/* global Console */ /** * Drag and Drop handler * * @namespace M.course.management * @class DragDrop * @constructor * @extends Base */ function DragDrop(config) { Console.superclass.constructor.apply(this, [config]); } DragDrop.NAME = 'moodle-course-management-dd'; DragDrop.CSS_PREFIX = 'management-dd'; DragDrop.ATTRS = { /** * The management console this drag and drop has been set up for. * @attribute console * @type Console * @writeOnce */ console: { writeOnce: 'initOnly' } }; DragDrop.prototype = { /** * True if the user is dragging a course upwards. * @property goingup * @protected * @default false */ goingup: false, /** * The last Y position of the course being dragged * @property lasty * @protected * @default null */ lasty: null, /** * The sibling above the course being dragged currently (tracking its original position). * * @property previoussibling * @protected * @default false */ previoussibling: null, /** * Initialises the DragDrop instance. * @method initializer */ initializer: function() { var managementconsole = this.get('console'), container = managementconsole.get('element'), categorylisting = container.one('#category-listing'), courselisting = container.one('#course-listing > .course-listing'), categoryul = (categorylisting) ? categorylisting.one('ul.ml') : null, courseul = (courselisting) ? courselisting.one('ul.ml') : null, canmoveoutof = (courselisting) ? courselisting.getData('canmoveoutof') : false, contstraint = (canmoveoutof) ? container : courseul; if (!courseul) { // No course listings found. return false; } while (contstraint.get('scrollHeight') === 0 && !contstraint.compareTo(window.document.body)) { contstraint = contstraint.get('parentNode'); } courseul.all('> li').each(function(li) { this.initCourseListing(li, contstraint); }, this); courseul.setData('dd', new Y.DD.Drop({ node: courseul })); if (canmoveoutof && categoryul) { // Category UL may not be there if viewmode is just courses. categoryul.all('li > div').each(function(div) { this.initCategoryListitem(div); }, this); } Y.DD.DDM.on('drag:start', this.dragStart, this); Y.DD.DDM.on('drag:end', this.dragEnd, this); Y.DD.DDM.on('drag:drag', this.dragDrag, this); Y.DD.DDM.on('drop:over', this.dropOver, this); Y.DD.DDM.on('drop:enter', this.dropEnter, this); Y.DD.DDM.on('drop:exit', this.dropExit, this); Y.DD.DDM.on('drop:hit', this.dropHit, this); }, /** * Initialises a course listing. * @method initCourseListing * @param Node */ initCourseListing: function(node, contstraint) { node.setData('dd', new Y.DD.Drag({ node: node, target: { padding: '0 0 0 20' } }).addHandle( '.drag-handle' ).plug(Y.Plugin.DDProxy, { moveOnEnd: false, borderStyle: false }).plug(Y.Plugin.DDConstrained, { constrain2node: contstraint })); }, /** * Initialises a category listing. * @method initCategoryListitem * @param Node */ initCategoryListitem: function(node) { node.setData('dd', new Y.DD.Drop({ node: node })); }, /** * Dragging has started. * @method dragStart * @private * @param {EventFacade} e */ dragStart: function(e) { var drag = e.target, node = drag.get('node'), dragnode = drag.get('dragNode'); node.addClass('course-being-dragged'); dragnode.addClass('course-being-dragged-proxy').set('innerHTML', node.one('a.coursename').get('innerHTML')); this.previoussibling = node.get('previousSibling'); }, /** * Dragging has ended. * @method dragEnd * @private * @param {EventFacade} e */ dragEnd: function(e) { var drag = e.target, node = drag.get('node'); node.removeClass('course-being-dragged'); this.get('console').get('element').all('#category-listing li.highlight').removeClass('highlight'); }, /** * Dragging in progress. * @method dragDrag * @private * @param {EventFacade} e */ dragDrag: function(e) { var y = e.target.lastXY[1]; if (y < this.lasty) { this.goingup = true; } else { this.goingup = false; } this.lasty = y; }, /** * The course has been dragged over a drop target. * @method dropOver * @private * @param {EventFacade} e */ dropOver: function(e) { // Get a reference to our drag and drop nodes var drag = e.drag.get('node'), drop = e.drop.get('node'), tag = drop.get('tagName').toLowerCase(); if (tag === 'li' && drop.hasClass('listitem-course')) { if (!this.goingup) { drop = drop.get('nextSibling'); if (!drop) { drop = e.drop.get('node'); drop.get('parentNode').append(drag); return false; } } drop.get('parentNode').insertBefore(drag, drop); e.drop.sizeShim(); } }, /** * The course has been dragged over a drop target. * @method dropEnter * @private * @param {EventFacade} e */ dropEnter: function(e) { var drop = e.drop.get('node'), tag = drop.get('tagName').toLowerCase(); if (tag === 'div') { drop.ancestor('li.listitem-category').addClass('highlight'); } }, /** * The course has been dragged off a drop target. * @method dropExit * @private * @param {EventFacade} e */ dropExit: function(e) { var drop = e.drop.get('node'), tag = drop.get('tagName').toLowerCase(); if (tag === 'div') { drop.ancestor('li.listitem-category').removeClass('highlight'); } }, /** * The course has been dropped on a target. * @method dropHit * @private * @param {EventFacade} e */ dropHit: function(e) { var drag = e.drag.get('node'), drop = e.drop.get('node'), iscategory = (drop.ancestor('.listitem-category') !== null), iscourse = !iscategory && (drop.test('.listitem-course')), managementconsole = this.get('console'), categoryid, category, courseid, course, aftercourseid, previoussibling, previousid; if (!drag.test('.listitem-course')) { Y.log('It was not a course being dragged.', 'warn', 'moodle-course-management'); return false; } courseid = drag.getData('id'); if (iscategory) { categoryid = drop.ancestor('.listitem-category').getData('id'); Y.log('Course ' + courseid + ' dragged into category ' + categoryid); category = managementconsole.getCategoryById(categoryid); if (category) { course = managementconsole.getCourseById(courseid); if (course) { category.moveCourseTo(course); } } } else if (iscourse || drop.ancestor('#course-listing')) { course = managementconsole.getCourseById(courseid); previoussibling = drag.get('previousSibling'); aftercourseid = (previoussibling) ? previoussibling.getData('id') || 0 : 0; previousid = (this.previoussibling) ? this.previoussibling.getData('id') : 0; if (aftercourseid !== previousid) { course.moveAfter(aftercourseid, previousid); } } else { Y.log('Course dropped over unhandled target.', 'info', 'moodle-course-management'); } } }; Y.extend(DragDrop, Y.Base, DragDrop.prototype);