// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/ // // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Moodle. If not, see
. /** * Handle opening a dialogue to configure scale data. * * @module tool_lp/scaleconfig * @package tool_lp * @copyright 2015 Adrian Greeve
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ define(['jquery', 'core/notification', 'core/templates', 'core/ajax', 'tool_lp/dialogue', 'tool_lp/scalevalues'], function($, notification, templates, ajax, Dialogue, ModScaleValues) { /** * Scale config object. * @param {String} selectSelector The select box selector. * @param {String} inputSelector The hidden input field selector. * @param {String} triggerSelector The trigger selector. */ var ScaleConfig = function(selectSelector, inputSelector, triggerSelector) { this.selectSelector = selectSelector; this.inputSelector = inputSelector; this.triggerSelector = triggerSelector; // Get the current scale ID. this.originalscaleid = $(selectSelector).val(); $(selectSelector).on('change', this.scaleChangeHandler.bind(this)).change(); $(triggerSelector).click(this.showConfig.bind(this)); }; /** @var {String} The select box selector. */ ScaleConfig.prototype.selectSelector = null; /** @var {String} The hidden field selector. */ ScaleConfig.prototype.inputSelector = null; /** @var {String} The trigger selector. */ ScaleConfig.prototype.triggerSelector = null; /** @var {Array} scalevalues ID and name of the scales. */ ScaleConfig.prototype.scalevalues = null; /** @var {Number) originalscaleid Original scale ID when the page loads. */ ScaleConfig.prototype.originalscaleid = 0; /** @var {Number} scaleid Current scale ID. */ ScaleConfig.prototype.scaleid = 0; /** @var {Dialogue} Reference to the popup. */ ScaleConfig.prototype.popup = null; /** * Displays the scale configuration dialogue. * * @method showConfig */ ScaleConfig.prototype.showConfig = function() { var self = this; this.scaleid = $(this.selectSelector).val(); if (this.scaleid <= 0) { // This should not happen. return; } var scalename = $(this.selectSelector).find("option:selected").text(); this.getScaleValues(this.scaleid).done(function() { var context = { scalename: scalename, scales: self.scalevalues }; // Dish up the form. templates.render('tool_lp/scale_configuration_page', context) .done(function(html) { new Dialogue( scalename, html, self.initScaleConfig.bind(self) ); }).fail(notification.exception); }).fail(notification.exception); }; /** * Gets the original scale configuration if it was set. * * @method retrieveOriginalScaleConfig * @return {Object|String} scale configuration or empty string. */ ScaleConfig.prototype.retrieveOriginalScaleConfig = function() { var jsonstring = $(this.inputSelector).val(); if (jsonstring !== '') { var scaleconfiguration = $.parseJSON(jsonstring); // The first object should contain the scale ID for the configuration. var scaledetail = scaleconfiguration.shift(); // Check that this scale id matches the one from the page before returning the configuration. if (scaledetail.scaleid === this.originalscaleid) { return scaleconfiguration; } } return ''; }; /** * Initialises the scale configuration dialogue. * * @method initScaleConfig * @param {Dialogue} popup Dialogue object to initialise. */ ScaleConfig.prototype.initScaleConfig = function(popup) { this.popup = popup; var body = $(popup.getContent()); if (this.originalscaleid === this.scaleid) { // Set up the popup to show the current configuration. var currentconfig = this.retrieveOriginalScaleConfig(); // Set up the form only if there is configuration settings to set. if (currentconfig !== '') { currentconfig.forEach(function(value) { if (value.scaledefault === 1) { body.find('[data-field="tool_lp_scale_default_' + value.id + '"]').attr('checked', true); } if (value.proficient === 1) { body.find('[data-field="tool_lp_scale_proficient_' + value.id + '"]').attr('checked', true); } }); } } body.on('click', '[data-action="close"]', function() { this.setScaleConfig(); popup.close(); }.bind(this)); body.on('click', '[data-action="cancel"]', function() { popup.close(); }); }; /** * Set the scale configuration back into a JSON string in the hidden element. * * @method setScaleConfig */ ScaleConfig.prototype.setScaleConfig = function() { var body = $(this.popup.getContent()); // Get the data. var data = [{scaleid: this.scaleid}]; this.scalevalues.forEach(function(value) { var scaledefault = 0; var proficient = 0; if (body.find('[data-field="tool_lp_scale_default_' + value.id + '"]').is(':checked')) { scaledefault = 1; } if (body.find('[data-field="tool_lp_scale_proficient_' + value.id + '"]').is(':checked')) { proficient = 1; } if (!scaledefault && !proficient) { return; } data.push({ id: value.id, scaledefault: scaledefault, proficient: proficient }); }); var datastring = JSON.stringify(data); // Send to the hidden field on the form. $(this.inputSelector).val(datastring); // Once the configuration has been saved then the original scale ID is set to the current scale ID. this.originalscaleid = this.scaleid; }; /** * Get the scale values for the selected scale. * * @method getScaleValues * @param {Number} scaleid The scale ID of the selected scale. * @return {Promise} A deffered object with the scale values. */ ScaleConfig.prototype.getScaleValues = function(scaleid) { return ModScaleValues.get_values(scaleid).then(function(values) { this.scalevalues = values; return values; }.bind(this)); }; /** * Triggered when a scale is selected. * * @name scaleChangeHandler * @param {Event} e * @function */ ScaleConfig.prototype.scaleChangeHandler = function(e) { if ($(e.target).val() <= 0) { $(this.triggerSelector).prop('disabled', true); } else { $(this.triggerSelector).prop('disabled', false); } }; return { /** * Main initialisation. * * @param {String} selectSelector The select box selector. * @param {String} inputSelector The hidden input field selector. * @param {String} triggerSelector The trigger selector. * @return {ScaleConfig} A new instance of ScaleConfig. * @method init */ init: function(selectSelector, inputSelector, triggerSelector) { return new ScaleConfig(selectSelector, inputSelector, triggerSelector); } }; });