/* global Item */ /** * A managed course. * * @namespace M.course.management * @class Course * @constructor * @extends Item */ function Course() { Course.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } Course.NAME = 'moodle-course-management-course'; Course.CSS_PREFIX = 'management-course'; Course.ATTRS = { /** * The course ID of this course. * @attribute courseid * @type Number */ courseid: {}, /** * True if this is the selected course. * @attribute selected * @type Boolean * @default null */ selected: { getter: function(value, name) { if (value === null) { value = this.get('node').getData(name); this.set(name, value); } return value; }, value: null }, node: { }, /** * The management console tracking this course. * @attribute console * @type Console * @writeOnce */ console: { writeOnce: 'initOnly' }, /** * The category this course belongs to. * @attribute category * @type Category * @writeOnce */ category: { writeOnce: 'initOnly' } }; Course.prototype = { /** * Initialises the new course instance. * @method initializer */ initializer: function() { var node = this.get('node'), category = this.get('category'); this.set('courseid', node.getData('id')); if (category && category.registerCourse) { category.registerCourse(this); } this.set('itemname', 'course'); }, /** * Returns the name of the course. * @method getName * @return {String} */ getName: function() { return this.get('node').one('a.coursename').get('innerHTML'); }, /** * Handles an event relating to this course. * @method handle * @param {String} action * @param {EventFacade} e * @return {Boolean} */ handle: function(action, e) { var managementconsole = this.get('console'), args = {courseid: this.get('courseid')}; switch (action) { case 'moveup': e.halt(); managementconsole.performAjaxAction('movecourseup', args, this.moveup, this); break; case 'movedown': e.halt(); managementconsole.performAjaxAction('movecoursedown', args, this.movedown, this); break; case 'show': e.halt(); managementconsole.performAjaxAction('showcourse', args, this.show, this); break; case 'hide': e.halt(); managementconsole.performAjaxAction('hidecourse', args, this.hide, this); break; case 'select': var c = this.get('console'), movetonode = c.get('courselisting').one('#menumovecoursesto'); if (movetonode) { if (c.isCourseSelected(e.currentTarget)) { movetonode.removeAttribute('disabled'); } else { movetonode.setAttribute('disabled', true); } } break; default: Y.log('Invalid AJAX action requested of managed course.', 'warn', 'moodle-course-management'); return false; } }, /** * Removes this course. * @method remove */ remove: function() { this.get('console').removeCourseById(this.get('courseid')); this.get('node').remove(); }, /** * Moves this course after another course. * * @method moveAfter * @param {Number} moveaftercourse The course to move after or 0 to put it at the top. * @param {Number} previousid the course it was previously after in case we need to revert. */ moveAfter: function(moveaftercourse, previousid) { var managementconsole = this.get('console'), args = { courseid: this.get('courseid'), moveafter: moveaftercourse, previous: previousid }; managementconsole.performAjaxAction('movecourseafter', args, this.moveAfterResponse, this); }, /** * Performs the actual move. * * @method moveAfterResponse * @protected * @param {Number} transactionid The transaction ID for the request. * @param {Object} response The response to the request. * @param {Objects} args The arguments that were given with the request. * @return {Boolean} */ moveAfterResponse: function(transactionid, response, args) { var outcome = this.checkAjaxResponse(transactionid, response, args), node = this.get('node'), previous; if (outcome === false) { previous = node.ancestor('ul').one('li[data-id=' + args.previous + ']'); Y.log('AJAX failed to move this course after the requested course', 'warn', 'moodle-course-management'); if (previous) { // After the last previous. previous.insertAfter(node, 'after'); } else { // Start of the list. node.ancestor('ul').one('li').insert(node, 'before'); } return false; } Y.log('AJAX successfully moved course (' + this.getName() + ')', 'info', 'moodle-course-management'); this.highlight(); } }; Y.extend(Course, Item, Course.prototype);