// jshint ignore: start (function (root, factory) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { // AMD. Register as an anonymous module unless amdModuleId is set define(["jquery","core/popper"], function (a0,b1) { return (root['Tour'] = factory(a0,b1)); }); } else if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) { // Node. Does not work with strict CommonJS, but // only CommonJS-like environments that support module.exports, // like Node. module.exports = factory(require("jquery"),require("popper.js")); } else { root['Tour'] = factory(root["$"],root["Popper"]); } }(this, function ($, Popper) { "use strict"; /** * A Tour. * * @class Tour * @param {object} config The configuration object. */ var _typeof = typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol" ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; function Tour(config) { this.init(config); } /** * The name of the tour. * * @property {String} tourName */ Tour.prototype.tourName; /** * The name of the tour storage key. * * @property {String} storageKey */ Tour.prototype.storageKey; /** * The session storage object * * @property {Storage} storage */ Tour.prototype.storage; /** * The original configuration as passed into the constructor. * * @property {Object} originalConfiguration */ Tour.prototype.originalConfiguration; /** * The list of step listeners. * * @property {Array} listeners */ Tour.prototype.listeners; /** * The list of event handlers. * * @property {Object} eventHandlers */ Tour.prototype.eventHandlers; /** * The list of steps. * * @property {Object[]} steps */ Tour.prototype.steps; /** * The current step node. * * @property {jQuery} currentStepNode */ Tour.prototype.currentStepNode; /** * The current step number. * * @property {Number} currentStepNumber */ Tour.prototype.currentStepNumber; /** * The popper for the current step. * * @property {Popper} currentStepPopper */ Tour.prototype.currentStepPopper; /** * The config for the current step. * * @property {Object} currentStepConfig */ Tour.prototype.currentStepConfig; /** * The template content. * * @property {String} templateContent */ Tour.prototype.templateContent; /** * Initialise the tour. * * @method init * @param {Object} config The configuration object. * @chainable */ Tour.prototype.init = function (config) { // Unset all handlers. this.eventHandlers = {}; // Reset the current tour states. this.reset(); // Store the initial configuration. this.originalConfiguration = config || {}; // Apply configuration. this.configure.apply(this, arguments); try { this.storage = window.sessionStorage; this.storageKey = 'tourstate_' + this.tourName; } catch (e) { this.storage = false; this.storageKey = ''; } return this; }; /** * Reset the current tour state. * * @method reset * @chainable */ Tour.prototype.reset = function () { // Hide the current step. this.hide(); // Unset all handlers. this.eventHandlers = []; // Unset all listeners. this.resetStepListeners(); // Unset the original configuration. this.originalConfiguration = {}; // Reset the current step number and list of steps. this.steps = []; // Reset the current step number. this.currentStepNumber = 0; return this; }; /** * Prepare tour configuration. * * @method configure * @chainable */ Tour.prototype.configure = function (config) { var _this = this; if ((typeof config === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(config)) === 'object') { // Tour name. if (typeof config.tourName !== 'undefined') { this.tourName = config.tourName; } // Set up eventHandlers. if (config.eventHandlers) { (function () { var eventName = void 0; for (eventName in config.eventHandlers) { config.eventHandlers[eventName].forEach(function (handler) { this.addEventHandler(eventName, handler); }, _this); } })(); } // Reset the step configuration. this.resetStepDefaults(true); // Configure the steps. if (_typeof(config.steps) === 'object') { this.steps = config.steps; } if (typeof config.template !== 'undefined') { this.templateContent = config.template; } } // Check that we have enough to start the tour. this.checkMinimumRequirements(); return this; }; /** * Check that the configuration meets the minimum requirements. * * @method checkMinimumRequirements * @chainable */ Tour.prototype.checkMinimumRequirements = function () { // Need a tourName. if (!this.tourName) { throw new Error("Tour Name required"); } // Need a minimum of one step. if (!this.steps || !this.steps.length) { throw new Error("Steps must be specified"); } }; /** * Reset step default configuration. * * @method resetStepDefaults * @param {Boolean} loadOriginalConfiguration Whether to load the original configuration supplied with the Tour. * @chainable */ Tour.prototype.resetStepDefaults = function (loadOriginalConfiguration) { if (typeof loadOriginalConfiguration === 'undefined') { loadOriginalConfiguration = true; } this.stepDefaults = {}; if (!loadOriginalConfiguration || typeof this.originalConfiguration.stepDefaults === 'undefined') { this.setStepDefaults({}); } else { this.setStepDefaults(this.originalConfiguration.stepDefaults); } return this; }; /** * Set the step defaults. * * @method setStepDefaults * @param {Object} stepDefaults The step defaults to apply to all steps * @chainable */ Tour.prototype.setStepDefaults = function (stepDefaults) { if (!this.stepDefaults) { this.stepDefaults = {}; } $.extend(this.stepDefaults, { element: '', placement: 'top', delay: 0, moveOnClick: false, moveAfterTime: 0, orphan: false, direction: 1 }, stepDefaults); return this; }; /** * Retrieve the current step number. * * @method getCurrentStepNumber * @return {Integer} The current step number */ Tour.prototype.getCurrentStepNumber = function () { return parseInt(this.currentStepNumber, 10); }; /** * Store the current step number. * * @method setCurrentStepNumber * @param {Integer} stepNumber The current step number * @chainable */ Tour.prototype.setCurrentStepNumber = function (stepNumber) { this.currentStepNumber = stepNumber; if (this.storage) { try { this.storage.setItem(this.storageKey, stepNumber); } catch (e) { if (e.code === DOMException.QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR) { this.storage.removeItem(this.storageKey); } } } }; /** * Get the next step number after the currently displayed step. * * @method getNextStepNumber * @return {Integer} The next step number to display */ Tour.prototype.getNextStepNumber = function (stepNumber) { if (typeof stepNumber === 'undefined') { stepNumber = this.getCurrentStepNumber(); } var nextStepNumber = stepNumber + 1; // Keep checking the remaining steps. while (nextStepNumber <= this.steps.length) { if (this.isStepPotentiallyVisible(this.getStepConfig(nextStepNumber))) { return nextStepNumber; } nextStepNumber++; } return null; }; /** * Get the previous step number before the currently displayed step. * * @method getPreviousStepNumber * @return {Integer} The previous step number to display */ Tour.prototype.getPreviousStepNumber = function (stepNumber) { if (typeof stepNumber === 'undefined') { stepNumber = this.getCurrentStepNumber(); } var previousStepNumber = stepNumber - 1; // Keep checking the remaining steps. while (previousStepNumber >= 0) { if (this.isStepPotentiallyVisible(this.getStepConfig(previousStepNumber))) { return previousStepNumber; } previousStepNumber--; } return null; }; /** * Is the step the final step number? * * @method isLastStep * @param {Integer} stepNumber Step number to test * @return {Boolean} Whether the step is the final step */ Tour.prototype.isLastStep = function (stepNumber) { var nextStepNumber = this.getNextStepNumber(stepNumber); return nextStepNumber === null; }; /** * Is the step the first step number? * * @method isFirstStep * @param {Integer} stepNumber Step number to test * @return {Boolean} Whether the step is the first step */ Tour.prototype.isFirstStep = function (stepNumber) { var previousStepNumber = this.getPreviousStepNumber(stepNumber); return previousStepNumber === null; }; /** * Is this step potentially visible? * * @method isStepPotentiallyVisible * @param {Integer} stepNumber Step number to test * @return {Boolean} Whether the step is the potentially visible */ Tour.prototype.isStepPotentiallyVisible = function (stepConfig) { if (!stepConfig) { // Without step config, there can be no step. return false; } if (this.isStepActuallyVisible(stepConfig)) { // If it is actually visible, it is already potentially visible. return true; } if (typeof stepConfig.orphan !== 'undefined' && stepConfig.orphan) { // Orphan steps have no target. They are always visible. return true; } if (typeof stepConfig.delay !== 'undefined' && stepConfig.delay) { // Only return true if the activated has not been used yet. return true; } // Not theoretically, or actually visible. return false; }; /** * Is this step actually visible? * * @method isStepActuallyVisible * @param {Integer} stepNumber Step number to test * @return {Boolean} Whether the step is actually visible */ Tour.prototype.isStepActuallyVisible = function (stepConfig) { if (!stepConfig) { // Without step config, there can be no step. return false; } var target = this.getStepTarget(stepConfig); if (target && target.length && target.is(':visible')) { // Without a target, there can be no step. return !!target.length; } return false; }; /** * Go to the next step in the tour. * * @method next * @chainable */ Tour.prototype.next = function () { return this.gotoStep(this.getNextStepNumber()); }; /** * Go to the previous step in the tour. * * @method previous * @chainable */ Tour.prototype.previous = function () { return this.gotoStep(this.getPreviousStepNumber(), -1); }; /** * Go to the specified step in the tour. * * @method gotoStep * @param {Integer} stepNumber The step number to display * @chainable */ Tour.prototype.gotoStep = function (stepNumber, direction) { if (stepNumber < 0) { return this.endTour(); } var stepConfig = this.getStepConfig(stepNumber); if (stepConfig === null) { return this.endTour(); } return this._gotoStep(stepConfig, direction); }; Tour.prototype._gotoStep = function (stepConfig, direction) { if (!stepConfig) { return this.endTour(); } if (typeof stepConfig.delay !