/* global BASE, TITLE, CONFIRMYES, DIALOGUE_PREFIX */ /** * A dialogue type designed to display an alert to the user. * * @module moodle-core-notification * @submodule moodle-core-notification-alert */ var ALERT_NAME = 'Moodle alert', ALERT; /** * Extends core Dialogue to show the alert dialogue. * * @param {Object} config Object literal specifying the dialogue configuration properties. * @constructor * @class M.core.alert * @extends M.core.dialogue */ ALERT = function(config) { config.closeButton = false; ALERT.superclass.constructor.apply(this, [config]); }; Y.extend(ALERT, M.core.notification.info, { /** * The list of events to detach when destroying this dialogue. * * @property _closeEvents * @type EventHandle[] * @private */ _closeEvents: null, initializer: function() { this._closeEvents = []; this.publish('complete'); var yes = Y.Node.create('
'), content = Y.Node.create('
') .append(Y.Node.create('
' + this.get('message') + '
')) .append(Y.Node.create('
') .append(yes)); this.get(BASE).addClass('moodle-dialogue-confirm'); this.setStdModContent(Y.WidgetStdMod.BODY, content, Y.WidgetStdMod.REPLACE); this.setStdModContent(Y.WidgetStdMod.HEADER, '
' + this.get(TITLE) + '
', Y.WidgetStdMod.REPLACE); this._closeEvents.push( Y.on('key', this.submit, window, 'down:13', this), yes.on('click', this.submit, this) ); var closeButton = this.get('boundingBox').one('.closebutton'); if (closeButton) { // The close button should act exactly like the 'No' button. this._closeEvents.push( closeButton.on('click', this.submit, this) ); } }, submit: function() { new Y.EventHandle(this._closeEvents).detach(); this.fire('complete'); this.hide(); this.destroy(); } }, { NAME: ALERT_NAME, CSS_PREFIX: DIALOGUE_PREFIX, ATTRS: { /** * The title of the alert. * * @attribute title * @type String * @default 'Alert' */ title: { validator: Y.Lang.isString, value: 'Alert' }, /** * The message of the alert. * * @attribute message * @type String * @default 'Confirm' */ message: { validator: Y.Lang.isString, value: 'Confirm' }, /** * The button text to use to accept the alert. * * @attribute yesLabel * @type String * @default 'Ok' */ yesLabel: { validator: Y.Lang.isString, setter: function(txt) { if (!txt) { txt = 'Ok'; } return txt; }, value: 'Ok' } } }); M.core.alert = ALERT;