*/ class Number extends Node implements \ArrayAccess { /** * @var integer */ static public $precision = 10; /** * @see http://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-css3-values-20120308/ * * @var array */ static protected $unitTable = [ 'in' => [ 'in' => 1, 'pc' => 6, 'pt' => 72, 'px' => 96, 'cm' => 2.54, 'mm' => 25.4, 'q' => 101.6, ], 'turn' => [ 'deg' => 360, 'grad' => 400, 'rad' => 6.28318530717958647692528676, // 2 * M_PI 'turn' => 1, ], 's' => [ 's' => 1, 'ms' => 1000, ], 'Hz' => [ 'Hz' => 1, 'kHz' => 0.001, ], 'dpi' => [ 'dpi' => 1, 'dpcm' => 2.54, 'dppx' => 96, ], ]; /** * @var integer|float */ public $dimension; /** * @var array */ public $units; /** * Initialize number * * @param mixed $dimension * @param mixed $initialUnit */ public function __construct($dimension, $initialUnit) { $this->type = Type::T_NUMBER; $this->dimension = $dimension; $this->units = is_array($initialUnit) ? $initialUnit : ($initialUnit ? [$initialUnit => 1] : []); } /** * Coerce number to target units * * @param array $units * * @return \Leafo\ScssPhp\Node\Number */ public function coerce($units) { if ($this->unitless()) { return new Number($this->dimension, $units); } $dimension = $this->dimension; foreach (static::$unitTable['in'] as $unit => $conv) { $from = isset($this->units[$unit]) ? $this->units[$unit] : 0; $to = isset($units[$unit]) ? $units[$unit] : 0; $factor = pow($conv, $from - $to); $dimension /= $factor; } return new Number($dimension, $units); } /** * Normalize number * * @return \Leafo\ScssPhp\Node\Number */ public function normalize() { $dimension = $this->dimension; $units = []; $this->normalizeUnits($dimension, $units, 'in'); return new Number($dimension, $units); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function offsetExists($offset) { if ($offset === -3) { return $this->sourceColumn !== null; } if ($offset === -2) { return $this->sourceLine !== null; } if ($offset === -1 || $offset === 0 || $offset === 1 || $offset === 2 ) { return true; } return false; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function offsetGet($offset) { switch ($offset) { case -3: return $this->sourceColumn; case -2: return $this->sourceLine; case -1: return $this->sourceIndex; case 0: return $this->type; case 1: return $this->dimension; case 2: return $this->units; } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function offsetSet($offset, $value) { if ($offset === 1) { $this->dimension = $value; } elseif ($offset === 2) { $this->units = $value; } elseif ($offset == -1) { $this->sourceIndex = $value; } elseif ($offset == -2) { $this->sourceLine = $value; } elseif ($offset == -3) { $this->sourceColumn = $value; } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function offsetUnset($offset) { if ($offset === 1) { $this->dimension = null; } elseif ($offset === 2) { $this->units = null; } elseif ($offset === -1) { $this->sourceIndex = null; } elseif ($offset === -2) { $this->sourceLine = null; } elseif ($offset === -3) { $this->sourceColumn = null; } } /** * Returns true if the number is unitless * * @return boolean */ public function unitless() { return ! array_sum($this->units); } /** * Returns unit(s) as the product of numerator units divided by the product of denominator units * * @return string */ public function unitStr() { $numerators = []; $denominators = []; foreach ($this->units as $unit => $unitSize) { if ($unitSize > 0) { $numerators = array_pad($numerators, count($numerators) + $unitSize, $unit); continue; } if ($unitSize < 0) { $denominators = array_pad($denominators, count($denominators) + $unitSize, $unit); continue; } } return implode('*', $numerators) . (count($denominators) ? '/' . implode('*', $denominators) : ''); } /** * Output number * * @param \Leafo\ScssPhp\Compiler $compiler * * @return string */ public function output(Compiler $compiler = null) { $dimension = round($this->dimension, static::$precision); $units = array_filter($this->units, function ($unitSize) { return $unitSize; }); if (count($units) > 1 && array_sum($units) === 0) { $dimension = $this->dimension; $units = []; $this->normalizeUnits($dimension, $units, 'in'); $dimension = round($dimension, static::$precision); $units = array_filter($units, function ($unitSize) { return $unitSize; }); } $unitSize = array_sum($units); if ($compiler && ($unitSize > 1 || $unitSize < 0 || count($units) > 1)) { $compiler->throwError((string) $dimension . $this->unitStr() . " isn't a valid CSS value."); } reset($units); $unit = key($units); $dimension = number_format($dimension, static::$precision, '.', ''); return (static::$precision ? rtrim(rtrim($dimension, '0'), '.') : $dimension) . $unit; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function __toString() { return $this->output(); } /** * Normalize units * * @param integer|float $dimension * @param array $units * @param string $baseUnit */ private function normalizeUnits(&$dimension, &$units, $baseUnit = 'in') { $dimension = $this->dimension; $units = []; foreach ($this->units as $unit => $exp) { if (isset(static::$unitTable[$baseUnit][$unit])) { $factor = pow(static::$unitTable[$baseUnit][$unit], $exp); $unit = $baseUnit; $dimension /= $factor; } $units[$unit] = $exp + (isset($units[$unit]) ? $units[$unit] : 0); } } }