// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/ // // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Moodle. If not, see
. /** * @package atto_table * @copyright 2013 Damyon Wiese
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ /** * @module moodle-atto_table-button */ /** * Atto text editor table plugin. * * @namespace M.atto_table * @class Button * @extends M.editor_atto.EditorPlugin */ var COMPONENT = 'atto_table', DEFAULT = { BORDERSTYLE: 'none', BORDERWIDTH: '1' }, DIALOGUE = { WIDTH: '480px' }, TEMPLATE = '' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
{{get_string "caption" component}}
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '{{get_string "captionposition" component}}
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
{{get_string "top" "editor"}}
' + '
{{get_string "bottom" "editor"}}
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
{{get_string "headers" component}}
' + '
' + '
' + '
{{get_string "columns" component}}' + '
' + '
{{get_string "rows" component}}' + '
' + '
{{get_string "both" component}}' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '{{#if nonedit}}' + '
' + '
' + '
{{get_string "numberofrows" component}}
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
{{get_string "numberofcolumns" component}}
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '{{/if}}' + '{{#if allowStyling}}' + '
' + '
{{get_string "appearance" component}}
' + '{{#if allowBorders}}' + '
' + '
' + '
{{get_string "borders" component}}
' + '
' + '
' + '
{{get_string "themedefault" component}}' + '
' + '
{{get_string "outer" component}}' + '
' + '
{{get_string "all" component}}' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '{{get_string "borderstyles" component}}
' + '
' + '
' + '{{#each borderStyles}}' + '
' + '{{get_string this ../component}}' + '
' + '{{/each}}' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '{{get_string "bordersize" component}}
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '{{get_string "bordercolour" component}}
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '{{get_string "themedefault" component}}
' + '
' + '{{#each availableColours}}' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '{{this}}
' + '
' + '{{/each}}' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '{{/if}}' + '{{#if allowBackgroundColour}}' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '{{get_string "backgroundcolour" component}}
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '{{get_string "themedefault" component}}
' + '
' + '{{#each availableColours}}' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '{{this}}
' + '
' + '{{/each}}' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '{{/if}}' + '{{#if allowWidth}}' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '{{get_string "width" component}}
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '{{/if}}' + '
' + '{{/if}}' + '
' + '
' + '{{#if edit}}' + '
{{get_string "updatetable" component}}
' + '{{/if}}' + '{{#if nonedit}}' + '
{{get_string "createtable" component}}
' + '{{/if}}' + '
' + '
', CSS = { CAPTION: 'caption', CAPTIONPOSITION: 'captionposition', HEADERS: 'headers', ROWS: 'rows', COLUMNS: 'columns', SUBMIT: 'submit', FORM: 'atto_form', BORDERS: 'borders', BORDERSIZE: 'bordersize', BORDERSIZEUNIT: 'px', BORDERCOLOUR: 'bordercolour', BORDERSTYLE: 'borderstyle', BACKGROUNDCOLOUR: 'backgroundcolour', WIDTH: 'customwidth', WIDTHUNIT: '%', AVAILABLECOLORS: 'availablecolors', COLOURROW: 'colourrow' }, SELECTORS = { CAPTION: '.' + CSS.CAPTION, CAPTIONPOSITION: '.' + CSS.CAPTIONPOSITION, HEADERS: '.' + CSS.HEADERS, ROWS: '.' + CSS.ROWS, COLUMNS: '.' + CSS.COLUMNS, SUBMIT: '.' + CSS.SUBMIT, BORDERS: '.' + CSS.BORDERS, BORDERSIZE: '.' + CSS.BORDERSIZE, BORDERCOLOURS: '.' + CSS.BORDERCOLOUR + ' input[name="borderColour"]', SELECTEDBORDERCOLOUR: '.' + CSS.BORDERCOLOUR + ' input[name="borderColour"]:checked', BORDERSTYLE: '.' + CSS.BORDERSTYLE, BACKGROUNDCOLOURS: '.' + CSS.BACKGROUNDCOLOUR + ' input[name="backgroundColour"]', SELECTEDBACKGROUNDCOLOUR: '.' + CSS.BACKGROUNDCOLOUR + ' input[name="backgroundColour"]:checked', FORM: '.atto_form', WIDTH: '.' + CSS.WIDTH, AVAILABLECOLORS: '.' + CSS.AVAILABLECOLORS }; Y.namespace('M.atto_table').Button = Y.Base.create('button', Y.M.editor_atto.EditorPlugin, [], { /** * A reference to the current selection at the time that the dialogue * was opened. * * @property _currentSelection * @type Range * @private */ _currentSelection: null, /** * The contextual menu that we can open. * * @property _contextMenu * @type M.editor_atto.Menu * @private */ _contextMenu: null, /** * The last modified target. * * @property _lastTarget * @type Node * @private */ _lastTarget: null, /** * The list of menu items. * * @property _menuOptions * @type Object * @private */ _menuOptions: null, initializer: function() { this.addButton({ icon: 'e/table', callback: this._displayTableEditor, tags: 'table' }); // Disable mozilla table controls. if (Y.UA.gecko) { document.execCommand("enableInlineTableEditing", false, false); document.execCommand("enableObjectResizing", false, false); } }, /** * Display the table tool. * * @method _displayDialogue * @private */ _displayDialogue: function() { // Store the current cursor position. this._currentSelection = this.get('host').getSelection(); if (this._currentSelection !== false && (!this._currentSelection.collapsed)) { var dialogue = this.getDialogue({ headerContent: M.util.get_string('createtable', COMPONENT), focusAfterHide: true, focusOnShowSelector: SELECTORS.CAPTION, width: DIALOGUE.WIDTH }); // Set the dialogue content, and then show the dialogue. dialogue.set('bodyContent', this._getDialogueContent(false)) .show(); this._updateAvailableSettings(); } }, /** * Display the appropriate table editor. * * If the current selection includes a table, then we show the * contextual menu, otherwise show the table creation dialogue. * * @method _displayTableEditor * @param {EventFacade} e * @private */ _displayTableEditor: function(e) { var cell = this._getSuitableTableCell(); if (cell) { // Add the cell to the EventFacade to save duplication in when showing the menu. e.tableCell = cell; return this._showTableMenu(e); } return this._displayDialogue(e); }, /** * Returns whether or not the parameter node exists within the editor. * * @method _stopAtContentEditableFilter * @param {Node} node * @private * @return {boolean} whether or not the parameter node exists within the editor. */ _stopAtContentEditableFilter: function(node) { return this.editor.contains(node); }, /** * Return the dialogue content for the tool, attaching any required * events. * * @method _getDialogueContent * @private * @return {Node} The content to place in the dialogue. */ _getDialogueContent: function(edit) { var template = Y.Handlebars.compile(TEMPLATE); var allowBorders = this.get('allowBorders'); this._content = Y.Node.create(template({ CSS: CSS, elementid: this.get('host').get('elementid'), component: COMPONENT, edit: edit, nonedit: !edit, allowStyling: this.get('allowStyling'), allowBorders: allowBorders, borderStyles: this.get('borderStyles'), allowBackgroundColour: this.get('allowBackgroundColour'), availableColours: this.get('availableColors'), allowWidth: this.get('allowWidth') })); // Handle table setting. if (edit) { this._content.one('.submit').on('click', this._updateTable, this); } else { this._content.one('.submit').on('click', this._setTable, this); } if (allowBorders) { this._content.one('[name="borders"]').on('change', this._updateAvailableSettings, this); } return this._content; }, /** * Disables options within the dialogue if they shouldn't be available. * E.g. * If borders are set to "Theme default" then the border size, style and * colour options are disabled. * * @method _updateAvailableSettings * @private */ _updateAvailableSettings: function() { var tableForm = this._content, enableBorders = tableForm.one('[name="borders"]'), borderStyle = tableForm.one('[name="borderstyles"]'), borderSize = tableForm.one('[name="bordersize"]'), borderColour = tableForm.all('[name="borderColour"]'), disabledValue = 'removeAttribute'; if (!enableBorders) { return; } if (enableBorders.get('value') === 'default') { disabledValue = 'setAttribute'; } if (borderStyle) { borderStyle[disabledValue]('disabled'); } if (borderSize) { borderSize[disabledValue]('disabled'); } if (borderColour) { borderColour[disabledValue]('disabled'); } }, /** * Given the current selection, return a table cell suitable for table editing * purposes, i.e. the first table cell selected, or the first cell in the table * that the selection exists in, or null if not within a table. * * @method _getSuitableTableCell * @private * @return {Node} suitable target cell, or null if not within a table */ _getSuitableTableCell: function() { var targetcell = null, host = this.get('host'); var stopAtContentEditableFilter = Y.bind(this._stopAtContentEditableFilter, this); host.getSelectedNodes().some(function(node) { if (node.ancestor('td, th, caption', true, stopAtContentEditableFilter)) { targetcell = node; var caption = node.ancestor('caption', true, stopAtContentEditableFilter); if (caption) { var table = caption.get('parentNode'); if (table) { targetcell = table.one('td, th'); } } // Once we've found a cell to target, we shouldn't need to keep looking. return true; } }); if (targetcell) { var selection = host.getSelectionFromNode(targetcell); host.setSelection(selection); } return targetcell; }, /** * Change a node from one type to another, copying all attributes and children. * * @method _changeNodeType * @param {Y.Node} node * @param {String} new node type * @private * @chainable */ _changeNodeType: function(node, newType) { var newNode = Y.Node.create('<' + newType + '>' + newType + '>'); newNode.setAttrs(node.getAttrs()); node.get('childNodes').each(function(child) { newNode.append(child.remove()); }); node.replace(newNode); return newNode; }, /** * Handle updating an existing table. * * @method _updateTable * @param {EventFacade} e * @private */ _updateTable: function(e) { var caption, captionposition, headers, borders, bordersize, borderstyle, bordercolour, backgroundcolour, table, width, captionnode; e.preventDefault(); // Hide the dialogue. this.getDialogue({ focusAfterHide: null }).hide(); // Add/update the caption. caption = e.currentTarget.ancestor(SELECTORS.FORM).one(SELECTORS.CAPTION); captionposition = e.currentTarget.ancestor(SELECTORS.FORM).one(SELECTORS.CAPTIONPOSITION); headers = e.currentTarget.ancestor(SELECTORS.FORM).one(SELECTORS.HEADERS); borders = e.currentTarget.ancestor(SELECTORS.FORM).one(SELECTORS.BORDERS); bordersize = e.currentTarget.ancestor(SELECTORS.FORM).one(SELECTORS.BORDERSIZE); bordercolour = e.currentTarget.ancestor(SELECTORS.FORM).one(SELECTORS.SELECTEDBORDERCOLOUR); borderstyle = e.currentTarget.ancestor(SELECTORS.FORM).one(SELECTORS.BORDERSTYLE); backgroundcolour = e.currentTarget.ancestor(SELECTORS.FORM).one(SELECTORS.SELECTEDBACKGROUNDCOLOUR); width = e.currentTarget.ancestor(SELECTORS.FORM).one(SELECTORS.WIDTH); table = this._lastTarget.ancestor('table'); this._setAppearance(table, { width: width, borders: borders, borderColour: bordercolour, borderSize: bordersize, borderStyle: borderstyle, backgroundColour: backgroundcolour }); captionnode = table.one('caption'); if (!captionnode) { captionnode = Y.Node.create('
'); table.insert(captionnode, 0); } captionnode.setHTML(caption.get('value')); captionnode.setStyle('caption-side', captionposition.get('value')); if (!captionnode.getAttribute('style')) { captionnode.removeAttribute('style'); } // Add the row headers. if (headers.get('value') === 'rows' || headers.get('value') === 'both') { table.all('tr').each(function(row) { var cells = row.all('th, td'), firstCell = cells.shift(), newCell; if (firstCell.get('tagName') === 'TD') { // Cell is a td but should be a th - change it. newCell = this._changeNodeType(firstCell, 'th'); newCell.setAttribute('scope', 'row'); } else { firstCell.setAttribute('scope', 'row'); } // Now make sure all other cells in the row are td. cells.each(function(cell) { if (cell.get('tagName') === 'TH') { newCell = this._changeNodeType(cell, 'td'); newCell.removeAttribute('scope'); } }, this); }, this); } // Add