. /** * Atto text editor integration version file. * * @package atto_media * @copyright 2013 Damyon Wiese
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ /** * Initialise the js strings required for this plugin */ function atto_media_strings_for_js() { global $PAGE; $PAGE->requires->strings_for_js(array('add', 'addcaptionstrack', 'addchapterstrack', 'adddescriptionstrack', 'addmetadatatrack', 'addsource', 'addsubtitlestrack', 'addtrack', 'advancedsettings', 'audio', 'audiosourcelabel', 'autoplay', 'browserepositories', 'browserepositories', 'captions', 'captionssourcelabel', 'chapters', 'chapterssourcelabel', 'controls', 'createmedia', 'default', 'descriptions', 'descriptionssourcelabel', 'displayoptions', 'entername', 'entertitle', 'entersource', 'enterurl', 'height', 'kind', 'label', 'languagesavailable', 'languagesinstalled', 'link', 'loop', 'metadata', 'metadatasourcelabel', 'mute', 'poster', 'remove', 'size', 'srclang', 'subtitles', 'subtitlessourcelabel', 'track', 'tracks', 'video', 'videoheight', 'videosourcelabel', 'videowidth', 'width'), 'atto_media'); } /** * Sends the parameters to the JS module. * * @return array */ function atto_media_params_for_js() { global $OUTPUT; global $PAGE; $currentlang = current_language(); $langsinstalled = get_string_manager()->get_list_of_translations(true); $langsavailable = get_string_manager()->get_list_of_languages(); $params = [ 'langs' => ['installed' => [], 'available' => []], 'help' => [] ]; foreach ($langsinstalled as $code => $name) { $params['langs']['installed'][] = [ 'lang' => $name, 'code' => $code, 'default' => $currentlang == $code ]; } foreach ($langsavailable as $code => $name) { // See MDL-50829 for an explanation of this lrm thing. $lrm = json_decode('"\u200E"'); $params['langs']['available'][] = [ 'lang' => $name . ' ' . $lrm . '(' . $code . ')' . $lrm, 'code' => $code]; } $params['help'] = [ 'addsource' => $OUTPUT->help_icon('addsource', 'atto_media'), 'tracks' => $OUTPUT->help_icon('tracks', 'atto_media'), 'subtitles' => $OUTPUT->help_icon('subtitles', 'atto_media'), 'captions' => $OUTPUT->help_icon('captions', 'atto_media'), 'descriptions' => $OUTPUT->help_icon('descriptions', 'atto_media'), 'chapters' => $OUTPUT->help_icon('chapters', 'atto_media'), 'metadata' => $OUTPUT->help_icon('metadata', 'atto_media') ]; return $params; }