// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/ // // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Moodle. If not, see
. /** * A class to help show and hide advanced form content. * * @module core_form/showadvanced * @class showadvanced * @package core_form * @copyright 2016 Damyon Wiese
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ define(['jquery', 'core/log', 'core/str', 'core/notification'], function($, Log, Strings, Notification) { var SELECTORS = { FIELDSETCONTAINSADVANCED: 'fieldset.containsadvancedelements', DIVFITEMADVANCED: 'div.fitem.advanced', DIVFCONTAINER: 'div.fcontainer', MORELESSLINK: 'fieldset.containsadvancedelements .moreless-toggler' }, CSS = { SHOW: 'show', MORELESSACTIONS: 'moreless-actions', MORELESSTOGGLER: 'moreless-toggler', SHOWLESS: 'moreless-less' }, WRAPPERS = { FITEM: '
' }, IDPREFIX = 'showadvancedid-'; /** @type {Integer} uniqIdSeed Auto incrementing number used to generate ids. */ var uniqIdSeed = 0; /** * ShowAdvanced behaviour class. * @param {String} id The id of the form. */ var ShowAdvanced = function(id) { this.id = id; var form = $(document.getElementById(id)); this.enhanceForm(form); }; /** @type {String} id The form id to enhance. */ ShowAdvanced.prototype.id = ''; /** * @method enhanceForm * @param {JQuery} form JQuery selector representing the form * @return {ShowAdvanced} */ ShowAdvanced.prototype.enhanceForm = function(form) { var fieldsets = form.find(SELECTORS.FIELDSETCONTAINSADVANCED); // Enhance each fieldset in the form matching the selector. fieldsets.each(function(index, item) { this.enhanceFieldset($(item)); }.bind(this)); // Attach some event listeners. // Subscribe more/less links to click event. form.on('click', SELECTORS.MORELESSLINK, this.switchState); // Subscribe to key events but filter for space or enter. form.on('keydown', SELECTORS.MORELESSLINK, function(e) { // Enter or space. if (e.which == 13 || e.which == 32) { return this.switchState(e); } return true; }.bind(this)); return this; }; /** * Generates a uniq id for the dom element it's called on unless the element already has an id. * The id is set on the dom node before being returned. * * @method generateId * @param {JQuery} node JQuery selector representing a single DOM Node. * @return {String} */ ShowAdvanced.prototype.generateId = function(node) { var id = node.prop('id'); if (typeof id === 'undefined') { id = IDPREFIX + (uniqIdSeed++); node.prop('id', id); } return id; }; /** * @method enhanceFieldset * @param {JQuery} fieldset JQuery selector representing a fieldset * @return {ShowAdvanced} */ ShowAdvanced.prototype.enhanceFieldset = function(fieldset) { var statuselement = $('input[name=mform_showmore_' + fieldset.prop('id') + ']'); if (!statuselement.length) { Log.debug("M.form.showadvanced::processFieldset was called on an fieldset without a status field: '" + fieldset.prop('id') + "'"); return this; } // Fetch some strings. Strings.get_strings([{ key: 'showmore', component: 'core_form' }, { key: 'showless', component: 'core_form' }]).then(function(results) { var showmore = results[0], showless = results[1]; // Generate more/less links. var morelesslink = $('
'); morelesslink.addClass(CSS.MORELESSTOGGLER); if (statuselement.val() === '0') { morelesslink.html(showmore); } else { morelesslink.html(showless); morelesslink.addClass(CSS.SHOWLESS); fieldset.find(SELECTORS.DIVFITEMADVANCED).addClass(CSS.SHOW); } // Build a list of advanced fieldsets. var idlist = []; fieldset.find(SELECTORS.DIVFITEMADVANCED).each(function(index, node) { idlist[idlist.length] = this.generateId($(node)); }.bind(this)); // Set aria attributes. morelesslink.attr('role', 'button'); morelesslink.attr('aria-controls', idlist.join(' ')); // Add elements to the DOM. var fitem = $(WRAPPERS.FITEM); fitem.addClass(CSS.MORELESSACTIONS); var felement = $(WRAPPERS.FELEMENT); felement.append(morelesslink); fitem.append(felement); fieldset.find(SELECTORS.DIVFCONTAINER).append(fitem); return true; }.bind(this)).fail(Notification.exception); return this; }; /** * @method switchState * @param {Event} e Event that triggered this action. * @return {Boolean} */ ShowAdvanced.prototype.switchState = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); // Fetch some strings. Strings.get_strings([{ key: 'showmore', component: 'core_form' }, { key: 'showless', component: 'core_form' }]).then(function(results) { var showmore = results[0], showless = results[1], fieldset = $(e.target).closest(SELECTORS.FIELDSETCONTAINSADVANCED); // Toggle collapsed class. fieldset.find(SELECTORS.DIVFITEMADVANCED).toggleClass(CSS.SHOW); // Get corresponding hidden variable. var statuselement = $('input[name=mform_showmore_' + fieldset.prop('id') + ']'); // Invert it and change the link text. if (statuselement.val() === '0') { statuselement.val(1); $(e.target).addClass(CSS.SHOWLESS); $(e.target).html(showless); } else { statuselement.val(0); $(e.target).removeClass(CSS.SHOWLESS); $(e.target).html(showmore); } return true; }).fail(Notification.exception); return this; }; return { /** * Initialise this module. * @method init * @param {String} formid * @return {ShowAdvanced} */ init: function(formid) { return new ShowAdvanced(formid); } }; });