// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/ // // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Moodle. If not, see
. /** * Plan actions via ajax. * * @module tool_lp/planactions * @package tool_lp * @copyright 2015 David Monllao * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ define(['jquery', 'core/templates', 'core/ajax', 'core/notification', 'core/str', 'tool_lp/menubar', 'tool_lp/dialogue'], function($, templates, ajax, notification, str, Menubar, Dialogue) { /** * PlanActions class. * * Note that presently this cannot be instantiated more than once per page. * * @param {String} type The type of page we're in. */ var PlanActions = function(type) { this._type = type; if (type === 'plan') { // This is the page to view one plan. this._region = '[data-region="plan-page"]'; this._planNode = '[data-region="plan-page"]'; this._template = 'tool_lp/plan_page'; this._contextMethod = 'tool_lp_data_for_plan_page'; } else if (type === 'plans') { // This is the page to view a list of plans. this._region = '[data-region="plans"]'; this._planNode = '[data-region="plan-node"]'; this._template = 'tool_lp/plans_page'; this._contextMethod = 'tool_lp_data_for_plans_page'; } else { throw new TypeError('Unexpected type.'); } }; /** @type {String} Ajax method to fetch the page data from. */ PlanActions.prototype._contextMethod = null; /** @type {String} Selector to find the node describing the plan. */ PlanActions.prototype._planNode = null; /** @type {String} Selector mapping to the region to update. Usually similar to wrapper. */ PlanActions.prototype._region = null; /** @type {String} Name of the template used to render the region. */ PlanActions.prototype._template = null; /** @type {String} Type of page/region we're in. */ PlanActions.prototype._type = null; /** * Resolve the arguments to refresh the region. * * @param {Object} planData Plan data from plan node. * @return {Object} List of arguments. */ PlanActions.prototype._getContextArgs = function(planData) { var self = this, args = {}; if (self._type === 'plan') { args = { planid: planData.id }; } else if (self._type === 'plans') { args = { userid: planData.userid }; } return args; }; /** * Refresh the plan view. * * This is useful when you only want to refresh the view. * * @param {String} selector The node to search the plan data from. */ PlanActions.prototype.refresh = function(selector) { var planData = this._findPlanData($(selector)); this._callAndRefresh([], planData); }; /** * Callback to render the region template. * * @param {Object} context The context for the template. * @return {Promise} */ PlanActions.prototype._renderView = function(context) { var self = this; return templates.render(self._template, context) .then(function(newhtml, newjs) { $(self._region).replaceWith(newhtml); templates.runTemplateJS(newjs); return; }); }; /** * Call multiple ajax methods, and refresh. * * @param {Array} calls List of Ajax calls. * @param {Object} planData Plan data from plan node. * @return {Promise} */ PlanActions.prototype._callAndRefresh = function(calls, planData) { // Because this function causes a refresh, we must track the JS completion from start to finish to prevent // stale reference issues in Behat. var callKey = 'tool_lp/planactions:_callAndRefresh-' + Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.floor(1000)); M.util.js_pending(callKey); var self = this; calls.push({ methodname: self._contextMethod, args: self._getContextArgs(planData) }); // Apply all the promises, and refresh when the last one is resolved. return $.when.apply($, ajax.call(calls)) .then(function() { return self._renderView(arguments[arguments.length - 1]); }) .fail(notification.exception) .always(function() { return M.util.js_complete(callKey); }); }; /** * Delete a plan and reload the region. * * @param {Object} planData Plan data from plan node. */ PlanActions.prototype._doDelete = function(planData) { var self = this, calls = [{ methodname: 'core_competency_delete_plan', args: {id: planData.id} }]; self._callAndRefresh(calls, planData); }; /** * Delete a plan. * * @param {Object} planData Plan data from plan node. */ PlanActions.prototype.deletePlan = function(planData) { var self = this, requests; requests = ajax.call([{ methodname: 'core_competency_read_plan', args: {id: planData.id} }]); requests[0].done(function(plan) { str.get_strings([ {key: 'confirm', component: 'moodle'}, {key: 'deleteplan', component: 'tool_lp', param: plan.name}, {key: 'delete', component: 'moodle'}, {key: 'cancel', component: 'moodle'} ]).done(function(strings) { notification.confirm( strings[0], // Confirm. strings[1], // Delete plan X? strings[2], // Delete. strings[3], // Cancel. function() { self._doDelete(planData); } ); }).fail(notification.exception); }).fail(notification.exception); }; /** * Reopen plan and reload the region. * * @param {Object} planData Plan data from plan node. */ PlanActions.prototype._doReopenPlan = function(planData) { var self = this, calls = [{ methodname: 'core_competency_reopen_plan', args: {planid: planData.id} }]; self._callAndRefresh(calls, planData); }; /** * Reopen a plan. * * @param {Object} planData Plan data from plan node. */ PlanActions.prototype.reopenPlan = function(planData) { var self = this, requests = ajax.call([{ methodname: 'core_competency_read_plan', args: {id: planData.id} }]); requests[0].done(function(plan) { str.get_strings([ {key: 'confirm', component: 'moodle'}, {key: 'reopenplanconfirm', component: 'tool_lp', param: plan.name}, {key: 'reopenplan', component: 'tool_lp'}, {key: 'cancel', component: 'moodle'} ]).done(function(strings) { notification.confirm( strings[0], // Confirm. strings[1], // Reopen plan X? strings[2], // Reopen. strings[3], // Cancel. function() { self._doReopenPlan(planData); } ); }).fail(notification.exception); }).fail(notification.exception); }; /** * Complete plan and reload the region. * * @param {Object} planData Plan data from plan node. */ PlanActions.prototype._doCompletePlan = function(planData) { var self = this, calls = [{ methodname: 'core_competency_complete_plan', args: {planid: planData.id} }]; self._callAndRefresh(calls, planData); }; /** * Complete a plan process. * * @param {Object} planData Plan data from plan node. */ PlanActions.prototype.completePlan = function(planData) { var self = this, requests = ajax.call([{ methodname: 'core_competency_read_plan', args: {id: planData.id} }]); requests[0].done(function(plan) { str.get_strings([ {key: 'confirm', component: 'moodle'}, {key: 'completeplanconfirm', component: 'tool_lp', param: plan.name}, {key: 'completeplan', component: 'tool_lp'}, {key: 'cancel', component: 'moodle'} ]).done(function(strings) { notification.confirm( strings[0], // Confirm. strings[1], // Complete plan X? strings[2], // Complete. strings[3], // Cancel. function() { self._doCompletePlan(planData); } ); }).fail(notification.exception); }).fail(notification.exception); }; /** * Unlink plan and reload the region. * * @param {Object} planData Plan data from plan node. */ PlanActions.prototype._doUnlinkPlan = function(planData) { var self = this, calls = [{ methodname: 'core_competency_unlink_plan_from_template', args: {planid: planData.id} }]; self._callAndRefresh(calls, planData); }; /** * Unlink a plan process. * * @param {Object} planData Plan data from plan node. */ PlanActions.prototype.unlinkPlan = function(planData) { var self = this, requests = ajax.call([{ methodname: 'core_competency_read_plan', args: {id: planData.id} }]); requests[0].done(function(plan) { str.get_strings([ {key: 'confirm', component: 'moodle'}, {key: 'unlinkplantemplateconfirm', component: 'tool_lp', param: plan.name}, {key: 'unlinkplantemplate', component: 'tool_lp'}, {key: 'cancel', component: 'moodle'} ]).done(function(strings) { notification.confirm( strings[0], // Confirm. strings[1], // Unlink plan X? strings[2], // Unlink. strings[3], // Cancel. function() { self._doUnlinkPlan(planData); } ); }).fail(notification.exception); }).fail(notification.exception); }; /** * Request review of a plan. * * @param {Object} planData Plan data from plan node. * @method _doRequestReview */ PlanActions.prototype._doRequestReview = function(planData) { var calls = [{ methodname: 'core_competency_plan_request_review', args: { id: planData.id } }]; this._callAndRefresh(calls, planData); }; /** * Request review of a plan. * * @param {Object} planData Plan data from plan node. * @method requestReview */ PlanActions.prototype.requestReview = function(planData) { this._doRequestReview(planData); }; /** * Cancel review request of a plan. * * @param {Object} planData Plan data from plan node. * @method _doCancelReviewRequest */ PlanActions.prototype._doCancelReviewRequest = function(planData) { var calls = [{ methodname: 'core_competency_plan_cancel_review_request', args: { id: planData.id } }]; this._callAndRefresh(calls, planData); }; /** * Cancel review request of a plan. * * @param {Object} planData Plan data from plan node. * @method cancelReviewRequest */ PlanActions.prototype.cancelReviewRequest = function(planData) { this._doCancelReviewRequest(planData); }; /** * Start review of a plan. * * @param {Object} planData Plan data from plan node. * @method _doStartReview */ PlanActions.prototype._doStartReview = function(planData) { var calls = [{ methodname: 'core_competency_plan_start_review', args: { id: planData.id } }]; this._callAndRefresh(calls, planData); }; /** * Start review of a plan. * * @param {Object} planData Plan data from plan node. * @method startReview */ PlanActions.prototype.startReview = function(planData) { this._doStartReview(planData); }; /** * Stop review of a plan. * * @param {Object} planData Plan data from plan node. * @method _doStopReview */ PlanActions.prototype._doStopReview = function(planData) { var calls = [{ methodname: 'core_competency_plan_stop_review', args: { id: planData.id } }]; this._callAndRefresh(calls, planData); }; /** * Stop review of a plan. * * @param {Object} planData Plan data from plan node. * @method stopReview */ PlanActions.prototype.stopReview = function(planData) { this._doStopReview(planData); }; /** * Approve a plan. * * @param {Object} planData Plan data from plan node. * @method _doApprove */ PlanActions.prototype._doApprove = function(planData) { var calls = [{ methodname: 'core_competency_approve_plan', args: { id: planData.id } }]; this._callAndRefresh(calls, planData); }; /** * Approve a plan. * * @param {Object} planData Plan data from plan node. * @method approve */ PlanActions.prototype.approve = function(planData) { this._doApprove(planData); }; /** * Unapprove a plan. * * @param {Object} planData Plan data from plan node. * @method _doUnapprove */ PlanActions.prototype._doUnapprove = function(planData) { var calls = [{ methodname: 'core_competency_unapprove_plan', args: { id: planData.id } }]; this._callAndRefresh(calls, planData); }; /** * Unapprove a plan. * * @param {Object} planData Plan data from plan node. * @method unapprove */ PlanActions.prototype.unapprove = function(planData) { this._doUnapprove(planData); }; /** * Display list of linked courses on a modal dialogue. * * @param {Event} e The event. */ PlanActions.prototype._showLinkedCoursesHandler = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var competencyid = $(e.target).data('id'); var requests = ajax.call([{ methodname: 'tool_lp_list_courses_using_competency', args: {id: competencyid} }]); requests[0].done(function(courses) { var context = { courses: courses }; templates.render('tool_lp/linked_courses_summary', context).done(function(html) { str.get_string('linkedcourses', 'tool_lp').done(function(linkedcourses) { new Dialogue( linkedcourses, // Title. html // The linked courses. ); }).fail(notification.exception); }).fail(notification.exception); }).fail(notification.exception); }; /** * Plan event handler. * * @param {String} method The method to call. * @param {Event} e The event. * @method _eventHandler */ PlanActions.prototype._eventHandler = function(method, e) { e.preventDefault(); var data = this._findPlanData($(e.target)); this[method](data); }; /** * Find the plan data from the plan node. * * @param {Node} node The node to search from. * @return {Object} Plan data. */ PlanActions.prototype._findPlanData = function(node) { var parent = node.parentsUntil($(this._region).parent(), this._planNode), data; if (parent.length != 1) { throw new Error('The plan node was not located.'); } data = parent.data(); if (typeof data === 'undefined' || typeof data.id === 'undefined') { throw new Error('Plan data could not be found.'); } return data; }; /** * Enhance a menu bar. * * @param {String} selector Menubar selector. */ PlanActions.prototype.enhanceMenubar = function(selector) { Menubar.enhance(selector, { '[data-action="plan-delete"]': this._eventHandler.bind(this, 'deletePlan'), '[data-action="plan-complete"]': this._eventHandler.bind(this, 'completePlan'), '[data-action="plan-reopen"]': this._eventHandler.bind(this, 'reopenPlan'), '[data-action="plan-unlink"]': this._eventHandler.bind(this, 'unlinkPlan'), '[data-action="plan-request-review"]': this._eventHandler.bind(this, 'requestReview'), '[data-action="plan-cancel-review-request"]': this._eventHandler.bind(this, 'cancelReviewRequest'), '[data-action="plan-start-review"]': this._eventHandler.bind(this, 'startReview'), '[data-action="plan-stop-review"]': this._eventHandler.bind(this, 'stopReview'), '[data-action="plan-approve"]': this._eventHandler.bind(this, 'approve'), '[data-action="plan-unapprove"]': this._eventHandler.bind(this, 'unapprove'), }); }; /** * Register the events in the region. * * At this stage this cannot be used with enhanceMenubar or multiple handlers * will be added to the same node. */ PlanActions.prototype.registerEvents = function() { var wrapper = $(this._region); wrapper.find('[data-action="plan-delete"]').click(this._eventHandler.bind(this, 'deletePlan')); wrapper.find('[data-action="plan-complete"]').click(this._eventHandler.bind(this, 'completePlan')); wrapper.find('[data-action="plan-reopen"]').click(this._eventHandler.bind(this, 'reopenPlan')); wrapper.find('[data-action="plan-unlink"]').click(this._eventHandler.bind(this, 'unlinkPlan')); wrapper.find('[data-action="plan-request-review"]').click(this._eventHandler.bind(this, 'requestReview')); wrapper.find('[data-action="plan-cancel-review-request"]').click(this._eventHandler.bind(this, 'cancelReviewRequest')); wrapper.find('[data-action="plan-start-review"]').click(this._eventHandler.bind(this, 'startReview')); wrapper.find('[data-action="plan-stop-review"]').click(this._eventHandler.bind(this, 'stopReview')); wrapper.find('[data-action="plan-approve"]').click(this._eventHandler.bind(this, 'approve')); wrapper.find('[data-action="plan-unapprove"]').click(this._eventHandler.bind(this, 'unapprove')); wrapper.find('[data-action="find-courses-link"]').click(this._showLinkedCoursesHandler.bind(this)); }; return PlanActions; });