== 'undefined' && stepConfig.delay && !stepConfig.delayed) { stepConfig.delayed = true; window.setTimeout(this._gotoStep.bind(this), stepConfig.delay, stepConfig, direction); return this; } else if (!stepConfig.orphan && !this.isStepActuallyVisible(stepConfig)) { var fn = direction == -1 ? 'getPreviousStepNumber' : 'getNextStepNumber'; return this.gotoStep(this[fn](stepConfig.stepNumber), direction); } this.hide(); this.fireEventHandlers('beforeRender', stepConfig); this.renderStep(stepConfig); this.fireEventHandlers('afterRender', stepConfig); return this; }; /** * Fetch the normalised step configuration for the specified step number. * * @method getStepConfig * @param {Integer} stepNumber The step number to fetch configuration for * @return {Object} The step configuration */ Tour.prototype.getStepConfig = function (stepNumber) { if (stepNumber === null || stepNumber < 0 || stepNumber >= this.steps.length) { return null; } // Normalise the step configuration. var stepConfig = this.normalizeStepConfig(this.steps[stepNumber]); // Add the stepNumber to the stepConfig. stepConfig = $.extend(stepConfig, { stepNumber: stepNumber }); return stepConfig; }; /** * Normalise the supplied step configuration. * * @method normalizeStepConfig * @param {Object} stepConfig The step configuration to normalise * @return {Object} The normalised step configuration */ Tour.prototype.normalizeStepConfig = function (stepConfig) { if (typeof stepConfig.reflex !== 'undefined' && typeof stepConfig.moveAfterClick === 'undefined') { stepConfig.moveAfterClick = stepConfig.reflex; } if (typeof stepConfig.element !== 'undefined' && typeof stepConfig.target === 'undefined') { stepConfig.target = stepConfig.element; } if (typeof stepConfig.content !== 'undefined' && typeof stepConfig.body === 'undefined') { stepConfig.body = stepConfig.content; } stepConfig = $.extend({}, this.stepDefaults, stepConfig); stepConfig = $.extend({}, { attachTo: stepConfig.target, attachPoint: 'after' }, stepConfig); if (stepConfig.attachTo) { stepConfig.attachTo = $(stepConfig.attachTo).first(); } return stepConfig; }; /** * Fetch the actual step target from the selector. * * This should not be called until after any delay has completed. * * @method getStepTarget * @param {Object} stepConfig The step configuration * @return {$} */ Tour.prototype.getStepTarget = function (stepConfig) { if (stepConfig.target) { return $(stepConfig.target); } return null; }; /** * Fire any event handlers for the specified event. * * @param {String} eventName The name of the event to handle * @param {Object} data Any data to pass to the event * @chainable */ Tour.prototype.fireEventHandlers = function (eventName, data) { if (typeof this.eventHandlers[eventName] === 'undefined') { return this; } this.eventHandlers[eventName].forEach(function (thisEvent) { thisEvent.call(this, data); }, this); return this; }; /** * @method addEventHandler * @param string eventName The name of the event to listen for * @param function handler The event handler to call */ Tour.prototype.addEventHandler = function (eventName, handler) { if (typeof this.eventHandlers[eventName] === 'undefined') { this.eventHandlers[eventName] = []; } this.eventHandlers[eventName].push(handler); return this; }; /** * Process listeners for the step being shown. * * @method processStepListeners * @param {object} stepConfig The configuration for the step * @chainable */ Tour.prototype.processStepListeners = function (stepConfig) { this.listeners.push( // Next/Previous buttons. { node: this.currentStepNode, args: ['click', '[data-role="next"]', $.proxy(this.next, this)] }, { node: this.currentStepNode, args: ['click', '[data-role="previous"]', $.proxy(this.previous, this)] }, // Close and end tour buttons. { node: this.currentStepNode, args: ['click', '[data-role="end"]', $.proxy(this.endTour, this)] }, // Click backdrop and hide tour. { node: $('[data-flexitour="backdrop"]'), args: ['click', $.proxy(this.hide, this)] }, // Keypresses. { node: $('body'), args: ['keydown', $.proxy(this.handleKeyDown, this)] }); if (stepConfig.moveOnClick) { var targetNode = this.getStepTarget(stepConfig); this.listeners.push({ node: targetNode, args: ['click', $.proxy(function (e) { if ($(e.target).parents('[data-flexitour="container"]').length === 0) { // Ignore clicks when they are in the flexitour. window.setTimeout($.proxy(this.next, this), 500); } }, this)] }); } this.listeners.forEach(function (listener) { listener.node.on.apply(listener.node, listener.args); }); return this; }; /** * Reset step listeners. * * @method resetStepListeners * @chainable */ Tour.prototype.resetStepListeners = function () { // Stop listening to all external handlers. if (this.listeners) { this.listeners.forEach(function (listener) { listener.node.off.apply(listener.node, listener.args); }); } this.listeners = []; return this; }; /** * The standard step renderer. * * @method renderStep * @param {Object} stepConfig The step configuration of the step * @chainable */ Tour.prototype.renderStep = function (stepConfig) { // Store the current step configuration for later. this.currentStepConfig = stepConfig; this.setCurrentStepNumber(stepConfig.stepNumber); // Fetch the template and convert it to a $ object. var template = $(this.getTemplateContent()); // Title. template.find('[data-placeholder="title"]').html(stepConfig.title); // Body. template.find('[data-placeholder="body"]').html(stepConfig.body); // Is this the first step? if (this.isFirstStep(stepConfig.stepNumber)) { template.find('[data-role="previous"]').prop('disabled', true); } else { template.find('[data-role="previous"]').prop('disabled', false); } // Is this the final step? if (this.isLastStep(stepConfig.stepNumber)) { template.find('[data-role="next"]').prop('disabled', true); } else { template.find('[data-role="next"]').prop('disabled', false); } template.find('[data-role="previous"]').attr('role', 'button'); template.find('[data-role="next"]').attr('role', 'button'); template.find('[data-role="end"]').attr('role', 'button'); // Replace the template with the updated version. stepConfig.template = template; // Add to the page. this.addStepToPage(stepConfig); // Process step listeners after adding to the page. // This uses the currentNode. this.processStepListeners(stepConfig); return this; }; /** * Getter for the template content. * * @method getTemplateContent * @return {$} */ Tour.prototype.getTemplateContent = function () { return $(this.templateContent).clone(); }; /** * Helper to add a step to the page. * * @method addStepToPage * @param {Object} stepConfig The step configuration of the step * @chainable */ Tour.prototype.addStepToPage = function (stepConfig) { var stepContent = stepConfig.template; // Create the stepNode from the template data. var currentStepNode = $('
').html(stepConfig.template).hide(); // The scroll animation occurs on the body or html. var animationTarget = $('body, html').stop(true, true); if (this.isStepActuallyVisible(stepConfig)) { var targetNode = this.getStepTarget(stepConfig); targetNode.data('flexitour', 'target'); var zIndex = this.calculateZIndex(targetNode); if (zIndex) { stepConfig.zIndex = zIndex + 1; } if (stepConfig.zIndex) { currentStepNode.css('zIndex', stepConfig.zIndex + 1); } // Add the backdrop. this.positionBackdrop(stepConfig); $(document.body).append(currentStepNode); this.currentStepNode = currentStepNode; // Ensure that the step node is positioned. // Some situations mean that the value is not properly calculated without this step. this.currentStepNode.css({ top: 0, left: 0 }); animationTarget.animate({ scrollTop: this.calculateScrollTop(stepConfig) }).promise().then(function () { this.positionStep(stepConfig); this.revealStep(stepConfig); }.bind(this)); } else if (stepConfig.orphan) { stepConfig.isOrphan = true; // This will be appended to the body instead. stepConfig.attachTo = $('body').first(); stepConfig.attachPoint = 'append'; // Add the backdrop. this.positionBackdrop(stepConfig); // This is an orphaned step. currentStepNode.addClass('orphan'); // It lives in the body. $(document.body).append(currentStepNode); this.currentStepNode = currentStepNode; this.currentStepNode.offset(this.calculateStepPositionInPage()); this.currentStepNode.css('position', 'fixed'); this.currentStepPopper = new Popper($('body'), this.currentStepNode[0], { removeOnDestroy: true, placement: stepConfig.placement + '-start', arrowElement: '[data-role="arrow"]', // Empty the modifiers. We've already placed the step and don't want it moved. modifiers: { hide: { enabled: false }, applyStyle: { onLoad: null, enabled: false } } }); this.revealStep(stepConfig); } return this; }; Tour.prototype.revealStep = function (stepConfig) { // Fade the step in. this.currentStepNode.fadeIn('', $.proxy(function () { // Announce