// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/ // // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Moodle. If not, see
. /* * @package core * @class permissionmanager * @copyright 2015 Martin Mastny
* @since 3.0 * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ /** * @module admin/permissionmanager */ define(['jquery', 'core/config', 'core/notification', 'core/templates', 'core/yui'], function($, config, notification, templates, Y) { /** * Used CSS selectors * @access private */ var SELECTORS = { ADDROLE: 'a.allowlink, a.prohibitlink', REMOVEROLE: 'a.preventlink, a.unprohibitlink', UNPROHIBIT: 'a.unprohibitlink' }; var rolesloadedevent = $.Event('rolesloaded'); var contextid; var contextname; var adminurl; var overideableroles; var panel = null; /** * Load all possible roles, which could be assigned from server * * @access private * @method loadOverideableRoles */ var loadOverideableRoles = function() { var params = { contextid: contextid, getroles: 1, sesskey: config.sesskey }; // Need to tell jQuery to expect JSON as the content type may not be correct (MDL-55041). $.post(adminurl + 'roles/ajax.php', params, null, 'json') .done(function(data) { try { overideableroles = data; loadOverideableRoles = function() { $('body').trigger(rolesloadedevent); }; loadOverideableRoles(); } catch (err) { notification.exception(err); } }) .fail(function(jqXHR, status, error) { notification.exception(error); }); }; /** * Perform the UI changes after server change * * @access private * @method changePermissions * @param {JQuery} row * @param {int} roleid * @param {string} action */ var changePermissions = function(row, roleid, action) { var params = { contextid: contextid, roleid: roleid, sesskey: M.cfg.sesskey, action: action, capability: row.data('name') }; $.post(adminurl + 'roles/ajax.php', params, null, 'json') .done(function(data) { var action = data; try { var templatedata = {rolename: overideableroles[roleid], roleid: roleid, adminurl: adminurl, imageurl: M.util.image_url('t/delete', 'moodle') }; switch (action) { case 'allow': templatedata.spanclass = 'allowed'; templatedata.linkclass = 'preventlink'; templatedata.action = 'prevent'; templatedata.icon = 't/delete'; templatedata.iconalt = M.util.get_string('deletexrole', 'core_role', overideableroles[roleid]); break; case 'prohibit': templatedata.spanclass = 'forbidden'; templatedata.linkclass = 'unprohibitlink'; templatedata.action = 'unprohibit'; templatedata.icon = 't/delete'; templatedata.iconalt = M.util.get_string('deletexrole', 'core_role', overideableroles[roleid]); break; case 'prevent': row.find('a[data-role-id="' + roleid + '"]').first().closest('.allowed').remove(); return; case 'unprohibit': row.find('a[data-role-id="' + roleid + '"]').first().closest('.forbidden').remove(); return; default: return; } templates.render('core/permissionmanager_role', templatedata) .done(function(content) { if (action == 'allow') { $(content).insertBefore(row.find('.allowmore:first')); } else if (action == 'prohibit') { $(content).insertBefore(row.find('.prohibitmore:first')); // Remove allowed link var allowedLink = row.find('.allowedroles').first().find('a[data-role-id="' + roleid + '"]'); if (allowedLink) { allowedLink.first().closest('.allowed').remove(); } } panel.hide(); }) .fail(notification.exception); } catch (err) { notification.exception(err); } }) .fail(function(jqXHR, status, error) { notification.exception(error); }); }; /** * Prompts user for selecting a role which is permitted * * @access private * @method handleAddRole * @param {event} e */ var handleAddRole = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var link = $(e.currentTarget); // TODO: MDL-57778 Convert to core/modal. $('body').one('rolesloaded', function() { Y.use('moodle-core-notification-dialogue', function() { var action = link.data('action'); var row = link.closest('tr.rolecap'); var confirmationDetails = { cap: row.data('humanname'), context: contextname }; var message = M.util.get_string('role' + action + 'info', 'core_role', confirmationDetails); if (panel === null) { panel = new M.core.dialogue({ draggable: true, modal: true, closeButton: true, width: '450px' }); } panel.set('headerContent', M.util.get_string('role' + action + 'header', 'core_role')); var i, existingrolelinks; var roles = []; switch (action) { case 'allow': existingrolelinks = row.find(SELECTORS.REMOVEROLE); break; case 'prohibit': existingrolelinks = row.find(SELECTORS.UNPROHIBIT); break; } for (i in overideableroles) { var disabled = ''; var disable = existingrolelinks.filter("[data-role-id='" + i + "']").length; if (disable) { disabled = 'disabled'; } var roledetails = {roleid: i, rolename: overideableroles[i], disabled: disabled}; roles.push(roledetails); } templates.render('core/permissionmanager_panelcontent', {message: message, roles: roles}) .done(function(content) { panel.set('bodyContent', content); panel.show(); $('div.role_buttons').on('click', 'input', function(e) { var roleid = $(e.currentTarget).data('role-id'); changePermissions(row, roleid, action); }); }) .fail(notification.exception); }); }); loadOverideableRoles(); }; /** * Prompts user when removing permission * * @access private * @method handleRemoveRole * @param {event} e */ var handleRemoveRole = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var link = $(e.currentTarget); $('body').one('rolesloaded', function() { var action = link.data('action'); var roleid = link.data('role-id'); var row = link.closest('tr.rolecap'); var questionDetails = { role: overideableroles[roleid], cap: row.data('humanname'), context: contextname }; notification.confirm(M.util.get_string('confirmunassigntitle', 'core_role'), M.util.get_string('confirmrole' + action, 'core_role', questionDetails), M.util.get_string('confirmunassignyes', 'core_role'), M.util.get_string('confirmunassignno', 'core_role'), function() { changePermissions(row, roleid, action); } ); }); loadOverideableRoles(); }; return /** @alias module:core/permissionmanager */ { /** * Initialize permissionmanager * @access public * @param {Object} args */ initialize: function(args) { contextid = args.contextid; contextname = args.contextname; adminurl = args.adminurl; var body = $('body'); body.on('click', SELECTORS.ADDROLE, handleAddRole); body.on('click', SELECTORS.REMOVEROLE, handleRemoveRole); } }; });