the col headers. These may overrule the row headers in the first cell. if (headers.get('value') === 'columns' || headers.get('value') === 'both') { var rows = table.all('tr'), firstRow = rows.shift(), newCell; firstRow.all('td, th').each(function(cell) { if (cell.get('tagName') === 'TD') { // Cell is a td but should be a th - change it. newCell = this._changeNodeType(cell, 'th'); newCell.setAttribute('scope', 'col'); } else { cell.setAttribute('scope', 'col'); } }, this); // Change all the cells in the rest of the table to tds (unless they are row headers). rows.each(function(row) { var cells = row.all('th, td'); if (headers.get('value') === 'both') { // Ignore the first cell because it's a row header. cells.shift(); } cells.each(function(cell) { if (cell.get('tagName') === 'TH') { newCell = this._changeNodeType(cell, 'td'); newCell.removeAttribute('scope'); } }, this); }, this); } // Clean the HTML. this.markUpdated(); }, /** * Handle creation of a new table. * * @method _setTable * @param {EventFacade} e * @private */ _setTable: function(e) { var caption, captionposition, borders, bordersize, borderstyle, bordercolour, rows, cols, headers, tablehtml, backgroundcolour, width, i, j; e.preventDefault(); // Hide the dialogue. this.getDialogue({ focusAfterHide: null }).hide(); caption = e.currentTarget.ancestor(SELECTORS.FORM).one(SELECTORS.CAPTION); captionposition = e.currentTarget.ancestor(SELECTORS.FORM).one(SELECTORS.CAPTIONPOSITION); borders = e.currentTarget.ancestor(SELECTORS.FORM).one(SELECTORS.BORDERS); bordersize = e.currentTarget.ancestor(SELECTORS.FORM).one(SELECTORS.BORDERSIZE); bordercolour = e.currentTarget.ancestor(SELECTORS.FORM).one(SELECTORS.SELECTEDBORDERCOLOUR); borderstyle = e.currentTarget.ancestor(SELECTORS.FORM).one(SELECTORS.BORDERSTYLE); backgroundcolour = e.currentTarget.ancestor(SELECTORS.FORM).one(SELECTORS.SELECTEDBACKGROUNDCOLOUR); rows = e.currentTarget.ancestor(SELECTORS.FORM).one(SELECTORS.ROWS); cols = e.currentTarget.ancestor(SELECTORS.FORM).one(SELECTORS.COLUMNS); headers = e.currentTarget.ancestor(SELECTORS.FORM).one(SELECTORS.HEADERS); width = e.currentTarget.ancestor(SELECTORS.FORM).one(SELECTORS.WIDTH); // Set the selection. this.get('host').setSelection(this._currentSelection); // Note there are some spaces inserted in the cells and before and after, so that users have somewhere to click. var nl = "\n"; var tableId = Y.guid(); tablehtml = '
' + nl + '
' + nl; var captionstyle = ''; if (captionposition.get('value')) { captionstyle = ' style="caption-side: ' + captionposition.get('value') + '"'; } tablehtml += '
' + Y.Escape.html(caption.get('value')) + '
' + nl; i = 0; if (headers.get('value') === 'columns' || headers.get('value') === 'both') { i = 1; tablehtml += '
' + nl + '
' + nl; for (j = 0; j < parseInt(cols.get('value'), 10); j++) { tablehtml += '
' + nl; } tablehtml += '
' + nl + '
' + nl; } tablehtml += '
' + nl; for (; i < parseInt(rows.get('value'), 10); i++) { tablehtml += '
' + nl; for (j = 0; j < parseInt(cols.get('value'), 10); j++) { if (j === 0 && (headers.get('value') === 'rows' || headers.get('value') === 'both')) { tablehtml += '
' + nl; } else { tablehtml += '
' + nl; } } tablehtml += '
' + nl; } tablehtml += '
' + nl; tablehtml += '
' + nl + '
'; this.get('host').insertContentAtFocusPoint(tablehtml); var tableNode = Y.one('#' + tableId); this._setAppearance(tableNode, { width: width, borders: borders, borderColour: bordercolour, borderSize: bordersize, borderStyle: borderstyle, backgroundColour: backgroundcolour }); tableNode.removeAttribute('id'); // Mark the content as updated. this.markUpdated(); }, /** * Search for all the cells in the current, next and previous columns. * * @method _findColumnCells * @private * @return {Object} containing current, prev and next {Y.NodeList}s */ _findColumnCells: function() { var columnindex = this._getColumnIndex(this._lastTarget), rows = this._lastTarget.ancestor('table').all('tr'), currentcells = new Y.NodeList(), prevcells = new Y.NodeList(), nextcells = new