// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/ // // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Moodle. If not, see
. /** * Contain the logic for modals. * * @module core/modal * @class modal * @package core * @copyright 2016 Ryan Wyllie
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ define(['jquery', 'core/templates', 'core/notification', 'core/key_codes', 'core/custom_interaction_events', 'core/modal_backdrop', 'core/event', 'core/modal_events', 'core/pending'], function($, Templates, Notification, KeyCodes, CustomEvents, ModalBackdrop, Event, ModalEvents, Pending) { var SELECTORS = { CONTAINER: '[data-region="modal-container"]', MODAL: '[data-region="modal"]', HEADER: '[data-region="header"]', TITLE: '[data-region="title"]', BODY: '[data-region="body"]', FOOTER: '[data-region="footer"]', HIDE: '[data-action="hide"]', DIALOG: '[role=dialog]', FORM: 'form', MENU_BAR: '[role=menubar]', HAS_Z_INDEX: '.moodle-has-zindex', CAN_RECEIVE_FOCUS: 'input:not([type="hidden"]), a[href], button, textarea, select, [tabindex]', }; var TEMPLATES = { LOADING: 'core/loading', BACKDROP: 'core/modal_backdrop', }; /** * Module singleton for the backdrop to be reused by all Modal instances. */ var backdropPromise; /** * A counter that gets incremented for each modal created. This can be * used to generate unique values for the modals. */ var modalCounter = 0; /** * Constructor for the Modal. * * @param {object} root The root jQuery element for the modal */ var Modal = function(root) { this.root = $(root); this.modal = this.root.find(SELECTORS.MODAL); this.header = this.modal.find(SELECTORS.HEADER); this.title = this.header.find(SELECTORS.TITLE); this.body = this.modal.find(SELECTORS.BODY); this.footer = this.modal.find(SELECTORS.FOOTER); this.hiddenSiblings = []; this.isAttached = false; this.bodyJS = null; this.footerJS = null; this.modalCount = modalCounter++; if (!this.root.is(SELECTORS.CONTAINER)) { Notification.exception({message: 'Element is not a modal container'}); } if (!this.modal.length) { Notification.exception({message: 'Container does not contain a modal'}); } if (!this.header.length) { Notification.exception({message: 'Modal is missing a header region'}); } if (!this.title.length) { Notification.exception({message: 'Modal header is missing a title region'}); } if (!this.body.length) { Notification.exception({message: 'Modal is missing a body region'}); } if (!this.footer.length) { Notification.exception({message: 'Modal is missing a footer region'}); } this.registerEventListeners(); }; /** * Add the modal to the page, if it hasn't already been added. This includes running any * javascript that has been cached until now. * * @method attachToDOM */ Modal.prototype.attachToDOM = function() { if (this.isAttached) { return; } $('body').append(this.root); // If we'd cached any JS then we can run it how that the modal is // attached to the DOM. if (this.bodyJS) { Templates.runTemplateJS(this.bodyJS); this.bodyJS = null; } if (this.footerJS) { Templates.runTemplateJS(this.footerJS); this.footerJS = null; } this.isAttached = true; }; /** * Count the number of other visible modals (not including this one). * * @method countOtherVisibleModals * @return {int} */ Modal.prototype.countOtherVisibleModals = function() { var count = 0; $('body').find(SELECTORS.CONTAINER).each(function(index, element) { element = $(element); // If we haven't found ourself and the element is visible. if (!this.root.is(element) && element.hasClass('show')) { count++; } }.bind(this)); return count; }; /** * Get the modal backdrop. * * @method getBackdrop * @return {object} jQuery promise */ Modal.prototype.getBackdrop = function() { if (!backdropPromise) { backdropPromise = Templates.render(TEMPLATES.BACKDROP, {}) .then(function(html) { var element = $(html); return new ModalBackdrop(element); }) .fail(Notification.exception); } return backdropPromise; }; /** * Get the root element of this modal. * * @method getRoot * @return {object} jQuery object */ Modal.prototype.getRoot = function() { return this.root; }; /** * Get the modal element of this modal. * * @method getModal * @return {object} jQuery object */ Modal.prototype.getModal = function() { return this.modal; }; /** * Get the modal title element. * * @method getTitle * @return {object} jQuery object */ Modal.prototype.getTitle = function() { return this.title; }; /** * Get the modal body element. * * @method getBody * @return {object} jQuery object */ Modal.prototype.getBody = function() { return this.body; }; /** * Get the modal footer element. * * @method getFooter * @return {object} jQuery object */ Modal.prototype.getFooter = function() { return this.footer; }; /** * Get the unique modal count. * * @method getModalCount * @return {int} */ Modal.prototype.getModalCount = function() { return this.modalCount; }; /** * Set the modal title element. * * This method is overloaded to take either a string value for the title or a jQuery promise that is resolved with * HTML most commonly from a Str.get_string call. * * @method setTitle * @param {(string|object)} value The title string or jQuery promise which resolves to the title. */ Modal.prototype.setTitle = function(value) { var title = this.getTitle(); this.asyncSet(value, title.html.bind(title)); }; /** * Set the modal body element. * * This method is overloaded to take either a string value for the body or a jQuery promise that is resolved with * HTML and Javascript most commonly from a Templates.render call. * * @method setBody * @param {(string|object)} value The body string or jQuery promise which resolves to the body. */ Modal.prototype.setBody = function(value) { var body = this.getBody(); if (typeof value === 'string') { // Just set the value if it's a string. body.html(value); Event.notifyFilterContentUpdated(body); this.getRoot().trigger(ModalEvents.bodyRendered, this); } else { var jsPendingId = 'amd-modal-js-pending-id-' + this.getModalCount(); M.util.js_pending(jsPendingId); // Otherwise we assume it's a promise to be resolved with // html and javascript. var contentPromise = null; body.css('overflow', 'hidden'); if (value.state() == 'pending') { // We're still waiting for the body promise to resolve so // let's show a loading icon. var height = body.innerHeight(); if (height < 100) { height = 100; } body.animate({height: height + 'px'}, 150); body.html(''); contentPromise = Templates.render(TEMPLATES.LOADING, {}) .then(function(html) { var loadingIcon = $(html).hide(); body.html(loadingIcon); loadingIcon.fadeIn(150); // We only want the loading icon to fade out // when the content for the body has finished // loading. return $.when(loadingIcon.promise(), value); }) .then(function(loadingIcon) { // Once the content has finished loading and // the loading icon has been shown then we can // fade the icon away to reveal the content. return loadingIcon.fadeOut(100).promise(); }) .then(function() { return value; }); } else { // The content is already loaded so let's just display // it to the user. No need for a loading icon. contentPromise = value; } // Now we can actually display the content. contentPromise.then(function(html, js) { var result = null; if (this.isVisible()) { // If the modal is visible then we should display // the content gracefully for the user. body.css('opacity', 0); var currentHeight = body.innerHeight(); body.html(html); // We need to clear any height values we've set here // in order to measure the height of the content being // added. This then allows us to animate the height // transition. body.css('height', ''); var newHeight = body.innerHeight(); body.css('height', currentHeight + 'px'); result = body.animate( {height: newHeight + 'px', opacity: 1}, {duration: 150, queue: false} ).promise(); } else { // Since the modal isn't visible we can just immediately // set the content. No need to animate it. body.html(html); } if (js) { if (this.isAttached) { // If we're in the DOM then run the JS immediately. Templates.runTemplateJS(js); } else { // Otherwise cache it to be run when we're attached. this.bodyJS = js; } } Event.notifyFilterContentUpdated(body); this.getRoot().trigger(ModalEvents.bodyRendered, this); return result; }.bind(this)) .fail(Notification.exception) .always(function() { // When we're done displaying all of the content we need // to clear the custom values we've set here. body.css('height', ''); body.css('overflow', ''); body.css('opacity', ''); M.util.js_complete(jsPendingId); return; }) .fail(Notification.exception); } }; /** * Set the modal footer element. The footer element is made visible, if it * isn't already. * * This method is overloaded to take either a string * value for the body or a jQuery promise that is resolved with HTML and Javascript * most commonly from a Templates.render call. * * @method setFooter * @param {(string|object)} value The footer string or jQuery promise */ Modal.prototype.setFooter = function(value) { // Make sure the footer is visible. this.showFooter(); var footer = this.getFooter(); if (typeof value === 'string') { // Just set the value if it's a string. footer.html(value); } else { // Otherwise we assume it's a promise to be resolved with // html