via ARIA. this.announceStep(stepConfig); // Focus on the current step Node. this.currentStepNode.focus(); window.setTimeout($.proxy(function () { // After a brief delay, focus again. // There seems to be an issue with Jaws where it only reads the dialogue title initially. // This second focus helps it to read the full dialogue. if (this.currentStepNode) { this.currentStepNode.focus(); } }, this), 100); }, this)); return this; }; /** * Helper to announce the step on the page. * * @method announceStep * @param {Object} stepConfig The step configuration of the step * @chainable */ Tour.prototype.announceStep = function (stepConfig) { // Setup the step Dialogue as per: // * https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-practices/#dialog_nonmodal // * https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-practices/#dialog_modal // Generate an ID for the current step node. var stepId = 'tour-step-' + this.tourName + '-' + stepConfig.stepNumber; this.currentStepNode.attr('id', stepId); var bodyRegion = this.currentStepNode.find('[data-placeholder="body"]').first(); bodyRegion.attr('id', stepId + '-body'); bodyRegion.attr('role', 'document'); var headerRegion = this.currentStepNode.find('[data-placeholder="title"]').first(); headerRegion.attr('id', stepId + '-title'); headerRegion.attr('aria-labelledby', stepId + '-body'); // Generally, a modal dialog has a role of dialog. this.currentStepNode.attr('role', 'dialog'); this.currentStepNode.attr('tabindex', 0); this.currentStepNode.attr('aria-labelledby', stepId + '-title'); this.currentStepNode.attr('aria-describedby', stepId + '-body'); // Configure ARIA attributes on the target. var target = this.getStepTarget(stepConfig); if (target) { if (!target.attr('tabindex')) { target.attr('tabindex', 0); } target.data('original-describedby', target.attr('aria-describedby')).attr('aria-describedby', stepId + '-body'); } this.accessibilityShow(stepConfig); return this; }; /** * Handle key down events. * * @method handleKeyDown * @param {EventFacade} e */ Tour.prototype.handleKeyDown = function (e) { var tabbableSelector = 'a[href], link[href], [draggable=true], [contenteditable=true], :input:enabled, [tabindex], button:enabled'; switch (e.keyCode) { case 27: this.endTour(); break; // 9 == Tab - trap focus for items with a backdrop. case 9: // Tab must be handled on key up only in this instance. (function () { if (!this.currentStepConfig.hasBackdrop) { // Trapping tab focus is only handled for those steps with a backdrop. return; } // Find all tabbable locations. var activeElement = $(document.activeElement); var stepTarget = this.getStepTarget(this.currentStepConfig); var tabbableNodes = $(tabbableSelector); var dialogContainer = $('span[data-flexitour="container"]'); var currentIndex = void 0; // Filter out element which is not belong to target section or dialogue. if (stepTarget) { tabbableNodes = tabbableNodes.filter(function (index, element) { return stepTarget != null && (stepTarget.has(element).length || dialogContainer.has(element).length || stepTarget.is(element) || dialogContainer.is(element)); }); } // Find index of focusing element. tabbableNodes.each(function (index, element) { if (activeElement.is(element)) { currentIndex = index; return false; } }); var nextIndex = void 0; var nextNode = void 0; var focusRelevant = void 0; if (currentIndex != void 0) { var direction = 1; if (e.shiftKey) { direction = -1; } nextIndex = currentIndex; do { nextIndex += direction; nextNode = $(tabbableNodes[nextIndex]); } while (nextNode.length && nextNode.is(':disabled') || nextNode.is(':hidden')); if (nextNode.length) { // A new f focusRelevant = nextNode.closest(stepTarget).length; focusRelevant = focusRelevant || nextNode.closest(this.currentStepNode).length; } else { // Unable to find the target somehow. focusRelevant = false; } } if (focusRelevant) { nextNode.focus(); } else { if (e.shiftKey) { // Focus on the last tabbable node in the step. this.currentStepNode.find(tabbableSelector).last().focus(); } else { if (this.currentStepConfig.isOrphan) { // Focus on the step - there is no target. this.currentStepNode.focus(); } else { // Focus on the step target. stepTarget.focus(); } } } e.preventDefault(); }).call(this); break; } }; /** * Start the current tour. * * @method startTour * @param {Integer} startAt Which step number to start at. If not specified, starts at the last point. * @chainable */ Tour.prototype.startTour = function (startAt) { if (this.storage && typeof startAt === 'undefined') { var storageStartValue = this.storage.getItem(this.storageKey); if (storageStartValue) { var storageStartAt = parseInt(storageStartValue, 10); if (storageStartAt <= this.steps.length) { startAt = storageStartAt; } } } if (typeof startAt === 'undefined') { startAt = this.getCurrentStepNumber(); } this.fireEventHandlers('beforeStart', startAt); this.gotoStep(startAt); this.fireEventHandlers('afterStart', startAt); return this; }; /** * Restart the tour from the beginning, resetting the completionlag. * * @method restartTour * @chainable */ Tour.prototype.restartTour = function () { return this.startTour(0); }; /** * End the current tour. * * @method endTour * @chainable */ Tour.prototype.endTour = function () { this.fireEventHandlers('beforeEnd'); if (this.currentStepConfig) { var previousTarget = this.getStepTarget(this.currentStepConfig); if (previousTarget) { if (!previousTarget.attr('tabindex')) { previousTarget.attr('tabindex', '-1'); } previousTarget.focus(); } } this.hide(true); this.fireEventHandlers('afterEnd'); return this; }; /** * Hide any currently visible steps. * * @method hide * @chainable */ Tour.prototype.hide = function (transition) { this.fireEventHandlers('beforeHide'); if (this.currentStepNode && this.currentStepNode.length) { this.currentStepNode.hide(); if (this.currentStepPopper) { this.currentStepPopper.destroy(); } } // Restore original target configuration. if (this.currentStepConfig) { var target = this.getStepTarget(this.currentStepConfig); if (target) { if (target.data('original-labelledby')) { target.attr('aria-labelledby', target.data('original-labelledby')); } if (target.data('original-describedby')) { target.attr('aria-describedby', target.data('original-describedby')); } if (target.data('original-tabindex')) { target.attr('tabindex', target.data('tabindex')); } } // Clear the step configuration. this.currentStepConfig = null; } var fadeTime = 0; if (transition) { fadeTime = 400; } // Remove the backdrop features. $('[data-flexitour="step-background"]').remove(); $('[data-flexitour="step-backdrop"]').removeAttr('data-flexitour'); $('[data-flexitour="backdrop"]').fadeOut(fadeTime, function () { $(this).remove(); }); // Remove aria-describedby and tabindex attributes. if (this.currentStepNode && this.currentStepNode.length) { var stepId = this.currentStepNode.attr('id'); if (stepId) { var currentStepElement = '[aria-describedby="' + stepId + '-body"]'; $(currentStepElement).removeAttr('tabindex'); $(currentStepElement).removeAttr('aria-describedby'); } } // Reset the listeners. this.resetStepListeners(); this.accessibilityHide(); this.fireEventHandlers('afterHide'); this.currentStepNode = null; this.currentStepPopper = null; return this; }; /** * Show the current steps. * * @method show * @chainable */ Tour.prototype.show = function () { // Show the current step. var startAt = this.getCurrentStepNumber(); return this.gotoStep(startAt); }; /** * Return the current step node. * * @method getStepContainer * @return {jQuery} */ Tour.prototype.getStepContainer = function () { return $(this.currentStepNode); }; /** * Calculate scrollTop. * * @method calculateScrollTop * @param {Object} stepConfig The step configuration of the step * @return {Number} */ Tour.prototype.calculateScrollTop = function (stepConfig) { var scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop(); var viewportHeight = $(window).height(); var targetNode = this.getStepTarget(stepConfig); if (stepConfig.placement === 'top') { // If the placement is top, center scroll at the top of the target. scrollTop = targetNode.offset().top - viewportHeight / 2; } else if (stepConfig.placement === 'bottom') { // If the placement is bottom, center scroll at the bottom of the target. scrollTop = targetNode.offset().top + targetNode.height() - viewportHeight / 2; } else if (targetNode.height() <= viewportHeight * 0.8) { // If the placement is left/right, and the target fits in the viewport, centre screen on the target scrollTop = targetNode.offset().top - (viewportHeight - targetNode.height()) / 2; } else { // If the placement is left/right, and the target is bigger than the viewport, set scrollTop to target.top + buffer // and change step attachmentTarget to top+. scrollTop = targetNode.offset().top - viewportHeight * 0.2; } // Never scroll over the top. scrollTop = Math.max(0, scrollTop); // Never scroll beyond the bottom. scrollTop = Math.min($(document).height() - viewportHeight, scrollTop); return Math.ceil(scrollTop); }; /** * Calculate dialogue position for page middle. * * @method calculateScrollTop * @return {Number} */ Tour.prototype.calculateStepPositionInPage = function () { var viewportHeight = $(window).height(); var stepHeight = this.currentStepNode.height(); var viewportWidth = $(window).width(); var stepWidth = this.currentStepNode.width(); return { top: Math.ceil((viewportHeight - stepHeight) / 2), left: Math.ceil((viewportWidth - stepWidth) / 2) }; }; /** * Position