// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/ // // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Moodle. If not, see
. /** * A module to handle CRUD operations within the UI. * * @module core_calendar/crud * @package core_calendar * @copyright 2017 Andrew Nicols
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ define([ 'jquery', 'core/str', 'core/notification', 'core/custom_interaction_events', 'core/modal', 'core/modal_registry', 'core/modal_factory', 'core/modal_events', 'core_calendar/modal_event_form', 'core_calendar/repository', 'core_calendar/events', 'core_calendar/modal_delete', 'core_calendar/selectors', 'core/pending', ], function( $, Str, Notification, CustomEvents, Modal, ModalRegistry, ModalFactory, ModalEvents, ModalEventForm, CalendarRepository, CalendarEvents, ModalDelete, CalendarSelectors, Pending ) { /** * Prepares the action for the summary modal's delete action. * * @param {Number} eventId The ID of the event. * @param {string} eventTitle The event title. * @param {Number} eventCount The number of events in the series. * @return {Promise} */ function confirmDeletion(eventId, eventTitle, eventCount) { var deleteStrings = [ { key: 'deleteevent', component: 'calendar' }, ]; eventCount = parseInt(eventCount, 10); var deletePromise; var isRepeatedEvent = eventCount > 1; if (isRepeatedEvent) { deleteStrings.push({ key: 'confirmeventseriesdelete', component: 'calendar', param: { name: eventTitle, count: eventCount, }, }); deletePromise = ModalFactory.create( { type: ModalDelete.TYPE } ); } else { deleteStrings.push({ key: 'confirmeventdelete', component: 'calendar', param: eventTitle }); deletePromise = ModalFactory.create( { type: ModalFactory.types.SAVE_CANCEL } ); } var stringsPromise = Str.get_strings(deleteStrings); var finalPromise = $.when(stringsPromise, deletePromise) .then(function(strings, deleteModal) { deleteModal.setTitle(strings[0]); deleteModal.setBody(strings[1]); if (!isRepeatedEvent) { deleteModal.setSaveButtonText(strings[0]); } deleteModal.show(); deleteModal.getRoot().on(ModalEvents.save, function() { var pendingPromise = new Pending('calendar/crud:initModal:deletedevent'); CalendarRepository.deleteEvent(eventId, false) .then(function() { $('body').trigger(CalendarEvents.deleted, [eventId, false]); return; }) .then(pendingPromise.resolve) .catch(Notification.exception); }); deleteModal.getRoot().on(CalendarEvents.deleteAll, function() { var pendingPromise = new Pending('calendar/crud:initModal:deletedallevent'); CalendarRepository.deleteEvent(eventId, true) .then(function() { $('body').trigger(CalendarEvents.deleted, [eventId, true]); return; }) .then(pendingPromise.resolve) .catch(Notification.exception); }); return deleteModal; }) .catch(Notification.exception); return finalPromise; } /** * Create the event form modal for creating new events and * editing existing events. * * @method registerEventFormModal * @param {object} root The calendar root element * @return {object} The create modal promise */ var registerEventFormModal = function(root) { var eventFormPromise = ModalFactory.create({ type: ModalEventForm.TYPE, large: true }); // Bind click event on the new event button. root.on('click', CalendarSelectors.actions.create, function(e) { eventFormPromise.then(function(modal) { var wrapper = root.find(CalendarSelectors.wrapper); var categoryId = wrapper.data('categoryid'); if (typeof categoryId !== 'undefined') { modal.setCategoryId(categoryId); } // Attempt to find the cell for today. // If it can't be found, then use the start time of the first day on the calendar. var today = root.find(CalendarSelectors.today); var firstDay = root.find(CalendarSelectors.day); if (!today.length && firstDay.length) { modal.setStartTime(firstDay.data('newEventTimestamp')); } modal.setContextId(wrapper.data('contextId')); modal.setCourseId(wrapper.data('courseid')); modal.show(); return; }) .fail(Notification.exception); e.preventDefault(); }); root.on('click', CalendarSelectors.actions.edit, function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var target = $(e.currentTarget), calendarWrapper = target.closest(CalendarSelectors.wrapper), eventWrapper = target.closest(CalendarSelectors.eventItem); eventFormPromise.then(function(modal) { // When something within the calendar tells us the user wants // to edit an event then show the event form modal. modal.setEventId(eventWrapper.data('eventId')); modal.setContextId(calendarWrapper.data('contextId')); modal.show(); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); return; }).fail(Notification.exception); }); return eventFormPromise; }; /** * Register the listeners required to remove the event. * * @param {jQuery} root */ function registerRemove(root) { root.on('click', CalendarSelectors.actions.remove, function(e) { // Fetch the event title, count, and pass them into the new dialogue. var eventSource = $(this).closest(CalendarSelectors.eventItem); var eventId = eventSource.data('eventId'), eventTitle = eventSource.data('eventTitle'), eventCount = eventSource.data('eventCount'); confirmDeletion(eventId, eventTitle, eventCount); e.preventDefault(); }); } /** * Register the listeners required to edit the event. * * @param {jQuery} root * @param {Promise} eventFormModalPromise * @returns {Promise} */ function registerEditListeners(root, eventFormModalPromise) { eventFormModalPromise .then(function(modal) { // When something within the calendar tells us the user wants // to edit an event then show the event form modal. $('body').on(CalendarEvents.editEvent, function(e, eventId) { var calendarWrapper = root.find(CalendarSelectors.wrapper); modal.setEventId(eventId); modal.setContextId(calendarWrapper.data('contextId')); modal.show(); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); }); return; }) .fail(Notification.exception); return eventFormModalPromise; } return { registerRemove: registerRemove, registerEditListeners: registerEditListeners, registerEventFormModal: registerEventFormModal }; });