and javascript. Templates.render(TEMPLATES.LOADING, {}).done(function(html) { footer.html(html); value.done(function(html, js) { footer.html(html); if (js) { if (this.isAttached) { // If we're in the DOM then run the JS immediately. Templates.runTemplateJS(js); } else { // Otherwise cache it to be run when we're attached. this.footerJS = js; } } }.bind(this)); }.bind(this)); } }; /** * Check if the footer has any content in it. * * @method hasFooterContent * @return {bool} */ Modal.prototype.hasFooterContent = function() { return this.getFooter().children().length ? true : false; }; /** * Hide the footer element. * * @method hideFooter */ Modal.prototype.hideFooter = function() { this.getFooter().addClass('hidden'); }; /** * Show the footer element. * * @method showFooter */ Modal.prototype.showFooter = function() { this.getFooter().removeClass('hidden'); }; /** * Mark the modal as a large modal. * * @method setLarge */ Modal.prototype.setLarge = function() { if (this.isLarge()) { return; } this.getModal().addClass('modal-lg'); }; /** * Check if the modal is a large modal. * * @method isLarge * @return {bool} */ Modal.prototype.isLarge = function() { return this.getModal().hasClass('modal-lg'); }; /** * Mark the modal as a small modal. * * @method setSmall */ Modal.prototype.setSmall = function() { if (this.isSmall()) { return; } this.getModal().removeClass('modal-lg'); }; /** * Check if the modal is a small modal. * * @method isSmall * @return {bool} */ Modal.prototype.isSmall = function() { return !this.getModal().hasClass('modal-lg'); }; /** * Determine the highest z-index value currently on the page. * * @method calculateZIndex * @return {int} */ Modal.prototype.calculateZIndex = function() { var items = $(SELECTORS.DIALOG + ', ' + SELECTORS.MENU_BAR + ', ' + SELECTORS.HAS_Z_INDEX); var zIndex = parseInt(this.root.css('z-index')); items.each(function(index, item) { item = $(item); // Note that webkit browsers won't return the z-index value from the CSS stylesheet // if the element doesn't have a position specified. Instead it'll return "auto". var itemZIndex = item.css('z-index') ? parseInt(item.css('z-index')) : 0; if (itemZIndex > zIndex) { zIndex = itemZIndex; } }); return zIndex; }; /** * Check if this modal is visible. * * @method isVisible * @return {bool} */ Modal.prototype.isVisible = function() { return this.root.hasClass('show'); }; /** * Check if this modal has focus. * * @method hasFocus * @return {bool} */ Modal.prototype.hasFocus = function() { var target = $(document.activeElement); return this.root.is(target) || this.root.has(target).length; }; /** * Check if this modal has CSS transitions applied. * * @method hasTransitions * @return {bool} */ Modal.prototype.hasTransitions = function() { return this.getRoot().hasClass('fade'); }; /** * Display this modal. The modal will be attached to the DOM if it hasn't * already been. * * @method show */ Modal.prototype.show = function() { if (this.isVisible()) { return; } var pendingPromise = new Pending('core/modal:show'); if (this.hasFooterContent()) { this.showFooter(); } else { this.hideFooter(); } if (!this.isAttached) { this.attachToDOM(); } this.getBackdrop() .then(function(backdrop) { var currentIndex = this.calculateZIndex(); var newIndex = currentIndex + 2; var newBackdropIndex = newIndex - 1; this.root.css('z-index', newIndex); backdrop.setZIndex(newBackdropIndex); backdrop.show(); this.root.removeClass('hide').addClass('show'); this.accessibilityShow(); this.getModal().focus(); $('body').addClass('modal-open'); this.root.trigger(ModalEvents.shown, this); return; }.bind(this)) .then(pendingPromise.resolve); }; /** * Hide this modal if it does not contain a form. * * @method hideIfNotForm */ Modal.prototype.hideIfNotForm = function() { var formElement = this.modal.find(SELECTORS.FORM); if (formElement.length == 0) { this.hide(); } }; /** * Hide this modal. * * @method hide */ Modal.prototype.hide = function() { this.getBackdrop().done(function(backdrop) { if (!this.countOtherVisibleModals()) { // Hide the backdrop if we're the last open modal. backdrop.hide(); $('body').removeClass('modal-open'); } var currentIndex = parseInt(this.root.css('z-index')); this.root.css('z-index', ''); backdrop.setZIndex(currentIndex - 3); this.accessibilityHide(); if (this.hasTransitions()) { // Wait for CSS transitions to complete before hiding the element. this.getRoot().one('transitionend webkitTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd', function() { this.getRoot().removeClass('show').addClass('hide'); }.bind(this)); } else { this.getRoot().removeClass('show').addClass('hide'); } this.root.trigger(ModalEvents.hidden, this); }.bind(this)); }; /** * Remove this modal from the DOM. * * @method destroy */ Modal.prototype.destroy = function() { this.root.remove(); this.root.trigger(ModalEvents.destroyed, this); }; /** * Sets the appropriate aria attributes on this dialogue and the other * elements in the DOM to ensure that screen readers are able to navigate * the dialogue popup correctly. * * @method accessibilityShow */ Modal.prototype.accessibilityShow = function() { // We need to get a list containing each sibling element and the shallowest // non-ancestral nodes in the DOM. We can shortcut this a little by leveraging // the fact that this dialogue is always appended to the document body therefore // it's siblings are the shallowest non-ancestral nodes. If that changes then // this code should also be updated. $('body').children().each(function(index, child) { // Skip the current modal. if (!this.root.is(child)) { child = $(child); var hidden = child.attr('aria-hidden'); // If they are already hidden we can ignore them. if (hidden !== 'true') { // Save their current state. child.data('previous-aria-hidden', hidden); this.hiddenSiblings.push(child); // Hide this node from screen readers. child.attr('aria-hidden', 'true'); } } }.bind(this)); // Make us visible to screen readers. this.root.attr('aria-hidden', 'false'); }; /** * Restores the aria visibility on the DOM elements changed when displaying * the dialogue popup and makes the dialogue aria hidden to allow screen * readers to navigate the main page correctly when the dialogue is closed. * * @method accessibilityHide */ Modal.prototype.accessibilityHide = function() { this.root.attr('aria-hidden', 'true'); // Restore the sibling nodes back to their original values. $.each(this.hiddenSiblings, function(index, sibling) { sibling = $(sibling); var previousValue = sibling.data('previous-aria-hidden'); // If the element didn't previously have an aria-hidden attribute // then we can just remove the one we set. if (typeof previousValue == 'undefined') { sibling.removeAttr('aria-hidden'); } else { // Otherwise set it back to the old value (which will be false). sibling.attr('aria-hidden', previousValue); } }); // Clear the cache. No longer need to store these. this.hiddenSiblings = []; }; /** * Handle the tab event to lock focus within this modal. * * @method handleTabLock * @param {event} e The tab key jQuery event */ Modal.prototype.handleTabLock = function(e) { if (!this.hasFocus()) { return; } var target = $(document.activeElement); var focusableElements = this.modal.find(SELECTORS.CAN_RECEIVE_FOCUS); var firstFocusable = focusableElements.first(); var lastFocusable = focusableElements.last(); if (target.is(firstFocusable) && e.shiftKey) { lastFocusable.focus(); e.preventDefault(); } else if (target.is(lastFocusable) && !e.shiftKey) { firstFocusable.focus(); e.preventDefault(); } }; /** * Set up all of the event handling for the modal. * * @method registerEventListeners */ Modal.prototype.registerEventListeners = function() { this.getRoot().on('keydown', function(e) { if (!this.isVisible()) { return; } if (e.keyCode == KeyCodes.tab) { this.handleTabLock(e); } else if (e.keyCode == KeyCodes.escape) { this.hide(); } }.bind(this)); // Listen for clicks on the modal container. this.getRoot().click(function(e) { // If the click wasn't inside the modal element then we should // hide the modal. if (!$(e.target).closest(SELECTORS.MODAL).length) { // The check above fails to detect the click was inside the modal when the DOM tree is already changed. // So, we check if we can still find the container element or not. If not, then the DOM tree is changed. // It's best not to hide the modal in that case. if ($(e.target).closest(SELECTORS.CONTAINER).length) { this.hideIfNotForm(); } } }.bind(this)); CustomEvents.define(this.getModal(), [CustomEvents.events.activate]); this.getModal().on(CustomEvents.events.activate, SELECTORS.HIDE, function(e, data) { this.hide(); data.originalEvent.preventDefault(); }.bind(this)); }; /** * Set or resolve and set the value using the function. * * @method asyncSet * @param {(string|object)} value The string or jQuery promise. * @param {function} setFunction The setter * @return {Promise} */ Modal.prototype.asyncSet = function(value, setFunction) { var p = value; if (typeof value !== 'object' || !value.hasOwnProperty('then')) { p = $.Deferred(); p.resolve(value); } p.then(function(content) { setFunction(content); return; }) .fail(Notification.exception); return p; }; return Modal; });