_getCMD($lang); if ($fh = fopen($this->_tmpfile, "w")) { fwrite($fh, "!\n"); foreach($words as $key => $value) fwrite($fh, "^" . $value . "\n"); fclose($fh); } else $this->throwError("PSpell support was not found."); $data = shell_exec($cmd); @unlink($this->_tmpfile); $returnData = array(); $dataArr = preg_split("/[\r\n]/", $data, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); foreach ($dataArr as $dstr) { $matches = array(); // Skip this line. if ($dstr[0] == "@") continue; preg_match("/(\&|#) ([^ ]+) .*/i", $dstr, $matches); if (!empty($matches[2])) $returnData[] = utf8_encode(trim($matches[2])); } return $returnData; } /** * Returns suggestions of for a specific word. * * @param {String} $lang Language code like sv or en. * @param {String} $word Specific word to get suggestions for. * @return {Array} Array of suggestions for the specified word. */ function &getSuggestions($lang, $word) { $cmd = $this->_getCMD($lang); if (function_exists("mb_convert_encoding")) $word = mb_convert_encoding($word, "ISO-8859-1", mb_detect_encoding($word, "UTF-8")); else $word = utf8_encode($word); if ($fh = fopen($this->_tmpfile, "w")) { fwrite($fh, "!\n"); fwrite($fh, "^$word\n"); fclose($fh); } else $this->throwError("Error opening tmp file."); $data = shell_exec($cmd); @unlink($this->_tmpfile); $returnData = array(); $dataArr = preg_split("/\n/", $data, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); foreach($dataArr as $dstr) { $matches = array(); // Skip this line. if ($dstr[0] == "@") continue; preg_match("/\&[^:]+:(.*)/i", $dstr, $matches); if (!empty($matches[1])) { $words = array_slice(explode(',', $matches[1]), 0, 10); for ($i=0; $i
_tmpfile = tempnam($this->_config['PSpellShell.tmp'], "tinyspell"); $file = $this->_tmpfile; $lang = preg_replace("/[^-_a-z]/", "", strtolower($lang)); $bin = $this->_config['PSpellShell.aspell']; if (preg_match("#win#i", php_uname())) return "$bin -a --lang=$lang --encoding=utf-8 -H < $file 2>&1"; return "cat $file | $bin -a --lang=$lang --encoding=utf-8 -H"; } } ?>