. /** * Missing word question importer. * * @package qformat_missingword * @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link http://moodle.com} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); /** * Missing word question importer. * * This Moodle class provides all functions necessary to import and export * one-correct-answer multiple choice questions in this format: * * As soon as we begin to explore our body parts as infants * we become students of {=anatomy and physiology ~reflexology * ~science ~experiment}, and in a sense we remain students for life. * * Each answer is separated with a tilde ~, and the correct answer is * prefixed with an equals sign = * * Percentage weights can be included by following the tilde with the * desired percent. Comments can be included for each choice by following * the comment with a hash mark ("#") and the comment. Example: * * This is {=the best answer#comment on the best answer ~75%a good * answer#comment on the good answer ~a wrong one#comment on the bad answer} * * @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link http://moodle.com} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class qformat_missingword extends qformat_default { public function provide_import() { return true; } public function readquestion($lines) { // Given an array of lines known to define a question in // this format, this function converts it into a question // object suitable for processing and insertion into Moodle. $question = $this->defaultquestion(); $comment = null; // Added by T Robb. $text = implode(" ", $lines); // Find answer section. $answerstart = strpos($text, "{"); if ($answerstart === false) { $this->error(get_string('beginanswernotfound', 'qformat_missingword'), $text); return false; } $answerfinish = strpos($text, "}"); if ($answerfinish === false) { $this->error(get_string('endanswernotfound', 'qformat_missingword'), $text); return false; } $answerlength = $answerfinish - $answerstart; $answertext = substr($text, $answerstart + 1, $answerlength - 1); // Save the new question text. $question->questiontext = substr_replace($text, "_____", $answerstart, $answerlength+1); $question->name = $this->create_default_question_name($question->questiontext, get_string('questionname', 'question')); // Parse the answers. $answertext = str_replace("=", "~=", $answertext); $answers = explode("~", $answertext); if (isset($answers[0])) { $answers[0] = trim($answers[0]); } if (empty($answers[0])) { array_shift($answers); } $countanswers = count($answers); switch ($countanswers) { case 0: // Invalid question. $this->error(get_string('noanswerfound', 'qformat_missingword'), $answertext); return false; case 1: $question->qtype = 'shortanswer'; $answer = trim($answers[0]); if ($answer[0] == "=") { $answer = substr($answer, 1); } $question->answer[] = $answer; $question->fraction[] = 1; $question->feedback[] = array('text' => '', 'format' => FORMAT_HTML); return $question; default: $question->qtype = 'multichoice'; $question = $this->add_blank_combined_feedback($question); $question->single = 1; // Only one answer allowed. foreach ($answers as $key => $answer) { $answer = trim($answer); // Tom's addition starts here. $answeight = 0; if (strspn($answer, "1234567890%") > 0) { // Make sure that the percent sign is the last in the span. if (strpos($answer, "%") == strspn($answer, "1234567890%") - 1) { $answeight0 = substr($answer, 0, strspn($answer, "1234567890%")); $answeight = round(($answeight0/100), 2); $answer = substr($answer, (strspn($answer, "1234567890%"))); } } if ($answer[0] == "=") { $answeight = 1; } // Remove the protective underscore for leading numbers in answers. if ($answer[0] == "_") { $answer = substr($answer, 1); } $answer = trim($answer); if (strpos($answer, "#") > 0) { $hashpos = strpos($answer, "#"); $comment = substr(($answer), $hashpos+1); $answer = substr($answer, 0, $hashpos); } else { $comment = " "; } // End of Tom's addition. if ($answer[0] == "=") { $question->fraction[$key] = $answeight; $answer = substr($answer, 1); } else { $question->fraction[$key] = $answeight; } $question->answer[$key] = array('text' => $answer, 'format' => FORMAT_HTML); $question->feedback[$key] = array('text' => $comment, 'format' => FORMAT_HTML); } return $question; } } }