfig()); self.close(); }); self._find('[data-action="cancel"]').on('click', function() { self.close(); }); }; /** * Whether the current competency can be configured. * * @return {Boolean} * @method canBeConfigured */ RuleConfig.prototype.canBeConfigured = function() { var can = false; $.each(this._rules, function(index, rule) { if (rule.canConfig()) { can = true; return; } }); return can; }; /** * Close the dialogue. * * @method close */ RuleConfig.prototype.close = function() { this._popup.close(); this._popup = null; }; /** * Opens the picker. * * @param {Number} competencyId The competency ID of the competency to work on. * @method display * @return {Promise} */ RuleConfig.prototype.display = function() { var self = this; if (!self._competency) { return false; } return $.when(Str.get_string('competencyrule', 'tool_lp'), self._render()) .then(function(title, render) { self._popup = new Dialogue( title, render[0], self._afterRender.bind(self) ); return; }).fail(Notification.exception); }; /** * Find a node in the dialogue. * * @param {String} selector * @return {JQuery} * @method _find * @protected */ RuleConfig.prototype._find = function(selector) { return $(this._popup.getContent()).find(selector); }; /** * Get the applicable outcome options. * * @return {Array} * @method _getApplicableOutcomesOptions * @protected */ RuleConfig.prototype._getApplicableOutcomesOptions = function() { var self = this, options = []; $.each(self._outcomesOption, function(index, outcome) { options.push({ code: outcome.code, name: outcome.name, selected: (outcome.code == self._competency.ruleoutcome) ? true : false, }); }); return options; }; /** * Get the applicable rules options. * * @return {Array} * @method _getApplicableRulesOptions * @protected */ RuleConfig.prototype._getApplicableRulesOptions = function() { var self = this, options = []; $.each(self._rules, function(index, rule) { if (!rule.canConfig()) { return; } options.push({ name: self._getRuleName(rule.getType()), type: rule.getType(), selected: (rule.getType() == self._competency.ruletype) ? true : false, }); }); return options; }; /** * Get the full config for the competency. * * @return {Object} Contains rule, ruleoutcome and ruleconfig. * @method _getConfig * @protected */ RuleConfig.prototype._getConfig = function() { var rule = this._getRule(); return { ruletype: rule ? rule.getType() : null, ruleconfig: rule ? rule.getConfig() : null, ruleoutcome: this._getOutcome() }; }; /** * Get the selected outcome code. * * @return {String} * @method _getOutcome * @protected */ RuleConfig.prototype._getOutcome = function() { return this._find('[name="outcome"]').val(); }; /** * Get the selected rule. * * @return {null|Rule} * @method _getRule * @protected */ RuleConfig.prototype._getRule = function() { var result, type = this._find('[name="rule"]').val(); $.each(this._rules, function(index, rule) { if (rule.getType() == type) { result = rule; return; } }); return result; }; /** * Return the name of a rule. * * @param {String} type The type of a rule. * @return {String} * @method _getRuleName * @protected */ RuleConfig.prototype._getRuleName = function(type) { var self = this, name; $.each(self._rulesModules, function(index, modInfo) { if (modInfo.type == type) { name = modInfo.name; return; } }); return name; }; /** * Initialise the outcomes. * * @return {Promise} * @method _initOutcomes * @protected */ RuleConfig.prototype._initOutcomes = function() { var self = this; return Outcomes.getAll().then(function(outcomes) { self._outcomesOption = outcomes; return; }); }; /** * Initialise the rules. * * @return {Promise} * @method _initRules * @protected */ RuleConfig.prototype._initRules = function() { var self = this, promises = []; $.each(self._rules, function(index, rule) { var promise = rule.init().then(function() { rule.setTargetCompetency(self._competency); rule.on('change', self._afterRuleConfigChange.bind(self)); return; }, function() { // Upon failure remove the rule, and resolve the promise. self._rules.splice(index, 1); return $.when(); }); promises.push(promise); }); return $.when.apply($.when, promises); }; /** * Whether or not the current config is valid. * * @return {Boolean} * @method _isValid * @protected */ RuleConfig.prototype._isValid = function() { var outcome = this._getOutcome(), rule = this._getRule(); if (outcome == Outcomes.NONE) { return true; } else if (!rule) { return false; } return rule.isValid(); }; /** * Register an event listener. * * @param {String} type The event type. * @param {Function} handler The event listener. * @method on */ RuleConfig.prototype.on = function(type, handler) { this._eventNode.on(type, handler); }; /** * Hook to executed before render. * * @method _preRender * @protected * @return {Promise} */ RuleConfig.prototype._preRender = function() { // We need to have all the information about the rule plugins first. return this.ready(); }; /** * Returns a promise that is resolved when the module is ready. * * @return {Promise} * @method ready * @protected */ RuleConfig.prototype.ready = function() { return this._ready.promise(); }; /** * Render the dialogue. * * @method _render * @protected * @return {Promise} */ RuleConfig.prototype._render = function() { var self = this; return this._preRender().then(function() { var config; if (!self.canBeConfigured()) { config = false; } else { config = {}; config.outcomes = self._getApplicableOutcomesOptions(); config.rules = self._getApplicableRulesOptions(); } var context = { competencyshortname: self._competency.shortname, config: config }; return Templates.render('tool_lp/competency_rule_config', context); }); }; /** * Set the target competency. * * @param {Number} competencyId The target competency Id. * @method setTargetCompetencyId */ RuleConfig.prototype.setTargetCompetencyId = function(competencyId) { var self = this; self._competency = self._tree.getCompetency(competencyId); $.each(self._rules, function(index, rule) { rule.setTargetCompetency(self._competency); }); }; /** * Set up the instance. * * @method _setUp * @protected */ RuleConfig.prototype._setUp = function() { var self = this, promises = [], modules = []; self._ready = $.Deferred(); self._rules = []; $.each(self._rulesModules, function(index, rule) { modules.push(rule.amd); }); // Load all the modules. require(modules, function() { $.each(arguments, function(index, Module) { // Instantiate the rule and listen to it. var rule = new Module(self._tree); self._rules.push(rule); }); // Load all the option values. promises.push(self._initRules()); promises.push(self._initOutcomes()); // Ready when everything is done. $.when.apply($.when, promises).always(function() { self._ready.resolve(); }); }); }; /** * Called when the user switches outcome. * * @method _switchedOutcome * @protected */ RuleConfig.prototype._switchedOutcome = function() { var self = this, type = self._getOutcome(); if (type == Outcomes.NONE) { // Reset to defaults. self._find('[data-region="rule-type"]').hide() .find('[name="rule"]').val(-1); self._find('[data-region="rule-config"]').empty().hide(); self._afterChange(); return; } self._find('[data-region="rule-type"]').show(); self._find('[data-region="rule-config"]').show(); self._afterChange(); }; /** * Called when the user switches rule. * * @method _switchedRule * @protected */ RuleConfig.prototype._switchedRule = function() { var self = this, container = self._find('[data-region="rule-config"]'), rule = self._getRule(); if (!rule) { container.empty().hide(); self._afterChange(); return; } rule.injectTemplate(container).then(function() { container.show(); return; }).always(function() { self._afterChange(); }).catch(function() { container.empty().hide(); }); }; /** * Trigger an event. * * @param {String} type The type of event. * @param {Object} data The data to pass to the listeners. * @method _trigger * @protected */ RuleConfig.prototype._trigger = function(type, data) { this._eventNode.trigger(type, [data]); }; return /** @alias module:tool_lp/competencyruleconfig */ RuleConfig; });