M.gradingform_guideeditor = {'templates' : {}, 'eventhandler' : null, 'name' : null, 'Y' : null}; /** * This function is called for each guideeditor on page. */ M.gradingform_guideeditor.init = function(Y, options) { M.gradingform_guideeditor.name = options.name M.gradingform_guideeditor.Y = Y M.gradingform_guideeditor.templates[options.name] = { 'criterion' : options.criteriontemplate, 'comment' : options.commenttemplate } M.gradingform_guideeditor.disablealleditors() Y.on('click', M.gradingform_guideeditor.clickanywhere, 'body', null) YUI().use('event-touch', function (Y) { Y.one('body').on('touchstart', M.gradingform_guideeditor.clickanywhere); Y.one('body').on('touchend', M.gradingform_guideeditor.clickanywhere); }) M.gradingform_guideeditor.addhandlers() }; // Adds handlers for clicking submit button. This function must be called each time JS adds new elements to html M.gradingform_guideeditor.addhandlers = function() { var Y = M.gradingform_guideeditor.Y var name = M.gradingform_guideeditor.name if (M.gradingform_guideeditor.eventhandler) { M.gradingform_guideeditor.eventhandler.detach() } M.gradingform_guideeditor.eventhandler = Y.on('click', M.gradingform_guideeditor.buttonclick, '#guide-'+name+' input[type=submit]', null); } // switches all input text elements to non-edit mode M.gradingform_guideeditor.disablealleditors = function() { var Y = M.gradingform_guideeditor.Y var name = M.gradingform_guideeditor.name Y.all('#guide-'+name+' .criteria .description input[type=text]:not(.pseudotablink)').each( function(node) {M.gradingform_guideeditor.editmode(node, false)} ); Y.all('#guide-'+name+' .criteria .description textarea').each( function(node) {M.gradingform_guideeditor.editmode(node, false)} ); Y.all('#guide-'+name+' .comments .description textarea').each( function(node) {M.gradingform_guideeditor.editmode(node, false)} ); } // function invoked on each click on the page. If criterion values are clicked // it switches the element to edit mode. If guide button is clicked it does nothing so the 'buttonclick' // function is invoked M.gradingform_guideeditor.clickanywhere = function(e) { if (e.type == 'touchstart') { return } var el = e.target // if clicked on button - disablecurrenteditor, continue if (el.get('tagName') == 'INPUT' && el.get('type') == 'submit') { return } // if clicked on description item and this item is not enabled - enable it var container = null if ((container = el.ancestor('.criterionname')) || (container = el.ancestor('.criterionmaxscore'))) { el = container.one('input[type=text]') } else if ((container = el.ancestor('.criteriondesc')) || (container = el.ancestor('.criteriondescmarkers'))) { el = container.one('textarea') } else { el = null } if (el) { if (el.hasClass('hiddenelement')) { M.gradingform_guideeditor.disablealleditors() M.gradingform_guideeditor.editmode(el, true) } return } // else disablecurrenteditor M.gradingform_guideeditor.disablealleditors() } // switch the criterion item to edit mode or switch back M.gradingform_guideeditor.editmode = function(el, editmode) { var Y = M.gradingform_guideeditor.Y var ta = el if (!editmode && ta.hasClass('hiddenelement')) { return; } if (editmode && !ta.hasClass('hiddenelement')) { return; } var pseudotablink = '
', taplain = ta.next('.plainvalue'), tbplain = null, tb = el.one('.score input[type=text]') // add 'plainvalue' next to textarea for description/definition and next to input text field for score (if applicable) if (!taplain && ta.get('name') != '') { ta.insert('
', 'after') taplain = ta.next('.plainvalue') taplain.one('.pseudotablink').on('focus', M.gradingform_guideeditor.clickanywhere) if (tb) { tb.get('parentNode').append('
') tbplain = tb.get('parentNode').one('.plainvalue') tbplain.one('.pseudotablink').on('focus', M.gradingform_guideeditor.clickanywhere) } } if (tb && !tbplain) { tbplain = tb.get('parentNode').one('.plainvalue') } if (!editmode) { // if we need to hide the input fields, copy their contents to plainvalue(s). If description/definition // is empty, display the default text ('Click to edit ...') and add/remove 'empty' CSS class to element var value = Y.Lang.trim(ta.get('value')); if (value.length) { taplain.removeClass('empty') } else if (ta.get('name').indexOf('[shortname]') > 1){ value = M.util.get_string('clicktoeditname', 'gradingform_guide') taplain.addClass('editname') } else { value = M.util.get_string('clicktoedit', 'gradingform_guide') taplain.addClass('empty') } // Replace newlines with
