{{! This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/ Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Moodle. If not, see
. }} {{! @template core/loginform Moodle template for the login page. Context variables required for this template: * autofocusform: Auto focus on form ?, * canloginasguest - Is guest login allowed?, * canloginbyemail - Is login by email allowed?, * cansignup - Signup allowed?, * cookieshelpicon - cookies help icon details * error - Any errors in the form?, * forgotpasswordurl - Forgot password url, * hasidentityproviders - Flag, set to true to hide identity providers, * hasinstructions - Flag, set to true to show instructions, * identityproviders - List of identiy providers, * instructions - Instructions, * instructionsformat - Format of instructions, * loginurl - Login url, * rememberusername - Remeber username?, * signupurl - Signup url, * cookieshelpiconformatted - Formatted html of cookies help icon, * errorformatted - Formatted error, * logourl - Flag, logo url, * sitename - Name of site., * logintoken - Random token to protect login request., * maintenance - Maintenance message Example context (json): { "autofocusform": false, "canloginasguest": "1", "canloginbyemail": false, "cansignup": true, "cookieshelpicon": { "heading": "Cookies must be enabled in your browser", "text": "
Two cookies are used on this site. Both died..
", "icon": { "attributes": [ { "name": "class", "value": "iconhelp" }, { "name": "alt", "value": "Help with Cookies must be enabled in your browser" }, { "name": "title", "value": "Help with Cookies must be enabled in your browser" }, { "name": "src", "value": "http://localhost/stable_master/theme/image.php?theme=boost&component=core&image=help" } ] }, "linktext": null, "title": "Help with Cookies must be enabled in your browser", "url": "http://localhost/stable_master/help.php?component=core&identifier=cookiesenabled&lang=en", "ltr": true }, "error": "", "forgotpasswordurl": "http://localhost/stable_master/login/forgot_password.php", "hasidentityproviders": false, "hasinstructions": true, "identityproviders": [], "instructions": "For full access to this site, you first need to create an account.", "instructionsformat": "1", "loginurl": "http://localhost/stable_master/login/index.php", "rememberusername": true, "signupurl": "http://localhost/stable_master/login/signup.php", "cookieshelpiconformatted": "", "errorformatted": "", "logourl": false, "sitename": "Beer & Chips", "logintoken": "randomstring", "maintenance": "For full access to this site, you need to login in as an admin." } }}
{{/logourl}} {{^logourl}}
{{#str}} tocreatenewaccount {{/str}}
{{/cansignup}} {{#error}}
{{^canloginbyemail}} {{#str}} username {{/str}} {{/canloginbyemail}} {{#canloginbyemail}} {{#str}} usernameemail {{/str}} {{/canloginbyemail}}
{{#str}} password {{/str}}
{{#str}} rememberusername, admin {{/str}}
{{#str}} cookiesenabled {{/str}} {{{cookieshelpiconformatted}}}
{{/canloginasguest}} {{#hasidentityproviders}}
{{#str}} potentialidps, auth {{/str}}
{{/iconurl}} {{name}}
{{{instructions}}} {{#cansignup}}
{{/hasinstructions}} {{#maintenance}}
{{#str}}sitemaintenance, core_admin{{/str}}
{{/maintenance}} {{#js}} {{#error}} require(['jquery'], function($) { $('#loginerrormessage').focus(); }); {{/error}} {{^error}} {{#autofocusform}} require(['jquery'], function($) { if ($('#username').val()) { $('#password').focus(); } else { $('#username').focus(); } }); {{/autofocusform}} {{/error}} {{/js}}