the step on the page. * * @method positionStep * @param {Object} stepConfig The step configuration of the step * @chainable */ Tour.prototype.positionStep = function (stepConfig) { var content = this.currentStepNode; if (!content || !content.length) { // Unable to find the step node. return this; } var flipBehavior = void 0; switch (stepConfig.placement) { case 'left': flipBehavior = ['left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom']; break; case 'right': flipBehavior = ['right', 'left', 'top', 'bottom']; break; case 'top': flipBehavior = ['top', 'bottom', 'right', 'left']; break; case 'bottom': flipBehavior = ['bottom', 'top', 'right', 'left']; break; default: flipBehavior = 'flip'; break; } var target = this.getStepTarget(stepConfig); var config = { placement: stepConfig.placement + '-start', removeOnDestroy: true, modifiers: { flip: { behaviour: flipBehavior }, arrow: { element: '[data-role="arrow"]' } }, onCreate: function onCreate(data) { recalculateArrowPosition(data); }, onUpdate: function onUpdate(data) { recalculateArrowPosition(data); } }; var recalculateArrowPosition = function recalculateArrowPosition(data) { var placement = data.placement.split('-')[0]; var isVertical = ['left', 'right'].indexOf(placement) !== -1; var arrowElement = data.instance.popper.querySelector('[data-role="arrow"]'); var stepElement = $(data.instance.popper.querySelector('[data-role="flexitour-step"]')); if (isVertical) { var arrowHeight = parseFloat(window.getComputedStyle(arrowElement).height); var arrowOffset = parseFloat(window.getComputedStyle(arrowElement).top); var popperHeight = parseFloat(window.getComputedStyle(data.instance.popper).height); var popperOffset = parseFloat(window.getComputedStyle(data.instance.popper).top); var popperBorderWidth = parseFloat(stepElement.css('borderTopWidth')); var popperBorderRadiusWidth = parseFloat(stepElement.css('borderTopLeftRadius')) * 2; var arrowPos = arrowOffset + arrowHeight / 2; var maxPos = popperHeight + popperOffset - popperBorderWidth - popperBorderRadiusWidth; var minPos = popperOffset + popperBorderWidth + popperBorderRadiusWidth; if (arrowPos >= maxPos || arrowPos <= minPos) { var newArrowPos = 0; if (arrowPos > popperHeight / 2) { newArrowPos = maxPos - arrowHeight; } else { newArrowPos = minPos + arrowHeight; } $(arrowElement).css('top', newArrowPos); } } else { var arrowWidth = parseFloat(window.getComputedStyle(arrowElement).width); var _arrowOffset = parseFloat(window.getComputedStyle(arrowElement).left); var popperWidth = parseFloat(window.getComputedStyle(data.instance.popper).width); var _popperOffset = parseFloat(window.getComputedStyle(data.instance.popper).left); var _popperBorderWidth = parseFloat(stepElement.css('borderTopWidth')); var _popperBorderRadiusWidth = parseFloat(stepElement.css('borderTopLeftRadius')) * 2; var _arrowPos = _arrowOffset + arrowWidth / 2; var _maxPos = popperWidth + _popperOffset - _popperBorderWidth - _popperBorderRadiusWidth; var _minPos = _popperOffset + _popperBorderWidth + _popperBorderRadiusWidth; if (_arrowPos >= _maxPos || _arrowPos <= _minPos) { var _newArrowPos = 0; if (_arrowPos > popperWidth / 2) { _newArrowPos = _maxPos - arrowWidth; } else { _newArrowPos = _minPos + arrowWidth; } $(arrowElement).css('left', _newArrowPos); } } }; var background = $('[data-flexitour="step-background"]'); if (background.length) { target = background; } this.currentStepPopper = new Popper(target, content[0], config); return this; }; /** * Add the backdrop. * * @method positionBackdrop * @param {Object} stepConfig The step configuration of the step * @chainable */ Tour.prototype.positionBackdrop = function (stepConfig) { if (stepConfig.backdrop) { this.currentStepConfig.hasBackdrop = true; var backdrop = $('
'); if (stepConfig.zIndex) { if (stepConfig.attachPoint === 'append') { stepConfig.attachTo.append(backdrop); } else { backdrop.insertAfter(stepConfig.attachTo); } } else { $('body').append(backdrop); } if (this.isStepActuallyVisible(stepConfig)) { // The step has a visible target. // Punch a hole through the backdrop. var background = $('