Y.NodeList(); rows.each(function(row) { var cells = row.all('td, th'), cell = cells.item(columnindex), cellprev = cells.item(columnindex - 1), cellnext = cells.item(columnindex + 1); currentcells.push(cell); if (cellprev) { prevcells.push(cellprev); } if (cellnext) { nextcells.push(cellnext); } }); return { current: currentcells, prev: prevcells, next: nextcells }; }, /** * Hide the entries in the context menu that don't make sense with the * current selection. * * @method _hideInvalidEntries * @param {Y.Node} node - The node containing the menu. * @private */ _hideInvalidEntries: function(node) { // Moving rows. var table = this._lastTarget.ancestor('table'), row = this._lastTarget.ancestor('tr'), rows = table.all('tr'), rowindex = rows.indexOf(row), prevrow = rows.item(rowindex - 1), prevrowhascells = prevrow ? prevrow.one('td') : null; if (!row || !prevrowhascells) { node.one('[data-change="moverowup"]').hide(); } else { node.one('[data-change="moverowup"]').show(); } var nextrow = rows.item(rowindex + 1), rowhascell = row ? row.one('td') : false; if (!row || !nextrow || !rowhascell) { node.one('[data-change="moverowdown"]').hide(); } else { node.one('[data-change="moverowdown"]').show(); } // Moving columns. var cells = this._findColumnCells(); if (cells.prev.filter('td').size() > 0) { node.one('[data-change="movecolumnleft"]').show(); } else { node.one('[data-change="movecolumnleft"]').hide(); } var colhascell = cells.current.filter('td').size() > 0; if ((cells.next.size() > 0) && colhascell) { node.one('[data-change="movecolumnright"]').show(); } else { node.one('[data-change="movecolumnright"]').hide(); } // Delete col if (cells.current.filter('td').size() > 0) { node.one('[data-change="deletecolumn"]').show(); } else { node.one('[data-change="deletecolumn"]').hide(); } // Delete row if (!row || !row.one('td')) { node.one('[data-change="deleterow"]').hide(); } else { node.one('[data-change="deleterow"]').show(); } }, /** * Display the table menu. * * @method _showTableMenu * @param {EventFacade} e * @private */ _showTableMenu: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var boundingBox; if (!this._contextMenu) { this._menuOptions = [ { text: M.util.get_string("addcolumnafter", COMPONENT), data: { change: "addcolumnafter" } }, { text: M.util.get_string("addrowafter", COMPONENT), data: { change: "addrowafter" } }, { text: M.util.get_string("moverowup", COMPONENT), data: { change: "moverowup" } }, { text: M.util.get_string("moverowdown", COMPONENT), data: { change: "moverowdown" } }, { text: M.util.get_string("movecolumnleft", COMPONENT), data: { change: "movecolumnleft" } }, { text: M.util.get_string("movecolumnright", COMPONENT), data: { change: "movecolumnright" } }, { text: M.util.get_string("deleterow", COMPONENT), data: { change: "deleterow" } }, { text: M.util.get_string("deletecolumn", COMPONENT), data: { change: "deletecolumn" } }, { text: M.util.get_string("edittable", COMPONENT), data: { change: "edittable" } } ]; this._contextMenu = new Y.M.editor_atto.Menu({ items: this._menuOptions }); // Add event handlers for table control menus. boundingBox = this._contextMenu.get('boundingBox'); boundingBox.delegate('click', this._handleTableChange, 'a', this); } boundingBox = this._contextMenu.get('boundingBox'); // We store the cell of the last click (the control node is transient). this._lastTarget = e.tableCell.ancestor('.editor_atto_content td, .editor_atto_content th', true); this._hideInvalidEntries(boundingBox); // Clear the focusAfterHide for any other menus which may be open. Y.Array.each(this.get('host').openMenus, function(menu) { menu.set('focusAfterHide', null); }); // Ensure that we focus on the button in the toolbar when we tab back to the menu. var creatorButton = this.buttons[this.name]; this.get('host')._setTabFocus(creatorButton); // Show the context menu, and align to the current position. this._contextMenu.show(); this._contextMenu.align(this.buttons.table, [Y.WidgetPositionAlign.TL, Y.WidgetPositionAlign.BL]); this._contextMenu.set('focusAfterHide', creatorButton); // If there are any anchors in