/* global DIALOGUE_PREFIX */ /** * A dialogue type designed to display informative messages to users. * * @module moodle-core-notification */ /** * Extends core Dialogue to provide a type of dialogue which can be used * for informative message which are modal, and centered. * * @param {Object} config Object literal specifying the dialogue configuration properties. * @constructor * @class M.core.notification.info * @extends M.core.dialogue */ var INFO = function() { INFO.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); }; Y.extend(INFO, M.core.dialogue, { initializer: function() { this.show(); } }, { NAME: 'Moodle information dialogue', CSS_PREFIX: DIALOGUE_PREFIX }); Y.Base.modifyAttrs(INFO, { /** * Whether the widget should be modal or not. * * We override this to change the default from false to true for a subset of dialogues. * * @attribute modal * @type Boolean * @default true */ modal: { validator: Y.Lang.isBoolean, value: true } }); M.core.notification = M.core.notification || {}; M.core.notification.info = INFO;