tags, when displaying in the page. taplain.one('.textvalue').set('innerHTML', Y.Escape.html(value).replace(/(?:\r\n|\r|\n)/g, '
')) if (tb) { tbplain.one('.textvalue').set('innerHTML', Y.Escape.html(tb.get('value'))) } // hide/display textarea, textbox and plaintexts taplain.removeClass('hiddenelement') ta.addClass('hiddenelement') if (tb) { tbplain.removeClass('hiddenelement') tb.addClass('hiddenelement') } } else { // if we need to show the input fields, set the width/height for textarea so it fills the cell try { if (ta.get('name').indexOf('[maxscore]') > 1) { ta.setStyle('width', '25px'); } else { var width = parseFloat(ta.get('parentNode').getComputedStyle('width'))-10, height = parseFloat(ta.get('parentNode').getComputedStyle('height')) ta.setStyle('width', Math.max(width,50)+'px') ta.setStyle('height', Math.max(height,30)+'px') } } catch (err) { // this browser do not support 'computedStyle', leave the default size of the textbox } // hide/display textarea, textbox and plaintexts taplain.addClass('hiddenelement') ta.removeClass('hiddenelement') if (tb) { tbplain.addClass('hiddenelement') tb.removeClass('hiddenelement') } } // focus the proper input field in edit mode if (editmode) { ta.focus() } } // handler for clicking on submit buttons within guideeditor element. Adds/deletes/rearranges criteria/comments on client side M.gradingform_guideeditor.buttonclick = function(e, confirmed) { var Y = M.gradingform_guideeditor.Y var name = M.gradingform_guideeditor.name if (e.target.get('type') != 'submit') { return; } M.gradingform_guideeditor.disablealleditors() var chunks = e.target.get('id').split('-') var section = chunks[1] var action = chunks[chunks.length-1] if (chunks[0] != name || (section != 'criteria' && section != 'comments')) { return; } // prepare the id of the next inserted criterion var elements_str; if (section == 'criteria') { elements_str = '#guide-'+name+' .criteria .criterion' } else if (section == 'comments') { elements_str = '#guide-'+name+' .comments .criterion' } var newid = 0; if (action == 'addcriterion' || action == 'addcomment') { newid = M.gradingform_guideeditor.calculatenewid(elements_str); } var dialog_options = { 'scope' : this, 'callbackargs' : [e, true], 'callback' : M.gradingform_guideeditor.buttonclick }; if (chunks.length == 3 && (action == 'addcriterion' || action == 'addcomment')) { // ADD NEW CRITERION OR COMMENT var parentel = Y.one('#'+name+'-'+section) if (parentel.one('>tbody')) { parentel = parentel.one('>tbody') } if (section == 'criteria') { var newcriterion = M.gradingform_guideeditor.templates[name]['criterion'] parentel.append(newcriterion.replace(/\{CRITERION-id\}/g, 'NEWID'+newid).replace(/\{.+?\}/g, '')) } else if (section == 'comments') { var newcomment = M.gradingform_guideeditor.templates[name]['comment'] parentel.append(newcomment.replace(/\{COMMENT-id\}/g, 'NEWID'+newid).replace(/\{.+?\}/g, '')) } M.gradingform_guideeditor.addhandlers(); M.gradingform_guideeditor.disablealleditors() M.gradingform_guideeditor.assignclasses(elements_str) // Enable edit mode of the newly added criterion/comment entry. var inputTarget = 'shortname'; if (action == 'addcomment') { inputTarget = 'description'; } var inputTargetId = '#guide-' + name + ' #' + name + '-' + section + '-NEWID' + newid + '-' + inputTarget; M.gradingform_guideeditor.editmode(Y.one(inputTargetId), true); } else if (chunks.length == 4 && action == 'moveup') { // MOVE UP el = Y.one('#'+name+'-'+section+'-'+chunks[2]) if (el.previous()) { el.get('parentNode').insertBefore(el, el.previous()) } M.gradingform_guideeditor.assignclasses(elements_str) } else if (chunks.length == 4 && action == 'movedown') { // MOVE DOWN el = Y.one('#'+name+'-'+section+'-'+chunks[2]) if (el.next()) { el.get('parentNode').insertBefore(el.next(), el) } M.gradingform_guideeditor.assignclasses(elements_str) } else if (chunks.length == 4 && action == 'delete') { // DELETE if (confirmed) { Y.one('#'+name+'-'+section+'-'+chunks[2]).remove() M.gradingform_guideeditor.assignclasses(elements_str) } else { dialog_options['message'] = M.util.get_string('confirmdeletecriterion', 'gradingform_guide') M.util.show_confirm_dialog(e, dialog_options); } } else { // unknown action return; } e.preventDefault(); } // properly set classes (first/last/odd/even) and/or criterion sortorder for elements Y.all(elements_str) M.gradingform_guideeditor.assignclasses = function (elements_str) { var elements = M.gradingform_guideeditor.Y.all(elements_str) for (var i=0; i