[/] * - imap://
] * - imap://
] * * @author Michael Slusarz
* @category Horde * @copyright 2008-2017 Horde LLC * @license http://www.horde.org/licenses/lgpl21 LGPL 2.1 * @package Imap_Client * @since 2.25.0 * * @property Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox $mailbox IMAP Mailbox. * @property string $partial Byte range for use with IMAP FETCH command. * @property string $search Search query to be run with IMAP SEARCH. * @property string $section MIME part ID. * @property string $uid IMAP UID. * @property string $uidvalidity IMAP UIDVALIDITY for the mailbox. * @property string $urlauth URLAUTH info. */ class Horde_Imap_Client_Url_Imap extends Horde_Imap_Client_Url_Base { /** * IMAP mailbox. * * @var Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox */ protected $_mailbox; /** * Byte range for use with IMAP FETCH command. * * @var string */ protected $_partial; /** * Search query to be run with IMAP SEARCH. * * @var string */ protected $_search; /** * MIME part ID. * * @var string */ protected $_section; /** * IMAP UID. * * @var string */ protected $_uid; /** * IMAP UIDVALIDITY for the given mailbox. * * @var integer */ protected $_uidvalidity; /** * URLAUTH info (not parsed). * * @var string */ protected $_urlauth; /** */ public function __get($name) { switch ($name) { case 'mailbox': return $this->_mailbox; case 'partial': case 'search': case 'section': case 'uid': case 'uidvalidity': case 'urlauth': return isset($this->{'_' . $name}) ? $this->{'_' . $name} : null; case 'port': return parent::__get($name) ?: 143; default: return parent::__get($name); } } /** */ public function __set($name, $value) { switch ($name) { case 'mailbox': $this->_mailbox = Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox::get($value); break; case 'partial': case 'search': case 'section': case 'uid': case 'uidvalidity': case 'urlauth': $this->{'_' . $name} = $value; break; default: parent::__set($name, $value); break; } } /** * Create an IMAP URL (RFC 5092/5593). * * @return string A URL string. */ public function __toString() { $url = 'imap://' . parent::__toString(); if (($port = $this->port) != 143) { $url .= ':' . $port; } return $url . '/' . $this->_toImapString(); } /** */ protected function _toImapString() { $url = ''; if ($mbox = $this->mailbox) { $url .= rawurlencode($mbox->utf7imap); } if ($uidvalid = $this->uidvalidity) { $url .= ';UIDVALIDITY=' . $uidvalid; } if ($search = $this->search) { $url .= '?' . rawurlencode($search); } else { if ($uid = $this->uid) { $url .= '/;UID=' . $uid; } if ($section = $this->section) { $url .= '/;SECTION=' . $section; } if ($partial = $this->partial) { $url .= '/;PARTIAL=' . $partial; } if ($urlauth = $this->urlauth) { $url .= '/;URLAUTH=' . $urlauth; } } return $url; } /** */ protected function _parseUrl(array $data) { if (isset($data['path']) && strlen($path = ltrim($data['path'], '/'))) { $parts = explode('/;', $path); $mbox = array_shift($parts); if (($pos = stripos($mbox, ';UIDVALIDITY=')) !== false) { $this->uidvalidity = intval(substr($mbox, $pos + 13)); $mbox = substr($mbox, 0, $pos); } if ($mbox[0] === ';') { array_unshift($parts, substr($mbox, 1)); } elseif (strlen($mbox)) { $this->_mailbox = Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox::get( rawurldecode($mbox), true ); } if (isset($data['query'])) { $this->search = rawurldecode($data['query']); $parts = array(); } } else { $parts = array(); } if (count($parts)) { foreach ($parts as $val) { list($k, $v) = explode('=', $val); $this->{Horde_String::lower($k)} = $v; } } } }