the bounding box, focus on the first. if (boundingBox.one('a')) { boundingBox.one('a').focus(); } // Add this menu to the list of open menus. this.get('host').openMenus = [this._contextMenu]; }, /** * Handle a selection from the table control menu. * * @method _handleTableChange * @param {EventFacade} e * @private */ _handleTableChange: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); this._contextMenu.set('focusAfterHide', this.get('host').editor); // Hide the context menu. this._contextMenu.hide(e); // Make our changes. switch (e.target.getData('change')) { case 'addcolumnafter': this._addColumnAfter(); break; case 'addrowafter': this._addRowAfter(); break; case 'deleterow': this._deleteRow(); break; case 'deletecolumn': this._deleteColumn(); break; case 'edittable': this._editTable(); break; case 'moverowdown': this._moveRowDown(); break; case 'moverowup': this._moveRowUp(); break; case 'movecolumnleft': this._moveColumnLeft(); break; case 'movecolumnright': this._moveColumnRight(); break; } }, /** * Determine the index of a row in a table column. * * @method _getRowIndex * @param {Node} cell * @private */ _getRowIndex: function(cell) { var tablenode = cell.ancestor('table'), rownode = cell.ancestor('tr'); if (!tablenode || !rownode) { return; } var rows = tablenode.all('tr'); return rows.indexOf(rownode); }, /** * Determine the index of a column in a table row. * * @method _getColumnIndex * @param {Node} cellnode * @private */ _getColumnIndex: function(cellnode) { var rownode = cellnode.ancestor('tr'); if (!rownode) { return; } var cells = rownode.all('td, th'); return cells.indexOf(cellnode); }, /** * Delete the current row. * * @method _deleteRow * @private */ _deleteRow: function() { var row = this._lastTarget.ancestor('tr'); if (row && row.one('td')) { // Only delete rows with at least one non-header cell. row.remove(true); } // Clean the HTML. this.markUpdated(); }, /** * Move row up * * @method _moveRowUp * @private */ _moveRowUp: function() { var row = this._lastTarget.ancestor('tr'), prevrow = row.previous('tr'); if (!row || !prevrow) { return; } row.swap(prevrow); // Clean the HTML. this.markUpdated(); }, /** * Move column left * * @method _moveColumnLeft * @private */ _moveColumnLeft: function() { var cells = this._findColumnCells(); if (cells.current.size() > 0 && cells.prev.size() > 0 && cells.current.size() === cells.prev.size()) { var i = 0; for (i = 0; i < cells.current.size(); i++) { var cell = cells.current.item(i), prevcell = cells.prev.item(i); cell.swap(prevcell); } } // Cleanup. this.markUpdated(); }, /** * Add a caption to the table if it doesn't have one. * * @method _addCaption * @private */ _addCaption: function() { var table = this._lastTarget.ancestor('table'), caption = table.one('caption'); if (!caption) { table.insert(Y.Node.create('
'), 1); } }, /** * Remove a caption from the table if has one. * * @method _removeCaption * @private */ _removeCaption: function() { var table = this._lastTarget.ancestor('table'), caption = table.one('caption'); if (caption) { caption.remove(true); } }, /** * Move column right. * * @method _moveColumnRight * @private */ _moveColumnRight: function() { var cells = this._findColumnCells(); // Check we have some tds in this column, and one exists to the right. if ((cells.next.size() > 0) && (cells.current.size() === cells.next.size()) && (cells.current.filter('td').size() > 0)) { var i = 0; for (i = 0; i < cells.current.size(); i++) { var cell = cells.current.item(i), nextcell = cells.next.item(i); cell.swap(nextcell); } } // Cleanup. this.markUpdated(); }, /** * Move row down. * * @method _moveRowDown * @private */ _moveRowDown: function() { var row = this._lastTarget.ancestor('tr'), nextrow = row.next('tr'); if (!row || !nextrow || !row.one('td')) { return; } row.swap(nextrow); // Clean the HTML. this.markUpdated(); }, /** * Obtain values for the table borders * * @method _getBorderConfiguration * @param {Node} node * @private * @return {Array} or {Boolean} Returns the settings, if presents, or else returns false */ _getBorderConfiguration: function(node) { // We need to make a clone of the node in order to avoid grabbing any // of the computed styles from the DOM. We only want inline styles set by us. var shadowNode = node.cloneNode(true); var borderStyle = shadowNode.getStyle('borderStyle'), borderColor = shadowNode.getStyle('borderColor'), borderWidth = shadowNode.getStyle('borderWidth'); if (borderStyle || borderColor || borderWidth) { var hexColour = Y.Color.toHex(borderColor); var width = parseInt(borderWidth, 10); return { borderStyle: borderStyle, borderColor: hexColour === "#" ? null : hexColour, borderWidth: isNaN(width) ? null : width }; } return false; }, /** * Set the appropriate styles on the given table node according to * the provided configuration. * * @method _setAppearance * @param {Node} The table node to be modified. * @param {Object} Configuration object (associative array) containing the form nodes for * border styling. * @private */ _setAppearance: function(tableNode, configuration) { var borderhex, borderSizeValue, borderStyleValue, backgroundcolourvalue; if (configuration.borderColour) { borderhex = configuration.borderColour.get('value'); } if (configuration.borderSize) { borderSizeValue = configuration.borderSize.get('value'); } if (configuration.borderStyle) { borderStyleValue = configuration.borderStyle.get('value'); } if (configuration.backgroundColour) { backgroundcolourvalue = configuration.backgroundColour.get('value'); } // Clear the inline border styling tableNode.removeAttribute('style'); tableNode.all('td, th').each(function(cell) { cell.removeAttribute('style'); }, this); if (configuration.borders) { if (configuration.borders.get('value') === 'outer') { tableNode.setStyle('borderWidth', borderSizeValue + CSS.BORDERSIZEUNIT); tableNode.setStyle('borderStyle', borderStyleValue); if (borderhex !== 'none') { tableNode.setStyle('borderColor', borderhex); } } else if (configuration.borders.get('value') === 'all') { tableNode.all('td, th').each(function(cell) { cell.setStyle('borderWidth', borderSizeValue + CSS.BORDERSIZEUNIT); cell.setStyle('borderStyle', borderStyleValue); if (borderhex !== 'none') { cell.setStyle('borderColor', borderhex); } }, this); } } if (backgroundcolourvalue !== 'none') { tableNode.setStyle('backgroundColor', backgroundcolourvalue); } if (configuration.width && configuration.width.get('value')) { tableNode.setStyle('width', configuration.width.get('value') + CSS.WIDTHUNIT); } }, /** * Edit table (show the dialogue). * * @method _editTable * @private */ _editTable: function() { var dialogue = this.getDialogue({ headerContent: M.util.get_string('edittable', COMPONENT), focusAfterHide: false, focusOnShowSelector: SELECTORS.CAPTION, width: DIALOGUE.WIDTH }); // Set the dialogue content, and then show the dialogue. var node = this._getDialogueContent(true), captioninput = node.one(SELECTORS.CAPTION), captionpositioninput = node.one(SELECTORS.CAPTIONPOSITION), headersinput = node.one(SELECTORS.HEADERS), borderinput = node.one(SELECTORS.BORDERS), borderstyle = node.one(SELECTORS.BORDERSTYLE), bordercolours = node.all(SELECTORS.BORDERCOLOURS), bordersize = node.one(SELECTORS.BORDERSIZE), backgroundcolours = node.all(SELECTORS.BACKGROUNDCOLOURS), width = node.one(SELECTORS.WIDTH), table = this._lastTarget.ancestor('table'), captionnode = table.one('caption'), hexColour, matchedInput; if (captionnode) { captioninput.set('value', captionnode.getHTML()); } else { captioninput.set('value', ''); } if (width && table.getStyle('width').indexOf('px') === -1) { width.set('value', parseInt(table.getStyle('width'), 10)); } if (captionpositioninput && captionnode && captionnode.getAttribute('style')) { captionpositioninput.set('value', captionnode.getStyle('caption-side')); } else { // Default to none. captionpositioninput.set('value', ''); } if (table.getStyle('backgroundColor') && this.get('allowBackgroundColour')) { hexColour = Y.Color.toHex(table.getStyle('backgroundColor')); matchedInput = backgroundcolours.filter('[value="' + hexColour + '"]'); if (matchedInput) { matchedInput.set("checked", true); } } if (this.get('allowBorders')) { var borderValue = 'default', borderConfiguration = this._getBorderConfiguration(table); if (borderConfiguration) { borderValue = 'outer'; } else { borderConfiguration = this._getBorderConfiguration(table.one('td')); if (borderConfiguration) { borderValue = 'all'; } } if (borderConfiguration) { var borderStyle = borderConfiguration.borderStyle || DEFAULT.BORDERSTYLE; var borderSize = borderConfiguration.borderWidth || DEFAULT.BORDERWIDTH; borderstyle.set('value', borderStyle); bordersize.set('value', borderSize); borderinput.set('value', borderValue); hexColour = borderConfiguration.borderColor; matchedInput = bordercolours.filter('[value="' + hexColour + '"]'); if (matchedInput) { matchedInput.set("checked", true); } } } var headersvalue = 'columns'; if (table.one('th[scope="row"]')) { headersvalue = 'rows'; if (table.one('th[scope="col"]')) { headersvalue = 'both'; } } headersinput.set('value', headersvalue); dialogue.set('bodyContent', node).show(); this._updateAvailableSettings(); }, /** * Delete the current column. * * @method _deleteColumn * @private */ _deleteColumn: function() { var columnindex = this._getColumnIndex(this._lastTarget), table = this._lastTarget.ancestor('table'), rows = table.all('tr'), columncells = new Y.NodeList(), hastd = false; rows.each(function(row) { var cells = row.all('td, th'); var cell = cells.item(columnindex); if (cell.get('tagName') === 'TD') { hastd = true; } columncells.push(cell); }); // Do not delete all the headers. if (hastd) { columncells.remove(true); } // Clean the HTML. this.markUpdated(); }, /** * Add a row after the current row. * * @method _addRowAfter * @private */ _addRowAfter: function() { var target = this._lastTarget.ancestor('tr'), tablebody = this._lastTarget.ancestor('table').one('tbody'); if (!tablebody) { // Not all tables have tbody. tablebody = this._lastTarget.ancestor('table'); } var firstrow = tablebody.one('tr'); if (!firstrow) { firstrow = this._lastTarget.ancestor('table').one('tr'); } if (!firstrow) { // Table has no rows. Boo. return; } var newrow = firstrow.cloneNode(true); newrow.all('th, td').each(function(tablecell) { if (tablecell.get('tagName') === 'TH') { if (tablecell.getAttribute('scope') !== 'row') { var newcell = Y.Node.create('
'); tablecell.replace(newcell); tablecell = newcell; } } tablecell.setHTML(' '); }); if (target.ancestor('thead')) { target = firstrow; tablebody.insert(newrow, target); } else { target.insert(newrow, 'after'); } // Clean the HTML. this.markUpdated(); }, /** * Add a column after the current column. * * @method _addColumnAfter * @private */ _addColumnAfter: function() { var cells = this._findColumnCells(), before = true, clonecells = cells.next; if (cells.next.size() <= 0) { before = false; clonecells = cells.current; } Y.each(clonecells, function(cell) { var newcell = cell.cloneNode(); // Clear the content of the cell. newcell.setHTML(' '); if (before) { cell.get('parentNode').insert(newcell, cell); } else { cell.get('parentNode').insert(newcell, cell); cell.swap(newcell); } }, this); // Clean the HTML. this.markUpdated(); } }, { ATTRS: { /** * Whether or not to allow borders * * @attribute allowBorder * @type Boolean */ allowBorders: { value: true }, /** * What border styles to allow * * @attribute borderStyles * @type Array */ borderStyles: { value: [ 'none', 'solid', 'dashed', 'dotted' ] }, /** * Whether or not to allow colourizing the background * * @attribute allowBackgroundColour * @type Boolean */ allowBackgroundColour: { value: true }, /** * Whether or not to allow setting the table width * * @attribute allowWidth * @type Boolean */ allowWidth: { value: true }, /** * Whether we allow styling * @attribute allowStyling * @type Boolean */ allowStyling: { readOnly: true, getter: function() { return this.get('allowBorders') || this.get('allowBackgroundColour') || this.get('allowWidth'); } }, /** * Available colors * @attribute availableColors * @type Array */ availableColors: { value: [ '#FFFFFF', '#EF4540', '#FFCF35', '#98CA3E', '#7D9FD3', '#333333' ], readOnly: true } } });