/** * A managed course. * * @namespace M.course.management * @class Item * @constructor * @extends Base */ function Item() { Item.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } Item.NAME = 'moodle-course-management-item'; Item.CSS_PREFIX = 'management-item'; Item.ATTRS = { /** * The node for this item. * @attribute node * @type Node */ node: {}, /** * The management console. * @attribute console * @type Console */ console: {}, /** * Describes the type of this item. Should be set by the extending class. * @attribute itemname * @type {String} * @default item */ itemname: { value: 'item' } }; Item.prototype = { /** * The highlight timeout for this item if there is one. * @property highlighttimeout * @protected * @type Timeout * @default null */ highlighttimeout: null, /** * Checks and parses an AJAX response for an item. * * @method checkAjaxResponse * @protected * @param {Number} transactionid The transaction ID of the AJAX request (unique) * @param {Object} response The response from the AJAX request. * @param {Object} args The arguments given to the request. * @return {Object|Boolean} */ checkAjaxResponse: function(transactionid, response, args) { if (response.status !== 200) { Y.log('Error: AJAX response resulted in non 200 status.', 'error', 'Item.checkAjaxResponse'); return false; } if (transactionid === null || args === null) { Y.log('Error: Invalid AJAX response details provided.', 'error', 'Item.checkAjaxResponse'); return false; } var outcome = Y.JSON.parse(response.responseText); if (outcome.error !== false) { new M.core.exception(outcome); } if (outcome.outcome === false) { return false; } return outcome; }, /** * Moves an item up by one. * * @method moveup * @param {Number} transactionid The transaction ID of the AJAX request (unique) * @param {Object} response The response from the AJAX request. * @param {Object} args The arguments given to the request. * @return {Boolean} */ moveup: function(transactionid, response, args) { var node, nodeup, nodedown, previous, previousup, previousdown, tmpnode, outcome = this.checkAjaxResponse(transactionid, response, args); if (outcome === false) { Y.log('AJAX request to move ' + this.get('itemname') + ' up failed by outcome.', 'warn', 'moodle-course-management'); return false; } node = this.get('node'); previous = node.previous('.listitem'); if (previous) { previous.insert(node, 'before'); previousup = previous.one(' > div a.action-moveup'); nodedown = node.one(' > div a.action-movedown'); if (!previousup || !nodedown) { // We can have two situations here: // 1. previousup is not set and nodedown is not set. This happens when there are only two courses. // 2. nodedown is not set. This happens when they are moving the bottom course up. // node up and previous down should always be there. They would be required to trigger the action. nodeup = node.one(' > div a.action-moveup'); previousdown = previous.one(' > div a.action-movedown'); if (!previousup && !nodedown) { // Ok, must be two courses. We need to switch the up and down icons. tmpnode = Y.Node.create('
'); previousdown.replace(tmpnode); nodeup.replace(previousdown); tmpnode.replace(nodeup); tmpnode.destroy(); } else if (!nodedown) { // previous down needs to be given to node. nodeup.insert(previousdown, 'after'); } } nodeup = node.one(' > div a.action-moveup'); if (nodeup) { // Try to re-focus on up. nodeup.focus(); } else { // If we can't focus up we're at the bottom, try to focus on up. nodedown = node.one(' > div a.action-movedown'); if (nodedown) { nodedown.focus(); } } this.updated(true); Y.log('Success: ' + this.get('itemname') + ' moved up by AJAX.', 'info', 'moodle-course-management'); } else { // Aha it succeeded but this is the top item in the list. Pagination is in play! // Refresh to update the state of things. Y.log(this.get('itemname') + ' cannot be moved up as its the top item on this page.', 'info', 'moodle-course-management'); window.location.reload(); } }, /** * Moves an item down by one. * * @method movedown * @param {Number} transactionid The transaction ID of the AJAX request (unique) * @param {Object} response The response from the AJAX request. * @param {Object} args The arguments given to the request. * @return {Boolean} */ movedown: function(transactionid, response, args) { var node, next, nodeup, nodedown, nextup, nextdown, tmpnode, outcome = this.checkAjaxResponse(transactionid, response, args); if (outcome === false) { Y.log('AJAX request to move ' + this.get('itemname') + ' down failed by outcome.', 'warn', 'moodle-course-management'); return false; } node = this.get('node'); next = node.next('.listitem'); if (next) { node.insert(next, 'before'); nextdown = next.one(' > div a.action-movedown'); nodeup = node.one(' > div a.action-moveup'); if (!nextdown || !nodeup) { // next up and node down should always be there. They would be required to trigger the action. nextup = next.one(' > div a.action-moveup'); nodedown = node.one(' > div a.action-movedown'); if (!nextdown && !nodeup) { // We can have two situations here: // 1. nextdown is not set and nodeup is not set. This happens when there are only two courses. // 2. nodeup is not set. This happens when we are moving the first course down. // Ok, must be two courses. We need to switch the up and down icons. tmpnode = Y.Node.create('
'); nextup.replace(tmpnode); nodedown.replace(nextup); tmpnode.replace(nodedown); tmpnode.destroy(); } else if (!nodeup) { // next up needs to be given to node. nodedown.insert(nextup, 'before'); } } nodedown = node.one(' > div a.action-movedown'); if (nodedown) { // Try to ensure the up is focused again. nodedown.focus(); } else { // If we can't focus up we're at the top, try to focus on down. nodeup = node.one(' > div a.action-moveup'); if (nodeup) { nodeup.focus(); } } this.updated(true); Y.log('Success: ' + this.get('itemname') + ' moved down by AJAX.', 'info', 'moodle-course-management'); } else { // Aha it succeeded but this is the bottom item in the list. Pagination is in play! // Refresh to update the state of things. Y.log(this.get('itemname') + ' cannot be moved down as its the top item on this page.', 'info', 'moodle-course-management'); window.location.reload(); } }, /** * Makes an item visible. * * @method show * @param {Number} transactionid The transaction ID of the AJAX request (unique) * @param {Object} response The response from the AJAX request. * @param {Object} args The arguments given to the request. * @return {Boolean} */ show: function(transactionid, response, args) { var outcome = this.checkAjaxResponse(transactionid, response, args), hidebtn; if (outcome === false) { Y.log('AJAX request to show ' + this.get('itemname') + ' by outcome.', 'warn', 'moodle-course-management'); return false; } this.markVisible(); hidebtn = this.get('node').one('a[data-action=hide]'); if (hidebtn) { hidebtn.focus(); } this.updated(); Y.log('Success: ' + this.get('itemname') + ' made visible by AJAX.', 'info', 'moodle-course-management'); }, /** * Marks the item as visible * @method markVisible */ markVisible: function() { this.get('node').setAttribute('data-visible', '1'); Y.log('Marked ' + this.get('itemname') + ' as visible', 'info', 'moodle-course-management'); return true; }, /** * Hides an item. * * @method hide * @param {Number} transactionid The transaction ID of the AJAX request (unique) * @param {Object} response The response from the AJAX request. * @param {Object} args The arguments given to the request. * @return {Boolean} */ hide: function(transactionid, response, args) { var outcome = this.checkAjaxResponse(transactionid, response, args), showbtn; if (outcome === false) { Y.log('AJAX request to hide ' + this.get('itemname') + ' by outcome.', 'warn', 'moodle-course-management'); return false; } this.markHidden(); showbtn = this.get('node').one('a[data-action=show]'); if (showbtn) { showbtn.focus(); } this.updated(); Y.log('Success: ' + this.get('itemname') + ' made hidden by AJAX.', 'info', 'moodle-course-management'); }, /** * Marks the item as hidden. * @method makeHidden */ markHidden: function() { this.get('node').setAttribute('data-visible', '0'); Y.log('Marked ' + this.get('itemname') + ' as hidden', 'info', 'moodle-course-management'); return true; }, /** * Called when ever a node is updated. * * @method updated * @param {Boolean} moved True if this item was moved. */ updated: function(moved) { if (moved) { this.highlight(); } }, /** * Highlights this option for a breif time. * * @method highlight */ highlight: function() { var node = this.get('node'); node.siblings('.highlight').removeClass('highlight'); node.addClass('highlight'); if (this.highlighttimeout) { window.clearTimeout(this.highlighttimeout); } this.highlighttimeout = window.setTimeout(function() { node.removeClass('highlight'); }, 2500); } }; Y.extend(Item, Y.Base, Item.prototype);