* Copyright 2012-2017 Horde LLC (http://www.horde.org/) * * See the enclosed file COPYING for license information (LGPL). If you * did not receive this file, see http://www.horde.org/licenses/lgpl21. * * @author Matthew Fonda
* @author Michael Slusarz
* @category Horde * @license http://www.horde.org/licenses/lgpl21 LGPL 2.1 * @package Crypt_Blowfish */ /** * Provides blowfish encryption/decryption, with or without a secret key, * for PHP strings. * * @author Matthew Fonda
* @author Michael Slusarz
* @category Horde * @copyright 2005-2008 Matthew Fonda * @copyright 2012-2017 Horde LLC * @license http://www.horde.org/licenses/lgpl21 LGPL 2.1 * @package Crypt_Blowfish * * @property string $cipher The cipher block mode ('ecb' or 'cbc'). * @property string $key The encryption key in use. * @property mixed $iv The initialization vector (false if using 'ecb'). */ class Horde_Crypt_Blowfish { // Constants for 'ignore' parameter of constructor. const IGNORE_OPENSSL = 1; const IGNORE_MCRYPT = 2; // Block size for Blowfish const BLOCKSIZE = 8; // Maximum key size for Blowfish const MAXKEYSIZE = 56; // IV Length for CBC const IV_LENGTH = 8; /** * Blowfish crypt driver. * * @var Horde_Crypt_Blowfish_Base */ protected $_crypt; /** * Constructor. * * @param string $key Encryption key. * @param array $opts Additional options: * - cipher: (string) Either 'ecb' or 'cbc'. * - ignore: (integer) A mask of drivers to ignore (IGNORE_* constants). * - iv: (string) IV to use. */ public function __construct($key, array $opts = array()) { $opts = array_merge(array( 'cipher' => 'ecb', 'ignore' => 0, 'iv' => null ), $opts); if (!($opts['ignore'] & self::IGNORE_OPENSSL) && Horde_Crypt_Blowfish_Openssl::supported()) { $this->_crypt = new Horde_Crypt_Blowfish_Openssl($opts['cipher']); } elseif (!($opts['ignore'] & self::IGNORE_MCRYPT) && Horde_Crypt_Blowfish_Mcrypt::supported()) { $this->_crypt = new Horde_Crypt_Blowfish_Mcrypt($opts['cipher']); } else { $this->_crypt = new Horde_Crypt_Blowfish_Php($opts['cipher']); } $this->setKey($key, $opts['iv']); } /** */ public function __get($name) { switch ($name) { case 'cipher': case 'key': case 'iv': return $this->_crypt->$name; } } /** * Encrypts a string. * * @param string $text The string to encrypt. * * @return string The ciphertext. * @throws Horde_Crypt_Blowfish_Exception */ public function encrypt($text) { if (!is_string($text)) { throw new Horde_Crypt_Blowfish_Exception('Data to encrypt must be a string.'); } return $this->_crypt->encrypt($text); } /** * Decrypts a string. * * @param string $text The string to decrypt. * * @return string The plaintext. * @throws Horde_Crypt_Blowfish_Exception */ public function decrypt($text) { if (!is_string($text)) { throw new Horde_Crypt_Blowfish_Exception('Data to decrypt must be a string.'); } return $this->_crypt->decrypt($text); } /** * Sets the secret key. * * The key must be non-zero, and less than or equal to MAXKEYSIZE * characters (bytes) in length. * * @param string $key Key must be non-empty and less than MAXKEYSIZE * bytes in length. * @param string $iv The initialization vector to use. Only needed for * 'cbc' cipher. If null, an IV is automatically * generated. * * @throws Horde_Crypt_Blowfish_Exception */ public function setKey($key, $iv = null) { if (!is_string($key)) { throw new Horde_Crypt_Blowfish_Exception('Encryption key must be a string.'); } $len = strlen($key); if (($len > self::MAXKEYSIZE) || ($len == 0)) { throw new Horde_Crypt_Blowfish_Exception(sprintf('Encryption key must be less than %d characters (bytes) and non-zero. Supplied key length: %d', self::MAXKEYSIZE, $len)); } $this->_crypt->key = $key; switch ($this->_crypt->cipher) { case 'cbc': if (is_null($iv)) { if (is_null($this->iv)) { $this->_crypt->setIv(); } } else { $iv = substr($iv, 0, self::IV_LENGTH); if (($len = strlen($iv)) < self::IV_LENGTH) { $iv .= str_repeat(chr(0), self::IV_LENGTH - $len); } $this->_crypt->setIv($iv); } break; case 'ecb': $this->iv = false; break; } } }