'); var targetNode = this.getStepTarget(stepConfig); var buffer = 10; var colorNode = targetNode; if (buffer) { colorNode = $('body'); } background.css({ width: targetNode.outerWidth() + buffer + buffer, height: targetNode.outerHeight() + buffer + buffer, left: targetNode.offset().left - buffer, top: targetNode.offset().top - buffer, backgroundColor: this.calculateInherittedBackgroundColor(colorNode) }); if (targetNode.offset().left < buffer) { background.css({ width: targetNode.outerWidth() + targetNode.offset().left + buffer, left: targetNode.offset().left }); } if (targetNode.offset().top < buffer) { background.css({ height: targetNode.outerHeight() + targetNode.offset().top + buffer, top: targetNode.offset().top }); } var targetRadius = targetNode.css('borderRadius'); if (targetRadius && targetRadius !== $('body').css('borderRadius')) { background.css('borderRadius', targetRadius); } var targetPosition = this.calculatePosition(targetNode); if (targetPosition === 'fixed') { background.css('top', 0); } else if (targetPosition === 'absolute') { background.css('position', 'fixed'); } var fader = background.clone(); fader.css({ backgroundColor: backdrop.css('backgroundColor'), opacity: backdrop.css('opacity') }); fader.attr('data-flexitour', 'step-background-fader'); if (stepConfig.zIndex) { if (stepConfig.attachPoint === 'append') { stepConfig.attachTo.append(background); } else { fader.insertAfter(stepConfig.attachTo); background.insertAfter(stepConfig.attachTo); } } else { $('body').append(fader); $('body').append(background); } // Add the backdrop data to the actual target. // This is the part which actually does the work. targetNode.attr('data-flexitour', 'step-backdrop'); if (stepConfig.zIndex) { backdrop.css('zIndex', stepConfig.zIndex); background.css('zIndex', stepConfig.zIndex + 1); targetNode.css('zIndex', stepConfig.zIndex + 2); } fader.fadeOut('2000', function () { $(this).remove(); }); } } return this; }; /** * Calculate the inheritted z-index. * * @method calculateZIndex * @param {jQuery} elem The element to calculate z-index for * @return {Number} Calculated z-index */ Tour.prototype.calculateZIndex = function (elem) { elem = $(elem); while (elem.length && elem[0] !== document) { // Ignore z-index if position is set to a value where z-index is ignored by the browser // This makes behavior of this function consistent across browsers // WebKit always returns auto if the element is positioned. var position = elem.css("position"); if (position === "absolute" || position === "relative" || position === "fixed") { // IE returns 0 when zIndex is not specified // other browsers return a string // we ignore the case of nested elements with an explicit value of 0 //
var value = parseInt(elem.css("zIndex"), 10); if (!isNaN(value) && value !== 0) { return value; } } elem = elem.parent(); } return 0; }; /** * Calculate the inheritted background colour. * * @method calculateInherittedBackgroundColor * @param {jQuery} elem The element to calculate colour for * @return {String} Calculated background colour */ Tour.prototype.calculateInherittedBackgroundColor = function (elem) { // Use a fake node to compare each element against. var fakeNode = $('
').hide(); $('body').append(fakeNode); var fakeElemColor = fakeNode.css('backgroundColor'); fakeNode.remove(); elem = $(elem); while (elem.length && elem[0] !== document) { var color = elem.css('backgroundColor'); if (color !== fakeElemColor) { return color; } elem = elem.parent(); } return null; }; /** * Calculate the inheritted position. * * @method calculatePosition * @param {jQuery} elem The element to calculate position for * @return {String} Calculated position */ Tour.prototype.calculatePosition = function (elem) { elem = $(elem); while (elem.length && elem[0] !== document) { var position = elem.css('position'); if (position !== 'static') { return position; } elem = elem.parent(); } return null; }; /** * Perform accessibility changes for step shown. * * This will add aria-hidden="true" to all siblings and parent siblings. * * @method accessibilityShow */ Tour.prototype.accessibilityShow = function () { var stateHolder = 'data-has-hidden'; var attrName = 'aria-hidden'; var hideFunction = function hideFunction(child) { var flexitourRole = child.data('flexitour'); if (flexitourRole) { switch (flexitourRole) { case 'container': case 'target': return; } } var hidden = child.attr(attrName); if (!hidden) { child.attr(stateHolder, true); child.attr(attrName, true); } }; this.currentStepNode.siblings().each(function (index, node) { hideFunction($(node)); }); this.currentStepNode.parentsUntil('body').siblings().each(function (index, node) { hideFunction($(node)); }); }; /** * Perform accessibility changes for step hidden. * * This will remove any newly added aria-hidden="true". * * @method accessibilityHide */ Tour.prototype.accessibilityHide = function () { var stateHolder = 'data-has-hidden'; var attrName = 'aria-hidden'; var showFunction = function showFunction(child) { var hidden = child.attr(stateHolder); if (typeof hidden !== 'undefined') { child.removeAttr(stateHolder); child.removeAttr(attrName); } }; $('[' + stateHolder + ']').each(function (index, node) { showFunction($(node)); }); }; if ((typeof exports === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(exports)) === 'object') { module.exports = Tour; } return Tour; }));